Top 14 Games Similar to 中医偏方秘方

中医养生宝典 2.0
软件中包括以下内容:宝宝发烧怎么办——老中医给您天然退烧方子国宝级名老中医秘方集锦美容养生之怎样使头发变得既乌黑又浓密中医六大神奇点穴急救大法皮肤科常见病防治秘方中医教授教你如何养肾补肾做女人,就要做妖精:一个34岁女人的保养秘诀老中医53个很牛的秘方老年人养生保健常识中医养生之道一个女中医写的女人保养秘笈_女性一定要看中医揭秘痘痘成因 教你治痘妙方日常经络养生之道解烟毒、酒毒秘方中药泡脚极品药方大全中医悬灸推荐15个超级有效穴位经期保养攻略养生泡酒配方老年人饮食养生原则女人7年一个坎,教你神秘的中医古法养生中医治疗糖尿病偏方秘方汇集中药养生泡脚配方大全养生先养元气高血压中医保健方案老年人用药安全问题南怀瑾谈睡眠养生美容秘方(精选)全国名老中医秘、偏方中医治脱发---中药生发的秘方民间中医治疗癌症的三大秘方偏方超过100个中医偏方、秘方老中医53个很牛的秘方陈允斌食疗养生全集Software includesthefollowing:Baby fever how to do - give you a natural fever oldChineserecipeOld Chinese national treasure recipe galleryHow to make hair beauty regimen become both black and thickEmergency medicine acupuncture Dafa six magicalPrevention and treatment of common diseases dermatologyrecipeTCM professor to teach you how to Kidney Yang ShenBeing a woman, you do goblins: a 34-year-old woman'smaintenancetips53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleElderly health care knowledgeTCM regimenTCM write a female woman women unmissable Maintenance Tips _Causes of acne medicine teach you Zhidou Secret recipeMeridian daily regimenXie drug charges recipeNeed prescription medicine feet EncyclopediaMoxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine recommend15super-efficient pointsRaiders menstrual careHealth sparkling wine recipeThe principle of the elderly diet regimenWoman seven years a bucket, teach you the mysterious ancientChinesemedicine and healthChinese medicine treatment of diabetes secret recipebringstogetherChinese Herbal foot bath recipe DaquanHealth first raised vitalityHypertension medicine health programsOlder drug safety issuesNan Tan sleep healthBeauty secret (selection) old Chinese national secret, recipeChinese medicine in the treatment of hair loss ---germinalrecipeFolk medicine to treat cancer of the three secret recipeMore than 100 traditional Chinese medicine recipe, recipe53 very old Chinese recipe for cattleThe Complete Works of Chen Yunbin therapeutic regimen
中医宝典大全二 2.03
本款软件内含每日更新,美容养身,奇方妙药等内容,结合中国医学知识针对我们日常生活中出现的各种疾病等问题提出具有中医特色的解决方案.This softwarecontainsdaily updates, beauty cultivation, Qi Fang Miao medicineand othercontent, combined with Chinese medical knowledge withChinesecharacteristics, propose solutions for our everyday lifeemergingdiseases and other issues.
中医偏方 1.1.4
Tony SUN
中医秘方偏方 3.04
本软件经过专业中医人士进行数据筛选而集成的中医偏方秘方宝典,具有上千种中华医术和民间广为流传的偏方秘方;本偏方包括感冒,咳嗽,哮喘,肺痛,胸痛,心悸,不寐等各种小偏方.简单的方法,生活中随处可寻的药材,最健康无毒的自然疗法,省时,省力,又省钱,为你解决烦恼.赶走疾病,全家老小都健康.Thesoftwareprofessionally for data filtering and medicine whointegratedmedicine secret recipe book, with thousands of Chinesemedicine andfolk remedies widely circulated recipe;The remedies include colds, coughs, asthma, lung pain, chestpain,heart palpitations, insomnia, and other small recipe.The simplest way of life to be found everywhere in medicine,themost toxic natural health therapies, saving time, effort,andmoney, for you to solve the troubles. Away disease, thewholefamily are healthy.
天天美食~十万家常菜谱 3.0
您是否还在为每天买什么菜而发愁?您是否还在对着冰箱为如何下厨房而一筹莫展?天天美食~十万家常菜谱给你带来海量家常菜做法,让您的餐桌每天都是饕餮盛宴,让您的家人每天都能品味到可口的美食,为您的家庭生活带去健康平安。天天美食,天天健康,天天好生活!本应用是一部家常菜菜谱查询活字典,一本家常菜美食大全,是您厨房生活必备的一份食谱手册。安装之后您无需连接网络就可拥有3.6万多种美食随时随地供您参考。50个大类400多种小类让您餐桌永远不带重样,实在是居家妇女,家庭煮夫菜场厨房必备之神器。本应用具有以下特点:1. 操作界面清新明了,在数万条信息中您可以通过内置的搜索功能轻松找到您想要的美食做法。2. 收藏夹功能可轻松将您最喜欢的食谱永久保存。3. 即时分享功能,可将您喜欢的菜谱通过短信,邮件和微博等方式随时随地的分享给您的亲朋好友。操作指南:1.首次打开时会初始化您的菜谱数据,之后您可以看到食谱列表界面。食谱列表是分页的,当您滑动到屏幕底部时,会自动加载更多食谱。2.点击食谱列表界面"左上角"的图标您可以打开分类列表,然后点击右边栏可以恢复菜谱列表。在分类列表中您还可以查看”新新食谱“和”我的收藏“。3. 点击食谱列表界面的顶部右边的按钮您可以搜索,分享食谱列表,点击蓝色地球按钮您可以搜过更多在线的食谱做法。4.点击列表的每一项您可以进入"食谱详情"界面查看每一份菜谱的详细食材和做法,您可以将该食谱添加到您的收藏夹(如果已添加您还可以在此移除收藏的菜谱),同时您还可以将该份菜谱分享给别人。如果您需要放大字体,请点击屏幕然后通过屏幕右下角的按钮放大和缩小字体。5. 在食谱详情界面您可以点击左上角的图标返回列表或者点击手机的返回按钮,您也可以通过双击屏幕返回到列表页面。6. 在食谱列表界面您可以按手机的菜单按钮"联系我们"。本应用还会定时将最新最受欢迎的食谱推送到您的手机上,您可以随时丰富您的食谱库存。如果您有任何的意见和建议,请通过"菜单-联系我们"发送邮件或者直接发送您的意见和建议到[email protected],我们衷心的期待您的反馈。
QA of health collection TW 1.10
QA of health collection is a selection of health questionsandanswers, it is an essential manual for you, which you can knowallkinds of medical knowledge, you certainly can not missit!Authoritative experts answer, there is sufficient referencevalue!You do not need networking to query and read in theapp.Understand that health knowledge every day!Content broadly categorized into:Medicine, surgery, pediatrics, ophthalmology, obstetricsandgynecology, dermatology, Nutrition Section, Department ofOncology,Chinese medicine, pharmacy, reproductive health, emergencycare,otolaryngology, dentistry, psychiatry, physiotherapy, medicalcare,medical cosmetic--------健康十萬個為什麼是一款精選健康問答的軟件,它是你了解各種醫學常識的必備手冊。第一集匯集了上萬條健康問答,你必然不能錯過哦!內容是權威專家的回答,有足夠的參考價值!內容大致分類:內科,外科,兒科,眼科,婦產科,皮膚病,營養科,腫瘤科,中醫,藥學,生殖健康,急診,耳鼻咽喉,口腔科,精神病科,理療科,體檢保健,醫學美容細緻的內容分類和涉及內容:內科:變態反應科:哮喘,過敏風濕免疫科:痛風,類風濕性關節炎感染科:甲型H1N1流感,病毒性肝炎,細菌感染,寄生蟲感染,其他病毒感染呼吸內科:上呼吸道感染,肺炎,頑固性咳嗽,慢性阻塞性肺氣腫,肺心病,支氣管擴張結核病科:肺結核內分泌科:糖尿病,甲狀腺疾病,激素類疾病,肥胖症,系統性紅斑狼瘡,乾燥綜合徵神經內科:腦神經疾病,脊神經疾病,脊髓疾病,腦血管疾病,神經系統感染,脫髓鞘疾病,運動障礙,癲癇,頭痛,癡呆,神經肌肉接頭疾病,肌肉疾病,自主神經系統疾病,器官功能障礙腎內科:腎炎,腎血管病,腎衰竭消化內科:胃食管反流病,消化性潰瘍,胃炎,腸炎,功能性胃腸病,腹瀉,胰腺炎,消化道出血,食管疾病,肝病心血管內科:心律失常,先天性心髒病,高血壓,冠心病,心瓣膜病,心肌病,心包疾病,血管病,後天性心髒病血液病科:血液科,貧血,白血病,凝血障礙與出血,血管炎外科:肝膽外科:肝疾病,門靜脈高壓症,膽道疾病肛腸外科:直腸肛管疾病,痔瘡骨外科:運動,骨科,骨質疏鬆,骨關節炎,炎性肌病,強直性脊柱炎,骨折,關節脫位,周圍神經卡壓綜合徵,非化膿性關節炎,運動系統畸形,骨腫瘤,斷肢再植,燒傷、凍傷,股骨頭壞死顱腦外科:顱內壓增高,頭皮損傷,顱骨骨折,外傷性腦損傷,腦出血,先天顱腦脊髓畸形,腦外科泌尿外科:尿路感染,泌尿生殖系統畸形,包莖、包皮過長,泌尿系統損傷,泌尿系統感染,泌尿系統梗阻,尿石症,泌尿系統腫瘤,男性生殖系統感染,男性生殖系統腫瘤,男性不育、節育,前列腺炎心胸外科:胸部創傷,先天性心髒病,胸壁畸形,胸部感染,肺腫瘤,普通外科器官移植外科:移植科乳腺外科:乳房畸形,乳腺增生,急性乳房炎,乳房腫瘤,男性乳房肥大症神經外科:先天性腦積水,先天性顱頜面畸形胃腸外科:腹外疝,腹部損傷,胃十二指腸疾病,腸疾病心血管外科:血管外科,微創外科血液病科:動脈系統疾病,下肢靜脈系統疾病兒科:新生兒問題,兒童營養和生長發育,兒童感染,兒童貧血,兒童急症,其他兒童疾病,兒童畸形,新生兒黃疸,發育遲緩,小兒麻痺,再生障礙性貧血,先天性房間隔缺損,早產兒護理,小兒營養不良,化膿性腦膜炎,缺鐵性貧血,新生兒窒息,腦癱,地中海貧血,新生兒肺炎眼科:眼瞼病,角膜病,結膜病,乾眼病,淚器病,白內障,青光眼,眼外傷,眼底病,屈光不正,斜視弱視,眼眶病婦產科:婦科:月經不調,婦科腫瘤,婦科損傷,滋養膜細胞病,陰道炎,痛經產科:孕前,妊娠期異常,妊娠合併症,產後問題,流產,早孕皮膚病科:真菌性皮膚病,細菌性皮膚病,病毒性皮膚病,皮炎濕疹,蕁麻疹,紅斑性皮膚病,瘙癢性皮膚病,昆蟲性皮膚病,免疫性皮膚病,營養代謝性皮膚病,足癬,花斑癬,腳氣病,膿皰瘡,帶狀孢疹,尖銳濕疣,過敏,風疹,丘疹,皮膚瘙癢症,系統性紅斑狼瘡營養科:疾病飲食,日常營養腫瘤科:婦科腫瘤:乳腺癌,子宮肌瘤男科腫瘤:前列腺癌,睾丸腫瘤頭頸部腫瘤:鼻咽癌,甲狀腺瘤胸部腫瘤:肺癌腹部腫瘤:肝癌,胃癌其他腫瘤:淋巴瘤,骨髓瘤,色素瘤,白血病中醫科:中醫內科:肺系病證,脾胃系病證,肝膽病證,腎系病證,心腦系病證,氣血津液病證,月經病中醫骨科:骨折,關節脫位,軟組織損傷,肢體經絡病證藥學科:藥品,中藥,西藥,保健品:生殖健康科:性愛,性傳播疾病,早洩,陽痿,避孕急診科:呼吸道異物,呼吸衰竭,氣胸,心力衰竭,休克,中毒耳鼻咽喉科:睡眠呼吸,鼻疾病:慢性鼻炎,鼻竇炎,過敏性鼻炎,鼻塞,流鼻血咽喉疾病:咽喉腫痛,扁桃體炎耳疾病:耳鳴,耳聾,耳廓畸形,中耳炎口腔科:牙體牙髓病,牙周病,口腔頜面部感染,牙科手術,口腔頜面部損傷,顳下頜關節疾病,牙痛,口臭,口腔潰瘍,口腔黏膜病,拔牙,唇裂,下顎關節紊亂精神病科:精神心理科:兒童心理問題,神經症,情感受挫性(心境)障礙,兒童精神障礙,其他精神障礙,兒童教育理療科:腰腿痛,頸肩痛,按摩,針灸,火罐,紅外線治療,紫外線治療,溫熱療法,坐骨神經痛,腰椎間盤突出,肩周炎,頸椎病,落枕體檢保健科:養生保健科,體檢:血常規,B超,尿常規,血糖檢測,心電圖,影像學檢查醫學美容科:美容護理:美白,去皺,色斑,化妝塑身:減肥,豐胸整形美容科:隆胸,隆鼻
複方使用手冊 1.0.0
Solve Land
本程式由方劑學專家梁頌名教授擔任顧問,涵蓋超過130種中醫常用複方,除列明功能、主治、處方成份外,更加入適應症、臨床資料及藥效藥理供中醫專業人士參考。此外,更設有臨床應用,按不同專科、疾病種類、病因建議不同的方藥,是中醫藥專業人士溫故知新的好工具,也是大眾常備的醫學用書。*本程式內所有方劑均列明出處,並由中醫師、中藥博士及方劑學教授編輯而成。如有任何建議與問題,歡迎與農本方聯絡,謝謝。The programconsistsofprescriptions expert Professor Liang Songming asaconsultant,covering more than 130 kinds of Chinesemedicinecommonly usedcompound, in addition to specifiedfunctions,indications,prescription ingredients, but also joinedindications,clinical andpharmacological efficacy of Chinesemedicineprofessionals forreference. It also has clinicalapplications,according todifferent specialties, types of diseases,etiologyrecommenddifferent herbs, Chinese medicine is aprofessionalrefresher goodtool, but also the public standing ofmedicalbooks. * This application provenance of all prescriptions arespecifiedbyChinese medicine practitioners, Chinese medicine Dr.ProfessorFangJixue edit from. If you have any suggestions and questions, please contactthesidewith agriculture, thank you.
حلويات عيد الفطر مغربية سهلة 2.0
حلويات عيد الفطر مغربية سهلة و جديدةتطبيقيغنيك عن البحث الشاق عن وصفات تحضير الحلويات المغربية لأنهيضمموسوعة من أروع الوصفات السهلة لتحضير أشهى حلويات الأعيادوالمناسباتالمغربية بطريقة سهلة ومبسطة وما يمييز هذا التطبيق أنهيشتغل بدونالحاجة الأنترنت بعد التحميله من المتجر.يحتوي التطبيق على مجموعة من حلويات مغربية سهلة و حلويات العيدوحلويات سميرة و جديد الحلويات المغربية و حلويات باردة و وصفاتحلوياتسعد الدين وعلى حلويات جافة حلويات سهلة و بسيطة بالصورة . وعلىوصفاتطبخ على أطباق رئيسية عربية و عالمية كالأطباق الشامية و الليبيةوالتونسية و الجزائرية و الأطباق الصينية و الايطالية ومطبخمنالالعالم وحلويات مغربية وحلويات سهلة حلويات العيد و حلويات سميرةوغيرها, فيحتوى تطبيق وصفات طبخ على أطباق رئيسية متنوعية , لذيذةوكثيرة.- يوجد يتطبيق وصفات طبخ حلويات وصفات الكثير من المعجنات والحلوياتكالبيتزا السميكة وحلويات باردة و الرفيعة و البيتزا الستافتكراست ووصفات طبخ و البيتزا بالجبن و الكثير من أنواع البيتزا الأخرىاللذيذةو الشهية.- يوفر عليك تطبيق وصفات طبخ و اكلات سورية عناء البحث عن الوصفاتالتىتريدها فهو يحتوى على كل ما تريد و يمكن الوصول الى الوصفات فىأى وقتدون الحاجة للاتصال بالانترنت.- استمتع بألذ وصفات معجنات عربية و عالمية, فستجد بالتطبيقمعجناتلذيذة.- تتنوع وصفات الحلويات بتطبيق وصفات طبخ فيحتوى على أنواع متعددةمنالايس كريم و اكلات سريعة و مطبخ حواء و البسبوسة وحلويات سريعةوالكريم كرامل و و غيرها من الحلويات الشهية و اللذيذة.- يحتوى تطبيق موسوعة الطبخ على وصفات سلطات و شوربات متنوعة وكثيرةكشوربة الدجاج بالكريمة و اللسان العصفور و صور حلويات و غيرهامنالسلطات و الشوربات اللذيذة.- يحتوى ايضا تطبيق وصفات طبخ على مشروبات متعددة و لذيذة وحلوياتجافةو سهلة التحضير.- يحتوى التطبيق أيضا على وصفات أخرى من معجنات كعجينة الكرواسونوحلويات سعد الدين واكلات خفيفة و الباتيه و غيرها منالوصفاتالشهية.-فيديوهات طبخ و المطبخ المصرى و المطبخ المغربى مطبخ بلادالشامالمطبخ الايطالى المطبخ التركى المطبخ الخليجى المطبخ الفرنسىالمطبخالأمريكى المطبخ المكسيكى و غيرهم الكثير من المطابخ العلميةالى جانبوصفات طبخ للرجيم .- يجمع هذا التطبيق بين أشهر وصفات منال العالم وأكلت حورية في هداالتطبيق ستجدين العديد من الوصفات اشهية والمشهور في مطبخ منالالعالمو كدا الد طبخات أكلات حورية سوف تنال إعجاب الجميع ألأدو ق‏هدفناواحد اسعاد كل بيت بابسط الطرق حملي هذا التطبيق الان وإستمتعيانتوعائلتك في هذة الوصفات المميزة والشهية في نفس الوقت. إليكايضامجموعة انواع الحلويات الشرقية وصفات حلويات مغربية يحتوي هذاالتطبيقعلى أشهر وصفات و على اكثر من خمسين وصفة من اشهى الحلوياتالعربيةوالغربية المقترحة من أشهر المطابخ العربية واكلات سوريةوالبنانيةوغيرها كسعد الدين منال العالم و الشيف و عالم حواء التي سوفتنالإعجاب الجميع الأدوا ق ‏هدفنا واحد اسعاد كل بيت بابسط الطرق هناسوفتجد جميع الوصفات للحلويات والكعك العربيه مثل : الكنافهوالبقلاوهالغُريّبة وكبسة بالأرز وشربة جزر وتبولة ومقلوبة السفيريةوالعديد منالأطباق الشهية اللأخرى.- يتيح اليك التطبيق ايضا الخاصية التى تميزه و هى ادخال المكونلديكللحصول على وصفة الطبخ المناسبة الذى يوفر عليك الكثير من المالويجعلك تستمتع بأكلات شهية و لذيذة و اكلات جديدة بالامكاناتالمتاحةلديك .- يحتوي التطبيق على أصناف عديدة شرقية و غربية و سهلة التحضيروالأخرى التي تحتاج عناية خاصة يوجد العديد من الوصفات التي تشتهربهادول العالم العربي حاولنا جاهدين في هدا التطبيق البحث عن انواعكثيرةمن وصفات الحلويات: فوندان الشوكولاتة، الكيك، الكوكيزوالتورتة.بكاملانواعها كما ستجدين اشهى الحلويات اللذيذه و الجميلةالتي سوف تزينمائدتك في رمضان و في كل يوم . حملي هذا التطبيق الانوإستمتعي انتوعائلتك في هذة الوصفات المميزة والشهية في نفس الوقت.هاد التطبيقمقدم من خبراء في مجال الحلوى كمنال العالم وسعد الدينيحتوي على الدالحلويت من المطابخ المشهورة كمطبخ منال العالم حوريةسميرة و سعدالدين يضم الجزء الأول وصفات حلويات باردة سريعة وسهلةالتحضير .Halawiyat maghribiya et tabkh maghribi ramadan et aid elfitr2015 retrouvez plein de recettes de patisseries marocainesquiraviront tous les gourmands. besbossa , Chebbakia de laPatisseriemarocaine et cuisine marocaine découvrezhalawiyat 3id al fitr, halawiyat, 7alawiyat ramadan,halawiyatsamira, halawiyat maghribiya, chhiwat bladi .Eid al-FitrMoroccansweets easy and new application independent of means forsearchhard for recipes to prepare Moroccan sweets because itincludedEncyclopedia of the coolest easy recipes to preparedelicioussweets holidays and occasions Moroccan easy and simplemanner andthis application discriminates that operates without theneed forInternet after the suppository from the store.The application contains a set of easy-to-Moroccan sweets andEidsweets and desserts Samira and new Moroccan pastries and sweetsandcold recipes Sweets Saad Eddin and dry sweets Sweets easy andsimplemanner. And Cooking Recipes on major pan-Arab andinternationaldishes Kalotabaq maize and the Libyan and Tunisianand Algerian andChinese dishes and Italian kitchen Manal world andsweets Moroccaneasy and sweets Eid sweets and Samira and othersweets, containsapplication Cooking Recipes on Mtnoaah maindishes, delicious andmany.- There Attbaiq Cooking Recipes Sweets Recipes lots of pastriesandsweets thick Kalpatza cool and sweets and high-Asattavt andpizzacrust recipes and cooking and pizza with cheese and a lot ofothertypes of delicious pizza and appetite.- Saves you apply Cooking Recipes and Food Syria bother Findrecipesthat you want, it contains everything you want and can getto therecipes at any time without the need to connect totheInternet.- Enjoy the most delicious recipes and pastries Arab world,youwould find application delicious pastries.- Recipes vary the application of sweets Cooking Recipescontainsmultiple types of ice-cream and Fastfood and kitchen EveandBasbousa quick and sweets and Karim Caramel and other sweetsanddelicacies and delicious.- Contains application Encyclopedia cooking recipes authoritiesanda variety of soups and many Srbh chicken with cream andtonguesparrow and photos with sweets and other authorities anddelicioussoups.- Also has application Cooking Recipes on multiple drinksanddelicious sweets and dry and easy to prepare.- The application also contains other recipes from croissantsandpastries Kjeenh Saad Eddin sweets and snacks and Alebattahandother recipes appetite.-vidyohat Cooking and kitchen Egyptian and Moroccan cuisinekitchenLevant cuisine Italian cuisine Turkish cuisine Gulf cuisineFrenchcuisine American cuisine Mexican and many others ofscientifickitchens along with recipes for cooking diet.- This application between the months combines recipes Manalworldand ate nymph in HD the application you will find manyrecipesAshahyh and famous in the kitchen Manal world and CDA fathercookscuisine nymph will gain the admiration of all medicines s ourgoaland one happiness to every home in the simplest way mypregnancythis application now and Enjoy You and your family inthese recipesdistinctive and delicious at the same time. Here'salso a kind oforiental sweets Group Recipes Moroccan sweets recipesand thisapplication on months contain more than fifty recipe ofdeliciousproposed of the most famous Arab kitchens Arab and Westernsweetsand cuisine Syria and Bannanah and others as Saad religionManalworld and the chef and the world of Eve, which will underminetheadmiration of all Alodoa s our goal to please every single houseinthe simplest way here you will find all the recipes for sweetsandcakes such as the Arab: Alknavho Baklava and exotic push ofriceand a drink of Islands and Tabbouleh and upturned Alsvirih andmanydelicacies Allokhry.- The application also allows to you property that distinguishitand insert component is you have to get the recipeappropriatecooking, which saves you a lot of money and makes youenjoy thedelights of appetite and delicious cuisine and newpotentialsavailable to you.- The application on many other Eastern and Western varietiesandeasy to prepare and that need special attention has There aremanyrecipes which is famous for the Arab world tried hard inHeddaapplication Find many kinds of recipes and desserts:Voundanchocolates, cakes, cookies and Altorth.bkamil As you willfindkinds of delicious desserts delicious and beautiful that willadornyour table in Ramadan and every day. This application is nowmypregnancy and Enjoy you and your family in theserecipescharacteristic of appetite and at the same time. Haadapplicationsubmitted by experts in the field of candy Kmenal worldSaad Eddincontain Ahaloat father of the famous kitchen cabinetkitchen Manalworld nymph and Samira Saad Eddin includes the firstpart andrecipes quick and easy to prepare cold sweets.Halawiyat maghribiya et tabkh maghribi ramadan et aid elfitr2015 retrouvez plein de recettes de patisseries marocainesquiraviront tous les gourmands. besbossa, Chebbakia de laPatisseriemarocaine et cuisine marocaine découvrezhalawiyat 3id al fitr, halawiyat, 7alawiyat ramadan,halawiyatsamira, halawiyat maghribiya, chhiwat bladi.
求醫不如求己-中裏巴人 1.0.0
正元健康助手(中医穴位按摩保健+健康社区) 1.2
您感到体虚无力吗?你头痛牙痛脖子痛吗?纯中医穴位按摩,10分钟帮缓解疼痛,同时还可与中医名家交流,学习中医知识,为自己和家人的健康保驾护航。正元健康助手以传统中医理论为基础,根据病痛的位置、成因,以及个人的体质等因素,提供了针对颈椎痛、肩痛、牙痛、头痛等疾病以及急救时的有效按摩保健方法。同时,还提供了健康学堂、健康社区等功能,为大家提供日常的健康保健知识和交流的空间。正元健康助手专注于缓解各种痛症,前期主要是城市白领人群常见的颈椎、肩膀痛,以及牙痛、头痛等,之后会逐渐增加痛经等其它痛症的保健。正元健康助手的保健方法,来源于多名经验丰富的知名传统中医人士的多年行医经验,已经在无数人身上经过验证,是一套行之有效的保健方法。现代人工作、生活、学习压力大,很多人都处在亚健康状态,不是这个地方痛,就是那个地方痒,或者四肢乏力、精神衰弱。所谓健康,气足有力为健,经络通达为康,健和康,二者缺一不可。天地间有风寒暑湿燥热,人有喜怒忧思悲恐惊,这些自然的、情志的变化,都会对健康产生影响。同样的病痛表现,因每人的体质、病痛的成因等是不一样的,要根据个体不同采用的不同的方法,当你通过正元健康助手有效时,不要轻易直接让别人怎么做,应让对方按正元健康助手测试后给出的方法操作,否则保健效果可能会打很大的折扣。天道伊始,大哉乾元,正气存内,邪不可干,养浩然之正气,护先天之本元——正元健康,生命之道!祝愿每一个人殾能健健康康,个人和谐,家庭和谐,天下和谐。Youfeelphysically weak and unable to do? Your headache toothacheneckhurt? Pure Chinese medicine massage, 10 minutes to helprelievepain, but can also communicate with the Chinese masters,learningChinese medicine knowledge for themselves and theirfamilieshealthy escort escort.Health aide positive element based on the theory oftraditionalChinese medicine, according to the location of pain,causes, andpersonal factors such as physical, health massageprovides aneffective method for cervical pain, back pain,toothache, headacheand other diseases as well as first aid when.While also providinga healthy school, healthy communities and otherfunctions, providespace for daily health care knowledge andcommunication. Positiveelement alleviate various health aidesfocused on pain, mainlyurban white-collar crowd early commoncervical spine, shoulderpain, and toothache, headache, other painwill gradually increaseafter health dysmenorrhea. Positive elementof health care aidesmethods derived from years of practiceexperience in a number ofexperienced people well-known traditionalChinese medicine, hasbeen proven in countless humans, is aneffective method of healthcare.Modern people work, live, study pressure, a lot of people areinhealthy condition, not a place of pain, is that local itching,orlimb weakness, mental weakness. The so-called healthy,strongenough gas for the health, meridian accessible to health,healthand health, both of which are indispensable. There are hotand coldShushi between heaven and earth, who has joy, anger, fearofConcerned sad surprise, these natural, emotional changes, willhavean impact on health. The performance of the same illness, duetophysical, causes pain and so each person is not the same,accordingto the different methods used in different individuals,when youpass health aide effective positive element, do not easilyletothers how to do directly, you should make each elementaccordingto the method are given health aides after the testoperation,otherwise the health effects may play a big discount.Heaven at the beginning of the Great and Qianyuan,righteousness,evil can not dry, raising the awe-inspiringrighteousness, retainingthe birth of the yuan - positive elementhealthy way of life! Xunwish everyone could stay healthy, personalharmony, family harmony,harmonious world.
強身健體穴位按摩法 1.0
本程式由香港中文大學中醫學院製作, 介紹如何運用穴位按摩舒緩50種平日常見的如流鼻血,宿醉,落枕等症狀。本程式內容包括:(1) 介紹50種平日常見的健康問題, 以及可以舒緩該症狀的相關穴位。(2) 附以圖片介紹穴位的位置, 其功效及按摩手法。(3) 圖片可以手指點擊放大, 縮小及移動。(4) 有繁體及簡體中文, 英文3個文字版本方便不同人士使用。(5) 經常更新中文大學中醫學院舉辦的活動。School of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of HongKongdeveloped this acupressure app which aims to educate thecommunitythe knowledge of acupoints and its massage method forrelieving thesympotms of mild health problems.The content of the app include:(1) Introduce 50 mild health problems and the related acupointsthatcan relieve symptoms.(2) Pictures showing the location of acupoints, introduceitsindication and massage method.(3) Pictures can be enlarge and move by clicking.(4) With Traditional, Simplified Chinese and English version.(5) Update school activities of School of Chinese Medicine.
老中医 3.9.0
中药方剂 1.0
方剂是治法的体现,是根据配伍原则,总结临床经验,以若干药物配合组成的药方。中药方剂,离线查询应用。现代科学技术为方剂的临床应用、实验研究和剂型研制等提供了有利条件。在临床应用方面,根据中医辨证论治的特点,针对现代临床的多发病、常见病,广泛使用古今方剂。对消化系统、呼吸系统、心血管系统、泌尿生殖系统、运动系统、精神神经系统等疾病以及传染病、肿瘤、艾滋病等都有较显著的疗效。在实验研究方面,为提高方剂疗效,减少毒副作用,在中医理论指导下,运用现代科学手段,对方剂的理论及复方药理、药效等进行了系统研究,目的在于阐明复方的作用机制,剖析药物的配伍关系,提高对复方立法组方的理论认识,以发现古方的新用途,促进新方的创制。在剂型研制方面,重点解决传统剂型中存在的问题,如煎药费时费力,浪费药材,服用不便,质量不够稳定等,制出一批疗效稳定、副作用小、服用方便的中药片剂、滴丸剂、注射剂、海绵剂、栓剂、油剂、霜剂、气雾剂、泡袋剂、粉针剂等,丰富了方剂的剂型。剂型研制中广泛应用了新技术、新工艺,如超滤技术、快崩技术、挥发成分稳定技术、冷冻浓缩技术、干法造粒技术、沸腾造粒技术、无菌灌封技术等。在质量控制方面使用了薄层扫描、高压液相、原子光谱、核磁共振等仪器设备,使复方逐步达到定性和定量,制剂质量不断提高。功能1、按首字字母分类2、快速搜索查询3、收藏功能4、方剂详解5、中药 方剂 偏方 秘方
民间老偏方--减肥、养生、治病、食疗大全 1.1
FanYue lnc
民间老偏方是一款集合了内科、男科、妇科、儿科、外科、养生、肿瘤、美容和各种生活偏方的应用。除了偏方,这里还有各种各种的中药酒方。编辑精选收录各类偏方验方秘方8000余条,是现时最全面的偏方应用。各种感冒,咳嗽,哮喘,肺痛,胸痛,心悸,不寐等各种小偏方,功效显著,从此小病自己医,大病不耽搁。功能:1、主页分类,用户可以根据科目大类进行选择浏览2、酒方列表,分别列出最热门、最常见的酒方,方便用户查看Folkremedies is a collection of old medicine, andrology,gynecology,pediatrics, surgery, health, cancer, beauty and varietyof liferemedies applications. In addition to remedies, there's avarietyof all kinds of wine side.Editor's Choice collection of all kinds of secretPianfangyanfangthan 8000, is currently the most comprehensiverecipeapplications.Various colds, coughs, asthma, lung pain, chest pain,heartpalpitations, insomnia, and other small recipe,efficacysignificantly, from minor ailments own medicine, illness isnotdelayed.Features:1, Main categories, users can choose to browse bysubjectcategories2, wine party list, list the most popular, the most commonwineparty, user-friendly view