Top 12 Games Similar to Kuis Islam Indonesia

Millionaire Quiz Game 2017
Test your knowledge by answering allquestionsabout general knowledge and get USD 1 Million. Millionaire2016Quiz is a quiz game that has 150 questions that devided by15levels and sequential appropriate level of difficulty. In thegame,you have to answer correctly all 15 questions for less than30seconds with three options that you can use;✔ Fifty-Fifty (remove two wrong answer choices)✔ Phone Friend (telephone friends for answers)✔ Ask the Audience (ask the audience for the answer)You can also press the "Pass" to finish the game and get ascorethat has been obtained. There is a feature "Leaderboard" inthisgame, so you can see your highest ranking along withyourfriends.Key Feature on this Game:✔ ITS FREE! You can download and play it anytime andanywherewithout data connection (but you cant submit yourscore)✔ Sound Effect that makes you feel like in the originalmillionairequiz✔ Graphical look very coolAvailable Language:✔ English✔ Indonesian✔ French (France)✔ Deutsch (German)✔ Russian✔ Spanish (Spain)Let's play the game and be a Millionaire !
Millionaire 2016 HD 1.9
Millionaire 2016-the latest versionMillionaireon Mobiles now is based on the famous Game ShowTV-Millionaire. Itis one of games which are being interested bymany people because ofall wonderful and useful things from it.Millionaire 2016 is notonly the awesome game to entertain but alsois a huge treasure ofknowledge in the entire fields. The game willhelp you improve yourknowledge quickly. This is one of the mostawesome things that thegame can bring for you all.Version Millionaire 2016 helps you get the wonderful experiencemoreand more with the thousands of question updatedcontinuously.***Feature from Millionaire 2106***-Free 100%.-Beautiful and Smoothly Graphic.-Lively sound.-5 help options for you choose.-Online Ranking lets you invite your friends to play thegame.-Support 11 languages: English, Vietnamese, Arabic, Russian,French,German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Romanian, andIndonesian.Millionaire 2016- the miniature world of knowledge… Play itrightnow to get the best things.
Kuis 1 Milyar
Mainkan dan Jadilah Milyuner Indonesia
Kuis Galau 3.1.7
Agate Jogja
"Karena kegalauanmu akan mengubah dunia" -MbahBejo (selatan Pasar Giwangan, Yogyakarta)[Peringatan] yg ngerate 5 bintang, kita doain enteng jodoh!Yang mau ngereview, sebutin juga dunk kalian tau KuisGalaudarimana?Kuis Galau adalah kuis yang dibuat untuk mengisi waktuparaGalauers, berisikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan galau dari paraGalauersyang kadang susah masuk nalar manusia normal. Kuis Galauyangditujukan untuk kalian para Galauers yang sedang bingungmencarisecerca harapan ataupun jati diri.Kalau kamu ngaku lagi galau, sebaiknya kamu main kuis iniuntukmengetahui sejauh mana kegalauan kamu di mata GalauersNusantara.Jawaban dari pertanyaan galau yang kamu pilih juga akantersimpandalam survey Galauers.Kamu ingin kegalauanmu tersiar hingga pelosok Nusantara?kirimpertanyaan galaumu! apa bila menurut kami cukup galau, makaakankami muat di update selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan tanggapandaripara Galauers!Kuis Galau, dari Galauers untuk Galauers!"Because kegalauanmuwillchange the world" - Mbah Bejo (South of MarketGiwangan,Yogyakarta)[Warning] who ngerate 5, we Doain lightly mate!Who want ngereview, sebutin also dunk Quiz Galau youknowwhere?Galau Quiz is a quiz created to fill the timeGalauers,containing questions from the Galauers confusion that issometimesdifficult to enter normal human reason. Quiz Galau devotedto theGalauers you who are confused to find secerca hopesoridentity.If you admit to more confusion, we suggest you play this quiztofind out how far you are in the eyes of turmoilGalauersarchipelago. The answer to upset you select will also besaved in asurvey Galauers.You want kegalauanmu spread to remote archipelago? sendquestionsgalaumu! What if we think quite upset, then will we fitin the nextupdate to get a response from the Galauers!Quiz of worries, from Galauers to Galauers!
General Knowledge Quiz Trivia 2.1.0
Are you sure in your knowledge? Quiz Online Game challenges you!
Kuis Family 100 5.0
Quizzes are very fun to play, Surveys show.
Исламская игра викторина 1.2
Islamic test. Islamic quiz game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
Urdu Quiz 1.1
Pakdata PDMS
Get smart with your smartphone. 1,600+ Q&As in Islam,Pakistan,Sports & more
Millionaire - King of Games 1.9
“Millionaire-King of Games” the latestversiongame on mobile. You will feel the differences from the othergamesMillionaire. The game will have the wonderful momnetofentertainment as well as improve your knowledge.“Millionare-Kingof Games” deserves a leader of Games.*Outstanding features:-Update thousands of questions frequently.-The honestly and lively sound.-The beautiful graphic.-Support many languages: English; Spain; Russian;German;Vietnamese; French; Italian; Arabic; Hungarian;Romanian.-With online ranking: you can freely share achievement withfriendsin over the world.-Especially: “Millionaire-King of Games” support newestfeature:“Ask friend to help to answer the difficult questionviaFacebook.”“Millionaire-King of Games”-The World of Knowledge in yourarm’sreach.
Milionerzy 1.3
Milionerzy po polsku - znany teleturniej teraz w Twoimtelefonie!Zagraj o milion złotych i zostań milionerem!Milionerzy po polsku na Facebooku: i lubiany teleturniej Milionerzy teraz na Twoim telefoniezAndroidem.Gra polega na udzieleniu poprawnej odpowiedzi zaznaczając jednenzczterech proponowanych wariantów.Gracz musi odpowiedzieć na wszystkie 15 pytań poprawnie abywygraćnagrodę główną, milion złotych.Dodatkowo gracz ma zagwarantowane sumy gwarantowane wprzypadkuudzielenia błędnej odpowiedzi i zakończenia gryMilionerzy.Dla ułatwienia gracz dysponuje trzema kołami ratunkowymi:- telefon do przyjaciela - przyjaciel nie zawsze ma rację!- pół na pół - komputer losowo odrzuca dwie błędne odpowiedzi- pytanie do publiczności - publiczność w studiu głosuje nawybraneodpowiedzi, uwaga, publiczność nie zawsze ma rację!Na każdym poziomie gracz ma 60 sekund na udzieleniepoprawnejodpowiedzi.Gra Milionerzy zawiera 300 pytań o rosnącymstopniutrudności.Gra umożliwia polubienie fanpage'u na Facebooku, wyciszeniedźwiękuoraz przerwanie gry z zachowaniem aktualnej wygranej.Powodzenia! Zostań Milionerem i zagraj już terazMillionaires in Polish - known game show now on your mobile!Playfor a million dollars and become a millionaire!Millionaires in Polish on Facebook: and popular Millionaire game show now on yourAndroidphone.The game involves selecting the correct answer jednen of thefourproposed options.The player must answer all 15 questions correctly to win thegrandprize, million, respectively.Additionally, the player is guaranteed sum guaranteed in case ofawrong answer and end the game Millionaire.To facilitate the player has three wheels emergency:- Phone a friend - a friend is not always right!- Half and half - computer randomly discards two wronganswers- The question to the audience - the audience in the studio voteonsome answers, attention, the audience is not always right!At each level, the player has 60 seconds to giving thecorrectanswer.Millionaire game contains 300 questions ofincreasingdifficulty.The game allows fondness fanpage on Facebook, to mute the soundandthe interruption of the game while maintaining thecurrentwinnings.Good luck! Become a Millionaire and play now
Cerdas Cermat Islami 1.20
Mulai dari yang paling mudah hingga yangpalingsulit.Tersedia 38 level untuk Anda.Dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang Islam.Tugas kamu adalah mengikuti kuis yang terdiri dari 20 soaluntuksetiap sesi, dengan tiga pilihan jawaban yang duadiantaranyaadalah jawaban yang salah.Skor akan muncul dalam bentuk angka dari nol hingga seratus.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,27 Januari 2014SiswaMediaStarting from theeasiestto the most difficult.There are 38 levels for you.To increase knowledge about Islam.Your task is to follow quiz consists of 20 questions foreachsession, with three possible answers that two of them are thewronganswer.Scores will appear as a number from zero to one hundred.Created in Yogyakarta,January 27, 2014SiswaMedia
Kuis Jomblo 1.3.2
Agate Jogja
"Pahami dirimu.. pahami dirinya.. biargakkelamaan jomblo" - Mbah Bejo (selatan Pasar Giwangan,Yogyakarta)Kuis Jomblo akan mengasah kemampuanmu untuk mengertisesamamengerti apa yang dia mau, mengerti apa yang dia rasa..Kuis Jomblo akan melatihmu untuk membaca hatinya..Buktikan kamu bisa keluar dari zona jomblo!Jawab dengan benar 5 pertanyaan darinya, dan raih kesempatanuntukmenyapanya!