Top 20 Apps Similar to Shanghai Guide Hotels Weather

Shanghai Travel Guide 12.1.8 (Play)
The popular travel guide! Inspiration, information and maps.Itworks offline!
Metro Shanghai Subway 10.5.2
This is Shanghai's best metro app.
Shanghai Travel Guide 2.5.1
Find features attractions, travel tips and utilities for the cityofShanghai!
Shanghai Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreShanghai.
Shanghai City Guide -'s Shanghai travel guide is thebestway to discover the coolest places to go in Shanghai.Whetheryou're planning a vacation or simply exploring, Trip.comoffersinsider reviews and photos for the best hotels, restaurants,andplaces to go in Shanghai. Named Editor's Choice on Google Play,andfeatured in New York Times Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel+Leisure, CNN Travel, Huffington Post, Outside and's Shanghai City Guide offers the best personalized guidetoShanghai. Once a bastion of Western influence in the 19th and20thcentury Orient, Shanghai has remained on the cutting edge ofChinesepolitics, commerce and culture. And, now, tourism. TheBund,Shanghai’s riverside walk (and textbook example of goodurbanplanning) along old colonial Art Deco and Romanesquebuildings,offers spectacular views of the ultramodern Shanghaiskyline acrossthe river. The French Concession, an upscale touristarea known forits Western architecture, is chock full of bothinternationalstores and unique Shanghai retailers. A highlight tothis verticalcity is a trip to the Oriental Pearl Tower or theWorld FinancialCenter, the latter of which has the world's tallestobservationdeck at 1,555 feet above ground. The popular Yu Gardenattractionis an imperial monument and vibrant street vendordistrict meldedinto one. The Shanghai Museum is also a big drawingcard, withcollections of pottery, Chinese painting and bronze workfromprehistoric times to the Qing Dynasty spread across fourfloors. Atrestaurants look for the signature Shanghainese dish,xiaolongbao,steamed pork dumplings. Nightlife in Shanghai is notmatched inChina, with many nightclubs and bars found on the Bund orinXintiandi. In Shanghai, hotels range from historicalcolonialbuildings to 100-story Western-owned skyscrapers.What users love about the Shanghai Travel Guide:
✓ EXPLORE Shanghai to the fullest.✓ PLAN your next trip easily and discover where friendshavebeen!
✓ BOOK a hotel on the go with just a tap.
✓ CREATE stunning photo postcards and reviews of placesyou'vevisited.
✓ GET INSPIRED with postcards and reviews by friends andtravelerslike you
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多趣上海-TouchChina 3.0
『多趣上海』是『多趣旅行』旗下的上海旅行指南,提供精彩实用的旅游攻略、个性化的的旅行景点及当地吃喝玩乐推荐、更可离线使用不费流量,给你一场说走就走的旅行!由专业旅游编辑和本地生活专家提供的主题旅游攻略包罗万象,不管是当地的必玩景点、特色美食、实惠购物街区,还是交通、文化、本地习俗等实用事项,都一览无遗。内容经过精心编排,提供随时随地的舒适阅读体验。『多趣旅行』对信息都做了特别处理,充分挖掘智能手机的特性,提供最佳的使用体验:- 所有喜欢的内容,都可一键收藏,方便直接查看使用;- 查看身边的吃喝玩乐,或搜索、排序来选出心仪去处;- 想知道怎么前往?程序提供了位置信息,可直接用手机地图导航;- 想电话店家?程序提供了联络电话,可直接拨打;- 各类信息都可一键分享到微博、微信及朋友圈;- 你也可随手记录旅行足迹,与亲友共享旅行乐趣。除已包含的上海数据外,另有28个热门旅行目的地可供下载,所有内容定期更新以提供最新的旅行指南。
- 国内:北京、天津、厦门、广州、桂林、三亚、凤凰、张家界、南京、苏州、镇江、西安、成都、拉萨、大理、昆明、丽江、杭州
- 出境:香港、台湾、澳门、新加坡、马来西亚、曼谷、清迈、巴厘岛、普吉岛、毛里求斯

 这不仅是一本出色的旅行指南,更是一个完美融合了智能手机功能特点的贴身“导游”!*********************************************************@TouchChina致力于提供完美的手机旅游软件,是国家博物馆、恭王府、拙政园、留园、周庄、凤凰古城、张家界等知名景区的官方合作伙伴,旗下产品曾多次被苹果首页推荐、入选iPhone电视广告、获选苹果App Store 最佳旅行应用和豌豆荚设计大奖。 
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Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Info 14.4
Live Arrivals / Departures for SHA airport
Sanghai Audio Travel GuideExplore one of the legendary cities of China. Shanghai is one ofthemain ports in the country, the largest city proper in the worldandone of the most emblematic meeting points between East andWest.Nestled between traditional Chinese houses andultra-modernskyscrapers, you will have the chance to discover oneof thelargest concentrations of Art Deco architecture anywhere intheworld. You will hear the stories of natives and immigrants, seethemarks of history everywhere you go and witness the futurebeingmade.PocketGuide, the world’s leading audio city guide application,givesyou tours by voice, revealing the best stories, insiderhangouts andmust-see sights in close to 100 major cities andtouristdestinations. The app determines your location and arecording ofyour personal tour guide describes where you are – youdon’t need totouch your phone or read from the screen. All thetours aredeveloped by local experts who know their citiesinside-and-out. Youcan choose from different themed tours, or justwander around thecity and let PocketGuide inform you when aninteresting site isnearby. The app can also record your trip: Withone click you cancreate an amazing 3D video of the sights you seeon yourtravels.You can use the GPS-activated voice tours for free as long asyourphone is online, but that means you will have to payroamingcharges. If you pay to download the tours, you can usethemoffline, and save on the cost of roaming. We charge a small feefordownloading the offline features because we need to reimbursethetour guides and cover our development costs. Other features youcanget for free include a map that works offline and free use ofthe3D tour.Why PocketGuide?• TOURS OFFERED BY LOCAL EXPERTS - Browse more than 400 toursguidedby people who make sure you see the most excitingplaces.• AUDIO GUIDED TOURS - It will guide you with clear audio cuesandonce you approach a sight it automatically starts to tell youaboutit• SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES - During your tour you can take photosandadd comments; from this PocketGuide automatically creates a3Dvideo which you can easily share with your friends• FIND GREAT PLACES - If you are tired, let our guides recommendyouthe best nearby restaurants and cafés• AVAILABLE OFFLINE - Once you download a city, the wholecontentworks in offline mode so you don’t have to payroamingcharges• OFFLINE MAP - Get a free offline map and navigate in thecityeasily while avoiding roaming charges.Enjoyed the tours? Keep on traveling? Download PocketGuide'sotherversions available in other cities.
Shanghai Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Shanghai travel guide is a complete and up to date cityguide.It works offline, you don't need an internet connection.Bookmarkinteresting places in the sightseeing section with allthemonuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in the eating outsectioncontaining the best restaurants. Discover the nightlifeofShanghai! Bars, pubs & discos in Shanghai. Use thedetailedoffline map of Shanghai to simply find out where you areand seewhat's around. The complete background information can beaninteresting read at home or on the road to your nextadventure.Useful when you are there: - Currency converter. -Phrasebook forChinese. - Weather forecast (updated when online). -Directions onhow to get to a place by public transport. - Bookhotels and toursin Shanghai directly from the app (when online).About TriposoFounded by and for travelers, Triposo deliversup-to-dateinformation, detailed maps and intelligentrecommendations for morethan 40,000 destinations in 200 countriesaround the world. To makeour guides we use the content that isfreely available. Opencontent sites like Wikivoyage, Wikipedia,World66 and OpenStreetMapare among the best resources for anytraveler. Whether you are aplanner or prefer to go with the flow,Triposo helps you discoverthe unexpected and experience travel in anew way. If you see anyproblem with the app, please write us anemail [email protected] so we can figure out what's wrong andfix it.Thanks!
上海旅行攻略 130811
有人说,人生至少应该有两次冲动,一次是为了奋不顾身的爱情,一次是为了说走就走的旅行。然而,若是能用说走就走的旅行,来印证彼此奋不顾身的爱情,这,才是一种完满吧。上海,又称“上海滩”,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的国际大都市。百余年来,上海一直是中国商业的中心、财富的汇聚地,是中国仅次于香港的著名“购物乐园”,更是和世界联系最紧密的那根纽带。上海也是一座新兴的旅游目的地城市,具有深厚的文化底蕴和众多的历史古迹。上海的地标——浦西的外滩和新天地、浦东的东方明珠广播电视塔、金茂大厦、上海环球金融中心等,无一不体现了她大都市的繁华景象。Zn攻略:提供最佳的旅行攻略,请多多支持kw:攻略 旅行 旅游 上海 浦东 东方明珠 外滩
2015实用上海自助旅游景点指南-带你玩转上海滩 1.0
上海是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的都市。外滩老式的西洋建筑与浦东现代的摩天大厦交相辉映;徐家汇大教堂圣诗声声,玉佛寺香烟袅袅;过街楼下的麻将老人,弄堂里的足球少年;群众小剧场的沪剧、滑稽戏,大剧院的交响乐、芭蕾舞;老饭店的本帮佳肴,杏花楼的广式粤茶,红房子的法国大菜;上海老街的茶馆,衡山路的酒吧... ...中西合璧,各有各精彩。我们分享详尽地道的上海旅行指南,囊括热门景点、交通、美食、上海旅游百问百答全搜罗,告诉你最全面最实用的上海游玩信息!掌上珍藏,上海吃喝玩乐全囊括!
上海終極導覽Shanghai Travel Guide 1.0
Shanghai Travel Guide上海終極導覽內建800筆以上的上海以及江蘇的圖文景點資料,並可以離線閱讀、查詢景點距離與方位,或利用關鍵字查詢各類地標位置,操作介面完善且人性化,簡單點選便可以找出相關景點資訊。特別規劃搭地鐵玩上海實用路線、典藏上海頂級旅館、購物、美食、名人故居等主題遊,所有景點依照分區詳細分類,從上海的浦東新區→黃浦區→外灘→南京東路→人民廣場→豫園→淮海路→新天地→茂名南路→長樂路→田子坊→徐匯區→徐家匯→衡山路→中山公園→虹橋路→靜安區→玉佛寺→蘇河→多倫路→五角場→朱家角,再到江蘇與水鄉人家美麗相遇,蘇州→周庄→甪直→同里→木瀆→錦溪→太湖→常熟。《終極導覽》系列APP是由台灣最大的旅遊出版社《墨刻》所推出,完整的APP功能帶來全新的體驗,引領旅人以輕鬆的心情,走訪城市中各具特色的景點,感受各地城市的多變風貌,開啟旅遊新的里程碑!「自訂行程」功則讓使用者可自行收藏景點並自由地排序,打造專屬於自己的絕佳行程!
MAPS.ME – Map with Navigation and Directions v14.2.71484-googleRelease B.V.
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중국생활/중국여행 안전정보(新중국출입국관리) 1.5.4
중국에 거주하는 한국인 또는 중국을 여행하고자하는 분들께 꼭 필요한 정보를 엄선해 서비스 하고 있습니다1. 주중한국대사관의 중요 공지/뉴스를 신속하게 전해 드리고 있습니다.2. 중국생활 안전에 필요한 정보와 중국생활/여행에 필요한 생활 법률을 사례별로 정리해 놓았습니다.3. 중국내 한국인 비지연장 관련 질문과 답변을 서로 공유할 수 있도록 하였습니다.4. 여권과 비자를 사진으로 저장해 두는 기능도 있어 여권 미 소지로 인한 문제발생시 도움이 될수있도록하엿습니다.5. 비자만료일 알람 기능을 이용 하시면 비자만료일을 잊어버려 불법체류가 되는 일이 없도록 했습니다.개발자연락처:[email protected] 또는카카오톡wsbchina추천테그중국여행,중국생활,중국의학생활,0,00,001,002,00300,00301,00306,00345,00350,00365,00380,0044,005,006,007,00700,00747,00761,00766,00777,00780,008,070,08216,08316,1,114,123,123휴대폰,1544,15440044,16,161,162,,168,1688,2,2011,2012,2012오야붕,3,3박4일,4,5,6,68,7,761,8,85vod,9,a,ace,america,ANET,APP,asia,ASIA365,b,Babababa,Baboo,baby,bao,baobei.bob,BAOBOI,bobo,c,call,CGV,CHINA,chinese,d,daum,e,f,facebook,free,g,gayaha,gdp,Gmail,google,h&m,h,haoshandong,HSK,i,IDD,j,k,kbs,kt,ktv,l,LA,LG,lgu+,LGU,LINE,m,mbc,mnet,moyiza,msn,mvoip,n,naver,nicer,o,o2sky,onse,OTO,overseas,p,play,play스토어,Pops,PPTV,q,qingdao,qq,QR,r,s,SAT,save,sbs,SHK,SK,skb,Skt,skydj,skype,SK국제전화,SK텔링크,SNS,sogou,sohu,stx,stx조선,stx처리방안,suda,t,t-net,tnet,TOEIC,tot,tudou,U,v,viber,VOIP,w,weixin,WiCall,x,y,youtube,z,ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅇ,ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅎ,가,가격,가는법,가볼만한곳,가사도우미,가야하,가이드,간병인감숙성,강력,강력추천,강서성,강소성,강추,개발구,갤럭시,갤린더,거류증,거주증,견유시,결혼,경제,계리몽,계림,고,고객센터,고등학교,고량,고량주,고베스트,고섬,고스톱,골프,골프여행,골프장,공대,공동구매,공원묘지,공정대,공짜,공짜앱,공짜폰,공항,공항버스,공항철도,관광,관광공사,관광지,관리사무소,관암동굴,광동성,광저우,광주,교민,교통,교포취업,구,구글,구냥,구릉지,구이린,구채구,구향동굴,국내선,국민연금공단,국민은행,국제,국제전화,국제중,국제학교,궈마오,권,귀곡잔도,귀금속,귀주성,그룹,기술,기업은행,기차예매,기초어,길림,길림성,김연아,깐풍기,나,난징,난차오,난차오구,난창,날씨,남경,남경대학살,남방,남방항공,남창,낭포암,네이버,네이트,네이트온,노선도,농협,뇌구조,뉴욕,니하오,닌하오,님버즈,다국어,다디얼,다렌,다롄,다문화,다양촹스,다음,다음피플,다이어리,달러,달력,닭개장,닷컴,대,대련,대만,대사관,대학,대학교,대학살,대학생,대한민국,대한항공,대화,데일리,도돌폰,도우미,도움말,돈,동관,동관시,동굴,동루,동방,동방항공,동아시아경기대회,동왕족발,동포타운신문,동호회,둥관,디럭스,디즈니랜드,딤섬,따리엔,라마다호텔,라이온스,라인,랜트카,런민공원,레이,렌트카,로밍,뤼청,리강,리무진,마이피플,마일,마작,마작게임,마켓china,만리장성,만보기,맛집,망고스터디,맞고,매표,맥주,맥주축제,메모,메신저,멜론,명함,모바일,모이자,무궁화회,무료,무료메신저,무료앱,무료어,무료전화,무역,문화,미니,미니T,미술관,민박,민족학원,바오,바오베이,바오보이,바이두,바이버,박물관,박지성,박찌,박태환,반,반점,밥,밧데리,배경화면,배달,배달톡,배달통,배터리,백두산,백청강,백학,백화점,뱅킹,버스,번역,번역기,베이징,벨소리,병마용,보이스톡,보이차,보험,복건성,복단대,부동산,북경,북스,북유모,불안견유불,비자,비행기,비행기표,빙등제,빙설제,사,사리탑,사범대,사변,사자성어,사전,사증,사천성,사혈,사혈요법,산동대맛집,산동성,산서성,산업기계,산타,살빼는,삼국지,삼림,상담,상비산,상하이,상하이박,상하이저널,상해,상해탄,새해,색,생생,생활,서안,서호,석림,선교회,선물,선불,선수,선양,선전,섬서성,성,성남,성도,성탄절,성파3,성화동,세계,세이부,세이브폰,세트,소리폰,소셜,소주,소후,속마음,손금,손쉬운,손연재,손자병법,송이,송이버섯,쇼핑,수다폰,쉬운출입국,슈퍼,슈퍼비,스더,스마트폰,스카이프,스쿼드,스크린골프,스타벅스,스토리,스토어,스파이스,스피드007,시,시간,시루,시스창,시안,시후,식당,신,신개념,신공,신규어플,신라,신랑,신룡,신원,신천지,신한은행,신화망,심리,심사결과,심심풀이,심야반점,심양,심천,싸이월드,싼국제전화,싼전화,쌍탑,쑤저우,아게임,아기,아시아,아시아나항공,아얼빈,아오자이,아프리카tv,안드로이드,안마,안심번호,안휘성,알리바바,암성지,애플리케이션,앱순이,야구,야타이,야후,야후메신저,약단밤,양꼬치,양변기,어,어공부,어린이,어사전,어언대학교,어인터넷강의,어플,어학,어학연수,어회화,얼굴나이,얼굴성형,에그톡,에버그란데,에서,여행,여행사,여행코스,역,역에서,연길,연말,연맹,연변,연수,연예인,연태,영사관,영상통화,영어,영어회화,영화예매,예원,옌지,옌타이,오늘의운세,오리,오성,온바오,온세,올레톡,올리브폰,올림픽,와이탄,완다,완서우사,왕징,외곽시,외대,외시,요녕성,요업,용,우리은행,운남성,운세,운전면허,원,원가계,원양자원,원화환전,월광불탑,월드,웨이하이,위치,위해,윙버스,유사,유스호스텔,유치원,유투브,유학,유학생,유학생보험,융쭤사,은행,음식,이강유람,이공대학,이모티콘,이벤트,이얼싼,이우,이화원,인기어플,인민운동장,인사이드,인상서호,인생그래프,인천,인천공항,인터넷전화,일광불탑,일자리,입국,입국신고서,자금성,자유,자유여행,자취,장가계,장백산,장사,장춘,저가항공사,저널,저렴,저우좡,적립금,전문대가,전북,전세계,전자공업대학교,전화,전화002,전화번호,절강성,절전,정보,정양루,제주,제주도,조선민족박물관,조선족,조선족비자,조선족일자리,조선족취업,조약,조재문,조회,졸정원,종합,종합지수,죄,주,주총영사관,중경,중계,중국,중국국경절,중국날씨,중국어,중국위치,중국집,중사모,중세한국,중심광장,중유도,중유모,중정공,중학교,증시,지대,지도,지수,지엘,지역번호,지하철,진사,진시왕,집단,짬뽕,차이나,창사,창춘,채팅,천궁,천사모,천자산,천진,첫걸음,청구서,청도,청두,청양,청운보,청운한국학교,청해성,첸,초등학교,총동창회,총영사관,최강,최신가요,추천앱,축구,tv,축제,출국,출국신고서,출입국,출입국사무소,출입국신고,출장,충칭,취,취업,치킨버거,친척방문,칭다오,칭한모,카드,카카오,카카오톡,카톡,캠핑장,코스,코야,쿠폰,쿤밍,퀴즈,큐,큐큐,크리스마스,클럽메드,키즈,타이위안,탄,태만성,태원,택시,텅왕거,텔,톈궁,톈진,토익,토플,톡,통통통,통화,투어,트위터,특송,티넷,티마인드,티몬,티스토어,티월드,팁,파는곳,파키스탄무료,판다,퍼즐,페이스북,편리,편의,평,포인트,포인트CC,포차,포춘,포츈차이나,포커,포토,푸딩,풍경명승구,프리국제전화,플레이,필수,필수어플,필수추천,하나님,하나은행,하나톡,하남성,하다,하밀도,하북성,하얼빈,하오123,하오산동,하이데어,하이라이트,학교,학원,한국국제학교,한국대사관,한국어,한국영사관,한국,학교,한울타리,한인,한인회,한자,한중동포신문,할빈,항공,항공권,항저우,항주,중심,해남성,해외,해외전화,해외출장,해피포인트,핸드폰,헝다,헬로우,현금영수증,현충관,호남성,호북성,호주전화,호텔,홍,홍명보,홍반성,홍콩,화재,환율,환잉니,환전,황산,황석채,회장,회화,휴대폰무료,흑룡,흑룡강성,한국대표부,청화대,중산대,상해교통대,무한대학,과학기술대,화중,남개,중남,동제,항공공항,이공대,화동,화남,농업,란주,서북,동북,지질대,해양대,교민잡지,모임,노래방,드라마,약국,병원,의원,음식,만남,기념일
Shanghai City Directory 3.3
Shanghai City Directory Enormous Shanghai, on China’s centralcoast,is the country's biggest city and a global financial hub.Its heartis the Bund, a famed waterfront promenade lined withcolonial-erabuildings. Across the Huangpu River rises Pudong’sfuturisticskyline, including 632m Shanghai Tower and the OrientalPearl TVTower, with distinctive pink spheres. Sprawling YuyuanGarden hastraditional pavilions, towers and ponds. Area: 6,340 km²Local time:Wednesday 8:37 PM Weather: 20°C, Wind E at 18 km/h, 64%HumidityPopulation: 14.35 million (2000) 100% Offline Map &Guide.Discover new places, and browse full featured offline map onyourdevice. Our OFFLINE Map is high resolution, and you can usingthismap without data roaming, WIFI Connection and hidden costs!10LANGUAGES supported: english, german, french, russian,korean,portuguese, spanish, japanese, italian, chinese FEATURES:-complete offline map with GPS geolocation (100% offline) - Listofcategories to Find different things using google play serveice-List of categories like airports, - attractions listwithdescription & photo (offline) - Location show on mapwithrespect to your current location - multilingual cityinformationabout transport, food, history, airports and manyothersinformation like clima table or eat & events (offline)-currency converter: euro, british pound, US dollar, chineseYouan,Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline)-multilingual interface - hotels deals (online module) - Thingstodo & trips - Pani Puri details.. Discover cities andplaceswith our offline app. Our Offline Map & Guide providesyou withan easy way to find anything. Browse a full featuredoffline map onyour device and find your way. NOTE : All data onthis app iscoming from google Play API . For more details contactus [email protected].
Shanghai Pudong Airport Info 14.4
Live Arrivals / Departures for PVG airport
Transit Shanghai by NAVITIME 3.9.8
--------------------------------------------------------------------------NAVITIME Transit New App Release!You can use the more convenient.Please download from here. is for you if you have been thinking there must be amuchbetter route than your usual one!What a no-brainer, and it's FREE! It is helpful for your traveltouse the offline map.This app will provide you easy journey planning withzoomableinteractive maps of Shanghai metro in Shnaghai,China.# How to plan a journeyIt’s simple. If you know which stations you are going to use,tapthe stations to set your origin and destination in thezoomableinteractive maps. Additionally, GPS can suggest the stationthat iscurrently nearest to you (Internet connectionrequired).****** Features ******# Offline map and route search resultOffline map is available to use all the time. You can findwhichtrain, subway, metro, bus, flight and ferry let you take towhereyou go. Route search result is automatically saved your phone,itis also available offline.# Support multiplelanguage(English/Spanish/French/Germany/Italian/TraditionalChinese/SimplifiedChinese/Korean/Thai/Malay/Japanese) Name ofstations and train willbe English.# Set your home station for easier journey planning.# Search the nearest station.# Send route results to you, friends and colleagues via SMSore-mailWe are always happy to respond to your feedback. Should you haveanyproblems, please let us know through our app by pressingthe“Feedback” tab.****** Important ******About the Timetable: The actual departure / arrival timesmightdiffer from the displayed result, as they are not the based ontheofficial timetable.
Map of China 1.24
This is an application thatturnsyourAndroiddevice into a GPS navigator with offline maps.Youcansearcheasily locations in China and you can add themtoyourroute.Discover interesting places nearyou:accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas,theatres,auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sportareas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest citiesinChina:Shanghai,Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou,Tianjin,Wuhan,Dongguan,Foshan, Chengdu, Nanjing, Shenyang,Xi'an,Hangzhou,Harbin,Suzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Zhengzhou,Shantou,Jinan,Changchun,Kunming, Hong Kong, Changsha, Taiyuan,Xiamen,Hefei,Ürümqi,Fuzhou and others.This application is based on Osmand project undertheGNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Dianping 10.56.20
Android application for
上海旅遊景點介紹 1.0
E Search Life
上海遊必備APP專業北京旅遊景點介紹網站,是您出行的好幫手。1, 景點介紹2, 地區搜索3, 規劃路線(自駕遊或公車指示)ShanghaitravelessentialAPPBeijing tourist attractions professional website is a goodhelperforyour trip.1 Attractions2, area search3, plan a route (traveling by car or bus instructions)