Top 20 Apps Similar to TuneBoss Manager

TuneBoss Manager PRO 6.12
TuneBoss Manager PRO is to be used with a TuneBoss ECU unit.
Trevor Page
Dashboards, tuning and logging for MegaSquirt and SpeeduinoECUs.Note: NOT OBD2
DigiHUD Speedometer 1.5.11
James Moss
GPS digital speedometer with head-up display (HUD) for phoneortablet.
OBD Car Doctor 7.6.9a
PNN Soft
OBD Car Doctor new features:Supporttypes of adapters: OBD-II (Bluetooth, WiFi, Kiwi 3 (BLE),Vinli)and GPS-only mode (if you have no adapter) Updated logbook:fuelingand service notes.Reads real-time and stored diagnostics parameters from ECU ofOBD-IIcompliant cars. Support data reading PID's from cars with 2and moreECU.Note!!! Requires ELM 327 or compatible BluetoothOBD-IIAdapter. Read more at Work w/oadapterpossible only in GPS mode: Speed, AltitudeNote!!! There are multiple reports on connectionissuesup to ECU malfunctioning when using adapters with MACaddresses:66:35:56:... strongly recommend to avoid this adapters!Other chipadapters marked with ELM327 v2.1 also have a lot ofissues! Pleasecontact us by mail to report troubles with adapters,would be niceto have the following info: naming, MAC address,ELM327 firmwareversion info and/or connection log, This will helpto create list ofpotentially dangerous adapters and share thisinformation with otherusers.Features:- real-time engine and vehicle OBD2 parameters: speed,rotation(rpm), coolant temperature, pressure, lambda and multipleothersensors data supported by your car- chart drawing for real-time data- check engine light control (MIL): read and clear storederrorcodes and related freeze frame data- Fuel Economy/Consumption parameters (MPG) (for diesel need tosetproper flag in Configuration)- code scanner: store and share DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)dataand General info- auto-start of last used command screen (use "Auto start ofthelast command" option in Configuration alone or in combinationwith"Connect BT at start")- console for advanced users experiments with OBD-II andadaptercommands (use "Test"-"Console" option in Configuration toallowconsole screen)- read more details at product site read GPS data: speed, altitude- support of graphical gauges- logbook: fueling, service records, carmaintenance,diagnostics★ ★ ★ More features ★ ★ ★ are available with ProversionOBDCar DoctorPro Economy parameters now supported as beta versionfeature,please note that for correct calculation you may need toenterproper Engine displacement (in cubic cm) and volumetricefficiency(in %, the default is 80)Note!!! Avoid simultaneous running of multipleOBDreading applications, be sure that other applications arenotkeeping live OBD connection.Required permissions:- Device & app historyUsed to self- identify application when running in background- LocationExtra GPS parameters: GPS speed, altitude- Photos/Media/FilesStore and read "Logbook" and Debug data as directuser'sactions- OtherBluetooth related - communication with external adapterInternet related - publishing "Logbook" records to server asdirectuser's actionsPlease send your questions with email, as we can't answer inPlaymarket comments.You could help to improve the project by sending OBD2 detailsinforelated to your car. Fill in the car details withconfigurationscreen and click send button in "General information"section.Thanks!
BlueBox Manager Chip Tuning 1.07
V-tech Tuning
Imagine your smartphone controlling performance chip tuningviaBluetooth.
Speedometers & Sounds of Super 2.4.2
Ready Square
Feel like you are driving a supercar!
DTC Fault Memory erase for VAG 4.4.2
Erase/Read fault memory for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda usingOBDELM327.
CarPowerTest- puissance moteur 3.2
Afin d'évaluer le GAIN DE PUISSANCE oucouple,suite à une préparation, une reprogrammation (remapping) del'ECUou autre, une solution fiable et très économique consisteàutiliser l'application CarPowerTest.Cette application ne nécessite AUCUN BRANCHEMENT, carsonprincipe de fonctionnement repose sur des mesures réalisées parlescapteurs de votre téléphone.L'application est conçue comme un OUTIL DE DIAGNOSTIC aveclesoucis d'être aussi précise que possible, quelle que soitlavoiture ou le téléphone employé. Vous pourrez ainsi obtenirlesCOURBES DE PUISSANCE ET COUPLE, les sauvegarder et partager surlesréseaux sociaux vos meilleures acquisitionsLa précision attendue est proche de celle d'un banc àrouleaux,et l'application peut également être avantageusementutilisée pouridentifier une panne (défaut d'un turbo, échappementcolmaté,etc..);Pour atteindre cet objectif, l'application faitintervenir:- Un étalonnage semi-automatique- Un PROTOCOLE SIMPLE de mesure, associé à uneINTERFACEERGONOMIQUE- Un filtrage des données adapté aux capteurs employés- La gestion des mouvements de caisse du véhicule et des pertesdansla transmissionN'hésitez pas à visiter le site del'application:http://carpowertest.blogspot.frContactez le développeur pour avoir des renseignements surl'appliet son utilisation: [email protected], regardez les vidéo youtube pour analyser l'utilisationdel'application:Étalonnage: réelle: D'EMPLOI:0/ Réalisez chez vous l'étalonnage conformément à la vidéo1/ Réglez la masse totale du véhicule (avecconducteur,passagers, carburant, etc...). Facultatif: réglez le SCxduvéhicule si vous le connaissez.2/ La voiture doit être initialement à l'arrêt complet, suruneroute fermée, rectiligne et parfaitement lisse3/ Fixez fermement le mobile comme sur le schéma ci-dessus(cfimages de l'appli)4/ Vérifiez bien qu'il n'y ait aucun obstacle ou usager autourdevotre véhicule et sur votre trajet. Ne peut être utilisé surrouteouverte.5/ Enclenchez la première. Cliquez sur "GO!". Le bouton changedecouleur.6/ Environ 1s plus tard, dès l'affichage du motACQUISITION,démarrez sans brutalité. Engagez la 2nde puis mettez lepied auplancher jusqu'à la zone rouge! Vous devez alorsralentirtranquillement (vous pouvez freiner, ou passer la 3ème,çan'entrave en rien la mesure). Vous entendrez bientôt, pendantlaphase de ralentissement, le bip de fin de mesure.7/ Attendez la fin du calcul8/ Vérifiez l'indicateur de fiabilité:Rouge: Mesure des performances non fiable (mouvement incohérentdutéléphone, processeur surchargé: libérez de la RAM)Orange: il peut y avoir une erreur de mesure de performance,unétalonnage mal fait ou non faitVert: la plupart des conditions de protocole sont vérifiés pourqueles mesures de puissance et couple soient fiables9/ Allez voir la courbe de puissance!10/ Graphe complet avec les tr/min en abscisse et lesPUISSANCEet COUPLE en ordonnée: entrez la vitesse de votre auto à2000tr/min en 2nde (à mesurer lors d'un essai distinct àvitesseconstante - vitesse compteur + 4km/h ou vitesseGPSpréférable).11/ Consultez (et nettoyez) les sauvegardes.12/ PARTAGEZ vos mesures de puissance et couple par mail etsurles réseaux sociaux (Facebook)CONDITIONS D'UTILISATION:Vérifiez que vous n'enfreignez aucune loi de votre pays enemployantcette application. La conduite n'est pas un jeu, neprenez pas derisque.Le développeur ne peut être tenu responsable de dommagesmatériels,corporels, ou moraux résultant de l'emploi de cetteapplicationTo assess the POWERGAINor torque, following a preparation reprogramming (remapping)ECU oranother, a reliable and very economical is to use theCarPowerTestapplication.This application requires NO CONNECTION because its principleisbased on measurements made by the sensors in your phone.The application is designed as a DIAGNOSTIC TOOL withattentionto be as accurate as possible, regardless of the car orthe usedtelephone. You will be able to get CURVES AND POWER COUPLE,saveand share on social networks your best acquisitionsThe expected accuracy is similar to that of achassisdynamometer, and the application can also be advantageouslyused toidentify a failure (failure of a turbo, clogged exhaust,etc..);To achieve this goal, the application involves:- A semi-automatic calibration- A SIMPLE PROTOCOL measurement, combined withERGONOMICINTERFACE- A data filtering adapted to employees sensors- Vehicle fund management movements and transmission lossesFeel free to visit the site ofapplication:http://carpowertest.blogspot.frContact the developer to get information about the app and itsuse:[email protected], watch the youtube video to analyze the use oftheapplication:Calibration: measurement: MANUAL:0 / Make your home the calibration in accordance withthevideo1 / Set the total mass of the vehicle (with driver,passengers,fuel, etc ...). Optional: Set SCx vehicle, if known.2 / The car must initially be at a complete stop on aclosedroad, straight and perfectly smooth3 / Firmly attach the mobile as shown above (see pictures oftheapp)4 / Make sure there are no obstacles or user around yourvehicleand your route. Can not be used on public roads.5 / Snap the first. Click on "GO!". The button changescolor.6 / About 1s later, when the display of the wordACQUISITION,start without brutality. Tap 2nd and then put your footto thefloor until the red zone! You must slow down quietly (you canslowdown or move the 3rd, it does not hinder the measurement). Youwillsoon hear, during the deceleration phase, the measurementendingbeep.7 / Wait for the calculation8 / Check the reliability indicator:Red: Measurement of unreliable performance (inconsistent movementofthe phone, overloaded processor: free RAM)Orange: there may be a performance measurement error,calibrationpoorly done or not doneGreen: Most protocol conditions are checked to ensure that powerandtorque measurements are reliable9 / Go see the power curve!10 / Complete graph with r / min and x-axis and POWERCOUPLEordinate: Enter the speed of your car at 2000 rev / min in2nd (tobe measured in a separate test at constant speed - speedcounter +4km / h or better GPS speed).11 / Check (and clean) backups.12 / SHARE your power and torque measurements by email andonsocial networks (Facebook)TERMS OF USE:Make sure you not breaking any law of your country by usingthisapplication. Driving is not a game, do not take risk.The developer can not be held responsible for propertydamage,bodily or moral resulting from the use of thisapplication
Street Racing Speedometer 1.0.4
PNN Soft
Check your car performance and compete in acceleration online!
With the new app from MADNESS AUTOWORKS the future of plug intuninghas arrived – you can now connect any smartphone or tabletto ourlatest intelligent engine programmer and control allsettings fromyour mobile device. With Bluetooth technology nowintegrated intoour tuning module you can securely connect yourmobile device usingthe tuning module serial number. This will thenallow you to havelive control of the tuning maps which you canswitch between fromyour phone or tablet. You can also view servalparameters being readfrom the engine to show that the tuningmodule is functioningcorrectly. FULL CONTROL OF YOUR TUNING Seethe status of your enginetuning module live on your phone ortablet, check the signals onlive displays on the app screens andadjust power to differentlevels. SWITCHING ON / OFF Enable ordisable the power increase.With just one click you can switch thetuning off for instance ifdriving in dangerous winter conditionsor when someone else isdriving the car and you want the powerreduced. 3 LEVELS OF POWERWith intelligent live tuning you havethe option of three differentpower levels to choose from. So youhave the choice between an ECOmode you have a small gain in bothBHP and torque allowing yourvehicle if driven correctly to acheiveimproved fuel economy. InSport mode the power of your vehicle isfurther raised giving anoticeable increase in overall performance.In Sport Plus mode youpower is increased to the maximum safe limitgiving a big power andtorque increase for use on track days orspecial events where thehighest output from the engine isrequired. COLD START-TIMER Thistimer allows the user to set in apre-determined delay when theengine is first started delaying thetuning module from givingincreased performance until the enginehas reached a safe runningtemperature.
ALDLdroid 1.40
OBD1 ECMs application. Data log or tune directly from your phoneortablet!
APR Mobile 1.4.2
This is a BETA version, please send your [email protected] or in the APR Mobile for android appcommunity.We are interested to hear if the application is workingon yourdevice and what is your user experience. *IMPORTANT* If youhavetrouble connecting to your dongle, try reinserting the dongleandrebooting your Android device. APR Mobile is a simple yetpowerfultool designed to enhance the APR tuning experience. APRMobileinstalls on the Android device and provides a wirelessconnectionto the vehicle’s engine control unit or ECU. Onceconnected throughAPR’s required Bluetooth dongle and flashed withthe required andcompatible APR ECU Upgrade, APR Mobile can be usedto access APR’sEMCS program switching features, read and clearfault codes anddata log the ECU at high data rates. The app canalso be used toaccess APR’s latest news articles, locate dealers inAPR’s networkand review previously saved data logging sessions.With directaccess to the ECU, APR Mobile has the ability to supportandinteract with any functionality APR codes into the OEM ECU.
Garmin Mechanic™ 1.5.2
Find out what’s really going on under your hood withGarminMechanic.
DTADroid Free 0.9DTA
Chard Apps
DTADroid Free is a simple to use dashboardthatdisplays information from any DTA S-Series ECU. The supportedvaluesfrom the ECU are:RPMThrottle %Water TempAir TempManifold PressureLambdaBattery VoltageUndriven Wheel SpeedOil PressureFuel PressureOil TemperatureIn addition, gauges show data from the phone, includingGPSspeed.DTADroid has been carefully designed to support all devicesizesfrom phones to tablets, with layouts optimised to suityourparticular device's screen size.To connect the app to the ECU, you will require:- A 15 pin to 9 pin RS232 cable to connect to the ECUYou will also require either:- A Serial to USB cable. Both FTDI and Prolific chipsetsaresupported.- A Bluetooth to RS232 adapter, such as the BTLink BTL-577.Pleasenote that there is currently an issue where the BT donglewill notconnect if the ECU is plugged in to the dongle. We areworking on afix for this.There are some setup changes required for DTADroid tocommunicatewith the ECU. Please see our Getting Started page at is a limited functionality version of the DTADroidapp(coming soon).
OBD ECU Access Tester 1.4
Check your car is OBD-II compliant using your OBDKey orsimilardevice.
Thunder GPS Speedometer 2.4.10
Thunder Speedometer provides several stylish super carthemedspeedometers using GPS speed, showing data in a tidycleanclustered designs. Suitable for all kinds of vehicles. •Rotateyour device to switch Thunder Speedometer to landscape orportraitwithout any settings. • Swipe to change the dashboardtheme. •Multiple free themes. • Odometer for tracking milage. •Embeddedcompass for navigation. • HUD (Heads Up Display)speedometer. •Speed trip efficiency, based on a 90kph/55mph caroptimum speed.All that with no ads, as we value your safety morethan revenue.
OBD 2 Dyno + Diagnostic 1.22
Measure the power of your car with thissimpletool! All you need is a cheap ELM327 device.Note the result is WHP (Wheel HP) which is less than theactualengine power output, due to drivetrain losses.The actual engine power is 10 - 20 % above the displayed resultsanddepends on your configuration.(Standard / automatic, AWD, etc).Beside the Dyno function, you can read and CLEAR diagnostictroublecodes and read real time ecu data.Preferred usage: connect to ecu,drive in second gear aroundidlespeed, press start button.Give full throttle until engine speed reaches the rpm limit(orless).The car weight field should be set to gross weight: curb weight+fuel weight + passenger(s) weight.Safety first! Consider taking the measurement on a private /closedroad with a helper using the app while you drive.
CarPowerTest - dyno bench 3.2
EASILY GET MAX POWER, POWER AND TORQUECURVESOF YOUR ENGINENO CONNECTION NEEDED.This app is engineered to be as accurate as possible,whateverthe car, or the phone it is used with, thanks toexclusiveprocessing.You don't need any connection to use it, the processing is basedonyour mobile phone's accelerometer sensors.The accuracy is very close to a real engine dyno, bench, butofcourse much cheaper.It has been developped as a diagnostic tool, as a dynometerbenchwould be, perfect for detecting power losses or improvements(afterECU remapping for example).0/ Calibrate, once for lifetime. It's very easy and will takeyouless than 1 minute.1/ Set parameters (total mass of your car and Cda if youknowit)2/ Fix firmly the device as shown on figure below.3/ Check there is nothing on the track on which you makethetest. Car must be totally motionless.4/ Click "Start", and when first LED indicator appears(green),start off in first gear. Don't be brutal, there's no needand itmay be cause of inaccuracy. Engage smoothly 2nd gear, andthen youcan go full throttle until red zone. Then releasethrottle5/ Just wait until the end of processing (>10s)6/ Check the Measurement Reliability indicator7/ CHECK POWER CURVE/ To get full graph with RPM andTORQUECURVE, enter speed of your car when engine is at 2000 rpm in2ndgearAfter that, you can alos SHARE your results on social networks.TERMS OF USE:Check that the use of this application is in accordance withthelaws in your country. Driving is not a game, don't takeanyrisk.The developper cannot be made responsible in case of anypecuniary,physical, or moral.
OBD2-ELM327. Car Diagnostics 7.0
This application is an OBDII ECU diagnostics tool thatusesabluetooth ELM327 adapter to connect to your car.Nowadaysallavailable car parameters aremonitored(see foradetaileddescription). Using a bluetooth ELM327 device andourAndroidmobile or tablet, we can check the car sensor values.Mainwindowshows speed and RPM. Also, if GPS is present, thatwindowwill showcurrent GPS position and GPS-speed. At thebottom,detailed sensorinformation is shown (and updated everysecond).Compatible ELM327adaptors can be found at any automobileshop andonline webs, i.e. stores alldata in the SD, in a foldercalledOBDii_ELM327.
OBD2 Boost 1.0.3
OBD2 Boost app works with the ELM327 Bluetooth adapter todisplayallthe engine ECU information. Great to use as a seconddashboardscreenas it displays custom Speed and RPM screens.Displays thecurrent ECUsensor data, including: ——————————————— 

*Engine RPM

* CalculatedLoad Value 

* Coolant Temperature
*Fuel SystemStatus
* VehicleSpeed
* Short Term Fuel Trim
*Long TermFuel Trim 

* IntakeManifold Pressure
* Timing Advance

*Intake Air Temperature
*Air Flow Rate 

* AbsoluteThrottlePosition 

* Oxygen sensorvoltages/associated short termfueltrims 
Fuel System status 
*Fuel Pressure
 Manyothers...Support most common CAN bus protocols.AppFeatures:——————————————— * Displays Live engine ECU values. *ShareengineECU values. * Logs ECU requests and Responses. * MPH orkm/h.*Temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius. *VehicleIdentificationNumber (VIN) If you want to use this app makesureyou already havea ELM327 Bluetooth adapter available to buy onebayfor 10-15dollars. Displays live OBDII or OBD2 data.