Top 20 Apps Similar to Facebook Likes Prank

Auto Comment 6.0.7
AutoComment will let you comment your posts on Instagram,Twitterand Facebook
Friends Look Like Me 3.10.19
Your friends look like you.
Like Counter for Facebook
Evan Skev
*** PLEASE NOTE***In order to use this app, you must create a campaign Once you create a campaign you will receiveacampaign identifier number that you will then place into thisAppwhere prompted. It will take only 2 minutes to create acampaignand it is totally free to use. This is our first release.We arecoming up with great new features.Thanks for your support! We are working on an update so drop usaline or share your experience to [email protected] interactive digital display for Facebook Like CountFeatures:- Live Counter- Offer and rewards display- QR code to interact and get more likes- Rewards after successful conversion.
Love Likes 1.7.255
Find out ‘who likes you most’! See iftheperson you love or your best friend follow your activitiesonFacebook and thank them by sending beautiful postcards forFREE,customized with their faces!Love Likes lets you see the list of 10 people who mostinteractwith you on Facebook, drafting a ranking based on theperiod oftime you choose.You can always surprise your friends in the top list withabeautiful postcard to thank them, and you could even use theimagesfrom your gallery or take a photo to capture an importantmoment toshare.Get the app on your smartphone or tablet! We are always opentosuggestions and improvements. For any questions or concernspleasedo not hesitate to contact us! (in Italian, EnglishorSpanish).
Followers+ for Instagram
Trusted by over 500,000 Brands."The best and only Instagram tool your brand willeverneed...."- Account Analytics- Track Follower Growth/Loss- Track Post Performance- Track Engagement- Engage with your fans- Optimize and Schedule your Posts- Much More.You must be a brand and have an Instagram account to usethisapp.
Trucos ganar seguidores y like 1
*Solo disponible en español*Los mejores trucos y consejos para conseguir y ganar milesdeseguidores y fans en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTubeSon los consejos más profesionales creados por communitymanagersy expertos en social media. Sigue los todos los pasos yconsigueganar gratis +1000 seguidores, fans, followers, rt o megusta!!Los trucos y consejos están agrupados por redessociales:Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTubePuedes filtrar los consejos por temáticas, es la forma másfácil,rápida y gratis de hacer crecer tu red social y conseguirmiles defollowers, like y retweetHaz que tu perfil sea de los más influyentes de toda lasredessocialesEstos son algunos de los consejos, descarga la app parasabermás# Consigue RT, me gustas y gana seguidoresenTWITTER★★★★★#A1 Trabaja en tu perfil#A2 Crea tweets interesantes, graciosos o que inviten alareflexión#A3 Publica a menudo, a las horas correctas del día#A4 Nadie quiere seguir a una persona que nunca actualizasuTwitter, por lo tanto es importante que te mantengas activo enlacomunidad de manera consistente.#A5 Sigue a todas las personas que te sigan#A6 Dirige a las personas a tu cuenta de Twitter#B2 Trata de hacer que las celebridades o la gente famosa te sigaenTwitter#B3 Sigue a las personas que tienen intereses similares a lostuyosy luego sigue a sus seguidores#B4 Pídele a las personas que te retweeteen#B5 Repite tus tweets más populares#C1 Deja de seguir a las personas que no te siguieron después dequetú lo hiciste#C2 Sigue a las personas que siguen automáticamente#C3 Usa las palabras clave para encontrar a los seguidores#C4 Considera comprar algunos seguidores#D1 Consejos#D2 Advertencias# Gana seguidores en INSTAGRAM y likes★★★★★#A1 Empieza dándole Me gusta a algunas fotos#A2 Comienza a comentar las fotos#A3 Agrega comentarios o preguntas a tus fotos#A4 Publica regularmente, pero no con demasiada frecuencia#A5 Publica en el momento adecuado#A6 Sé llamativo#B1 Elige un tema específico para tu cuenta#B2 Elige un buen nombre de usuario y una imagen de perfil#B3 Escribe en tu biografía#B4 Busca a tus amigos y síguelos#B5 Sincroniza tu cuenta de Instagram con otras redessociales#C1 Utiliza tags relevantes#C2 Utiliza los tags más populares#C3 Visita la aplicación TagsForLike#C4 Crea tu propio hashtag#C5 Localiza tus tags#D1 Toma fotos que representen algo importante#D2 Emplea luz natural tanto como puedas#D3 Busca la simetría#D4 No sobrecargues tu foto#D5 Usa perspectivas interesantes#D6 Descarga apps de edición de imágenes#D7 Edita tus fotos# Ganar suscriptores en YOUTUBE★★★★★#A1 Sé culturalmente relevante#A2 Haz video respuestas y parodias#A3 Acude a las reuniones de YouTube para conocer genteenpersona#A4 Colabora con YouTubers famosos#A5 Consigue que un editor de Youtube presente tu video#A6 Sube contenido nuevo constantemente#B1 Haz que tu canal sea impresionante#B2 Ponle etiquetas a tus videos#B3 Promociona tus videos con la gente que conozcas#B4 Habla con tus suscriptores#B5 Visita los canales de otros#B6 Haz videos nuevos al menos una vez a la semana#C1 Sé tú mismo#C2 Ofrécele algo bueno a tu audiencia#C3 Habla fuerte y establece contacto visual#C4 Cuida la calidad de tus videos#C5 Edita tus videos#D1 Consejos#D2 Advertencias# Gana fans, like y me gusta en FACEBOOK★★★★★#A1 Consigue buenas imágenes#A2 Desarrolla una imagen pública#A3 Publica cosas interesantes#A4 No publiques demasiado#B1 Haz pública tu página#B2 Consigue muchos amigos#B3 Únete a comunidades y grupos#B4 Fomenta la interacción#B5 Interactúa mucho#B6 Publica los contenidos importantes o emocionantes enmomentosadecuados#C1 Usa Twitter e Instagram también#C2 Acompaña tu Facebook con un blog#C3 Promociónate en otros sitios#D1 Consejos#D2 AdvertenciasDESCARGA LA APP!!Vota ★★★★★ estrellas GRACIAS!!Así seguiremos publicando nuevos trucos!!* Only availableinSpanish *The best tips and tricks to get and earn thousands offollowersand fans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTubeAre the most professional councils created bycommunitymanagers and social media experts. Follow all the stepsand getfree +1000 to win followers, fans, followers, or rt Ilike!!Tricks and tips are grouped by social networks:Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and YouTubeYou can filter the tips by theme, it is the easiest,fastestand free way to grow your social network and get thousandsoffollowers, like and retweetYour profile is of the most influential of allsocialnetworksThese are some of the tips, download the app to findoutmore# Get RT, like you and win followers on TWITTER★★★★★# A1 Work on your profile# A2 Create tweets interesting, funny or thought-provoking# A3 Post often, at the right times of the day# A4 Nobody wants to follow someone who never updated hisTwitter,so it is important to stay active in thecommunityconsistently.# A5 Follow all people who follow you# A6 directs people to your Twitter account# B2 Try to make celebrities or famous people you followonTwitter# B3 Follow people with similar interests to yours and thenfollowshis followers# B4 Ask people that you retweeteen# B5 Repeat your most popular tweets# C1 Stop follow people you were not followed after you did# C2 Follow people who follow automatically# C3 Use keywords to find followers# C4 Consider buying some fans# D1 Tips# D2 Warnings# Win Instagram followers and likes★★★★★# A1 starts giving you some photos I like# A2 begins to comment on the photos# A3 Adds comments or questions to your photos# A4 Post regularly, but not too oftenPost # A5 at the right time# A6 Be flashy# B1 Select a specific topic to your account# B2 Choose a good username and a profile picture# B3 Write in your biography# B4 find your friends and follow them# B5 Sync your Instagram account with other social networks# C1 Use relevant tags# C2 uses the most popular tags# C3 Visit TagsForLike application# C4 Create your own hashtag# C5 Locate your tags# D1 Take pictures that represent something important# D2 uses natural light as much as possible# D3 symmetry Search# D4 Do not overload your photo# D5 Use interesting perspectives# D6 Download image editing apps# D7 Edit your photos# Winning subscribers YOUTUBE★★★★★# A1 Be culturally relevant# A2 Make video responses and parodies# A3 Attend meetings YouTube to meet people in person# A4 collaborates with famous YouTubers# A5 Get a Youtube editor present your video# A6 Add new content constantly# B1 Make your channel is impressive# B2 Put labels to your videos# B3 Promote your videos with people you know# B4 Talk to your subscribers# B5 Visit other channels# B6 Make new videos at least once a week# C1 Be yourself# C2 Offer him something good to your audience# C3 Speak up and make eye contact# C4 Take care of the quality of your videos# C5 Edit your videos# D1 Tips# D2 Warnings# Win fans, like and I like FACEBOOK★★★★★# A1 Get good pictures# A2 Develop a public image# A3 Post interesting things# A4 Do not post too# B1 Public Make your page# B2 Get many friends# B3 Join communities and groups# B4 promotes interaction# B5 Interacts muchPost # B6 important or exciting content at appropriate times# C1 Use Twitter and Instagram also# C2 Accompany your Facebook with a blog# C3 Promotion on other sites# D1 Tips# D2 WarningsDOWNLOAD THE APP !!Vote THANK YOU !! ★★★★★ starsSo we continue to publish new tricks !!
Metal for Facebook & Twitter 9.0
Nam Nghiem
Switch to Metal: Facebook and Twitter in one light app
Fast Messenger 4.2.2
Fast Messenger is an innovative messagingappand an alternative to other messenger apps!Exclusive features:- Map: Find messages and pictures of your Friends in your City orinany other place of the world.- Rooms: Meet new friends and chat with them about things youlikein the dedicated roomsWhy use Fast Messenger:• Free: you’ll never pay for it (you don't have to pay foreverymessage, it works with your data plan)• Cool: clear and minimal design• Handy: easy to configure and use• Smart: fast, low band and memory usage.• Secure: all messages are encrypted and they are not stored inourdatabase.• International: chat with friends or new ones from allthecountries without extra charges.With Fast Messenger it's also possible to chat with yourFacebook®friends directly from your account without doing a newlogin.
imo beta -video calls and chat 2023.10.1052
Download imo beta to try new and experimental instantmessagingfeatures.
Messenger Lite 334.
A faster version of Messenger that works in all network conditions
Zalo 22.11.02.r1
Zalo Group
Fast. Stable. Private.​
hichat messenger 1.1.106
X Application
Features now:- Log in with your Facebook account (email and password)- See your friends with their status (online/offline)onFacebook- Search for friends whom you want to chat with- Chat with your friend by sending text messages to your friendsifthey online on official Facebook site or Facebook messenger- Store your chat history or recent chat conversations, withthisfeature you can navigate among chat conversations easily- Notify by ringtone or vibration if you get incomingchats(messages) or incoming calls. You can customize thenotification(silent/vibration/ringtone)- Free VOICE CALL to your friend, if both sides online onhichat,best voice quality and fast connected- Give Audio test service for making a test call- STUN/TURN/ICE supported, allow you to make call in anynetworks(3G, 4G, Wifi, ...)- Option to sign-out
Selfied for Messenger
Express yourself with Selfied forMessenger!Create and send selfies for every mood to show exactlyhow you'refeeling.Don't have Messenger yet? Get ittoday!
Viber Messages & Calls Guide
With Viber, everyone in the world canconnect.Freely. More than 606 million Viber users text, makeHD-qualityphone and video calls, and send photo and video messagesworldwideover Wifi or 3G - for free.* You can create group messageswith upto 200 participants. Viber Out credits can be used to makecalls tonon-Viber mobile and landline numbers at low rates. Viberisavailable for many smartphones and platforms.Viber is compatible with and optimized for Android tablets!UseViber on your tablet and phone simultaneously.On Viber, your phone number is your ID. The app syncs withyourmobile contact list, automatically detecting which of yourcontactshave Viber.• Message your friends• Make free phone and video calls with HD sound quality• Share photos, video messages, voice messages, locations,stickersand emoticons• Download stickers and animated stickers from the StickerMarket;sort and reorder your stickers.• Create group messages with up to 200 participants; manageyourgroup chats as an Admin, editing info anddeletingparticipants.• Follow Public Chats – get on the inside with yourfavoritepersonalities; watch their conversations unfold inreal-time,‘like’ comments and share multi-media content• Play games with Viber characters, Violet and Legcat; see howmanycoins you can earn• Android Wear support – send and receive messages fromyourwatch• Push notifications guarantee that you never miss a messageorcall, even when Viber is off• Integration with native contact list for calls and messages• Support for the Viber Desktop application on Windows and MacLocalized to: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (SP), Chinese(TR),Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German,Greek,Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,Korean,Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (BR),Portuguese(PT), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish,Tagalog, Thai,Turkish, Ukrainian and VietnameseViber is completely free with no advertising.We value your privacy.Follow us for updates and news:Facebook - -*) Network data charges may apply
Likes for Instagram 2.0.5
Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!Hash tags manager.Select hashtags and post on yours Instagram pictures and videos.Youwill get more likes and followers as a result of this.Get relevant hashtagsChoose a category, tap 'Copy' and Paste into yourInstagrampictures!
Hello — Caller ID & Blocking
Make your phone smarter with Hello. BuiltbyMessenger just for Android, Hello combines info from Facebookwiththe contact info on your phone so it's easy to stay in touchwiththe people you care about.Now you can see who's calling, block unwanted calls and searchforpeople and places on Facebook. You can also call and textpeoplefor free using Messenger.• See who's calling you, even if you don't have that phonenumbersaved in your phone.• Easily block unwanted calls.• Automatically block calls from numbers that have been blocked byalot of other people.• Search your phone contacts and people and places onFacebook,without switching between apps.• Always have the latest info about your contacts, includingtheirprofile pictures and birthdays.• Open a Facebook profile or Page with just one tap.• Call and text for free with Messenger.• Call, add and edit contacts — just like you do onyourphone.Download Hello and make it your dialer.
Likes 1.3.1
Did you ever wanted to see the history ofthephotos that you have liked in the past?This is the app for you!You can view all the photos you liked in the past, includingthevideos (watchable)!You can then download them (by pressing on the image once),anddo whatever, repost, keep as a downloaded image/movie, younameit.This downloaded media contains a watermark. You can get rid ofthiswatermark bu purchasing Premium.If you want to see the image in the Instagram app, youshouldlongpress the image.Permissions:Internet - obvious.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - needed inorder to check if you have aworkinginternet connectionWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - needed to download, and store a imageofyour choosingBILLING - needed for in-app-purchase
Sync.ME - Caller ID, Spam Call Blocker & Contacts 4.36.5
Sync.ME is the world’s #1 caller ID and spam blocker app. Seewhoscall you received and sync contacts photos with theirsocialnetwork profile picture. Identify spammers and blockrobocalls withthe world’s best reverse phone lookup and spamblocker app. ★Trusted by more than 20 million users worldwide! ★TechCrunch -“The App That Turns You into a God”. It has never beeneasier tosync contacts and reveal the true caller. Search phonenumbers andget the caller ID. Make a reverse phone lookup, detectrobocallsand report blacklist. Block spammers, block telemarketers,blockcallers, block robocalls, block SMS and block text messages.MainKey Features: ✓ Sync Contacts Photos – See who's call youreceivedand sync your contacts photos with their social networkprofilepicture. Add full screen photos to your contacts in youraddressbook contact list. ✓ Caller ID – See who's the caller whenyoureceive incoming calls. See the true caller ID, sync unknownCallerID. ✓ Call Blocker - Block callers, telemarketers andblockrobocalls. Block unknown calls with our best call blocker.Blockspam calls and add spammers to your blacklist. ✓ ReversePhoneLookup - View the true caller ID with our best reversephonelookup. Now you can identify and block callers, block spammersandunknown numbers by adding them to your blacklist. ✓IdentifyRobocalls – Sync.ME lets you identify spam calls,telemarketers,robocalls and see whos call it is. Show thetruecaller ID and makea reverse phone lookup to block callers. Youcan block spam callsand robocalls with the best call blocker with atap of a button.✓Block Spammers - Block callers and make your ownblacklist ofrobocalls, spammers and telemarketers. Make a reversephone lookupwith the best caller ID app. See whos call on the topspammers listand add them to your blacklist. ✓Call Recorder –Record any phonecall you want to save. ✓ Text ID – Identify SMS andtext messagesof spam, telemarketers and unknown caller ID. See thetrue CallerID and blacklist phone numbers. You can make a reversephone numberlookup for any spam text message. ✓ Find Out Who Called- Copy anyphone number and Sync.ME will make a reverse phone lookupso youcan search phone numbers and identify unknown calls with atruecaller ID. Received a spam call? Quickly block spammers,blocktelemarketers and block robocalls with just one tap. ✓ CallerIDThemes - Choose your color call theme for your caller ID withtheSync.ME color call app. View color call themes with fullscreenphotos of your address book contacts from Google+,Twitter,LinkedInand VK. ✓ Merge Contacts - Find duplicate contacts andmergecontacts in your address book by combining them into one.Cleanupyour address book and quickly merge contact details ofduplicatecontacts in your address book contact list. ✓ BackupContacts -Export contacts and backup contacts file of all of yourcontacts inyour address book. Sync your contacts backup to yourGoogle Driveand automatically backup contacts with the Sync.ME Pro.✓Background Contact Sync - Always keep your contacts up-to-date24/7with latest contact profile pictures from social networks.Keepyour address book contacts synced with pictures so you can knowwhocall. Sync.ME is best used for it’s caller ID and spamcallblocker. You can identify calls with our true caller ID.Blockannoying spam calls and robocalls with our top spam blockerapp.You can always know “who called me” with Sync.ME’s showcallerreverse phone lookup features. → Website:→Facebook: → Twitter:→Support: [email protected]
Quick Links for Facebook 1.0
This app gives you quick links to popularpagesof the mobile version of start page, Facebook messages, Facebook pages,Facebookgroups, Facebook events, notifications, your friends,trends onFacebook and your profile.Click on an icon and you will be redirected to your browser.Ifyour phone ask, please choose to use always your browser.From now you can access Facebook with your web browser.QuickLinks app is a new way of communication.The mobile version of Facebook is a responsive website thatyoucan open on every device. Is a clean and minimal design layoutandyou will love it.If you like it you can share this app using Skype,WhatsApp,Messenger and Google Plus.Please note:Facebook Inc. doesn’t endorse or sponsor this app.This app is not endorsed or certified by Instagram.All product names, logos, and brands are property oftheirrespective owners.FacebookTM is a trademark of Facebook Inc.InstagramTM is a trademark of Facebook Inc.Some icons by Freepik from is licensed by CCBY3.0.
Messenger for Facebook 1.5
Sconnect Inc
---> Save your battery andmemory<---- Only 5MB and 20MB roughly after installing compared to hundredofMB by official Facebook and Messenger- Background connection to Facebook server is optimized tosavebattery- Using no more than 20MB RAM to save your battery- Simplify Facebook layout to save your battery--> Protect you privacy <--- Login and chat instantly using Facebook account withpublicprofile (we don't need this but it's default byFacebook)- Requires only handful of permissions to let you send andreceiveimages downloaded from Facebook- Please take a look at our privacy policy at the end of thispagefor more information--> Very smart and easy to use<--- Both Facebook and Messenger in a small app- Push notifications to make sure that you never missamessage- Compatible with older Android version- Send images, download videos from Facebook- Video call and voice call with Facebook friendsTotally free!If you like it, give 5 stars and leave comments or suggest usanyfeatures.- Messenger For Facebook have included Facebook and Messenger,donot require you to install separate Messenger.- Simple, Faster & Faster Facebook chat office.- Messenger For Facebook help you filtering friends fastest,storeyour chat history or recent chat conversations, notificationinstatus bar for incoming message or changed statuses. Vibratingandsound notification when selected friends coming online.- Intergrated news feed, chat (messenger)... all in oneMessengerFor Facebook for Facebook apps.- Material Design UI- Save precious battery life.- Work well with slow network.- Easy download photos and videos.- Chat with Emoticons- Lock or unlock when use apps (Coming soon)- 100% free, it only uses your internet data connection(2G/3G/4G)or WiFi.- Login and chat instantly using Facebook account- Friends on Facebook cannot know whether you read their messageornot- Receive notification from Facebook or new message coming- Requires only handful of permissions***NOTE***This application only an messenger app that using officialFacebookXMPP Chat to help you connect with your friends quickly,easily andsmoothly for all devices. It is NOT officialFacebookapplication.Thanks very much!