Top 3 Apps Similar to myInsurance - Freeway

Generali Italia 2.1.1
L’app di Generali Italia, ti permette di accedere in modo rapidoedimmediato ad un mondo di servizi digitali a te riservati e sehaibisogno della consulenza esperta dei nostri Agenti potraimettertiin contatto con la tua Agenzia o cercare quella a tepiùvicina.L’applicazione permette di:- segnalare un sinistro auto, casa e malattia, allegando le fotodeidanni o la documentazione relativa- cercare sulla mappa le Agenzie, le carrozzerie, leclinicheconvenzionate e gli installatori di scatole nere più vicinia te,corredati da numeri di telefono ed indicazioni perraggiungerli(calcolate dal luogo in cui ci si trova)- richiedere immediatamente l’intervento di un carro attrezziincaso di guasto dell’auto a seguito di incidente;- avere a disposizione una mappa stradale che ti permettediscoprire l’itinerario più sicuro da percorrere e la situazionedeltraffico in tempo reale- conoscere il tasso alcolemico e, se necessario, chiamare untaxidirettamente dalla app, sfruttando la geolocalizzazione- fissare nel calendario le date più importanti delletuescadenze- simulare il calcolo della tua responsabilità incasod’incidente- calcolare quanto manca alla tua pensione per iniziare aragionarecon il tuo Agente sul piano pensionistico più adatto altuo stiledi vita- conoscere il profilo di rischio e visualizzare lecopertureassicurative maggiormente adeguate alle tueabitudiniI servizi sono in continuo aggiornamento con l’obiettivo dioffrirtigiorno dopo giorno la soluzione più adatta per risponderealle tueesigenze in mobilità.Generali Italia è la più grande realtà assicurativa del paesealservizio di un unico Cliente , TU!TheappGeneral of Italy, allows you to quickly access and immediateaccessto a world of digital services reserved for you and if youneed theexpert advice of our agents will be able to contact youragency ortry one near you .The application allows you to:- Report a left car, house and disease, attaching photos ofthedamage or the documentation- Search on the map Agencies, body shops, clinics andaffiliatedinstallers black boxes near you, complete with phonenumbers anddirections to reach them (calculated on where youare)- Immediately request the intervention of a tow truck in caseoffailure of the car following an accident;- To have a road map that allows you to find the safest route togoand the traffic situation in real time- Know the BAC and, if necessary, call a taxi directly from theapp,using geolocation- Fix the most important dates in the calendar ofyourdeadlines- Simulate the calculation of your liability in caseofaccident- Calculate how much missing from your pension to startthinkingwith your agent on the pension plan best suited toyourlifestyle- Know the risk profile and display the insurance policiesmostappropriate to your habitsServices are continuously updated in order to provide day afterdaythe best solution to meet your needs in mobility.Italy is the largest general insurer in the country at theserviceof a single customer, YOU!
myInsurance - Floss Agency 1.0
The Floss Agency was founded in 1945byWalterJ. Floss, Jr. when he returned from the Navy during WWII.TheFlossfamily takes pride in the local community it has beenservingforover 60 years.We are an independent insurance agencyrepresentingseveralinsurance carriers to continuously find ourclients the bestvalue.We would like the opportunity to review yourcurrentinsuranceprogram and to offer recommendations to improvecoveragesandreduce costs.In November 2007, Floss Agency joined the EMSGroup,anindependent, community-based group of insurance agenciesinWesternNew York. Together with the other partners –Emerling,McMahon andStahlka agencies – the expanded EMS Groupemploys over60 andgenerates over $30 million in yearly premiumvolume fromcommercialand individual accounts.EMS Group is an independent insurance agency formed in1995toprovide clients with highly competitiveinsuranceproducts,counseling, and service, supported by anexperienced andstablebusiness organization. As independentagencies, EMS Grouppartnersrepresent a carefully selected group offinanciallysound,reputable insurance companies – such asCincinnatiInsuranceCompany, Erie Insurance Company, HanoverInsuranceCompany,Merchants Insurance Group, New York Central MutualFire,PeerlessInsurance, Travelers and others – to bestservetheircustomers.
Mon Assurance Alliance 1.2
Mon Assurance Alliance a été crééparallianceassurances pour s'approcher de sa clientèle enluiproposant:- l'assistance en cas d'accident ou de panne- la localisation de ses différentes agences àtraversleterritoirealgérien- le calcule d'un devis pour les trois formules OTO+My InsuranceAlliancewascreated by insurance alliance to approach itscustomersbyoffering:- Assistance in case of accident or breakdown- The location of its branches across the territoryAlgerian- Calculates an estimate for the three formulas OTO +