Top 4 Apps Similar to Free Tour Rome

Vatican Museums(IT005) 6.01
The Vatican Museums (Italian: MuseiVaticani)are the museums of the Vatican City and are located withinthecity's boundaries. They display works from the immensecollectionbuilt up by the Roman Catholic Church throughout thecenturiesincluding some of the most renowned classical sculpturesand mostimportant masterpieces of Renaissance art in theworld.Pope Julius II founded the museums in the early 16th century.TheSistine Chapel with its ceiling decorated by Michelangelo andtheStanze della Segnatura decorated by Raphael are on thevisitorroute through the Vatican Museums. They were visited by4,310,083people in the year 2007.[1] The Vatican Museums brokeattendancerecords in 2011 with just over 5 million people.
Rick Steves Audio Europe ™ 4.1.10
Download and listen to Rick Steves' podcasts related to yourtravelplans.
Sistine Chapel Vatican Tour 30.2
The Sistine Chapel Vatican Tour findsnearbyVatican Tours, helps plan travel to Vatican City,interactivevisual guide to the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and Vaticancitytickets. Find Rome attractions and Vatican City restaurants onyourVatican City Tour Guide and learn Sistine Chapel facts,SistineChapel History like the fact that The Sistine Chapel'sItalian nameis the Capela Sistina. The Vatican City is a micronation withinRome that one must visit when you travel to VaticanCity.★★★ ABOUT SISTINE CHAPEL VATICAN TOUR ★★★The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City is the most beautifulplaceof worship in the world, famous for the masterpieceofMichelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling frescoes. It attractspeoplefrom all over the world who travel to The Vatican City justto geta glimpse of the beautiful renaissance art. The SistineChapelVatican City Tours App lets you book more Vatican tours andVaticanCity tickets. Visit the age old Vatican Museum and see therelicsof the Christian world that have been kept safely on displayandlegendary relics from ancient times which are kept hidden awayinthe vaults.★★★ WHAT DOES SISTINE CHAPEN VATICAN TOURS MOBILE APPOFFER?★★★The Sistine Chapel Vatican Tour gives you a step-by-stepinteractivetour of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Book VaticanCity ticketsand arrange further Vatican tours and you can evenplan your travelto Vatican City in advance. In addition to VaticanCity tours, youcan also explore Rome attractions and if you gethungry find nearbyRome Restaurants.- Take a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel and learndetailedinformation about its key sights like the frescoes byMichelangelo,the Vatican Museum, as well as interesting SistineChapel facts,history and trivia.- Book your travel to Vatican City, Vatican Tours, VaticanCitytickets and Sistine Chapel tickets. Further activities liketoursof Rome attractions and finding Rome Restaurants is alsoavailableat your fingertips.- Plan your trip with local weather, travel info and arrangetravelto Vatican City.- Find out how to reach with detailed maps and directions,cityguide, points of interest, and local landmarks.- Currency converter to quickly calculate ticket prices,hotelrates, travel packages and more.- Find and book nearby hotels, find Rome restaurants andshoppingsites near Vatican City.- Find other Rome attractions and find out other monumentsbesidesthe Sistine Chapel and the Colosseum and things to see nearVaticanCity.★★★ GUIDDOO MOBILE APP ★★★Guiddoo is your ultimate Sistine Chapel Vatican Tour Guide andtripplanner app for Rome and Vatican tours, which lendsintricatedetails of world’s best travel destinations. We are theleadinginteractive travel guide for more than 300 locations acrosstheglobe. Wherever you go, our comprehensive Audio, Visual andTextualcoverage of key monuments and destinations will never letyou missout on any detail.★★★ GUIDDOO IN THE NEWS ★★★Guiddoo is being globally appreciated for reinventingtheinteractive travel guide genre. We have featured on CNBC, TimesofIndia, Bloomberg, Technode China, Khaleej Times, Tech in Asia,theNational and other media channels.★★★ DIFFERENT FROM AVERAGE VATICAN CITY GUIDE APPS ★★★We are not your usual Rome or Vatican City Guide that tellsyouabout the ‘Top 10 Things to do in a city’. We take prideinproviding an in-destination experience which:- Gives you rich, extensive and engaging tours of Tourist Spotsinthe Vatican City.- Provides Audio Visual Tours of Sistine Chapel Vatican City.
Tourboks – Tours & Activities 2.4
Download Tourboks app for FREE! Find day tours, attractiontickets,travel activities and multiday excursions atTourboks, atravel mallwith world’s best things to do. Top things to do, onetap away! •Find things to do near you, or choose from over 100destinationsacross the world • Book from thousands of tours andactivities •Looking for last-minute deals? We guarantee bestprices! Coolfeatures that will help you: • Instant booking, book onthe go •Hassle-free mobile voucher • Secured payment system,bookingwithout worries • Save desired tours in your Wishlist forlater •Have questions? Need our help? Chat with us! • Haven’tdecidedwhere to go? Let the Tourboks Genies help you! • ChoosefromEnglish, simplified & traditional Chinese and Korean asyourpreferred languages From the extremely popular Hop-on-Hop-offCitySightseeing Tours in major cities like Barcelona andParis,Skip-the-Line passes at popular attractions like VaticanMuseum,and Neuschwanstein Castle Day Excursions, to SkydivingAdventure inPrague, Tourboks app caters for all types of traveler.There arealso 4 interactive games: Palm Reading, Wheel of Fortune,FortuneSticks and Personalized Advice that will give youinspiration foryour next trips. With the Tourboks app, findingexciting things todo in your trips couldn’t be simpler.