Top 29 Apps Similar to Biblija365

Biblija (DK.е) ili Sveto Pismo 2.1.1
Solvus Lab
Библија или Свето Писмо, на српском језику, екавица.
Biblija (Šarić), Croatian 2.0
Solvus Lab
Sveto Pismo, Staroga i Novoga Zavjeta, Ivan Šarić. Nahrvatskomjeziku.
Српска Библија 1.0
Српска БиблијаБиблија или Свето писмо (од грчке речи βιβλια, (ta)bibliaузначењу «књижице», множина именице βιβλιον,biblion,«књижица»,која је деминутив од βιβλος, biblos, «књига»,именицекоја јеизведена из речи βυβλος, byblos са значењем папирус,одназивафеничанског града Библос, познатог по производњипапируса)назив језа хебрејску Библију и хришћанску коју чине Старизавет иНовизавет.Аутографи библијских књига не постоје, негомногобројнињиховипреписи, тзв. текстуални сведоци. Служећи се њима,библијсканауканастоји приредити што поузданији библијски текст,тзв.критичкоиздање Библије.Идеја о хришћанској Библији као Новом завету проистеклајеизранохришћанских текстова који су у Христу видели посредникауновомсавезу са Богом. Хришћанска Библија, односно Новизавет,садржи 27списа. Ти списи се могу поделити на 4врстерелигијскихтекстова:четири јеванђеља,једна рана црквена повест,двадесет и једна посланица,једна апокалипсаБиблија, или Свето писмо, код хришћана означавазбиркусветихсписа који се деле на књиге Старог завета и Новогзавета.Serbian BibleHoly Bible (from the Greek word βιβλια (ta) biblia in thesenseof"book", plural nouns βιβλιον, biblion, "booklet", whichisadiminutive of βιβλος, biblos, "book", a noun derived fromthewordβυβλος, byblos meaning papyrus, from the name ofthePhoeniciancity of Byblos, known for the production of papyrus)isthe name ofthe Hebrew Bible and the Christian oldTestament,consisting of theNew Testament.Autographs books of the Bible there, but manyoftheirtranscripts, so-called. textual witnesses. Using them,thebiblicaldoctrine seeks to prepare a more reliable text oftheBible, socalled. critical edition of the Bible.The idea of ​​the Christian Bible as the New Testamentisderivedfrom early Christian texts that are in Christ sawanintermediary inthe new covenant with God. The Christian Bibleorthe New Testamentcontains 27 file. These files can be dividedinto4 types ofreligious texts:    the four Gospels,    an early Church tale,    twenty-one letters,    an apocalypseBible or Bible by Christians means a collection ofsacredwritingswhich are parts of the books of the Old Testamentand theNewTestament.
Croatian Bible Biblija 7.0
bible app
Now you can have the Holy Bible on your smartphone ortabletAndroid. Enjoy this free app containing a Croatian edition oftheHoly Word: (HRV) Biblija na hrvatskom, Catholic, 1831-1942.Readand study its verses daily, even when you are offline. Once theappis on your device, you're able to read the Bible withoutanInternet connection, wherever you are. Don't hesitate todownloadthis new free Bible App: Biblija na hrvatskom, the best wayto readthe Holy Bible! Having the Holy Bible on your smartphone ortabletis a great idea if you do not have the time to stay at homeandread a hard copy Bible. You can download and read theBibleeverywhere, on your way to work or school, or when you areheadingback home, travelling or having a break at work. Now theBible canbe shared and accessed more easily and cheaply. The Bibleis notjust a book. It's the Word of God and it's alive. EnjoyyourCroatian translation of the Bible for free! Biblija nahrvatskom iscomposed of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the27 books ofthe New Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1Kings, 2Kings , 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,Job,Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah,Jeremiah,Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,Jonah,Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,Malachi,Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Corinthians 1 and2,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians,2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon,Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude,Revelation.Download the Bible in Croatian and enjoy the Sacred Wordof God inyour own language!
Biblija (SDF), Croatian 2.1.4
Solvus Lab
Biblija ili Sveto Pismo na hrvatskom jeziku. Prijevod StvarnostiDuda-Fućak.
Croatian Bible Hrvatska Biblija besplatno 6.0
The Bible for Croatian speakers on your phone.
Biblija (Sinod) 2.1.1
Solvus Lab
Библија или Свето Писмо, на српском језику. ПреводСрпскеПравославне цркве
Varaždinska Biblija 2
Solvus Lab
Varazdin Bible - the only Croatian translation made undertheprinciple of "word for word"
Biblija - Suvremeni Prijevod 4.1.0
The purpose of the application is to allow all the faithfuleasyaccess to the Word of God.
Lithuanian Bible 1.10
Biblija su integruotu duomenų bazės SQLite.
Biblija NRP 1.0.7
The Bible NRP - return the original meaning of thetextunderstandable contemporary readers.
Varazdin Bible 1.4
In the beginning was the Word... In him was life, the life wasthelight of men.
Biblija 1.104
Biblija - Croatian Holy Bible
Biblija (D.K.) ili Sveto Pismo 2.1
Solvus Lab
Библија или Свето Писмо, на српском језику, ијекавица.ПреводДаничић-Караџић.
Biblija 1.0
Biblija ili Sveto pismo je pisana objava svemogućeg Bogaupućenasvim ljudima. Ta nadahnuta knjiga obraća se celom svetu idonosiradosnu vest spasenja kroz veru u jedinog Spasitelja, IsusaHrista.Biblija je u početku bila napisana na jevrejskom, aramejskomigrčkom jeziku. Kroz vekove su nastali mnogi prevodi Božijegpismana mnoge jezike. Ovaj prevod Biblije na srpski jezik, imasvojuosnovu na prevodu iz izvornih tekstova, a prerađen je odstrane PIMBIJ tima u Velikoj Britaniji. Prevodioci nisu navedeni.Prevodsadrži 39 knjiga Starog zaveta i 27 knjiga Novog zaveta.PorukaSvetog pisma je jedinstvena celina od prve knjige Starogzavetapisane na jevrejskom jeziku do poslednje knjige u Novomzavetu,pisane na grčkom jeziku. Prevodioci ovog izdanja suvernisledbenici Isusa Hrista, pa su radi velike odgovornosti predBogomnastojali njegove misli i izjave izraziti što je mogućetačnije.Iskreno se nadamo da će reči ovog prevoda pomoći mnogimčitateljimada pronađu put spasenja koji vodi u večni život. PI MBIJželiBožiji blagoslov svim korisnicima ovog prevoda.
Bible Verses 1.2
Read best Bible verses, share them among the friends!
Croatian Bible 1.0.3
The Croatian Bible on Android for free.
Sveto Pismo 1.9
Sveto Pismo - App in Macedonian language, containing the Old andNewTestament
Bible (Offline, Multi-Version) 1.18.3
Highlighted Features:- Offline support: Download any translation free ofcharge,and read them offline afterwards.- Full text search: Easily search any words and versesfromyour favourite translation.- Wide range of translation: A lot of translations in alotof languages are provided free of charge, with moreaddedregularly.- Privacy baked-in: Relax, we only ask for permissionswereally need, and we will never share your data withanyothers.Downloadable translations are now intheselanguages:Afrikaans: Afrikaans Bybel (1953)Burmese: Burmese Bible (1835)Chinese: Chinese Union 中文和合本 (both Simplified and Traditional),NewChinese Translation 中文新譯本 (both Simplified andTraditional)Czech: Bible, Překlad 21. stoletíDanish: Danske Bibel (1871)English: American King James, American Standard Version,AuthorizedKing James, Basic English, English Standard Version,GOD'S WORD tothe Nations, Green's Literal Translation, New HeartEnglish Bible,New International Version, New Living Translation(NLT), UpdatedKing James, World English Bible, Young's LiteralTranslation(1898)Filipino: Bible in TagalogFinnish: Raamattu (1938, 1992)French: Louis Segond (1910), John Nelson Darby (1975)German: Luther's Biblia (1545), Darby UnrevidierteElberfelder(1905)Hindi: Hindi ERV VersionItalian: Giovanni Diodati's Bibbia (1607), Italian RivedutaBibbia(1927)Korean: Korean Revised 개역성경 (1961)Lithuanian: Biblija (Tikejimo Zodis)Norwegian: Bibelen på Norsk (1930)Persian: Tarjumeh-ye Ghadeem (ترجمه قدیم)Pohnpeian: Bible in PohnpeianPolish: Polska Biblia Gdańska (1881)Portuguese: Almeida VersionSpanish: Reina-Valera (1569, 1909)Swahili / Kiswahili: Biblia TakatifuSwedish: Svenska 1917, Svenska Folkbibeln (1998)Thai: พระคัมภีร์ภาษาไทยฉบับ KJVTurkish: Kutsal KitapUrdu: Urdu Geo Version (UGV)Vietnamese: Kinh Thánh Tiếng Việt (1934), Kinh Thánh Bản DịchMới(NVB)Why do we ask for these permissions?- In-app purchases: We provide the option to remove adsshownwhen downloading translations. Relax, the downloading iscompletelyfree of charge no matter if you remove the ads or not,and no adswill be shown when you read the downloadedversions.- Full network access and view network connections:Thesepermissions are required for downloading translations.
King James Bible - KJV Offline 332
KJV Bible or King James Bible offline, dictionary, audioandnotebook
Motorbike Freestyle 6.1
Pudlus Games
Motorbike Freestyle is a physics engine trial motorbike game tryitNOW.
Audio Bible 152.0
Edson Deda
Romans 10:17-18 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing bytheword of God. But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, theirsoundwent into all the earth, and their words unto the ends oftheworld." Now you can listen to your Holy Bible on your mobileforfree. With this application the Word of the Lord will bereleasedall over the world !! All 66 books available in audioandlanguages.
Biblija Hrvatski 1.0.0
Biblija HrvatskiThe holy bible in Hrvatski – Croatian - Knjiga OKristu(KOK).It's free.This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feelGod’swordin your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and yourlovedones.Carry your Bible anytime and anywhere you go, and readyourBible appwherever and whenever you want enlighten yourmind.FEATURESSimple format and easy to read.Search functionShare to social media like facebook and email.It's Free.biblija srpski, biblija novi zavjetBible CroatianThe holy bible and Croatian - Croatian - NIV (KOK).It'sfree.This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feelGod'swordin your heart and to feel heaven closer to you and yourlovedones.Carry your Bible anytime and anywhere you go, and readyourBible appwherever and whenever you want enlighten yourmind.FEATURESSimple format and easy to read.Search functionShare to social media like facebook and email.It's Free.Serbian Bible, Bible New Testament
Croatian Bible 1.0
The Bible for Croatian speakers,availableonyour phone!Here you have the Bible in Croatian to download for freeonyourmobile phone.More than 6 million native speakers in Croatia,BosniaandHerzegovina, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic,Montenegro,Austria,Hungary, Italy and Romania, can now access theBibleinCroatian.The Bible is the unique Word of God. It was writteninGreek,Hebrew and Aramaic and it has been translatedintomanylanguages.Today you can enjoy the God's Word in yourownlanguage,Croatian.Read the Bible and enjoy all the teachings the Holy bookhasforyou.The Bible is the message of God, a source ofwisdomandinspiration. The Bible is a guide for believers, a truemanualforlife.Download this app for free and take the Bible withyouwhereveryou go.Get inspired every day with the Holy Bible in yourownlanguage,Croatian!The Holy Bible in Croatian consists of 39 books intheOldTestament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers,Deuteronomy,Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1Kings, 2Kings , 1Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,Job,Psalms,Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon,Isaiah,Jeremiah,Lamentations , Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel,Amos,Obadiah, Jonah,Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi ) and27 books in the New Testament(Matthew,Mark, Luke, John, Acts,Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2,Galatians,Ephesians, Philippians,Colossi ans, 1 Thessalonians,2Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2Timothy, Titus, Philemon,Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John,2 John, 3 John,Jude,Revelation)Read this beautifully written Bible, the best VersionforCroatianspeakers, very useful for students and teachers.Download the Bible in Croatian, now available freeonyourphone!
MyBible - Bible 5.4.2
MyBible will help you study the Bible carefully and deeply. Itwillmake the Bible more convenient to read, as you will always haveitwith you without the need of an Internet connection.Bibletranslations in more than three hundred languages areavailable,including the original texts and early translations inancientGreek, ancient Hebrew, and Aramaic. In MyBible you alsohavecommentaries, biblical dictionaries, thesauruses, dailydevotions,and powerful tools to help them all work convenientlytogether.Project description and additional information, includingthemodules format description, as well as the most recent andpreviousversions of the application, are available at TRANSLATIONS AND OTHER MODULES MyBibleprovidesnon-copyrighted (public domain) Bible translations,commentaries,dictionaries, and daily devotions collected fromdifferent sourcesand converted into the MyBible format. APPLICATIONFEATURES -Adjustable display of the Bible text, all chapters of abook (notjust one chapter at a time); grouping of verses intoparagraphs,subheadings, with or without verse numbering;highlighting ofJesus' words, night mode. - Two or three Biblewindows withdifferent translations; windows that automaticallysynchronize forthe current position, but can also be usedindependently. - Fastand powerful search of the Bible text. - Bibletext: convenientpaging and scrolling, categorized bookmarks,color-highlighting andunderlining of fragments, remarks for thetext, reading places,user-defined cross references, comparing ofselected verses indifferent translations. - Ancillary means thatcan be shown in theBible text: cross references, hyperlinks tocommentaries,footnotes, Strong's numbers. - Built-in information onthecorrespondence of the "Russian" and "standard" numbering ofversesin the book of Psalms, Job, and Song of Solomon (thisprovides forparallel reading of these books in Russian and in otherlanguages).- Bible reading plans: a large selection ofpre-defineddownloadable reading plans, option to quickly create asimplereading plan of your own, option to activate several readingplanssimultaneously, convenient and friendly tracking of yourprogresson active reading plans. - Bible commentaries, comparisonofdifferent commentaries for a selected verse. - Showingofdictionary articles on a double-touch of a word in the Bibletext,option to search for a word of interest in dictionaries,Strong'slexicon that is activated by a double-touch on a word or onaStrong's number, Strong's number usage searching - capableofreplacing a printed "Symphony", option to look up references toaselected verse from dictionary articles - gives input for adeepunderstanding of integrity of the Scripture. -Text-to-Speech(TTS): Bible text, commentaries, dictionary articles,dailydevotions, and automatic combining of TTS for the Bible textwithTTS for commentaries that are shown as hyperlinks in the Bibletext(this could be handy while you are driving a long distance).-Copying of selected verses, copying of verses found as a resultofsearch. - Working with favorites: daily devotions,commentaryarticles, dictionary articles. - Notes entry window withhyperlinksto Bible places that can be created automatically forenteredreferences to Scriptures (e.g., John 3:16). - Profileswhichcompletely store an environment, settings, a navigationhistory,etc. - Extensive set of settings; optional Simplified Mode,forbeginners. - Usage tips for the entire mainfunctionality:available from the menu, grouped, allow searchingfrom a wordfragment. - Support of data back-up and synchronizationbetweendifferent devices of the same user, this includes settingsanddownloaded modules and assumes usage of external means,(Dropsyncis recommended), see the "Synchronization" section in the"About"text available from the menu.
Bible Verses By Topic 2.2.0
Most Encouraging Bible topics with verses for inspiration, faithandmore.
Bible: KJV, BBE, ASV, WEB, LSG 2.3
Very easy to use and high-performance Bible app.
Bible Lexicon: Bible Study 4.1.2
Bible lexicon is off-line Scripture study tool.
Croatian Bible Varazdinska Biblija Besplatno za Preuzimanje 9.0
The translations of the Holy Bible in Croatian language.