Top 3 Apps Similar to Free Coaching

Coaching personal 0.2
MUJ Software
El coaching te ayuda en tu vidadiariaypersonal.Te ayudará a lograr tus objetivos, identificartusverdaderasnecesidades y potenciar tus recursos.Te conocerás mejor, estarás más satisfecho con tu vida,yendefinitiva, seras más feliz.Tu puedes ser tu propio coach. Aprovecha para mejorartuvidapersonal con esta app que puedes leer tranquilamenteentusmartphone, sin prisas.El coaching es un método que consiste en dirigir,instruiryentrenar a una persona o a un grupo de ellas, con elobjetivodeconseguir alguna meta o dedesarrollarhabilidadesespecíficas.La persona que realiza el proceso de coaching recibe elnombredecoach (entrenador), mientras que la persona que lorecibesedenomina coachee.Con esta app tu serás tu propio Coach.Establece tu objetivo y toma acciones para conseguirlo,superaráslasdificultades y conseguirás lo que te propones.En esta APP (en constante actualización)encontraráscoaching:- Frases motivadoras anónimas y de grandespensadores,escritores,famosos...- Consejos para mejorar tu vida, relajarte, mejorar tuentornoyconocerte mejor.- Historias y cuentos con moraleja, cuentos coaching.- Videos motivadores que te ayudarán a conocerte mejor....y mucho más.Todo para que puedas plantearte tus metas yconseguirlas,serfeliz y disfrutar de la vida.Coaching personal. Consigue ser feliz.El mundo en tus manos.¿Te unes?Life coaching will help you in your daily life. Be happy.Disponible para móviles y tabletsCoaching helps youinyourdaily and personal life.It will help you achieve your goals, identify your trueneedsandenhance your resources.You know better, you will be more satisfied with yourlife,andultimately, you will be happier.You can be your own coach. Fail to improve your personallifewiththis app you can read on your smartphone calmly, withouthaste.Coaching is a method of directing, instructing andtrainingaperson or group of them, with the aim of achieving somegoalordevelop specific skills.The person doing the coaching process called coach (coach),whiletheperson receiving it is called coachee.With this app you will be your own coach.Set your goal and take action to get it, you willovercomethedifficulties and get what you propose.This APP (constantly updated) we coaching:- Anonymous and motivational phrases of greatthinkers,writers,famous ...- Tips to improve your life, relax, improve your environmentandknowyou better.- Stories and cautionary tales, tales coaching.- Videos motivators to help you know yourself better.... And more.All you can ask yourself to your goals and achieve them,behappyand enjoy life.Coaching staff. Get yourself happy.The world in your hands.Will you join?Life coaching will help you in your daily life. Be happy.Available for phones and tablets
Coaching Defensie 1.0.0
Coaching is een vormvanpersoonlijkebegeleiding op basis van eengelijkwaardigeéén-op-één-relatie. Degecoachte leert, de coachondersteunt enbegeleidt dit leerproces.Om de (startende of ervaren)coaches/coachees bij dit proces teondersteunen is deze mobieleappontwikkeld.Alle relevante informatie omtrent coaching beschikbaaropuwmobiele device.Coaching is aformofpersonal guidance based on a similar one-to-onerelationship.Thecoached teaches, supports the coach and accompaniesthislearningprocess. To the (starting or experienced) coaches/Coacheessupport in this process this mobile app is developed.All relevant information regarding coaching availableonyourmobile device.
NLP Coaching 1.1
One of the fastest-growing and dynamictraininginstitutions in Asia, Acme Achievers’ Results-Oriented NLPCoachingprograms focus on helping business and careerpractitioners to:1) Discover their PATH of Least Resistance2) Increase their PRODUCTIVITY in what they do3) Building leverage and forming PARTNERSHIP with youridealMastermind membersTo kick start your own career and/or business success, checkoutthis App and access your free learning resources today.