Top 20 Games Similar to DIY Bracelet Craft Design

Paracord Projects 1.0.0
Paracord is lightweight nylon kernmantle (string woven aroundastring core) cord originally used as parachute cord. Sturdyandlight cordage that does not rot when exposed to moistureisphenomenally useful, and this collection contains some oftheclever applications for paracord created by Instructablesauthors.For those of you who don't care about the technical/historystuff,paracord is the best of string and rope combined in onecolorfulpackage. "Easy Paracord Projects" gives you thecompletestep-by-step instructions for different paracord projects.Learn tomake survival bracelets, watchbands, a dog collar and muchmore.There are hundreds of cool paracord projects floating aroundtheprepper and survival community. Using different paracordweaves,braids and knots, you can make just about anything.Parachute cord,which is now universally known as paracord, is alightweight nylonall purpose utility cord that is used by militarypersonnel andcivilians alike. Paracord is an ideal material forlots ofdifferent types of projects due to its durability andflexibility.The uses of paracord as a tool in a survival settingare countless.
Ultimate Survival Guide 1.2
This is unique guide to survive in the wild,onland and at sea, in the freezing North and in the deadly hotSouth.Ultimate Survival Guide will help you to survive anysituation andanywhere in the world.There are many bestselling books add guides in the worldaboutsurviving in a wild, and now you have an opportunity toalwayscarry all knowledge with you on your Android.In This APP you will find the most useful and importantskillsand tips from books of famous SAS teammates, from text of theU.S.Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 and from survivor experts videos.Andfrom now, all this legendary people's knowledge and guides areinyour phone.Also, if worldwide catastrophe happens, emergency serviceswillbe stretched beyond their limit. There are simply notenoughresources to look after everyone.Do not expect rescue.Authorities may deplete their stockpiles quickly, and morethanthat, they may be distributed between greedy powers before youcomeround.It is up to YOU to ensure your and your beloved ones survival.★★★ This interactive edition consists of ★★★★ Stuff & Equipment➢ All you need for survival and all that you can make byyourselffor preparing to it:✔Compact survival kit;✔Survival bracelet (Paracord bracelet);✔Knots & Ropes Guide;✔Firecraft;✔Archery.★ SAS Handbook➢ Summary of the most important things from survival books★ Extra Knowledge➢ Most interesting guide that teach you interesting thingsfrom:how to make a hook or gill net for fishing, to how to maketheblack powder(gunpowder).
Paracord Helper 3.0.0
Just input the wrist size for the braceletyouwant to make, press "Calculate", and this app will tellyoueverything you need to know!____________________________-The "Material Cost" field is calculated by adding theaveragecost of buckles, $0.51 for bracelets/$0.61 for 4 StrandRound Braidor $1.10 for LightBanz bracelets + cost of cord used,usually about$0.10/ft.-For bracelets, the "Cost" field is calculated by addingtheMaterial Cost + Time To Make the bracelet (I estimatedaveragehourly working rate at $10.00/hour, you can pay yourselfmore orless by changing the values higher or lower in either the"ChargedHourly Rate" or "Time To Make" box.)-Wholesale price is calculated by marking up the Cost by25%.-Retail price is calculated by marking up the Wholesale pricebyanother 25%.-LightBanz set to 8 inches, since most LightBanz are nolongerthan that. Wrist size set to 7 by default to accommodate 1inchtakeup from paracord. Wrist size may be adjusted for smallerwristsif you choose to alter LightBanz bracelet.*I used my callipers to measure the width and thickness on allmybracelets, but I use 5/8 buckles and double my core strands, soifyou use smaller buckles or only use 2 strand cores, you mightbeable to knock off 1-2 feet from the "Total Cord Used" field,butjust be careful. The "Total Cord Used" field is meant to beaestimated guide as to how much cord is in the finishedbracelet,not exactly how much cord you'll need from start tofinish.____________________________**Version 3**Minor App UpdateAdded "Belly Fishtail"Added Photo Tutorial for Wide Dragon's Tongue____________________________**Version 2**Added Video TutorialsVideo Tutorials added for 14 of 15 bracelets. Hopefully,morewill be added soon.____________________________**Version 1**Initial version15 Available Bracelets Knots (Free) 1.3
The Paracord application is designed tohelpyou make your own bracelet. Through photo's and shortdescriptions.This free trial app is made to give you a brief idea ofthetutorials, we will add more free tutorials in this free versionbutfor full access of all tutorials please use the paidversion.What can you expect from the application:- There will be an update on regular basis.- You will find a extensive explanation of theParacordmaterial.- The application is very easy to use.- There is a lot of diversity to tie differentParacordbracelets.- There is a variaty in the diffecultie of the differenttietechniques.- It is very easy to post your own created Paracord braceletonline.You can do this by pressing on theshare button at the end of every tutorial. You can select yourownchannel to publishe your foto.- There is an apportonity to rate the tie technique at the endofevery tutorial. You can do this once toinform other users about your satisfaction.We hope you will enjoy your paracord
Бисероплетение 1
Наука создавать красоту.Знаете ли вы, сколько замечательных вещей можносделатьизмаленьких разноцветных бусинок? Великое множество! Крометого,этоеще и невероятно увлекательное занятие! Хотитепопробовать?Тогдаскачайте наше приложение, и вам станутдоступны:- схемы создания украшений;- бисероплетение для начинающих;- колье, кольца и браслеты;- картины из бисера;- вышивка бисером;- цветы и деревья из бисера;- мастер-классы;- описания и фотографии изделий, а так же многое другое!Стоит только попробовать, и бисероплетение станетвашимлюбимымзанятием!Science to create beauty.Do you know how many wonderful things you can do fromthesmallmulticolored beads? A great many! In addition, it isalsoanincredibly exciting experience! Want to try? Then downloadourappand you will be available:- Creation schemes jewelry;- Beading for beginners;- Necklaces, rings and bracelets;- Painting of beads;- beadwork;- Flowers and trees of beads;- Workshops;- Descriptions and photos of products, as well as much more!One has only to try and beading become your favoritepastime!
Рукоделие из Бисера 2.0
Представляю Вашему вниманию интерактивнуюкнигу"Рукоделие из Бисера".Эта книга служит руководством по овладению стариннойтехникойизготовления украшений бисероплетением, которые опятьвходят вмоду. Вы узнаете об его видах, а также овладеететехникойизготовления изделий из бисера. Используя цвет, формуиизысканность этого материала, вы сможете творить, создаваясамыеразнообразные изделия из бисера (роскошные цветы,миниатюрныерастения, всевозможные украшения дивной красоты).В книге содержится 138 страниц богато иллюстрированных,поэтапноописанных работ, с уникальными эскизами изделий, чтопоможет вам нетолько освоить технику плетения и вышивки бисером, ноиусовершенствовать свои навыки.P.S.Для предотвращения сбоя приложения оставляйтевключенныйинтернет и не забывайте чистить память телефонаI present youtheinteractive book "Crafts of beads."This book serves as a guide to mastering the ancient techniquesofmaking jewelry from beads that are in vogue again. You willlearnabout his views, as well as master the technique ofmanufacturingproducts from beads. Using color, shape and eleganceof thismaterial, you can create, creating a wide variety ofproducts frombeads (luxury flowers, miniature plants, all kinds ofornaments ofmarvelous beauty).The book contains 138 pages richly illustrated, step bystepdescribed works, sketches with unique products that will helpyounot only to master the technique of weaving and beadwork, butalsoto improve their skills.PSDlya prevent application crashes leave included internet anddonot forget to clean the phone memory
How To Make Bracelets DIY 1.0
you can make bracelets with my tutorial allthetimeit Free download!! image of DIY bracelet tutorial ideasIf you need some inspiration on how to make your own braceletbyyourself, here is an application you need. It providescompletetutorials how to make a bracelet. Making friendship charmbraceletis not very complex. If you don’t know from where to startthendownload and install this application. It is very helpful foryouto have it on your phone. It provide image tutorials you need.Justfollow the image instruction and the bracelet will beyours.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their own charmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doing thistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated.A bracelet is a loop of material, such as a strap or chain, thatisintended to be worn around the wrist or forearm, withoutbeingattached to clothing. Sometimes, it is a combination of joinedorinterlocking loops. Frequently, it is made in a decorativestyle,and is worn as jewellery. It may have a supportive function,suchas holding a wristwatch or other items of jewellery suchasreligious symbols or charms. Medical and identity informationismarked on some bracelets, such as allergy bracelets,hospitalpatient-identification tags, and bracelet tags for newbornbabies.If a bracelet is a single, inflexible loop, it is oftencalled abangle. When it is worn around the ankle it is called ananklebracelet or anklet. A boot bracelet is used to decorateboots.Colloquially, handcuffs are sometimes called bracelets.Braceletscan be manufactured from metal, leather, cloth, plastic orothermaterials and sometimes contain jewels, rocks, wood,shells,crystals, metal or plastic hoops, pearls and manymorematerials.
Dekoideen - Deko, DIY & Trends
Decoration ideas and gifts - DIY tips for spring and all seasons
Knots 3D
Nynix LLC
Used by arborists, fishermen,firefighters,climbers, military and boy scouts the world over,Knots 3D willquickly teach you how to tie even the most difficultknot. Withmore than 120 knots, Knots 3D will be your go-toreference! Grabsome rope and have fun!7 Day Refund PolicyTry Knots 3D risk free for a week. If you would like to requestarefund, send the order number found in the receipt Googleemailsyou at the time of purchase to our support emailaddress.Accolades•  #1 Knot Reference in 75 Countries*•  Included in Scouting Magazine's "Ultimate List of ScoutingApps"(Apr 2014) and featured in the Trek Tech section (Sep2012).**•  Featured as a top outdoor and boating app by: GQMagazine,Boating Magazine, Outside Magazine, Cruising World, andSailingMagazine among others.Product Features and Functions:•  121 unique knots with new ones added frequently.•  Browse by category or search by name, common synonym orABOK#.•  Supports landscape and portrait modes as well as fullscreen(Zoomin on a knot to see greater detail).•  Watch knots tie themselves and pause or adjust the speed oftheanimation at any time .•  Rotate knots in 360 degree, 3D views to study them from anyanglewith a swipe of a finger.•  Interact with the knot on screen via mult-touch gestures suchaspinch-to-zoom and swipe to tie/untie.•  Installable to SD Card.•  Completely advertisement free and no in-app purchases.Permissions:NO INTERNET OR OTHER PERMISSIONS REQUIRED! Completelyselfcontained.Languages:English, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German,Hebrew,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,Russian,Spanish, Swedish and Turkish!The entire list of knots can be found here:* As per**
Bracelet Making Free Guide 1.0
if you are a beginner who wants to getyourfeet wet, easy bracelet pattern is a perfect way tointroduceyourself to the world of jewelry making.this BraceletMaking FreeGuide App for you.Learn how to making bracelets, necklaces, and earrings usingbasicjewelry making techniques!If you're the type who can't tell the difference between alobsterclasp and a crimp bead, then Jewelry Making for Beginners:11Beginner Jewelry Projects is just what you need. As you learnhowto make bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, you'll bemasteringfundamental jewelry making techniques in the process.Rather thanjust learning the skills with dry and boring "how-to,"you'llactually get to try the techniques first hand as you makeyour ownfabulous accessories. The jewelry tutorials in thiscollectioncover basic wire wrapping, simple stringing, a classicchainmailleweave, and much more. You'll get to learn basic jewelrymakingskills, such as how to open and close a jump ring, how toform awire loop, how to close a crimp bead, and how to add a clasp,andyou'll get to practice using basic jewelry making tools, suchaswire cutters, pliers, findings, stretch cord, and wire. Plus,allthe while you'll be learning how to make wire earrings, how tomakestretch bracelets, how to make chainmaille earrings, how tomake awire-wrapped pendant, and so much more! By the timeyou'vecompleted all the beginner tutorials in this handy jewelrymakingguide, not only will you have mastered a new craftingskillset, butyou'll have added 11 gorgeous new pieces of jewelry toyour owncollection!Top Beginner Jewelry Making Tips.Making your own jewelry is notonlya fun and addictive hobby, it also has the added benefit thatyouget to wear what you create! However, many people don’t reallyknowwhere to start.Here are 10 simple tips to get you started with beginnerjewelrymaking.
Baubles scheme 4.1
The application contains a schemeforweavebaubles. Will be a great friend to bothexperiencedenthusiastscrafts and beginners, thanks to the lessonsof weaving.Application required internet conection fordownloadingpictures.After first viewing schemes will stay atdevice, andconnection willnot needed.What you will get from the application now?- More than 4,000 patterns, divided by 26 categories.- Eye pleasing design- Scale of the desired segment of the procedure- Add favorite baubles to favoritesTags: Crafts, Baubles, Fenichka Schemes weaving,braidingoblique,Handmade, Friendship bracelet, hobbies
Bead Crystal Necklace Pattern 1.0
To use this pattern you should havesomeexperience with bead weaving. There are no beginnerinstructionswith this pattern. It is assumed that you already knowthe basicsof bead weaving.The Beaded Crystal Net Necklace pattern is very easy tomake.Adding all the Fire-polished crystals makes this necklacessparklelike crazy. It will look like you are wearing a veryexpensivenecklace and be the star of the party. So grab your beadsand startmaking yourself a beautiful necklace.
Bead Weaving Patterns WebStore 2
Attention all beaders: You're about to getlostin an exciting collection of some of the best bead weavingpatternson the Web! There are free patterns and patterns that youcanpurchase.These beautiful beading patterns demonstrate how simplestitchingtechniques can be used to create a woven collection ofnecklaces,bracelets and more, all made of beads that willsparkle.This collection of bead designs has everything you could askfor.Follow along with the beading instructions provided, and you'llbea star beader before you know it. Once you've tried all thebeadingpatterns, not only will you have an impressive jewelrycollection,but you can definitely consider yourself a beadingpro!
Браслеты из резинок 1.0
Яркие и стильныебраслеты,которыеизготавливают,используяразноцветные резинки,популярны у людей разного возраста,но особенно у юных рукодельниц.Простота изготовления,недорогие материалы и яркиерезиновыебраслетысделали этот вид рукоделия и хобби популярнымидоступным.Существуютразные техники и способы плести браслеты из резинок,какнапример рыбий хвост,чешуя дракона,французская коса,косы стройнымиболее плетением и другие.С помощью пошаговых уроков с фото и описанием изнашегоприложениявы сможете быстро освоить разные техники плетения и научитесьделать разные по сложности браслеты из резинок своими рукамина станке и без станка,плетение на вилке,на рогатке,на пальцахидругие,а так же приобретете новое хобби и интересное увлечение.В приложение вошли темы:фенечкибраслеты из резиночекплетение из резинокбраслеты своими рукамиплетение браслетов из резинокплетение из резиночеккак плести браслеты из резинокрезинкирезиночкиПриложению требуется подключение к интернету.Bright andstylishbracelets, which are made usingmulticolored gum, popular with people of all ages,but especially in young handy people.Easy to manufacture, inexpensive materials and colorfulrubberbraceletsWe have made this kind of needlework and hobbies popularanddostupnym.Suschestvuyutdifferent techniques and ways to weave bracelets gum aseg fish tail, dragon scales, French braid, braid with atripleanda weaving and others.With step by step lessons with photos and a description ofourapplicationyou can quickly learn the different techniques of weavingandlearndo different complexity bracelets gum with his handsin the machine and without the machine, braiding on theforkslingshot on the fingers and otheras well as acquire a new hobby and interesting hobby.The application includes the theme:Baublesbracelets rezinochekweaving gumbracelets with their handsBracelet type of gumweaving rezinochekhow to weave bracelets gumsgumrezinochkiThe application requires an internet connection.
Necklace Design Ideas 1.1
Moon Glaive
If you are just starting to make jewelleryyoushould be aware that there are no hard and fast rules about howtodesign your jewellery. There are however a number ofconsiderationsyou could take into account to help you to achieve apleasingdesign.These include a beading pattern, the size, shape and colourofthe beads.A necklace is a focal piece of jewellery and it is usuallythefirst place we start when making jewellery. When creatinganecklace you need to be aware that it can be made up of one ormorematerials such as the classic combination of crystals andpearls orsemi precious gemstones and precious metal, includinggold, silveror copper. You will also need to incorporate a beadingpattern andconsider the colour of the beads you are to use.Beading PatternsThere are four traditional beading patterns:-asymmetrical,random, repeating and symmetrical.The random beading pattern will allow you as the designertoexperiment with different sizes and shapes of beads as wellascolours and textures. It is very important to develop a themeorcolour scheme such as 'Spring Flowers' for example, the beadswillbe pastel greens and pinks, to ensure the necklace lookswellthought out.Symmetrical necklace designs begin at the centre front orfocalbead and the pattern continues equally up both sides of thefocalbead. Even though the design is symmetrical in placement onthestringing material it does not mean that you can not usedifferentsized or colour beads for interest.Asymmetrical designs generally need to balance a one offlargefocal bead, or an ornate fastener placed to the front, withsmallerbeads. Quite often the focal bead would be placed aroundthecollarbone area in vintage necklaces.To create a repeating pattern design, a fixed number ofbeads,possibly of differing sizes or colours, is repeatedthroughout thelength of the necklace. In order to achieve abalanced design thefirst 'repeat' should be placed at the centrefront of the necklaceand repeated up either side.MaterialsThe materials from which beads are made are numerous andincludesemi precious gemstones, metals such as Sterling Silver,Copper orGold filled, fresh water pearls, wood and bone as well asmanmadeincluding crystal and acrylics.ColourThe effect of colour on the design is considerable. Necklacescanbe one block of colour or made up of contrasting orcomplimentarycolours.And Finally!A beadboard is a very useful tool that will allow your work tobelaid out first and the resulting necklace to be consideredbeforethe stringing is done and the fasteners attached.Once stringing is completed great care should be taken toensurethe necklace is finished off properly and it is wearableanddurable.Women love personalized necklaces. Handcrafted by alovingartisan's hands speaks to her of the unique, the individual,thesingleness of a focus. Women's hearts are open and strong,allencompassing, and they know that what they wear close totheirhearts is fed by their nurturing spirit. The name of a sister,themessage of peace, an inspiring word, or perhaps the name of alovedone on engraved jewelry always finds solace in the warmthofwoman's heart.To name an object is to empower it and women all over theworldempower each others spirits and their causes withpersonalizednecklaces. The most popular engraved jewelry comes insilver andgold; silver for purity of spirit and gold for thepassionatedepths of the heart.Silver Jewelry DesignsWomen choose silver for a clarity of purpose and an expressionofstrength. The traditional silver locket engraved with a messageoflove on the face and perhaps a special date on the reverseholdswithin it the secret of a childhood sweetheart or the memoryof aclose friend. Simple, but charming, the heart locket has heldthesecrets of thousands of women over hundreds of years.
Best Knots - Animated Knots 1.03
Animated Knot Tying for Everyone! 18 Knots and Hitches - EasytoFollow and Make
Living Room Window Design 1.1
Moon Glaive
Your living room is one of the mostusedroomsin the house and by all members of the family. That'swhygettingthe most out of your front room interior design projectiscrucialto having a space everyone can enjoy. Whilecarpets,entertainmentcenters and color choices often help to make alivingroom standout from the crowd, window treatments are anoftenneglected butimportant part of any living space. Use theseideasfor your windowtreatments and get a design that's perfectforanyone and everyonewho enjoys this special room.Panels and ValanceBasic and complete, a simple valance and two windowpanelscanmake any living room feel homey and welcoming. Use sheerpanelstomatch all of your interior design ideas perfectly, and thenuseaset of heavy black out curtains cleverly disguised behindthesheerpanels to block out light or dark easily.Roman ShadesThese accordion like shades come in a huge varietyoffabricoptions to please even the most discriminating fabric.Bestof all,roman shades are very easy to install and can provideyourfrontroom with a completely enclosed window or acompletelyopenone.SwagsWhen simple blinds aren't enough of a look for yourdesign,youcan use swags to make a really big impact in a littleway.Swagsare often used to decorate double hung windows, toshowcasethewindow sashes. Side by side windows can really benefitfrom theuseof a swag in your living room design.Tie Back PanelsYou can easily dress up any window with a versatileyeteleganttie back panel. Using long and flowing curtains andfabrics,drapethe materials over a lush curtain rod and tie back oneor bothofthe panels to let your living room really feelelegant.Pleated ShadeSimilar to a roman shade, a pleated shade is set insideofthecasement of a window and typically runs on a trackinsidethewindow seal. If you're looking to match your livingroomdesignideas with the perfect window treatment for your frontroomthen apleated shade is the best choice for you. Theseheftywindowtreatments work especially well when trying to get awayandtheliving room is used more as a movie theater becausepleatedshadesare very good for blocking out all sunlight.So you've moved into the new home and are trying tofigureoutwhat to do with those gorgeous living room windows. Youmightbelamenting that there are so many choices but so littletime!Where shall we begin?Well, how about some cellular shades? These shadesaresemi-opaqueand will give you energy efficiency all yearlong,while filtering inlight very softly. These honeycomb shapedwindowcoverings ofcellular construction, are capable of blockingoutover 60% of thetransference of heat through your windows.Then again we have horizontal shadingsHorizontal shadings are nice for your living roombecausetheyoffer you the chance to open them from either the toporthebottom. While somewhat sheer, they have a slightly moreformallookto them. They are innovative and unique. They're softenough toletthe light through yet offer complete privacy.Panel track blindsIf the style of your living room leans towards themodern,thenblinds manufactured from identical fabrics, as withwovenwoodblinds but referred to as panel track blinds, may beperfectforyour décor. You can use these to coordinate either thewholelivingroom or side rooms attached to the living room; forexample,den,family room and dining room.Rock and roller shadesOkay, actually just roller shades. This choice of shadesforyourliving room is not only an economical one but simplyshowssuperiorquality. It not only gives you privacy, but adds coloraswell.Solar and roller shades can be purchased in a largevarietyofdiffering fabrics, from elegant to casual. You canevencustomizethem with trims, tassels or a hem.
Baubles, direct wickerwork 3.1
The version is already quitepopularapplication for weaving baubles: Friendship bracelet online,whichdoes not require an internet connection to display schemes.Theapplication contains a scheme for weaving baubles. Will be agreatfriend to both experienced enthusiasts crafts and beginners,thanksto the lessons of weaving.Tags: Crafts, Baubles, Fenichka Schemes weaving
Kannada Books 1.5
This is a Kannada books listing website'sapp.You can refer You need internet connection in your device for use this app.ಕನ್ನಡದ ಕೆಲಸಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ನಮಗೆ ಧನ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿರಿ. :
English Kannada Dictionary 10.2.5
Both English to Kannada and Kannada to English Dictionary