Top 2 Apps Similar to Footsie Social Network

Wassup Message 2016 2.1
Wassup Inc.
Communicate with your friends in awholenewdifferent level. In just one word capture theessenceofcommunication. It doesn't matter if you want to asksomeone howheis doing or whether he wants to hang out with you, jutpinghimthis word.Communication can sometimes be long and confusing when itcomestochatting. Most of the times you just want to tell someonethatyouhave arrived somewhere, or you just want to let him knowthatyouare here. You don't necessarily want to start alongconversationon how things are going, or how was it on work foryou,you justwant to show your interest at the other side. Now youcando so,with this very easy to use app, where you can easilytextanyone ofyour buddies, this cool 'wassup' message whenever youfeellikeit.Do you have a lot of friends? Well being updated with all ofthemcanbe troublesome sometimes. Moreover, keeping touch with allofthem isalso time and thought consuming. With this app, youcanstart doingso on the fly. Thought of one of your buddies andyouwondered howhe's doing, Go ahead and give him a ping, so hewillknow you thoughtof him. The interface is fun to use andfollow,what makes thisexperience very practical for all. You canuse itwhile driving thebuss to work or while you seat on a boringclassat school.Thinking of your girlfriend during the day, or maybeyouarewondering how you mother is doing, or your brother, oryourlongcousin from abroad – now there is an easy solution to allthosefaraway lovable relatives or friends, go ahead and send themthiswordand show them that you are here for them whenever theyneedyou.Showing you care is one of the most important thinginhumanrelations, in fact you can't have a relationshipwithoutconstantlyshowing how you feel and that you care forthem.Join the trend – send it today to one of your buddies. Amazehimwiththe simplicity. Things doesn't have to be socomplicated,includingstaying in touch – you sometimes love someonebut can'tfind the timeto start a conversation (or you are not surewhatwill be the bestway to open it after such a long time, shouldyousay hello or hi,should you ask him how he is doing orjustdirectly ask something,all this wonders can sometimes causeyou tofreeze and not start thetalk at all….). We hope you will bemorecommunicative with yourclose surrounding with the help ofthisapp. Thank you verymuch.
Moobe 2.3
Moobe is a second screen experiencetoconnectand interact with people around the world oversimilartopics,interests and moments.Expand your network beyond your inner circle andsay"HelloWorld!"The world is unique, and when you start using Moobe, itopensupthe possibilities of meeting someone new. Peoplestartconnectingby following or becoming friends. Following allowsyou tokeep upto date with your friends, family, celebrities,brands,companiesand more. Making friends opens up communicationwithprivatemessaging, video calls, audio calls andbroadcasting.People all over the world use Moobe to:* Private message friends across all platforms* Create a personal and/or business profile* Video chat one on one or up to four at a time* Broadcast to friends and be the center of attention* Make calls around the world* Participate in live chat during major events* Get live reactions while participating in the same event* Search what people are saying about any topic* Find users based off their location* Connect and interact with fans