Top 21 Games Similar to FotomultasMX - Gratis - CDMX

Fotodetección Medellín 4.2.4
You will receive an alert on your phone, when a photodetectionisgenerated.
iFotoMultas 2.5
App GRATUITA para recibir en tiempo real, entucelular Android, la información de donde están localizadaslascámaras de foto-multas que instala la STT de Medellín con el findeevitar costosas infracciones por descuido.Ser un buen ciudadano es tu aporte a la civilización.FREE app for real timeonyour Android phone, the information of where the camerasarelocated fines photo-install the STT Medellin in order toavoidcostly violations by mistake.Being a good citizen is your contribution to civilization.
TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.198.0
Online Maps, Live Traffic, Speed Camera & Android Auto
FotomultasMX - En la CDMX 1.1.2
Silicium Labs
FotomultasMX -- La mejor aplicaciónparaestaralerta de las Fotomultas en la CDMX.Consulta los reportes ciudadanos de localización de lascámarasdeinfracción mencionadas en el Reglamento de TránsitodelDistritoFederal, conocidas comúnmente como las ¨Fotomultas¨.Además, recibe una alerta preventiva cada vez queteestésacercando a una fotomulta, para que así puedasmantenerlavelocidad permitida en las calles y avenidas de laCiudaddeMéxico.Las alertas visuales, auditivas y sensitivas terecordarán(cadavez que te acerques a una fotomulta) que debesmanejarconprecaución y respetando los límites de velocidadincluidos enelReglamento de Tránsito. Sigue las reglas de velocidady ahorraenel pago de multas previniendo ser sancionado.+++ Esta aplicación está diseñada para estar corriendoensegundoplano. Simplemente prende el switch de alarmas yrecibirásunaalerta preventiva cuando te acerques a una fotomulta,inclusositienes abierta otra aplicación o tienes el celular ensleep.Paraprevenir accidentes es mejor no ir viendo la pantallamientrasvasmanejando (además que por el nuevo reglamento detránsito,traer elcelular en la mano ya es infracción).+ Esta aplicación no gasta ni un solo dato paraemitirlasalertas.+ Actualmente tenemos más cámaras localizadas quecualquierotraaplicación disponible.+ Las actualizaciones son automáticas cada vez quecierrasporcompleto y abres de nuevo la aplicación. (En lasactualizacionessíse gasta una cantidad mínima de datos.)+ Diseñada de la forma más simple posible, para que hastaelabuelopueda utilizarla.Contiene:+ Notificaciones de proximidad a las FotomultasILIMITADAS,inclusoponiendo el celular en sleep, recibiendollamadas, chateandoporWhatsApp. Siempre recibirás una alertaoportuna cuando teestésacercando a una cámara.+ Actualizaciones inmediatas e información detodasnuestrasubicaciones en el mapa.+ Optimización del uso de la batería.+ Absolutamente nada de publicidad.Lo que te puedes ahorrar en infracciones sobrepasa pormucholoque te gastas en comprar esta aplicación, garantizado.P. D. Cuéntale a tus amigos de esta app.Descarga Fotomultas MX.*El uso continuo del GPS puede disminuir drásticamente lavidadela batería.FotomultasMX -Thebestapplication to be aware of the fotomultas in CDMX.Consultation citizens camera locations infringementmentionedinTraffic Regulations of the Federal District, commonlyknown asthefotomultas reports.In addition, it receives a preventive alertwheneveryou'reapproaching a fotomulta, so that you can keep thespeed limitonthe streets and avenues of Mexico City.Visual, auditory and sensory alerts remind you (everytimeyoucome near a fotomulta) you should drive carefullyandrespectingspeed limits included in the Traffic Regulations.Followthe rulesof speed and saves on fines prevent beingpenalized.+++ This application is designed to be running inthebackground.Just turn on the switch alarms and receive apreventivealert whenyou approach a fotomulta, even if you openanotherapplication orhave the phone in sleep. To prevent accidentsisbetter not to gosee the screen while you're driving (inadditionto the new trafficregulations, bring cell phone in hand andisinfringement).+ This application does not spend a single facttoissuealerts.+ We currently have more cameras located than anyotherapplicationavailable.+ Updates are automatic every time you close completelyandopenthe application again. (For lookups itself a minimum amountofdatais spent.)+ Designed in the simplest possible way, so that eventhegrandfathercan use it.It Contains:+ Notifications proximity to UNLIMITED fotomultas, evenputtingthephone in sleep, receiving calls, chatting on WhatsApp.Alwaysyoureceive a timely warning when you're approaching acamera.+ Immediate and information about all our locations onthemapUpdates.+ Optimizing battery usage.+ Absolutely no advertising.What you can save on infringements far exceeds what youspendonpurchasing this app, guaranteed.P. D. Tell your friends about this app.Download fotomultas MX.* Continued use of GPS can dramatically decreasebatterylife.
Tránsito DF
Consulta el reglamento de tránsito del DFyÁrea Metropolitana (publicado en 2007 y vigente hasta diciembredel2015) y el nuevo reglamento del DF publicado en Agosto del2015(entra en vigor a partir del 2016). Cualquiera se puedeseleccionaren la pantalla de configuración.También se pueden buscar infracciones, consultar losdepósitosvehiculares y calcular multas. Incluye una sección deconsejos paravarios tipos de usuarios: peatones, ciclistas yautomovilistas.El código de esta aplicación es abierto, si deseascolaborarpuedes hacerlo aquí: the rules oftheroad in Mexico City and Metropolitan Area (published in 2007andvalid until December 2015) and the new regulation of theDFpublished in August 2015 (comes into force from 2016). Anyonecanbe selected in the configuration screen.You can also search infractions, consult the vehicle tanksandcalculate fines. It includes a section of tips for various typesofusers: pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.The code of this application is open, if you want to work candoso here:
Red Transporte DF 3.2.60
Tu Tag
Consulta los movimientos de Tu Tag desdeestaaplicación.Registra uno o más tags a una sola cuenta desde tu teléfono yobténinformación en línea de todos tus tags como: Saldo actualyrecargas (si estás en prepago) y registro de todos tus crucesyasea por las autopistas urbanas, estacionamientosycarreteras.Conoce el servicio de “Plan de Viaje” con el que podrás contarcontu ruta de viaje (origen-destino), trazado en un mapa, detalledecada tramo recorrido, obtener el costo de peaje, el costoestimadode combustible, el tiempo estimado de recorrido ydistanciaestimada de tu viaje así como cuales son la casetas detelepeajeque cuentan con el sistema.Cuenta con la información necesaria de las autopistas urbanas delaCiudad de México, en cuanto a la ubicación y demás detalle delasentradas y salidas.Recibe una notificación en tu celular, cada vez que utilizaselservicio, así como cuando realices una recarga.Adicional, podrás identificar y localizar losestacionamientosafiliados al sistema donde ya puedes utilizar TuTag.No disponible para usuarios de tag Televía o Viapass.¡IMPORTANTE!Para usar esta aplicación es necesario realizar el procesoderegistro a fin de crear una cuenta de acceso.Deberá capturar los 8 dígitos del tag + el dígito verificador (Eselultimo dígito que aparece al lado derecho del número del tag ensuetiqueta).Your inquiry movementsTagfrom this application.Join one or more tags to a single account from your phone andonlineinformation all your tags as: Current Balance and refills(if youare on prepaid) and recording all your crosses eitherurbanhighways, parking lots and roads.Meet service "Travel Plan" with which you can have your travelroute(origin-destination), plotted on a map, detail of each legroute,get the cost of the toll, the estimated cost of fuel, timeEstimatedEstimated travel and your travel and what are the tollbooths thathave the remote system.It has the necessary information from the urban highways of theCityof Mexico, in terms of location and other details of theinputs andoutputs. Get a notification on your phone, every time you use the serviceaswell as when you make a recharge.Additional, you can identify and locate the parking members ofthesystem where you can already use Your Tag.Not available for users Televía or Viapass tag.IMPORTANT!To use this application you must perform the registration processtocreate an access account.It should capture the 8 digit tag + check digit (This is thelastdigit displayed to the right of the tag number on thelabel).
Bájale CDMX 1.09.04
Bájale cdmx es una aplicación que teayudaráaevitar las fotomultas por exceso de velocidad, alertandodesde150metros antes de cruzar por alguno de los puntos de control.EnlaCiudad de México, de acuerdo con el nuevo reglamentodetránsito,se determinó que las velocidades permitidas en víasdeaccesocontrolado será de 80 km/h; mientras que para lasvíasprimarias esde 50 km/h y en las secundarias, de 40 km/h. Deacuerdoa loanterior, se han instalado 255 cámaras y detectoresdevelocidad enlas diferentes vías, lo más probable es queTODOScaigamos en unade éstas más de una vez.Bájale con su fácil sistema de gestión te ayudará a evitarcaerenlas fotomultas. Está construido con el fin de apoyar a todoelpadrónvehicular, tanto público como privado. BÁJALE yevitapagarmultas.Bájale CDMXisanapplication that will help you avoid speedingfotomultas,alertingfrom 150 meters before crossing any of thecheckpoints. InMexicoCity, according to the new rules of the road,it wasdeterminedthat speed limits on controlled access roads willbe 80km / h;while for primary roads it is 50 km / h and inthesecondary, 40 km/ h. According to the above, has installed255cameras and speeddetectors in different ways, it is mostlikelythat all fall intoone of them more than once.Bájale with its easy management system will help youavoidfallinginto the fotomultas. It is built in order to supportallvehicles,both public and private standard. Turn down andavoidpayingfines.
MetroMaps CDMX 2.80
Con esta aplicación tendrás la forma mas fácil y accesibledeconsultar los mapas de los sistemas de transporte como: - Metrodela ciudad de México - Metrobus de la ciudad de México - TrenLigero- Tren Suburbano Todos con una calidad única! + Mapasrealizadospor nosotros exclusivamente para ti, nada de mapas "copypaste" deotras aplicaciones. + Imagenes unicas de gran tamaño(UHD). NO MASimagenes pixeleadas dicifiles de leer. + Espectacularzoom en losmapas para una mucho mejor visualizacion. + Diseñobasado enmaterial design de google. + Exclusivo boton flotante paraconocerlas estaciones mas cercanas a tu posicion. + Generador derutas, teda informacion como cuento tiempo te haras y queestacionestransbordar + No debes esperar a navegar entre molestosmenús cadavez que quieras consultar las estaciones de la red delmetro,simplemente abre la aplicación y consulta, así de fácil!. +Usa eldoble tap sobre una parte especifica del mapa para realizarun zoomrápido. + Usa el gesto de arrastrar para moverte confacilidad portoda la red. + Usa gestos de zoom in y zoom out paramodificar eltamaño del mapa a tu gusto. esperamos [email protected]
This is the official app for ECOBICI systeminMexico City CDMX, that let you search for available BikeStationsor Bikes in real time, besides offer you the nextoptions:- Trace your travel routes.- Consult Bike Stations Map from our system.- Consult the Bike-path Map for Mexico City, and Metro andMetrobusstops.- To report incidents about bikes, bike stations orourservice.- Consult your activities history using your user-name.
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. Thelatestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news!Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to gotomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latestdatabaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers thatarealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping fromtheleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can calldangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edgeof thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEEDat thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-ininapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered usershavemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map,forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI fromcommondatabase. ================= The workflow of the applicationdiffersfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector -is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it isset,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field oftheradar radio interference. This application works differently,ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users.Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush,itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Anyusercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influenceonrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can definewhetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays thesound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. Ifyou areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor thetrafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards.Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screenisoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet torenderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings)★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support(3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIsaroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP atfirst)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Supportofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You canaddtheir own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck! ==================
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to [email protected] not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
Multix DF multas 1.3
Felpo Corp
Aplicación que te notificara cada vezquetuauto sea detectado por una cámara de tránsito en laCiudaddeMéxico.Applicationthatnotifiesyou whenever your car is detected by a camera trafficinMexicoCity.
A maior e melhor base de radares doBrasilagora disponível no seu Android.O aplicativo do MapaRadar utiliza o GPS do seu aparelhoparacalcular sua velocidade e alertar os radares na sua frente,mesmocom a tela do aparelho desligada ou com outro aplicativodenavegação sendo utilizado.Mantenha o aplicativo aberto para visualizar sua posiçãoatual(incluindo a velocidade) e os pontos ao seu redor.**Os alertas visuais, sonoros e de vibração ajudam o motoristaoevitar surpresas durante a viagem.Configure os tipos de alerta que deseja receber e se desejaseravisado apenas quando estiver acima da velocidade.Mantenha a tela do aparelho desligada e receba osalertaspraticamente sem utilizar a bateria.Funciona perfeitamente sem conexão 3G*Atualize a base de radares diretamente no aparelho,simples,fácil e rápido.Evite multas e dirija com segurança.O aplicativo MapaRadar é uma obra da MobileMasters.*Mapas não aparecerão na tela do aparelho, mas seufuncionamentode alerta continua normalmente** O aplicativo não tem o objetivo de traçar rotas,apenasvisualizar o mapa para auxílio ao usuárioThe biggest and bestbaseBrazil radars now available on your Android.The MapaRadar application uses your phone's GPS to calculateyourspeed and alert the radar in front, even with the screenturned offthe device or another navigation application you areusing.Keep the application open to view the current position(includingspeed) and points around you. **The visual alerts, sound and vibration help the driveravoidsurprises during the trip.Set the types of alerts you want to receive and whether topromptonly when you are above the speed.Keep the machine off screen and receive alertspracticallywithout using the battery.Works perfectly without 3G connection *Update the radar base directly on the device, simple, easyandfast.Avoid fines and drive safely.The MapaRadar application is a work of MobileMasters.* Maps will not appear on the handset screen, but hiswarningoperation continues normally** The application is not intended to plot routes, just look atthemap to aid the user
Automatic Waze Launcher 1.2.1
TOST Corp.
Do not miss anything on the road, usethisautomatic Waze starter !In stand-by mode, the app listens to your environment and withakind of magic and mathematics equations it can detect when youaredriving.No battery drain thank to the used algorithm.For Sony users, please remove the Stamina mode or create addthisapplication to the exception list.Do not miss anything on the road, use this automatic Wazestarter!
BA Denuncia Vial 3.0.8
La propuesta “Denuncia vial” permite a los vecinosagilizarlasdenuncias de ciertas infracciones de tránsito, queresultanmuyfrecuentes, afectan a la buena convivencia y quepuedanserfácilmente acompañadas por evidencia fotográfica.Basándose enlaley 451 los vecinos de la Ciudad de Buenos Airespodránregistrarfotográficamente ciertas infracciones y enviarlas atravésde estaapp. Una vez ingresadas serán analizadas y sobreaquellasválidasse labrarán las multas correspondientes. Esteproyecto searticulacon los controles continuos que realizan losagentes detránsito enpuntos críticos, las cámaras de seguridad vialy losmóviles. Lasinfracciones que pueden denunciarse por esta víason:*Estacionamiento en cordón amarillo * Obstruye rampa/espacioreservado * Estaciona obstruyendo senda peatonal*Estacionaobstruyendo ochava * Estaciona sobre la sendapeatonal*Estacionamiento para bicicletas * Estaciona sobre espaciosverdes*Estaciona en doble o triple fila * Estaciona obstruyendociclovía
CamSam PLUS 3.7.7
CamSam PLUS - The speed and red light camera warning system!
Litros Completos 1.1.7
Complete by El Universal, the most reliable places literpetrolstations.
Metro CDMX 1.01
Map Mexico City Metro
TomTom GO Navigation 3.2.12
Get Offline Navigation, Online Experience with TomTomGONavigation:Downloadable GPS Sat Nav offline maps, preciselivetraffic, andspeed camera alerts*, both updated inreal-time.Download now usingthe 30-DAY FREE TRIAL offer to get thebestdriving experience. 😎KEEP YOUR MAPS UPDATED WHILE SAVINGYOURMOBILE DATA • Maps À LaCarte: Save your mobile data withofflinemaps available in 150countries, always ad-free. You decidewhichmap to download, basedon what you need. • Weekly Map Updates:Helpyou steer clear ofblocked roads and drive within speedlimits,even when you areoffline. • Moving Lane Guidance: Endtheguesswork - know what laneis yours and what exit totake.Proprietary maps coming from 20+years of experience, provideyouhigh-quality turn-by-turn guidanceon your ways. STAYCONNECTEDWITH REAL-TIME UPDATES: • TomTomTraffic: Avoid traffic anddangerzones in real-time withintelligent route • Speed CameraWarnings*:Helping you drive saferand hassle-free with speed alertsandwarnings for fixed and mobilespeed cameras. • Online Search:Yourgo-to destinations, as well aspopular attractions andessentialPOIs, are stored on the app. Onceconnected, you cansearchdestinations from the catalogue of TomTom.• Share ETA: Shareyourestimated time of arrival with coworkers,friends, and familyviathe messaging platform of your choice. DRIVESAFELY AND BE AWAREOFSPEED CAMERAS: • Points of Interest: Searchand finddestinations,scenic areas, and attractions on the way andwhen youarrive atyour destination. • Alternative Routes: See waysaroundtrafficcongestion backed by precise distance and timecalculations •Driveto Photo: Remember the name of that place?! Ifyou geotaggedthephotos you took there, the app will take youthere! • DrivetoContacts: Get easier route planning to the peopleyou know,withthe contacts stored on your phone. • Ad-Free: Avoidannoyingadsfor the most efficient journey without interruption. •NEW! :Nowworks with Android Auto After the free trial, you canselect oneofthe following auto-renewing subscription plans: $1.99- 1month$8.99 - 6 months $12.99 - 12 months Cancel or changeyourplananytime. Drive with TomTom Go Navigation, thestate-of-the-artGPSSat Nav around! 💯 If you have questions,feedback, or inputonsomething we may have missed, please follow us& share on:+Facebook @ TomTom + Twitter @ TomTom + Instagram@TomTomDriversDisclaimers: · The use of this app is governed bytheTerms andConditions at ·Additionallaws,regulations, and local restrictions may apply. Youuse thisapp atyour own risk. * The Speed Camera Services must onlybe usedinaccordance with laws and regulations of the country whereyouaredriving. This functionality is specifically prohibitedinsomejurisdictions. It is your responsibility to comply withsuchlawsbefore activating the services. You can enable anddisableSpeedCamera warnings on TomTom GO Navigation.**Offerlimited to one free trial period per user. At the end ofthetrial,your subscription will be charged unless you cancel itatleast 24hours in advance.
CamSam - Speed Camera Alerts 3.7.6
CamSam - The speed and red light camera warning system!