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Luca Lashes LLC
Preparate i bambini per la primavisitadaldentista con Luca Lashes! Leggete ed interagite con unastoriaperbambini in quatro lingue. Divertitievi conquestaapplicazioneaudio multilingue App Series.Questa applicazione continua la serie di “Luca Lashes,ilbambinodalle sopracciglia marroni e le ciglia magiche”, e comeluisiprepara per la prima visita dal dentista. I bambiniscoprirannocomeaffrontare l'esperienza all'interno dellostudiodentistico.L'applicazione è interattiva, ed è scritta perbambinidagli 0 ai 4anni circa, ed anche alcuni consigli per igenitori peraffrontarele emozioni dei bambini. Ogni versione èdisponibile ininglese,francese, italiano e spagnolo.Per stimolare la lettura nei bambini piccoli,alcunesingoleparole sono evidenziate e si ingrandiscono quendoleimmaginivengono toccate. Luca Lashes desidera promuoverelaletturaattraverso non solo il testo originale ma anche conaudioedmmagini, fornendo intrattenimento e apprendimentointerattivo peripiù piccoli.Ulteriori caratteristiche:★ Associazione immagine/parola. Le parole siingrandisconoquandopronunciate e si tocca un'immagine★ Narrazione audio multi lingue★ Suoni interattivi per ogni scena★ Le pagine sono adattate all'esperienza di apprendimento★ Questa 'Universal App' è ottimizzataSe vi piaceva questo app, veramente l’amerai lenostrealtreapplicazioni nella serie! Ofrimo il primo app nellaserie,“LeCiglia di Luca, il bambino con gli occhi marroni elecigliamagiche” GRATIS, cosi pote scoprire Luca e si puo scopriredecosasi centra la serie!***********Seguete Luca Qui************************Luca Lashes Blog sul qui sul qui sul qui sul qui sul il nostro “Electronic Press Kit” sul childrenforthefirst visit to the dentist with Luca Lashes! Read andinteractwitha children's story in four languages. Divertitieviwiththisapplication multilingual audio App Series.This application continues the series of "Luca Lashes,thebabybrown eyebrows and eyelashes magical," and as he gets readyforhisfirst visit to the dentist. Children will discover how todealwiththe experience within the dental practice. Theapplicationisinteractive, and is written for children aged 0 to 4years,andalso some tips for parents to deal with the emotionsofchildren.Each version is available in English, French,ItalianandSpanish.To promote reading in young children, individualwordsarehighlighted as the zoom up when pictures are touched.LucaLashesaims to promote literacy by combining the original textbutalsowith artwork and audio, providing entertainmentandinteractivelearning for children. Further features:★ Picture / Word association. Words zoom up when picturesaretouchedand spoken★ Multilingual audio narration★ Interactive sound for each scene★ The pages are adapted to the learning experience★ This 'Universal App' is optimizedIf you liked this app, you'll LOVE our other apps intheseries!We are offering the first app in the series, "LucaLashes,thechild with brown eyes and eyelashes magic" FREE, so findoutpotede Luca and you'll discover what our series!*********** Seguete Luca Here ************************Luca Lashes Blog on here on on Twitter hereLinkedIn here on on YouTube at our "Electronic Press Kit" on
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Boopsie, Inc.
Search our catalog for books, DVDs, CDs,andmore.We've also included a great new way to search our books. Noneedto search by field, no need to enter full words, no need towaitfor results. Just type the first couple of letters of words andseethe search in action while you type. So for books on"JacquelineKennedy Onassis" simply type "ja ke on".We've invested in the latest mobile solution for librariesandwe'll be adding new content over time. We hope you enjoy it asmuchas we do!
U.Va. Magazine 20.0
The University of Virginia MagazinePublished quarterly, the U.Va. Magazine brings the stories oftheUniversity and its alumni to life. With features ranging fromU.Va.history to the latest advancements in research andscholarship, themagazine seeks to keep its readers informed aboutlife on Groundsand the ways that the University is contributing tothe world.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader indigitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of onlinedigitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.