Top 2 Apps Similar to Luca Lashes Visits the Dentist

Доктор Зубик ставит пломбу 1.0
Почему болит Зуб?Как доктор ставит пломбу?Как называются его инструменты и что они делают?Добро пожаловать на приём к Доктору Зубику!В этой книге он ответит на многие ваши вопросы.Детям весело и интересно.Родителям познавательно и полезно.Книга написана практикующим врачом-стоматологом,главнымредактором портала, автором множества статейостоматологии - Зайцевой Олесей Викторовной.Издание предназначено для чтения родителями детям.Книгу можно как читать, так и слушать.Книга содержит развивающие игрыWhy haveatoothache?As a doctor puts a seal?What are the names of his tools and what they do?Welcome to the appointment with the Doctor tooth!In this book, he will answer many of your questions.Children fun and interesting.Parents are informative and helpful.The book is written by a practicing dentist, editor in chiefofthe portal, author of numerous articlesaboutdentistry - Zaitseva Olesya Viktorovnoj.The publication is intended for parents reading to children.The book can be both read and listen.The book contains educational games
Guia Terapêutico Odontológico 1.0
O GTO - Guia Terapêutico Odontológico éumaplicativo essencial para o dia a dia do cirurgião dentistaouestudante de odontologia. Nele você vai encontrar diversosmodelosde receitas de:AntibióticosAnalgésicosAnti-inflamatóriosAntifúngicosAntiviraisMiorrelaxantesColutórios e FluoretosE muito mais....Ainda você terá receitas adaptadas para crianças, paraseremusadas na Odontopediatria e modelos de receitas para AdultoseCrianças, basta consultar, copiar para seu Receituário, CarimbareAssinar.Estamos em desenvolvimento constante. Visite nosso site edeixeseu feedback.Caso tenha algum problema ou sugestão envie-nos um email.The GTO -DentalTherapeutic Guide is an essential app for every day of thedentistor dental student. In it you will find many recipes:AntibioticsAnalgesicsAnti-inflammatoryAntifungalsAntiviralsMicrorelaxantsFluoride mouthwashes andAnd much more ....Yet you have recipes adapted for children, for use inpediatricdentistry and revenue models for Adults and Children, justconsult,copy to your Recipes, Stamping and Subscribe.We are in constant development. Visit our website and leaveyourfeedback.If you have any problems or suggestions send us an email.