Top 16 Apps Similar to Chat meet Lovoo app

Bringchat - Chat & Meet 1.0.9
My journey began with excitement!Bringchat is the scientific matching service whichmatchestheopposite sex with high possibility by analyzing thetendency ofanindividual.The tendency analysis test of Bringchat is based on the Big5theorywhich achieves profound trust in thepsychologicaltheory.Try the tendency analysis now. Bringchat matches you withanoppositesex of similar tendency using the tendency analysis.[Keyword]Bringchat, Chat, Date, Meet, Hangout, Match, Badoo,Skout,Lovoo,Whatsapp, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Love,Romance,dresscode,likeU
Guide Lovoo Dating Secrets 2.1
Guide Tango VDO Call Chat isprovideinformationand tips for how to use and install Tangochatvideocall messenger.Tango chat has function to make a freevideocall over the Internetand also has best chat andmessengerability, all for free of charge.Tango is good to find & meet new friend usingyourmobilephone. It's really great app out there!This is NOT official guide. We made this app to help user whowanttoenjoy Tango app. If there is any trademark orcopyrightviolationthat does not follow within the Fair Use. Pleasecontactus and wewill immediately take action on it ASAP.
GEB AdoptAGuy
Das französische Phänomen, jetzt auchfürAndroid erhältlich
✭✭✭✭✭ "Die Plattform spielt mit dem Ansatz, dass die angemeldetenFrauendort die Männer shoppen können."Werben & Verkaufen"Frauen haben dort die Möglichkeit nach dem Mann ihrer Träumezusuchen, indem sie ihn nach bestimmten Kategorien auswählen unddannin einen virtuellen Warenkorb legen."Glamour"AdoptAGuy – die Webseite der besonderen Art dreht denSpießum."Focus
Mit der AdoptAGuy-App, der mobilen Version unserer Website,kannstdu ab jetzt jederzeit und von überall aus :- Schnell die Profile von Mitgliedern in deiner Nähe abrufen- Unsere neuen Suchfunktionen (Hashtags…) entdecken- In Echtzeit erfahren welche Personen sich deinProfilangucken

- Nachrichten verschicken und dich mit unserenUsernunterhalten- Gemeinsame Interessen, Vorlieben und Sinn fürHumorentdecken- Auf deine Mailbox zugreifen- In den Warenkorb gelegt werden oder einen Typen adoptieren
- Im Ausverkauf unserer süßen Produkte stöbern
Das Team von AdoptAGuy wünscht dir frohe Adoptionen!Für einen Besuch in unserem Shop ist der Kauf einesAbonnementsnicht notwendig. Du kannst deine Vorteile mit dieser Appnutzen unddich ganz einfach mit deinem normalen Loginanmelden.The French phenomenon,nowavailable for Android✭✭✭✭✭"The platform relies on the approach that the registered womencanshop there the men."Advertise & Sell"Women have to seek the possibility for the man of their dreamsbychoosing it according to certain categories and then place themina virtual shopping cart."Glamour"AdoptAGuy - the website of a special kind is turningthetables."FocusWith the AdoptAGuy app, the mobile version of our website, youcannow at any time and from anywhere:- Quick retrieve the profiles of members in your area- Discover our new search functions (Hashtags ...)- Find out what people in real-time look at your profile- Send messages and chat with our users- Discover common interests, preferences and sense of humor- Accessing your Mailbox- In the cart or adopt a guy- Browse the sale of our sweet productsThe team wishes you Merry AdoptAGuy adoptions!For a visit to our shop to buy a subscription is not necessary.Youcan use this app and you can easily login with your regularloginyour benefits.
Candidate – Dating App 5.7.3
❤❤❤ Meet people around you with your Question-Answer Dating Game❤❤❤
Chatta 2.9.7 è la più grande community italiana con milionidiiscritti.L'applicazione ti consente di restare in contatto conituoi amicimentre sei in movimento, scattando e inviando fotoemessaggidirettamente dal tuo smartphone. Scopri le stanzedellechat, lebacheche, trova nuovi amici e - perché no? -l'animagemella e il tuogrande amore. Se sei un nuovo utentepuoiregistrarti direttamentedall'applicazione inserendo una tuafoto ecompilando un sempliceprofilo per iniziare subito a chattareconnuovi amici. Se invece seigià registrato sul sito Chatta.itpuoiaccedere usando il tuonickname e la tua password per averesemprecon te i tuoi amici e ituoi messaggi. Il download el'usodell'applicazione sonocompletamente gratuiti. Cosa aspetti?Chattache ti passa! :-)
Wassup Message 2016 2.1
Wassup Inc.
Communicate with your friends in awholenewdifferent level. In just one word capture theessenceofcommunication. It doesn't matter if you want to asksomeone howheis doing or whether he wants to hang out with you, jutpinghimthis word.Communication can sometimes be long and confusing when itcomestochatting. Most of the times you just want to tell someonethatyouhave arrived somewhere, or you just want to let him knowthatyouare here. You don't necessarily want to start alongconversationon how things are going, or how was it on work foryou,you justwant to show your interest at the other side. Now youcando so,with this very easy to use app, where you can easilytextanyone ofyour buddies, this cool 'wassup' message whenever youfeellikeit.Do you have a lot of friends? Well being updated with all ofthemcanbe troublesome sometimes. Moreover, keeping touch with allofthem isalso time and thought consuming. With this app, youcanstart doingso on the fly. Thought of one of your buddies andyouwondered howhe's doing, Go ahead and give him a ping, so hewillknow you thoughtof him. The interface is fun to use andfollow,what makes thisexperience very practical for all. You canuse itwhile driving thebuss to work or while you seat on a boringclassat school.Thinking of your girlfriend during the day, or maybeyouarewondering how you mother is doing, or your brother, oryourlongcousin from abroad – now there is an easy solution to allthosefaraway lovable relatives or friends, go ahead and send themthiswordand show them that you are here for them whenever theyneedyou.Showing you care is one of the most important thinginhumanrelations, in fact you can't have a relationshipwithoutconstantlyshowing how you feel and that you care forthem.Join the trend – send it today to one of your buddies. Amazehimwiththe simplicity. Things doesn't have to be socomplicated,includingstaying in touch – you sometimes love someonebut can'tfind the timeto start a conversation (or you are not surewhatwill be the bestway to open it after such a long time, shouldyousay hello or hi,should you ask him how he is doing orjustdirectly ask something,all this wonders can sometimes causeyou tofreeze and not start thetalk at all….). We hope you will bemorecommunicative with yourclose surrounding with the help ofthisapp. Thank you verymuch.
Flirtings 2.0.2
Du hast Lust neue Leute kennen zu lernen?Mitder Flirtings Chat & Flirt App geht das super einfach.Findeheraus, wer Dir gefällt und Du entscheidest, ob mehr darauswird.✔ ES FUNKTIONIERT WIRKLICHMit Flirtings kannst Du kostenlos neue Leute in Deiner Nähezumchatten und flirten entdecken. Nicht nur für Singles! WerdeTeileiner großen Community mit tollen Leuten aus Deiner Gegend.✔ FLIRTINGS IST KOSTENLOSVergiss die traditionellen Singlebörsen oderkostenpflichtigenDating Chats und teste Flirtings. AlleGrundfunktionen sind undbleiben kostenlos.✔ DU BEHÄLTST DIE KONTROLLEDeine Privatsphäre ist uns sehr wichtig und Du hast immerdieKontrolle darüber. Dein genauer Standort und DeinepersönlichenDaten bleiben geheim. Hier bist Du anonym und sicher.Duentscheidest selbst, ob, wann und wie Du Dich mitjemandemverbinden willst.Wir wünschen Dir viel Spaß mit Flirtings ♥und VIELEN DANK für Deine Bewertung :-)You like to meetnewpeople? With the Flirtings Chat & Flirt app goes supereasy.Find out who you like and you decide whether more is it.✔ IT REALLYWith Flirtings you can free new people next to you for chattingandflirting discover. Not only for singles! Become part of agreatcommunity with great people in your area.✔ FLIRTINGS IS FREEForget the traditional dating services or paid dating chats andmostFlirtings. All basic functions are and will remain free.✔ keeping CONTROLYour privacy is very important to us and you always havecontrolover it. Your exact location and your personal detailsremainsecret. Here you are anonymous and secure. You decide if,when andhow you want to connect you with someone.We wish you much fun with ♥ Flirtingsand THANK YOU for your review :-) Flirt, Dating & Chat 3.0.1
♥ Partnersuche mit SINGLE.DE ♥Verwandle Dein Smartphone in eine SINGLEBÖRSE undentdeckekostenlos interessante Frauen und Männer in Deiner Nähe.Findeheraus, wer Deine Interessen teilt und werde von anderenSinglesgefunden. Passe die umfangreiche Partnersuche genau DeinenWünschenan und finde DATES IN UNMITTELBARER - KOSTENLOS ANMELDEN UND NUTZEN.♥ Kostenlos registrieren und Profil anlegen ♥♥ Suchen und gefunden werden ♥♥ flirten, chatten und verlieben ♥ - JETZT NEUE LEUTE KENNENLERNEN.• Seit 2001 erfolgreich etabliert• Über 2,0 Millionen Singles aus Deutschland warten auf Dich -biszu 3.000 neue Singles täglich.• Volltreffer! Mit dem Datefinder lernst du vieleinteressanteFlirts kennen• Erlange mehr Aufmerksamkeit als Single Star• Stupseln: Per virtuellem Kuss Kontakt zu anderenSinglesaufnehmen.• Einfache und verständliche Bedienung• Nutze über Dein Android-Smartphone – PASSENDE PARTNER IN DEINER NÄHE.Die SINGLE.DE APP kann grundsätzlich kostenlos genutztwerden.Für Zusatzfunktionen bieten wir Dir eine optionalekostenpflichtigePlus-Mitgliedschaft an, welche direkt über GooglePlayabgeschlossen und jederzeit wieder gekündigt werden kann.Wir freuen uns über jegliches Feedback und Anregungenundentwickeln „“ stetig weiter. Bitte beachte, dass wirinGoogle Play nicht direkt auf Deine Bewertung antworten können.Wirbitten Dich daher, Fehler oder Anmerkungen direkt an [email protected] zusenden,bevor Du uns eine schlechte Bewertung gibst. Wir melden unsdannschnellstmöglich zurück und bemühen uns um eine schnelleLösung.Besten Dank!Finde uns auf facebook: im Web:♥ Dating with SINGLE.DE ♥Transform Your Smartphone into a SINGLE MARKET anddiscoverinteresting free men and women near you. Find out whoshares yourinterests and get found by others singles. Passeextensive Datingand find DATES IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA exactly - JOIN FOR FREE AND BENEFITS.♥ Join up now and create profile ♥♥ Search and be found ♥♥ flirt, chat and fall in love ♥ - NOW NEW PEOPLE KNOW.• Since 2001, successfully established• About 2.0 million singles in Germany are waiting for you - upto3,000 new singles each day.• hit! By DateFinder you get to know many interesting Flirts• Get more attention than SingleStar• Stupseln: Per virtual kiss contact other singles.• Easy and comprehensible operation• Use on your Android smartphone and your - RIGHT PARTNER NEAR YOU.The SINGLE.DE APP can be used basically for free. Foradditionalfunctions, we offer you an optional fee-Plus membership,which canbe completed directly through Google Play and terminatedat anytime again.We appreciate any feedback and suggestions anddevelop"" steadily. Please note that we can not replydirectly toyour rating in Google Play. We ask you therefore to senderrors orcomments directly [email protected] beforeyougive us a bad review. We will get back as soon as possible andtryto find a quick solution. Thank you very much!Find us on facebook: on the web:
Joyflirter 2.0.3, Chatten, Flirten*Spaßhaben,mobil vernetzen.Pflege Deine Kontakte auf nun bequemvonDeinemHandy aus oder vom Tablet.Die Neue App von erlaubt es Dir vonüberallunterwegszu Flirten.Nutze unsere spezielle Suche. Spaß am Flirten.Lerne nette neue Leute aus Deiner Umgebung kennen und flirtewasdasZeug hält.Nutze auch unsere Webseite um unseren coolen Icebreaker.Wirwissenwie man euch miteinander Verbindet. VerwendetunserneuesFlirtmatch oder unser Flirtbingo.Das Zeitalter der Computermaus endet. Sei nunstetsinformiert,wie es um Deine Flirtchancen das spaßige,chatting, flirting * Fun, mobile network.Cultivate your contacts on now from thecomfortofyour mobile phone or from the tablet.The new app from allows you to goanywherefromflirting.Use our special search. Fun flirting.Meet cute new people in your area know and flirt like crazy.Use our website to our cool Icebreaker. We know how toconnectsyouwith each other. Used our new Flirt Flirt Match orourbingo.The age of the computer mouse ends. Be always informednow,whatabout your flirting the funny flirt portal.
Factbook 2016 1.0
Get this app today and discover afewthingsthat you might not have known. Explore new facts andgainmoreknowledge on the world. Get more info on ourearth,nutrition,health and much more.Reading fact is fun, especially when they break someverycommonmyths. Among the common things you will discover youwillalso findsome info on things which you were sure are true. Youcanfind moreinfo on stuff like - Different parts of yourtonguedetectdifferent tastes. Breaking myths such as - Saltywaterboilsquicker: in fact, salt water has a higher boiling pointandsotakes longer. And discover some biological facts even iftheyarenot so nice to know - Cockroaches can live several weekswiththeirheads cut off or did you know that Human thigh bonesarestrongerthan concrete… You might discover some very coolstuffandknowledge is power. Not only that it can also be a sourceforsomecool conversations that you make with your friends andsharewiththem your new findings.Find out some historical facts that you might not have known,suchas- King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe beside him.Alsosome funand amusing things that you can discover. If youthoughtyou arehungry wait until you read this one - Polar bearscan eatas many as86 penguins in a single sitting. Next time you goout toeathamburgers with your friends you can share this knowledgewiththemand if you consume a few cheeseburgers, let them knowthatit'snothing in comparison to the polar bear who would haveeaten alittlebit more… More things that can be practical and funto sharearesentences like - Earth is the only planet not namedafter agod, allothers are named after gods (yes, it's true, evenif youhaven'tthought of it before).Expanding your own knowledge base can help you move forwardinyourlife. It can help you in different social gatherings ormaybewhenyou go out on a date and just want to impress the onethatissitting besides you. It can also help you in somemoreprofessionalaspects, may it be in job interviews wheresometimesyou can beasked to solve some riddles or sometimes you canbe askedsomelogical questions that lay on the premises of someknowntruths.When you dig more and discover new things you becomebetter,infact it doesn't matter in which field, since it canalwaysberelevant.This app is fun to use and it's very easy to do so. Slideyourfingerand become sharper with each line you read. Have youfoundsomethingwhich should be included, are you missing something,wewouldappreciate it if you let us know so we can include it withinournext version. Do you know something that we are not awareof?We willbe happy if you can shed some more light on thesubject.Our hope isthat first of all you will enjoy readingthrough thisapp and that itwill be helpful for you.
LikeU - Chat & Meet & Dating 1.0.7
My journey began with excitement!LikeU is an innovative, world wide chattingservicethatconnections people from all over the world.LikeU is a interest keyword matching service that matchesyouwithpartners that like the same keywords as you.Select the keyword you want! You can try variousmatchesaccordingto your keyword.Use LikeU when you need someone who understandsyourthoughts.[Keyword]Bringchat, Chat, Date, Meet, Hangout, Match, Badoo,Skout,Lovoo,Whatsapp, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Love,Romance,dresscode,likeU
Selfie Lovoo Camera Effeck 1.0.0
Selfie Lovoo Camera Effeck
adopte - app di incontri 5.0.4
GEB AdoptAGuy
Let love find you. Meet people according to your tastes and style.
Mundoligue Busca pareja y liga 1.1.0
Mundoligue es la mejor redsocialparaconocer gente nueva, ligar con chicas yligarconchicos. En cuestión de minutos podrás chatear, conocerycompartirexperiencias con hombres y mujeres afines a ti. Hazamigosen todaEspaña y vive citas gratis inolvidables. UtilizarMundoligueesfácil, divertido y gratis.Buscar pareja, contactos, conocer solteros / singles,chicosychicas y en general todo lo que desees en tu vidasentimentalloencontrarás en la App de Mundoligue. Ahora ya puedesencontrarelamor, buscar pareja o simplemente hacer nuevos amigosdemaneratotalmente gratuita. ¡Utiliza esta red social paraligarmás!Con Mundoligue tienes la oportunidad las 24h. del díadeencontraresa chica o chico que haga tu vida más especial. Es100%seguro ydivertido. ¿Aún no sabes cómo ligar con nuestraapp?Cuentas con laopción de inscribirte y pertenecer a este sitiodecitas a través detu teléfono móvil o desde el ordenador.Desdemundoligue podrásponerte en contacto con gente de tu mismazonasin necesidad de salirde casa, es perfecto para enviarmensajes,compartir intereses, hacernuevas amistades y ligar.Busca y encuentra tu pareja ideal entre los miles demiembrosdeesta gran comunidad, buscar pareja no resulta fácil peroahoralaApp de Mundo Ligue te pone las cosas mucho más fácil.NUEVOS SERVICIOS✓ Ligómetro/PremiosEs la sección más divertida de MundoLigue, en la quepodrásvotarfotos y ser votado para ganar posiciones en el rankingyganarmagníficos premios cada mes.✓ Conéctate con Facebook en privadoConoce a personas nuevas que buscan lo mismo quetú.Personasalegres, divertidas con ganas de pasarlo bien y ligar.100%Seguro,100% Local, 100% Divertido.✓ BlogMantente alerta de todas las novedades en el mundo del ligoteoylaconquista. Conoce todos los trucos y consejos para ligar másyqueno se te resista nadie.Mundoligue isthebestsocial network for dating new link with girls anddatingmen.Within minutes you can chat, meet and share experienceswithmenand women related to you. Make friends in Spain for freeandliveunforgettable appointments. Mundoligue use is easy,funandfree.Dating, dating, meet singles / singles, boys andgirlsandgenerally anything you want in your love life youfindMundoligueApp. Now you can find love, dating or just makenewfriends totallyfree. Use this network to link more!With Mundoligue you have the opportunity 24h. day tofindthatgirl or guy to make your life more special. It is 100%safeand fun.Still you do not know how to flirt with our app? Youhavethe optionto join and belong to this dating site throughyourmobile phone orcomputer. From mundoligue You can contact peopleinyour areawithout leaving home, it is perfect to sendmessages,shareinterests, make new friends and flirting.Search and find your ideal partner among thethousandsofmembers of this great community, dating is not easy butnowtheWorld Ligue App puts you things much easier.NEW SERVICES✓ Ligómetro / AwardsIt is the funniest MundoLigue section, in which you can voteandbevoted photos to gain positions in the ranking and wingreatprizesevery month.✓ Connect with Facebook in privateMeet new people looking the same as you. cheerful, funpeoplewantingto have fun and flirting. 100% Safe, 100% Local,100%Fun.✓ BlogBe aware of all developments in the world of flirtingandconquest.Knows all the tricks and tips to flirt more and youcannot resistanyone.
SWAG - best photo for dating 2.1.5
SWAG helps you get more matches ondatingappsand websites.★ HOW?Upload your pictures and they will be rated separately byourusers.Girls rate boys, boys rates girls. The one with thehighestscore isthe one to use on Tinder, OKCupid or other datingappsandwebsites.★ WHY?It's hard to choose your own picture because it's hard tojudgewhatwill be appealing to other gender. Usually we justuploadsomerandom pictures from Facebook and then we arefrustratedwhennothing is happening. Stop that. Check how high isyour SWAGonevery picture!★ DETAILS- Upload up to 6 pictures at the same time and waitforthescore.- Rate other people's pictures. Help yourselfbyhelpingothers.- Keep your Karma points on the positive side. Whenyouratesomeone's pictures, you increase your karma. When youuploadyourpictures, the karma is going down.- Your picture score is a combination of votes for thepictureincomparison to rating of all other pictures for yourgender.- Use your photos with highest score on apps likeTinder,Lovoo,OKCupid, POF, Badoo, Zoosk, Twoo, Happn, Coffee MeetsBagel,MeetMeor Scout and on dating websites like Match.comorMeetic.- More features coming soon!★ FEEDBACK & SUPPORTSwag is a very simple app in an early stage of development,andwe'dlove to get your feedback to make it better. Have youspottedanybugs? Or maybe you have ideas for improvements? Our teamisbuildingthis app for you, so don't hesitate to contact us andsendan emailat [email protected].