Top 20 Games Similar to Flexibility Exercises Training

Stretching Flexibility Stretch 1.2
Fitness Apps
Top 10 Stretching and Flexibility Exercisesforthe BodyMany people do not realize the value of stretching to thebodyand the entire health condition in general. Some individualshavethe wrong notion that stretching does not improve muscles butarejust preparatory activities prior to performing rigid strengthandphysical exercises. This is not the case. Several studieshaveshown that stretching can improve athletic activities,improveflexibility and range of movements to body joints, increasebloodflow to the muscle, relieves stress and pressure from thebody, andminimize the risk of injuries. All it takes to gain thesebenefitsis to have a regular stretching and flexibilityexercisesprogramWhat is it All About?A stretching and flexibility exercises application providesthemost convenient way to perform different stretchingexerciseswithout going to the gym or buying expensive stretchingequipmentsand machines. This kind of app has exercises which weredesigned byprofessionals and is based on simplified various Yogastances sothat it can be performed by everyone regardless if theyareexperienced with Yoga or not or whether they need it forrelaxationor as part of their daily routine to stay physicallyactive everyday. The app involves different parts of the body suchas thefollowing:Neck and Waist – to relieve body pressure, stiff neck, andbodyjoints pain. The exercises include neck massage, half-moonposeroutine, body twist pose, and triangle pose.Shoulder and Back – to relieve back ache and pain, alleviatebodyjoint movement, and prevent arching of the back. Exampleofstretching exercise in this aspect is hand pullingbendsideways.Body and Limbs – to burn extra fat, add energy to themuscles,and boost immunity.Features That Provide ResultsA good stretching and flexibility exercises application embedsaprofessional yoga teacher tool to help correct poses and offeradetailed instruction on how to perform stretching properly.Thestretching exercises should only need a simple support systemsuchas a chair so that it is easier for the individual to performthestretching activities and achieve better results. The programisnot rigid as one can choose which among the yoga stances canformpart of your daily routine. The application should have aslideshowpresentation and an instruction window to make it moreconvenientfor the individual to study and imitate themovements.Install a stretching and flexibility exercises applicationforfree now and make stretching a daily habit. Rememberthatstretching offers head to toe benefits and even intrinsic oneslikerelaxation and a stable mind. Why enroll in a Yoga class whenyoucan have simplified Yoga lessons for free through thisstretchingapplication for mobile devices? Join the multitudes ofpeople nowwho discovered this amazing mobile application and how itmadewonders to their life from top to bottom.So why go for more difficult stances when you can havemodifiedYoga stances in this stretching and flexibilityexercisesapplication? Since it is compatible with all Androidoperateddevices, you can have these at your fingertips rightaway.
Increase Flexibility Stretches 2.3
Do you want to kick-start a newincrease flexibility stretches?Kwonledge of this app helps you move better andpreventsinjuryfor a complete year with these guide app.Contents:- How to Increase Flexibility in Tendons in the Groin- The Best Stretches for Flexibility- How to Regain and Maintain Stretching Flexibility When YouTurn40Plus- How to Become More Flexible- How to Make Your Back More FlexibleWhipping upincrease flexibility stretches may be easier thanyouthink.It's is perfect for all genders and ages.And Learn Secrets ofIncrease Flexibility Stretches Today !!
Stretch app 6.0.0
A range of stretching exercises for the entire body based onyogaasanas.
Stretching Express 1.0
Body Program
Easy and quick regular stretching routine for all.
Ballet Elasticity 1.5
The world's only BALLET SPECIFIC stretching and fitness app.
iPro Stretching Exercises-Sale 1.0
Increase body's flexibility with customized Stretching Routine&Exercises
Stark Stretch 2.3.0
Optimize your results with Stark Stretch!
Гимнастика Волна Исцеления 1.0.3
MN Dev
Universal Women's Gymnastics Wave of Healing. The choice of a setofexercises.
Abs Routine for Teens 1.0
Body Program
Exclusive unique Abs Workout Routine for Teens and Adults
BalletFIT Korea 발레핏코리아 1.1.0
BalletFIT Korea Membership Application발레핏코리아 회원관리 및 모바일 쿠폰BalletFIT KoreaMembershipApplicationKorea ballet Pit membership management and mobile coupons
Gym Workouts for Women 1.7
💪 Our Gym WorkoutsandFitnessExerciseapplication has over 100 🎥 videoexercisesmovements, aswell asfive specialized workouts to help yourealizeyour fitnessgoals.Our exercises and workouts cover all the majormusclegroupsincludinglegs, arms, back, butt, abdominals,shoulders, andchestmuscles.Whether you are looking for a wholebody home workoutorjust to honein on one body part, such as legs,to workout atthegym, then this isthe total fitness app for you! Avideo comeswitheach exercise toshow you the appropriate form fortheexercise.So, when at the gym,you will know how to usethedumbbell,barbell, or any other equipmentthe right way!Thesemeasuresensure you are getting the most fromyour workouts andnotinjuringyourself. One such measure includesstretchingactivitiesbecausewe know that stretching prior to aworkout canreduce thepotentialfor injury significantly. When you’renotinjured you cantonemuscles, burn fat, and lose weight.In addition, you can customize your workout to tailorittoyourenvironment with our app. You have no moreexcusestostartachieving your fitness goals right now! You candownloadourappand get started with a few simple steps,workingtowardsthatperfect beach body or bikini body you want.Yourimaginationandnot that of the gym or fitness club you may beamember ofonlylimit you.HOMEPAGE: worked alongside fitness experts to designthisapplication.Thatmeans that the exercises and fitness programsyouarereceiving arethe cream of the crop. We tailored ourprogramstohelp you get themost out of our app at the gym,fitnessclub,home, or on the road.We offer exercises that aresuitableforevery need. For example, wehave exercises for legs,arms,chest,back, shoulders, abdominals,and butt, which willbuildmusclemass, in turn burning fat. Besidesthese, we alsohaveactivitiesthat use different equipment such asa dumbbell orbarbellas wellas specific stretches for thoselooking to gainflexibility.Youcan start at your own comfort levelor work with whatis inyourgym, fitness club or workoutenvironment. So, it doesnotmatterwhat type of equipment you haveavailable to you, as wewillhelpyou meet your needs and get thefitness results youdesire.Our gym exercises and workouts cover the gameteoftheequipmentyou can use for legs, chest, arms, back,shoulders,abs,or yourbutt. From a dumbbell to a barbell, you canchooseyourweapon ofchoice. Whether you want to work your abdominalsorchest,you cando it in the manner that is best for you. Thishighlevelofcustomization means you will have every opportunitytoloseweight,tone muscles, or burn fat with no barriers.The custom gym exercise and workout programs willhelpwomentargetareas of importance. The programs arewelldesigned,comprehensive anduse bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells,andotherequipment. They helpwith weight loss, toning muscles,andburningfat. Also, they willcontribute to strengthening musclesandhelpyou with stretching tobecome flexible. Using Women'sGym-Exercises and Workout Routines islike having yourownpersonaltrainer!Our wide range of gym exercises and workoutsfortheirpotentialuses will help you lose weight, time muscles, orburnfat.Also, wecater to the particular needs of women, sowehavedifferentworkout programs available for every femalefitnessneed.Moreover,our application is flexible in when and howyou useit andwascreated with the help of industry experts. We willbeyourgo-tofitness companion for all of your workout needsasyourfitnessneeds grow and change. Bikini body, beach body, orjusttotonemuscles, burn fat, or lose weight.73a9bef2ca
Buttocks – Legs – Squats 1.0
Fitness Apps
With the Butt Challenge, you have all these exercises at yourfingertips: simply follow the instructions thoroughly, and withinseveralweeks you will start to notice how your buttocks willslowly change,becoming harder and more appealing. The glutes aregenerallydifficult to train, but with the right exercise routineyou can makethe best of them. You will never have to wearbuttock-enhancingunderwear ever again!The butt is undoubtedly one of the most prominent parts ofourbodies – regardless if you are male or female, having a tonedbuttwill always help you stand out from the crowd. This is wheretheButt Challenge application steps in and provides a wide arrayofspecific exercises for your buttocks. Why resort toinvasive,expensive and potentially dangerous interventions toenhance theappearance of your buttocks, when you can easily toneyour gluteswith only a few minutes of targeted exercises everyday?It has happened to all of us to find ourselves staring atperfectbutt photos in the magazines – but in the end, why justadmire themwhen you can get one of your own, wiith the 7 Min ButtChallenge?You can now train your buttock and make it firmer,larger and moreattractive: all you need to do is to find sevenminutes a day todedicate to this comprehensive trainingprogram.A common misconception people have when it comes to exercisingisthat squats are difficult to perform. Truth be told, with therightapp like the 7 Min Squats Challenge, you can now trainyourhamstrings, buttocks, hips and thighs within minutes. Thismobileapp will help you quickly sculpt your body and get thelarge,strong thinghs you have always wanted, in the privacy ofyourhome!No matter if you want to save money on a personal trainer or youdosimply do not have enough time to go to the gym, the 7 MinSquatschallenge will train your hamstrings, your hips and yourthighsbefore you even know it. You no longer have to go throughthebothersome muscle pain and soreness, the 7 Min SquatsChallengedoes exactly what the name suggests: it will challenge youto givethe best you have, for results that will exceedyourexpectations!The 7 Min Squats Challenge application is designed to be usedbyeverybody: gentle yet efficient enough for you to notice quickandencouraging results, this is one of the most trustedtrainingapplications for mobile phones that you can find on themarket.However, you do not need to take our word on that: just seeforyourself, and we guarantee that you will become addicted toyourthigh and hamstring training routine!Have you ever noticed how some people focus too much ontheirtorso and their upper body in general, neglecting their legs?Thereis nothing more beautiful than a proportionate and equallytrainedbody – and the 7 Min Leg Workout Challenge will help you dojustthat! The 7 Min Leg Workout Challenge will help you train yourcalfmuscles and your thighs, so you can rest assured knowing thatyourlegs will be just as muscled as your chest, abdomen andbiceps.There are numerous leg workout tutorials and step-by-stepguideson the Internet, but you must ask yourself: can you trulytrust anuniversal training program, keeping in mind the fact thatpeoplehave different metabolic rates? The 7 Min Leg WorkoutChallenge appallows you to tailor and customize it just the way youwant it, inorder to achieve strong and muscled legs withn minutes.Your thighsand your calf muscles must not be neglected whentraining, yet itoften happens that people focus too much on theirupper body.With the 7 Min Leg Workout Challenge, you can count on thisappto constantly remind you just how important it is to adoptanall-round, comprehensive routine that encompassesin-depthexercises both for your torso and for your lower body. Getthebeautiful and toned legs you have always wanted, today!
Extensions/Tilts:Autumn Miller 2.0
KJS Enterprises
If you're a dancer looking toimproveyourflexibility and practice some basic leg extensions,youshoulddefinitely download "Extensions & Tilts withAutumnMiller".Autumn is one of the most famous up and comingyoungdancers on theplanet with over 250,000 followers world widetunedinto " Autie'sFreestyle Friday and following her on Instagram.Shehas danced forWillow Smith in her "Whip My Hair" musicvideo,appeared on PaulaAbdul's show "Live to Dance," Disney's"Shake itUp," Fox's HitShow "Mobbed," and she was a featuredperformer on"Dancing withthe Stars" twice!In this app, Autumn will show you how to do somebeginninglegextensions including battements, tilts, fan kicks, andeven acool"special move!" Additionally, "Extensions & TiltswithAutumnMiller" comes with an exclusive interview!This app is brought to you by Autumn Miller, KevinAndrews,JeromeAlexander, and Stacy Hagen.
10 Min Stretch Workout 1.0.3
Stretching can be done both in apre-workout(warm-up) and post-workout (cool down) fashion. Whichyou do isreally up to you. Some athletes swear by the results theyget intheir performance and the lack of injury if they stretchbeforetheir workout. Others only stretch afterwards and, as youmightexpect, there are also those who stretch both before and aftertheywork out. Research on what exactly you should be doing isprettythin so here we are in the practical experienceterritory.Basically stretching should be part of your training. Howyouperform it however will depend on when you actually stretch:Pre-workout: If you're stretching before your workoutbeginsremember that your muscles are not warmed up yet. Yourstretchingroutine is designed to help them warm up so, no sharp,suddenmoves. No forcing muscles to stretch beyond comfortablepoints. Donot use "bouncy" motion to force a stretch, that's howyou normallyget injuries. Do not manually manipulate your muscles(beat themwith your fists, massage them or otherwise pull them) asyoustretch. That will definitely lead to injuries so care andbeingsensible are both key here.Post-workout: If you're stretching after a workout yourmusclesare already warmed up. Stretching now actually uses theplasticityof the muscles to help you achieve flexibility gains. Thetrickhere is to start slowly and build up. If you're stretchingyourhamstrings or your adductors (the inside of your thighs) now'sthetime to actually go a little bit further than before. Doitgradually but do push against your normal stretching limits.Gainsyou make here will stay with you after the session is overwhichmeans you will have increased your flexibility. The same wordsofcaution that apply in the pre=workout stretch, also applyhere.Always listen to your body and don't overstretch anymusclegroup.Tips: Stretching can increase the explosive power of yourmusclesbecause it increases their range of motion. It can alsohelp preventinjuries by allowing muscles to warm up gradually whenpractised aspart of the warm-up. Always exhale slowly when youstretch a musclegroup and inhale when you release it.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
Ballet stretch 3D 1.0
It is introduction about the easy recipewhichmaintains a ballet dancer's beautiful body.The basic motion which tightens the body is practiced.Improvement is challenged gradually.Please digest the stretch work which does not strain itself atfirstand does not break the body.Let's gain the soft body gradually at a daily lesson.Only by the diet effect, there is no ballet exercise, and italsokeeps a posture beautiful, and it uses it also forhealth.Please get the beautiful body of a ballet dancer youyearnsfor.Operation is easy.A lesson progresses at the loop work for 1 minute each.It can return immediately with the button which "will return" ifyouwould like to try once again.A fine motion can also be checked by 3D model.The basic floor stretch and the improvement-oriented burst lechareprepared.NotesThis tool does not guarantee an effect and a use.Please stop use, when condition worsens duringapplicationuse.Please perform under pregnancy and the one where a menstrual painisseverer after consulting with a doctor.No responsibility can be taken about an accident orpoorhealth.Be fully careful for there to be neither an injury nor failure,andcarry out.What is moderately.
How To Gain Flexibility 2.0
Gaining flexibility can be beneficial toyouinmany ways ranging from active & fit body to healthy&freshmind. Gaining flexibility is the way of enjoying active&fitlifestyle.So here we introduce a flexibility exercise app free foryouthathelp you to gain flexibility in your bones and muscleswithits richcontent on exercises to improve flexibility.Well, are you suffering from body pain?Do you find it difficult enough to performsimplesportactivity?Are you struggling from your body inactivity?Means you need to gain some flexibility in yourbonesandmuscles.Relax; you don’t have to work a lot on that. Here in thisappyouwill be getting some simple and effective flexibilityexercisesthathelp you get flexibility.Well if you want to get a great degree of flexibility toyourbodymuscles then get this app totally free and follow eachoftheseflexibility exercises and make your body and mindhealthyandhappy.Here is the sneak-peak you are going to receiveinsidetheapp:Stretching is as vital a post-workout as it is apre-workoutone.In spite of the fact that everybody praises thebenefitsofstretching for general physical and mental health, itisconstantlyprudent to look for your doctor's recommendationbeforeyou begin aworkout, particularly in the event that youhaveparticularmedicinal conditions.Grab it now!! It’s free!!Note - This is content-only app that providesyouinformationabout tips to gain flexibility.
Stretching Exercises 1.00
With the app Stretching Exercises, you can enjoy a healthylifestyleand prevent health problems through the workouts we haveselectedfor you. Stretching exercises helps you can keep yourmusclesflexible and prepare them to practice exercise. Thisapplicationincludes videos with simple instructions for stretchingroutines,adapted to your physical condition, with the followingsections: -Stretching exercises for running. - Stretchingexercises for playingfootball. - Stretching exercises for playingbasketball. - Exercisesto stretch knees and legs. - Exercises tostretch your back. -Exercises to stretch your hip. - Stretchingexercises duringpregnancy. Download this Stretching Exercises appon your mobile ortablet Android and improve your flexibility andstart a new activeway of life.
10 Min Lower Back Therapy 1.0.0
Most physical therapy programs designedtotreat low back pain and some radicular pain (pain radiatingdownthe leg) will include a combination of the following typesoftherapeutic exercise:StretchingProper stretching of the muscles along with active exercisewillhelp maintain normal range of motion and provide relief formusclesthat are often suffering disuse atrophy (shrinking musclesfromlack of use) or in spasm from inappropriate posture ornerveirritation.For many patients it is best to follow a stretching routinethathas been individually designed for them by a physical therapistorsports physician. As a general rule, low back pain patientsshouldfocus on stretching the lower back muscles, abdominalmuscles, hipsand legs. The patient should never bounce duringstretching, andall stretches should be slow and gradual.Dynamic stabilization exercisesThese exercises involve the use of a variety of exercises andmayinclude use of exercise balls, balancing machines orspecificstabilizing exercises. The point of dynamic stabilizationexerciseis to strengthen the secondary muscles of the spine andhelpsupport the spine through various ranges of motion.Core strengthening exercisesThese are specific exercises to strengthen the abdominalmusclesand low back muscles (erector spinae) to provide theaforementioned‘belt of muscle’ around the spine. These exercisestypicallyinclude:Specific abdominal strengthening, such as pelvic tilts,crunches,abdominal machines, and properly controlled legraises.Low back exercises (hyperextensions), which can be performedonmachines or by simply lying on the stomach and slowly raisingthechest off the ground. This exercise utilizes the lower backmusclesto ‘hyperextend’ the spine.Water TherapySome physical therapy centers may also provide aquatic(water)physical therapy. Water supports the body and minimizes theeffectof gravity, making it easier for patients to start anexerciseprogram. Aquatic therapy can be very helpful for elderlypatientsand disabled patients who may not have the strength to dosome ofthe exercises outside the aquatic pool.Lumbar tractionAnother aspect of physical therapy program may includelumbartraction. With lumbar traction, the patient lies on his backand issecured on a special table with a cable coming from thefoot-end ofthe table that attaches to a strap that has been placedaround thepatient’s hips. The cable is attached to weights at thefoot-end ofthe table that provide a continuous and gentle pullingforce on thehips toward the foot-end of the table. The goal oftraction is tounload the disc space and muscles in the lumbarspine. Thisunloading is thought to provide a recuperative periodwhich allowsthe muscles to rest and takes pressure off the discspace. Researchabout the effectiveness of traction iscontroversial, with somestudies showing that it adds value andother studies showing thatit is of little or no value for patientswith low back pain.
Flexibility Exercises Training 1.0
Fitness Apps
Everybody knows that stretching is important, not onlyforyouroverall fitness level, but also for your state of mind–stretchingmakes you feel good, and that is a known fact! The 7MinStretchingApp is a well-designed application that features a lotofusefulinformation, along with tips and hints that will helpyoumake thebest of your stretching experience.Although stretching your muscles may sound like an easythingtodo, the last thing you want is to put too much stressorpressureon one muscle, as that may result in a strain or asprainthat willkeep you on the bench for several weeks! The 7MinStretching Appwill help you stretch correctly before and aftereachworkout, soyou will prevent muscle pain along with allthebothersome yetfrequent cramps that often appear at the end ofanintenseworkout.The 7 Min Stretching Application for mobile phones isdesignedtoharvest that pleasant feeling that you get wheneveryoustretch.Stretching may not seem like rocket science for most ofus,buttruth be told, a good stretching routine can make orbreakyourentire training session, and it is entirely up to youtodecidewhich one it is! Stretching can be fun,entertaining,engaging andtruly useful, and this application aims togive you adeeperinsight into some of the easiest yet mostbeneficialstretchingexercises that you can rely on, in order torelief thepressure andstress that constantly accumulate inside themuscles.You do notneed to learn how to live with the constantlyoccurringcramps andmuscle pains – why adapt to such an unpleasantsituationwhen youcan easily prevent it with the 7 Min Stretchingapp thattargetsyour entire body?The warm-up is undoubtedly one of the most important partofyourentire training routine, and if you fail to prepareyourmusclescorrectly, then you may experience intense soreness attheend ofyour workout routine. The 7 Min Aerobic (Warm Up)Challengewillhelp you prepare and warm up all your muscle groups,beforeyoustart your cardiovascular or your high-intensity training.Thisway,you can make the best of your training routinewithoutexperiencingany pain.Having said that, the 7 Min Aerobic (Warm Up)Challengewilltarget every single muscle – you can rest assuredabout that!Easy,pleasant and interactive at the same time, thisquick warm-upappwill quickly become part of your daily routine, andyou willstartto reap the benefits faster than you would expect. Youwillneverhave to worry about missing another warm-up session everagain–the 7 Min Aerobic Warm-Up Challenge app will take careofthat!Have you always skipped the warm-up routine at the gym,onlytowake up in terrible pain the next day? Why force yourselfandyourmuscles, when you can truly make the best of the time youspendatthe gym by simply paying attention to your warm-up? The7MinAerobic (Warm Up) Challenge application will help you getreadyforthe training and, at the same time, it also helps yourbodykeepthe production of lactic acid (the naturallyoccurringsubstancethat is considered to be responsible fortraining-inducedmusclesoreness) to a minimum.The 7 Min Aerobic (Warm Up) Challenge will quickly makesurethatevery single inch of your body and all your musclesarecorrectlyprepared for the training session, regardless ofwhetheryou aim fora basic routine training or a demanding,high-intensityone.
12 Min Stretch Workout PRO 1.0.0
Zumzet Workouts
Post-workout: If you're stretching afteraworkout your muscles are already warmed up. Stretching nowactuallyuses the plasticity of the muscles to help you achieveflexibilitygains. The trick here is to start slowly and build up.If you'restretching your hamstrings or your adductors (the insideof yourthighs) now's the time to actually go a little bit furtherthanbefore. Do it gradually but do push against your normalstretchinglimits. Gains you make here will stay with you after thesession isover which means you will have increased yourflexibility. The samewords of caution that apply in the pre=workoutstretch, also applyhere. Always listen to your body and don'toverstretch any musclegroup.Tips: Stretching can increase the explosive power of yourmusclesbecause it increases their range of motion. It can alsohelp preventinjuries by allowing muscles to warm up gradually whenpractised aspart of the warm-up. Always exhale slowly when youstretch a musclegroup and inhale when you release it.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.