Top 23 Apps Similar to Dukan Diet Free

Dukan Diet – official app 4.0
Owly Labs
The Dukan Method is the result of doctor andnutritionistPierreDukan’s 40 years of experience and is one of themostsuccessfuldieting tools in the world today. Meet theofficialmobile app!Main features: • True Weight Calculator; • DietDiary:monitor yourweight, physical activity and mood; •Clearrecommendations foreach day; • List of allowed foods withtips; •350 exclusiverecipes; • Choice of alternating rhythm, from1-1 to5-5; • Recordyour chest/waist/hip measurements in the diary;•Store slimmingprogress photos; • Option to write notes inthediary; • Reminderswith daily recommendations about walks anddiaryentries; • Optionto change True Weight; • Mark your period inthediary and graph; •Reminders to drink water, withfrequencysettings. # Pierre Dukan,diet, recipes, weight calculator.
Dukan diet plan 1.0
Pierre Dukan has devoted his timeasanutritionist to develop the best method to loseweightwithoutgaining it back. Use this application to learn abouttheproductdiet and about your metabolism. Start the dukan dietbyfollowingthe tips and using the dukan recipes. Try this dietforfree. Allyou need is some commitment and consolidation. faitures:*Diet*101*Recipes*Cooking*News*Community*Sharing*Start diet*Medical tips*How to start the dietHave fun with our easy free android playstore playgamesfortablet and phone
Dieta Dukan Receitas 4.0
El Nono
Learn how to do the dukan diet, check out many recipes toloseweight
Dieta Dukan Receitas 3.0
Mattias Apps
O aplicativo contém informações sobre aDietaDukan e todos os produtos que fazem parte deste eficientemétodo deemagrecimento.Detalhes do aplicativo:Como funciona a Dieta Dukan?Como fazer passo a passo.Alimentos permitidos na Dieta Dukan.Cardápio Completo da Dieta Dukan.Receitas com a Dieta Dukan.10 dicas essenciais.A Nova Dieta Dukan.Fotos Antes e depois da Dieta.Os Melhores Videos da Dieta Dukan: Meu emagrecimento, como perdi20Kg. Atualização de peso -42kg em 4 meses! Dieta Dukan:Jáexperimentou acreditar em você? e muito mais.Confira nossa aplicação completa da Dieta Dukan: comofunciona,restrições alimentares, tempo de emagrecimento e muitomais.A Dieta Dukan é a solução para emagrecer definitivamente.Confira o passo a passo da Dieta Dukan em nosso tutorial.The applicationcontainsinformation on the Dukan Diet and all products that arepart ofeffective weight loss method.Application details:How does the Dukan Diet?How to do step by step.Foods allowed on the Dukan Diet.Full menu of the Dukan Diet.Dukan Diet Recipes with.10 essential tips.The New Dukan Diet.Before and after photos of the Diet.The Best Videos of the Dukan Diet: My weight loss as I lost 20 kgofweight -42kg Update in 4 months.! Dukan Diet: Have you triedtobelieve you? and more.Check out our full application of the Dukan Diet: How itworks,dietary restrictions, while slimming and more.The Dukan Diet is the solution to lose weight permanently.Check out the step by step tutorial on our Dukan Diet.
Dieta Dukan Passo a Passo 3.0
PureLife Inc.
Com nossa aplicação descubra como fazer aDietaDukan passo a passo para emagrecer rápido.Detalhes da Aplicação:Lista de Compras para quem faz Dieta Dukan.Alimentos Permitidos na Dieta Dukan.Como funciona a Dieta Dukan?Torta Salgada Dukan: de Presunto e Queijo.Abobrinha recheada Dukan.Docinhos de Cenoura: Brigadeiro, Beijinho e Delicinhas Dukan.Dieta Eficaz.Biscoito Dukan.Conheça a nova dieta Dukan e perca até 1kg por semana.Nova versão da dieta dukan, aprenda fazer.Conheça todas as fases com detalhes.Videos de Dieta Dukan.Esta procurando mais informações sobre a Dieta Dukan. Confiranossaaplicação.With our applicationtodiscover how to do step by step Dukan Diet to loseweightfast.Application Details:Shopping List for Dukan Diet who does.Food Allowed on the Dukan Diet.How does the Dukan Diet?Pie Salt Dukan: Ham and Cheese.Zucchini stuffed Dukan.Sweets Carrot: Brigadier, Kissy and feisty Dukan.Effective diet.Dukan cookie.Meet the new Dukan diet and lose up to 1kg per week.New version of dukan diet, learn to do.Meet all stages with details.Videos Dukan Diet.Are searching for more information about the Dukan Diet. Checkoutour application.
Official Dukan - Coaching 1.2.1
Find the efficiency of the method inyourpocketthanks to the personalised following and tools.Easy, didactic and structured, the Dukan Diet is known to beoneofthe best efficient method against obesity worldwide thankstoanatural, a fast and a durable weight loss.With the Dukan Diet you will not feel hungry thanks toits100authorized and at will aliments.Key features:- Your personalised instructions (motivation,nutrition,physicalactivity)- Your weight graph,- Your recommended recipes depending your phase,- Your dashboard for your daily following- Your recordDiscover also the associated products of the Dukanrangeadaptedto each phase of your Diet.Coming soon:- Your XXX to contact directly your coach- Videos of your physical exercises,- The list of your 100 authorised and at will aliments…
Receitas Dukan 3.12
O Receitas Dukan foi desenvolvido paraajudaros adeptos da dieta Dukan.Com ele fica mais fácil organizar suas receitas, semmisturá-lascom as receitas das dietas"normais".Se você é um adepto(a) da dieta Dukan, esse app foi feitoparavocê.O app já conta com mais de 70 receitas cadastradas e vocêpodecadastrar as suas, além decompartilhá-las com quem quiser.Saúde e bom apetite!*Esta versão contém anúncios. Caso prefira, temos uma versãosemanúncios: nossa fan page noFacebook: nossosite:ça nosso aplicativo Receitas LowCarb:ça nosso aplicativo ReceitasPaleo: Dukan Recipeswasdeveloped to help the supporters of the Dukan diet.With it is easier to organize your recipes, without mixingthemwith revenues of diets"Normal".If you are a fan (a) of the Dukan diet, this app is for you.The app has more than 70 recipes registered and you canregistertheir, andshare them with anyone.Health and good appetite!* This version contains ads. If you prefer, we have aversionwithoutads: our fan page onFacebook: ourwebsite: our application Recipes LowCarb: our application PaleoRecipes:
Du Diet protein diet 1.79v7
Logomotiv LLC
The best app organizer for proteinaceous and vegetable dietinPlay!This app is suitable for Dukan diet. Now all functions ofappisn’tlimited. You may regularly continue trial-time. Feelpleasureofusing Du Diet and upgrade it to Pro-version so you getitwithoutwatching ad. App is easy changed for different proteinandvegetablediet, especially Dukan diet. It has enough tools forit.All what’snecessary for comfortable diet time is in Du Diet App!–Calculatingdiet bases on your own measurements andbuildingindividual preciseschedule – Advices and instructions ofdiet.– Save results andlook at the progress on the graph. Ithelpsyou to keep diet and getthe best results. – More than500tasty and checked recipes ofdishes which are used by proteinandvegetable diet, especiallyDukan Diet. The most dishes arecookedwith simple and easy-boughtingredients. – Checklistofpackage what may be made withadding ingredients from therecipes.Get easy-to-use dailychecklist. Plan your daily ration. –Scheduleof diet has a new cozyinterface. Now you can add value ofweight,change quantity of drunkwater and turn on a walking timer inoneclick. – Protein orvegetable and protein day is? You willneverconfuse about kind ofdiet day. You can see this information onthemain screen and in theschedule. – Water balance and walksarechecked in the app.We’ll never forget to drink enough water orgofor a walk becauseapp reminds you about it. Du Diet has aclueabout duration time fora walk. It depends on stage of diet. –AColorful, vivid and usefulinstruction of diet stagesincludespictographs. It’s very visuallyand shows exactly allimportantaspects of diet. – A lot of usefuladvices andrecommendations.Lose weight easy using Hudelka andeating tastydishes. Du Diet isthe best organizer for protein andvegetable diet.
Dukan Diyeti ve Egzersizleri 1.0
Novi Medya
Dukan Diyeti nedir?Dukanegzersizlerinasılyapılır.?En iyi dukan diyet yemek tarifleriburda..İdeal kilovehangi evrenin kaç gün yapılacağınınhesaplanması.Dukanevrelerinelerdir?Diğer kullanıcılarla hem sohbetedin,hemegzersiziniziyapın ,yemeklerini pişirin kilo vererekeğlenmenintadına DukanDiyet ve Egzersizleri uygulamamızlavarın.What is the DukanDiet?HowDukan exercises.? Best Dukan diet recipes burda..idealweightandwhat what hesaplanması.duk the stages will be carrieduniversefewdays? Chat both with other users, and do your exercise,givingweightto cook their meals Duke to enjoy the fun Diet andexercisehave onour application.
Dukan Diet Food List 1.0
AGF Solutions
Now you can access the Dukan Diet food list at anytime. This appisperfect when you are on the go, at the supermarket or dining outatyour favorite restaurant. The allowed foods are separatedintocategories of meats, poultry, dairy, fruits, vegetables,seafood,vegetarian proteins, eggs and other foods for quick andeasy accessto the delicious foods you can eat on the Dukan Diet.With thishighly convenient app, sticking to your Dukan Diet hasnever beeneasier!
Dukan Diet 1.0
We want to make it easy for you tostartandfollow the dukan diet. Providing you with this guide andrecipestohave fun and keep you motivated. The diet is based on alistofover 100 allowed foods, as well as four specificgroundpillarsalso known as phases: attack, cruise,consolidation,andstabilization. Dukan diet could be the solutionfor you extrafatand the answer to how to lose weight fast. Take thefirst stepanddownload this application now ! *But please be advise,consultyoudoctor before to start this diet
Диета Дюкана. Рецепты,продукты 1.0
Наше приложение "Диета Дюкана. Рецепты,продукты" послужит дляВасверным помощником в похудении по системе Пьера Дюкана.Диета французского врача и диетолога Пьера Дюкана состоитизосновных 4 этапов. Диета эта достаточно продолжительная, иеедлительность можно регулировать, исходя из собственноголишнеговеса, и скорости потери ненужных килограммов. Так, например,есливы имеет сравнительно небольшой вес, вы можете пройти все 4этападиеты довольно быстро. Если же вы обладатель большогоколичествалишних килограммов, то вам потребуется намного большевремени. Всядиета Дюкана построена таким образом, что худеть вамбудет приятнои совсем несложно. Да, это не означает, что вам непридется ни вчем себе отказывать, но подобный дискомфорт, связанныйссобственными вредными привычками, проходит, по отзывамхудеющих,уже через 1-2 недели.Во время диеты нельзя употреблять алкоголь, сахар,жаритьпродукты на масле, следует также ограничить употреблениеспеций исоли. Пейте около 1,5 литров жидкости в день. Питатьсяследуетрегулярно, не менее трех раз в день. Если у вас неудобныйрабочийграфик, или иные причины, которые не позволяют вам соблюдатьэтоправило, введите за правило устраивать себе небольшиеперекусы,между приемами пищи. На всех этапах диеты рекомендуетсявыполнятьлегкие физические упражнения и совершать ежедневныепешиепрогулки.На самом деле, диета Дюкана совсем не сложная, поэтомусмелоприступайте к ней, ведь она уже опробована сотнямитысячжелающих.Качайте приложение, в нем собрана вся нужная для васинформацияпо похудению по самой знаменитой методике Пьера Дюкана. Ивсе этопрямо у вас в телефоне!Ourapplication "Dukan Diet. Recipes, food" will provide for youafaithful assistant in losing weight system Pierre Duc.Diet French physician and nutritionist Pierre Ducane consistsof4 main stages. This diet long enough and its duration canbeadjusted on the basis of their own excess weight, and the rateofloss of unwanted pounds. For example, if you have a relativelylowweight, you can go through all four stages of the dietratherquickly. If you are the owner of a large number of extrapounds,you will need much more time. All Dukan Diet is designed sothatyou will be pleased to lose weight and is a snap. Yes, it doesnotmean that you do not have nothing to deny yourself, butsuchdiscomfort associated with their own addictions, passes, intheopinion of slimming, after 1-2 weeks.During the diet you can not drink alcohol, sugar, fry foodsinoil, should also limit the use of spices and salt. Drink about1.5liters of fluid per day. Eat regularly, at least three times aday.If you are uncomfortable working hours, or other reasons thatdonot allow you to observe this rule, enter a rule to arrange asmallsnack between meals. At all stages of the diet recommendedlightexercise and perform daily walks.In fact, the Dukan Diet is not complicated, so feel freetoproceed with it, because it has already been tested by hundredsofthousands of visitors.Swing application, it gathers all the necessary informationforyou to lose weight at the famous technique Pierre Duc. And allthisright in your phone!
Du Diet protein diet 1.8.1
Logomotiv LLC
Dukan diet organizer: stages, measure of weight,recipes,instructions and notes
Dukan Diet 1.0
If you want to lose some weight usingtheDukanDiet you should start here. Learn about the dukandietbasics, therecipes, the food you can and cannot eat… You haveitall in onefree android Dukan Diet application. We provide youwithdukan dietrecipes for all the phases. All you need to do istofollow theinstructions.✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。*。¨¯`*✲FEATURES✲*`¯¨。*。❄。✲*`¯¨❄.。*´✲*Dukan Diet Foods*Dukan Diet Phase Recipes*Dukan Diet Basics*Pure Protein*Veg & Protein*Consolidation*Attack Phase Recipes*Stabilization*Dukan Diet Meal Plan Ideas*First Week Diet MenuEnjoy losing weight… Enjoy Dukan DietPlease take advice before starting any dietⒸACCESS LLC, All rights reserved
Диета Дюкана 1.0
Диета Дюкана на данный моментявляетсясамойдейственной и эффективной белковой диетой дляпохудения.ДиетаДюкана это выбор богатых, которые добиваютсяидеальныхпоказателей,без лишних проблем. Диета проверенна временем,неимеетпротивопоказаний и помогла сбросить лишнийвес,огромномуколичеству людей, получая при этом толькоположительныеотзывы.Диета Дюкана разработана доктором и диетологомиз Франции,ПьеромДюканом и состоит всего из 4 х основных этапов.Это самыйбыстрыйспособ похудеть! Используйте белковую диету Дюкана,онаоченьэффективна и совершенно безопасна, а результат оченьхорош.ДиетаДюкана отличный инструмент в сражении с лишнимвесом,сброситекилограммы легко и непринужденно! С помощьюпрограммыпитаниябелковой диеты Дюкана, вы приведете организм внорму исможетедержать нужный вам вес тела.Ducane dietiscurrentlythe most efficient and effective protein diet forweightloss.Ducane Diet is the choice of the rich, whoseekperfectperformance, hassle-free. Diet time-tested,hasnocontraindications and helped to lose weight, a lot ofpeopletogive only positive feedback. Ducane Diet developed byDr.andnutritionist from France, Pierre Dyukanom and consists ofonly4basic stages. This is the fastest way to lose weight!UseproteinDukan Diet, it is very effective and very safe, andtheresult isvery good. Ducane Diet is an excellent tool in thebattleagainstexcess weight, dropping kilos with ease! With thisprogram,foodprotein Dukan Diet, you bring the body back to normaland youcankeep your desired weight.
Диета Дюкана 1.1
Хотите похудеть и при этомпитатьсятакжевкусно, как и раньше? Тогда Диета Дюкана станет длявасидеальнойдиетой, она поможет избавиться от лишнего веса, и приэтомвысможете, есть то, что любите! Думаете так не бывает? Значит,выещене слышали о диете, которую разработал знаменитый диетологидокторПьер Дюкан. Начните следовать советам Диеты Дюканаужесегодня! Помнению диетологов номер один в мире, белковаядиетаДюкана самаялучшая и идеально сбалансированная диета!Диетуприменяют многиепопулярные артисты и актеры, т.к. диетаДюканаработает прекрасно,а если вы при этом будете выполнятьфизическиеупражнения, торезультат вас поразит! Главный принципбелковой диетыДюканасостоит в уменьшении употребления углеводныхпродуктов,которыеоткладываются в жир. Во время применения этаповбелковойдиетыДюкана очень важно соблюдать режим питания - не менее3-х развдень. Диета Дюкана состоит из 4 основных этаповпохудения,ониотличаются разным набором продуктов. Диета Дюкана –ешь инетолстей!Want to loseweightandstill eat as tasty as before? Then Dukan Diet willbecomeyourideal diet, it will help get rid of excess weight, whileyoucan,is what I enjoy! You think it does not happen? So, youhavenotheard about the diet, which was developed bythefamousnutritionist, and Dr. Pierre Duc. Begin to follow theadviceDucaneDiets today! According to nutritionists the worldnumber one,theprotein Dukan Diet is the best and perfectly balanceddiet!Thediet used by many popular singers and actors, as DukanDietworksperfectly, and if you will perform in this exercise,theresultswill amaze you! The main principle of the protein DukanDietis toreduce the consumption of carbohydrate foods thataredeposited inthe fat. During the application phases of proteinDukanDiet isvery important to follow the diet - at least 3 times aday.Ducanediet consists of 4 basic steps of weight loss,theyaredistinguished by a different set of products. Dukan Diet -eatandnot fat!
Рецепты по диете Пьера Дюкана 1.0
Это белковая диета, авторомкоторойявляетсяфранцузский доктор Пьер Дюкан. Отныне вам не нужноизнурятьсебяпостоянными подсчетами калорий или жестко ограничиватьсвойрацион.Инновационный метод доктора Дюкана заключается в том,что вовремядиеты вы можете употреблять в пищу абсолютно все:мясо,рыбу,овощи, молочные продукты... И неспроста слоган диетыДюканагласит:«Ешь столько, сколько хочешь!».Чтобы достичь успеха в борьбе с лишним весом,необходимочеткоследовать специально разработанным фазам диетыДюкана. О них иомногом другом Вы узнаете в нашем приложении.This proteindiet,authoredby French doctor Pierre Duc. From now on, you do notneedto paceyourself constant counting calories or severelyrestrictyour diet.Dr. Ducane innovative method is that during thediet youcan eateverything: meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products... Andnotwithout reason Dukan Diet slogan reads: "Eat as much asyouwant!".To achieve success in the fight against excess weight,youmuststrictly follow a specially designed phase Dukan Diet. Ontheseandmany other things you will learn in our application.
Диета дюкана. Все о похудении 1.20
Weretus Apps
«Пора худеть!» и «Начну с понедельника!»-какиеизбитые фразы.Наверняка каждый давал себе подобные обещания. А укого-тоэтихсамых понедельников было уже очень много... Диета.Ух,страшноеслово, неправда ли? Все мы привыкли к мысли о том,что«вкусно» и«полезно» вещи практически несовместимые. Полезная еда-невкуснаяеда, это не более чем стереотип!Около трех лет назад я наткнулась на книгу «Я неумеюхудеть»доктора Пьера Дюкана и эта встреча полностью измениламоеотношениек еде.Рассаживайтесь поудобнее, я приглашаю вас вудивительныймирздорового питания, новых вкусов и неожиданныхэкспериментов!Ясобрала для вас лучшие известные мне рецепты, неразприготовленныеи очень любимые! Давайте худеть вместе! Аближайшийпонедельник -это отличный старт для тех, кто решилизменить своюжизнь клучшему!"It's time toloseweight!"And "I'll start on Monday!" - What platitudes.Surely each gave himself such promises. And somebody mostoftheseMondays have been a lot of ... Diet. Wow, terrible word,isnot it?We are all accustomed to thinking that "delicious"and"useful"things almost incompatible. Useful food - tastelessfood,is nothingmore than a stereotype!About three years ago I came across the book "I cannotloseweight," Dr. Pierre Ducane and this meeting hascompletelychangedmy attitude to food.Sit back, I invite you to the wonderful world of healthyfood,newflavors and surprising experiments! I gathered for youthebestrecipes known to me, not just cooked and very favorite!Let'sloseweight together! And next Monday - it's a great start forthosewhohave decided to change your life for the better!
Правильное питание, пп рецепты 1.4.171
Healthy food, diet, pp menu for every day, recipes forpropernutrition
Дюрецепты Pro. 500+ рецептов 2.1
Logomotiv LLC
Retseptnik for protein and vegetable diet. More than 500 recipesforall stages of the diet.
DuRecipes – recipes Dukan diet 2.3
Logomotiv LLC
Cooking recipes for Dukan diet with photo and description.Attack,Cruise etс.
Dukan diet 3
You are interested by the Dukan Diet.Youjustfound what you were looking for. With this applicationyoulearnwhat you need to know about Dukan diet or dieta dukantoloseweight fast. With Dukan diet there is noo need ofweightlosspills. You will find Duklan diet on video and many more.Thisfreeapplication is very easy to use. Have fun with ElRamoStore
Calorie counter 3.2
Calorie counter - Food calorie calculator, Weight diary,BMIcalculator