Top 11 Games Similar to Vongola Reborn

Vongola Battle 1.0.3
Vongola Battle is originated from the manga.Ithas collected diversified original characters. You just cannotstopplaying with these cool graphics!Free! Tons of items, senior guardians, rare equipment, andbenefitsare all free to claim!Guardian training, box weapons and treasure fight are waitingforyou!Strongest PVP and the most stunning PVE! Let's experience thefiercebattle in Namimori Middle School! Fight for your famiglia!Come,boss! Your guardians are ready now! Let's give the bad guysabrilliant blow!Game Features---Original Dubbing---Original dubbing provided by the great dub team---Recollection---All players become mafias to fight for their famiglias---Featured Dungeon---Rings Battle in the fictional world---Featured Battle---Guardians joint attack, experience cool battles---Four Factions---Match freely with various partnersIgnite the flame on your head, grow up to protect partners!Boss,let's kick-start a glorious journey of the strongest mafia!Thering on the finger will always mark the time!Contact UsPlease feel free to contact us.Website:
X Burner 1.0.2
X Burner, the super ULT of Tsuna hascomeandreleased! You can have diversified original charactersofReborn.You will be the boss of Vongola, Varia, MilFioreArcobalenofighting for Rings Battles. You will cannot stopplayingwith thesecool graphics!Free VIP! Free! Tons of items, guardians, red equipment andgoldareall for free!Box weapons, joint attack and treasure fight areintegratedtodeliver you impressive experience!Strongest PVP and the most stunning PVE! Match the guardiansandmakethe joint attack Let's start the fierce battle inNamimoriMiddleSchool! Burning![Game Features]---Original Dubbing---Original dubbing provided by the great dub team---Featured Dungeon---Rings Battle in the fictional world---Recollection---All players become mafias to fight for their famiglias---Four Factions---Match freely with various partners---Featured Battle---Guardians joint attack, experience cool battlesGet the X Burner ULT, beat the enemies! You will bethestrongestboss! Boss, come on! Let’s start a glorious journey ofthemostpowerful mafia![Contact Us]Please feel free to contact us.Website:
Dying Will 1.0.2
Dying Will has collecteddiversifiedoriginalcharacters for manga Reborn. You can be the bossofVongola, Varia,Mil Fiore and so on, match guardians freelyforRings Battles. Youjust cannot stop playing with thesecoolgraphics!Free! Tons of items, guardians, rare equipment and benefitsareallfor free! Just log in the gameGuardian training, box weapons and treasure fight areintegratedtodeliver you impressive experience!Strongest PVP and the most stunning PVE! Let's experiencethefiercebattle in Namimori Middle School! Fight for yourfamiglia!Come,boss![Game Features]---Recollection---All players become mafias to fight for their famiglias---Featured Dungeon---Rings Battle in the fictional world---Four Factions---Match freely with various partners---Original Dubbing---Original dubbing provided by the great dub team---Featured Battle---Guardians joint attack, experience cool battlesIgnite the flame on your head, you will be the strongestboss!Boss,come on! Let’s start a glorious journey of the mostpowerfulmafia!The ring on the finger will always mark theourjourney![Contact Us]Please feel free to contact us.Website:
指環爭奪戰-家族榮耀 1.0.3
《指環爭奪戰-家族榮耀》改編自經典作品,完美呈現您記憶中的人物角色,當地聲優助陣,真人配音植入,您就是主角!收集最強陣營,玩法策略多樣化;經典劇情,回想當初的羈絆,守護家族的榮耀;炫麗的技能,帶你領略非一般的視覺體驗!二次元策略卡牌類手機遊戲,遊戲首創語音社團,激萌人物聊天表情,超可愛的日漫風格遊戲畫面,豐富的遊戲劇情和玩法,還不快來給壞人華麗一擊!【遊戲特色】---日語帶入---經典作品 真人日語聲優助陣---重溫回憶---全民黑手黨 守護家族榮耀---特色副本---指環爭奪戰 世界大Boss---特色戰鬥---羈絆合擊 體驗炫酷打擊感---四大陣營---超多夥伴 百變陣容任你搭配進入遊戲,回憶當年,您就是家族首領!快來下載《指環爭奪戰-家族榮耀》吧!【聯繫我們】我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫官方網站:https://jtjs.yahgame.com官方粉絲團:
AllStar Manga Heroes 2.20.160826
Description:Join with your friends in the best action RPG multiplayeronlinebattle arena, AllStar Manga Heroes! Collect your favoriteanimeheroes, build your own team, and challenge your friends inuniquePvP, Adventure, and PvE combat. Over one hundred cuteclassiccartoon heroes, which heroes will you choose?Features:1. Unparalleled Anime Heroes-Hundreds of classic Japanese manga heroes fully redesigned byfirstclass art team, cute and lovely, to relive your animefun.2. Polished maps- Variant maps and scenes makes you linger!- Main city is applied with layering technology, enabling youtoswitch to distant, middle or close visual-range mode!- Characters are moving at different speeds while runningindifferent layers of the scene .Bring you a vividexperience!3. First-ever combination and co-attacking- When partners with combining relation chain joins the fightandyou both have full rage point, you can enable combining a greatnewwarrior, and you are worth it!- When partners with co-attacking relation chain joins the fightandyou both have full rage point, you can enable co-attacking!Coolskills are just too good to be true!4. Formation strategy- Single, horizontal, vertical, cross, full class...exploresthepossibilities of attack orientation!- Full tank, DPS, assisting, controlling…overall positionstochoose!- Multitudinous formations! Different formation hasdifferentadditional properties.5. Triggering action can be interacted instantly; you can involveinthe game at anytime.--------NOTE-------AllStar Manga Heroes is free to download and free to play game,butthere are some In-app items can be purchased for realmoney.If you have any problems when playing the game, please donothesitate to contact us through the FB fan page.
Eredan Arena PVP 4.2.1
Feerik Games
More than 500 characters and an incredible universe awaits you!
Heroes Reborn 1.0
Here comes the future battlebetweentheAvengers! Take up the ultimate mission and save the worldwithyourcourage; open the gate to Marvel's universe and step onthepath ofyour adventures; collect your superheroes and jointhebattle, mygood fighters!Heroes Reborn is a mobile game with educationsimulationsystem.It's a story of a super smash where superheroes,aftertimetraveling, gather together to fight against the evilmutants.Thegame is outstanding with some brand-new ways of battlingatthecore of game mechanic. All superheroes come inadorableappearancesand are fully collectable--the Hulk, Iron man,the BlackWidow,Captain America and so on. You will be absorbed intothe bestgameexperience ever.Choose your favorite superheroes, join the army andsavetheworld!Fetures1.Gorgeous Death BlowsThe admired ultimate skills of superheroes arecompletelyembodiedwith outstanding hitting sense!2.Bond of FateSuperheroes are allied by the bond of fate! Thecombinationsofheroes can be various and numerous. So come and buildyour ownteamof super powers!3.Fantastic EvolutionSuccess in finding mysterious items enables yoursuperheroestoevolve with greater power, hotter outfits andmoresplendidultimate skills!4.Time TravelThe well-known superheroes from different time spacegatherhere,only to defeat the mysterious devil of theapocalypse!5.Fight to the TopFight in the arena to the king! May your glory be looked up tobyalltime space fighters!Please contact usonourFacebook:[email protected] valuable suggestions will be appreciated.!
家族守護者 1.0.2
《家族守護者》是源自經典作品,真人配音植入,當地聲優,給你最真實的視聽體驗;經典劇情,讓你回到當初觀看時的熱血澎湃;炫麗的技能,帶你領略非一般的爽快打擊感!糾集最強陣營,誰將成為最強首領!集二次元、策略卡牌於一身,遊戲首創語音聊天,不當鍵盤黨,超萌的聊天表情(*^__^*),萌萌噠日漫風遊戲畫面,豐富的遊戲劇情和玩法,你就是主角!收集守護者,你就是首領!【遊戲特色】---四大陣營---超多夥伴 百變陣容任你搭配---特色戰鬥---羈絆合擊 體驗炫酷打擊感---重溫回憶---全民黑手黨 為家族而戰---經典重現---經典動漫 原作聲優助陣---特色副本---家族守護者 置身二次元世界集結各個陣營守護者,開啟華麗戰鬥,開展你的黑手黨稱霸之旅,快來下載《家族守護者》吧!【聯繫我們】我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫官方網站:https://jtjs.yahgame.com官方粉絲團:
少年大乱斗——ACG全明星穿越时空热血对战GO 1.0.5
《少年大乱斗》是一款打破题材时空界限、离散开放式的超级盟热血卡牌对决手游,“超级盟”即代表游戏不止一个世界观、阵营、联盟,玩家面对的不止一个次元的对手,华夏、幻想、魔幻、超能还有日漫,更多未知的题材在等待玩家探索。同时,卡牌收集、英雄养成、配置阵容、装备打造、宝物合成和大陆征战、世界boss、竞技场pk、跨服战等超多玩法,带你体验快节奏、扫关卡、炫特效、爽到底的大乱斗式卡牌激斗。【游戏特色】※卡牌酷炫,颜值报表!※千万邀约知名画师亲自操刀300余张卡牌人设!每个人物,都是酷炫少年、绝美少女,颜值爆表!※合体大招,爽到碎屏!※能释放合体技能的手游!巫妖王、冰雪女王齐上阵,释放合体技威力逆天;刘备、孔明齐上阵,释放合体技秒杀全屏!这里,缘分不只是数值,合体技爽到碎屏!※严谨策略,极端烧脑!※如何召唤你的全套阵营英雄,如何让你辛苦集全的英雄发挥最大输出!阵容配置、英雄养成,步步烧脑!※社交竞技,极致PK!※PVE,PVP,1 vs1,NvsN,竞技场,世界Boss等系统不在话下,更有跨服战,官方线下挑战赛等更多赛事,带领你的军团成员,一同来战!※最强福利,良心游戏!※全年365天,平均每天可从游戏内获得至少3000钻石,首周直送40000钻石,让你high到爆!登陆第七天,日漫侠客,三国名将、美国英雄、各种Boss之中顶级橙将,任你挑!最良心的手游,没有之一!【玩家好评】—看到各个次元世界的英雄集结在一起形成的超级联盟,忍不住想要收集完所有英雄。—游戏玩起来比较轻松,不用一直跟着刷,有空的时候上去玩一下就能获得明显战力提升,给十个赞!—全世界超级英雄拿到手里排兵布阵的感觉,简直爽!—合体技能和英雄大招,直接爆屏了!【媒体评价】—游戏画面感十足,技能+动作特效满分,多阵营英雄,多元社交玩法交互味道厚重。—充满异世界的氛围都让人眼前一亮。场景建模和人设都非常完美精致。—极致的端游还原度,极具厚度的世界观和鲜活的剧情主线以及海量的游戏玩法,给予了玩家更丰富的成长路线和游戏体验。—异世界的画面逼真细腻,丰富的场景细节让游戏更加生动,天赋突破搭配很“竞技”!【联系我们】如果您喜欢我们的游戏,欢迎您随时给我们评价,留言!官方facebook:
超能英雄-超级英雄的未来之战,二次元动漫大乱斗养成手游! 1.0
游戏介绍这是一场来自复仇者联盟超级英雄的未来之战,在这里你将勇敢承担起拯救世界的终极使命,在这里你将开启一场漫威宇宙中进行的大冒险,勇士们收集你的超级英雄,战斗吧!《超能战队》是一款以超级英雄进行时空穿梭,共同对抗邪恶异变体为背景的二次元动漫大乱斗养成手游。游戏以超越同类手机游戏的新颖战斗模式为核心玩法,同时采用Q版萌化的美术表现,让玩家可以在游戏中收集自己喜爱的英雄进行战斗,并从中获得完美的游戏体验选择您最喜爱的超级英雄,加入到拯救世界的行列中吧!游戏特色:**华丽大招**完美还原了超级英雄们的令人仰慕的成名大招!细致入微的打击感!**命运组合**超级英雄们在命运的结合下联手作战!组合多样,千变万化,快来组建属于您的超能战队吧!**超炫进化**收集到蕴含神秘力量的物件可使您的超级英雄超炫进化,更强大的能力,更华丽的外形,更酷炫的大招!**时空穿越**耳熟能详的超级英雄们来自于不同的时空世界,汇聚于此,只为消灭神秘的末世魔神!**一战成名**君临竞技场,登上王者之巅!所有时空勇士们都将仰视您的光辉!======联系我们======fb地址:客服邮箱:[email protected]
Lost Saga-Avengers awaken 1.0.2
Hundreds of cute heroes which aredividedintofour factions, Japanese cartoon heroes, Westernmagicheroes,Eastern ancient heroes and American super heroes, theyareallwaiting for your summon. All for FREE! Your collectionneverstops.[Game features]--- Different from the traditional card games, thecharactersinSuper Avenger are visualized in three-dimensionalstyle. Youwillenjoy the awesome moves and special graphic of thegame.--- Each hero plays a different role in the battle. Theycanbedeployed in front or back line to attack indifferentorders.Heroes with different formations will greatlyaffect thebattleresult.--- Carefree Social PK, Striking Battle! PVE, PVP, 100 VS100,NVS N, Arena, World Boss, Fight whenever you want.Leadyourmembers, march to the top!--- Unlimited Benefits! Free diamonds every day! 40000diamondsinthe first week worth hundreds of dollars.Come and join us NOW!If you like our game, please kindly follow us: