Top 11 Apps Similar to Pulse Rate Oximeter Spo2 Prank

Pulse Oximeter SpO2 Prank 1.0.0
Pulse Oximeter (spO2) is a device whereyoucanmonitor oxygen level of any patient.Oximeter tells you in percentage the fluctuation of yourbreath.Thepercentage of oxygen o2 is determined by pressure settingthe100%as the pressure at sea level.Pulse oximeter spO2 application is a prank application andthisappis not generating real results so whenever you feel thatyouarehaving trouble in exhaling or inhaling or your heartbeatisfastthen you must consult with the doctor.Download Pulse Oximeter spO2 prank application andcheckwhatpercentage of oxygen you are breathing.Caution:This is a Prank app so:Do not use for medical purpose.How TO USE:• Select your Gender• Place your finger gently on the front screen ofyourAndroidsmartphone device.• Do not press too hard as it might cause you a screen damage.Ifyouare using a real Samsung device then also you don’t presstoohardbecause it can put pressure on the blood circulation andyourresultmay vary.• After placing your finger or thumb hold until themeasurementiscomplete.• It will take some seconds to complete the process.• After successful scanning the app will show random fakenumberofyour Pulse Oximeter.Disclaimer:This app is only for entertainment reason don’t measureyourPulseOximeter spO2 for real purpose. All the results are fakeandrandomnumbers.Feel free to send us your valuable feedback we would lovetohearthem.Keep Pranking.
Spo2 Oximeter Pulse Rate Prank 1.0.0
Code Tonight
Check your oxygen level by pulseoximeterspO2machine.This spO2 measures the variation of your oxygen levelandtellwhether it is below the average or above average. Itmeasuresinpercentage. If you are having below 90% of spO2 levelthen itmeansyou need to consult your doctor. Otherwise 99% oxygenlevel isagood sign.Pulse oximeter is a prank application which is only made tosharethefun. Keep sharing this app with your friends, family andevenwithcolleagues and show them yours oxygen level andcalculatetheirs aswell.Pulse Oximeter spO2 is a prank app and we are justshowingrandomnumbers which are not close to the real numbers. Souse thisapp tocalculate the oxygen level.Basically the main purpose behind this app is to tell ourusersisalways check your spO2 level, whether you are feeling goodornot.It is very important to do a regular checkup ofyourbody.Please don’t use this for medical purpose.How to use:Gender Selection (Male, Female)Place finger on the screenHold still until analysis completedFake value will show after analysis done.Disclaimer:This app is only for entertainment reason don’t measureyourPulseOximeter spO2 for real purpose. All the results are fakeandrandomnumbers.Feel free to send us your valuable feedback and suggestionswewouldlove to hear them.Enjoy the Pranks.
SpO2 Oximeter Heart Rate Prank 1.0.0
Monitor your oxygen level by pulseoximeterspO2application.It measures the fluctuation of oxygen you are inhalingorexhaling.If you hold your breath then the level willstartdecreasing.Pulse oximeter spO2 is a prank application made only forfunpurpose,the app don’t show the real figures. The values weareshowing israndom and not close to the original. If you receiveoneor two realvalues then don’t get excited, it is one inamillion.Please consult your doctor if you find any irregularitiesinyourbody.So check out your oxygen level through real device and knowwhatyourpercentage is.Caution:This is a Prank app so:Do not use for medical purpose.How TO USE:• Select your Gender• Put your finger very delicately.• Place your finger and hold till the analysis completed• It will take some seconds to complete the process.• Successful transmission will show random fake values.Disclaimer:This app is only for entertainment reason don’t measureyourPulseOximeter spO2 for real purpose. All the results are fakeandrandomnumbers.Feel free to send us your valuable feedback we would lovetohearthem.Keep Pranking.
Finger Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0.0
We need to check always every part ofourbodywhether we look healthy or not. We must keep checkingourbodythrough medical devices like, Sugar test machine,bloodpressurechecker machine or even oxygen level throughpulseoximeter.We don’t know what’s going on without body system so we mustcheckiton regular basis.In this app all we wanted to do is to draw attentiontowardssugartest, we are so busy in our life’s that we don’t haveanytime forthese things we consider them very small. So it’s justareminder toyou to check up your sugar level.Sugar test app is a prank application and wedon’tgenerateaccurate results. So please don’t use it fororiginalpurpose.Use this app only for fun purpose, there is noapplicationthattells your sugar level on the basis of your fingerprint.How to Use:- Select Gender- Put your finger on the scanning bar- Analysis will complete after some seconds- The result will be shown after scanning.Attractive graphics you will love it.Disclaimer:This app is only for entertainment reason don’t measureyoursugartest and pretend it’s original. All the results are fakeandrandomnumbers.Feel free to send us your valuable feedback we would lovetohearthem.Enjoy Pranking
SpO2 and Fever Reader prank 1.2
Now you can use your mobile device toanalyzeor calculate your pulse oxygen level SpO2.This app tell you your body oxygen level in percentage andisdetermined by pressure setting 100% as the pressure atsealevel.Now you can calculate oxygen level without any externalhardwaremedical device.This is not just an oxygen monitor app in-fact you can alsocheckyour body temperature level through this app.Calculate oxygen and fever of your body through your finger orthumbprint.This is not a real medical instrument this is just a prank appforfun and entertainment.If you are a prankster or love to play prank with your friendsorfamily members then this would be the best app for you.How to Use:-Select SpO2 or fever scanner.-Place your thumb or finger on scanning pad.-Don't remove your finger from scanning pad until scanningprocessend.-Share with your friends and family.Key Features:-Scan Oxygen level of human body(SpO2).-Scan Fever / Temperature of human body.-Scans through thumb or finger print.-Best way to play prank.-Nice Graphics.-Works without internet connection.Disclaimer / Note:This is not a real Medical device to calculate oxygen or feverlevelthis is just a prank app for fun and entertainmentpurposes.
Body Temperature Scan - Prank 1.0.0
Are you worried about the fluctuationsofyourBody Temperature? You must know that the Body Temperatureofanyorganism have a lot of fluctuation during the day. For ahuman,itslowest levels are around 4 a.m. in the morning andthehighestlevels in the late afternoon between 4 o’clock to 6o’clock. Allof this is assumed if the person start sleep at nightandstayawaken during the whole day. Thus, strictly speaking,37.3°Ctemperature orally will be a normal and healthy oneintheafternoon but in the early morning. Temperature of theBodyisalways sensitive to many of the hormones produced by thebody.Thatis why, men and women may have varied temperaturerhythms.Weatheralso cause the variation of temperature each year.Thispattern iscalled a circadian rhythm and studies of thesevariationshaveproduced inconsistent results. So, people living inthedifferentareas having different climates may havedifferentpatterns ofthis. If you have a increased physical fitnessthen youwill alsohave the increased amount of daily variationthetemperature. Oraltemperatures are always influenced bythedrinking, smoking,breathing, sugar/glucose level &heart/pulsebeat rate etc.. ofperson. Breathing problem may bebecause ofdifference in OxygenLevel. For Oxygen Level measurementyou shoulduse Pulse RateOximeter SpO2. Cold diets or drinks reducethe oraltemperaturewhile hot ones have a increased effect. Skinbasedtemperatureshave a correlation relatively poor with thecoretemperature of thebody. The overall core temperature of thebodyshould range in anormal value. Thus, you will be able tomaintainyour health in aproper manner. .How to Use:-Open the application for checking the temperature---Tick your Gender—---Place the finger on screen-------Results are now on the screen just in seconds----Disclaimer:Body Temperature checker is a prank. Do some fun withyourfriendsto check the temperature of the body. If you havefeelingof fever,see a doctor in the hospital.
Blood Sugar Test Scan - Prank 1.0.0
There are different ways of checkingyoursugarlevel. These may be long term or short term. For example,youcaneasily check it with the help of glucometer easily availableinthemarket. Or you can go to the doctor for the given purpose.WhentheGlucose level in the blood of body becomes higher thanthenormalrequired range, they start to cause the inflammations inthebloodvessels and the nerves in the body of the people. Andthenall thecomplications of the different diseases and alsothediabetes comefrom. Smile can cure all problems anddiseases,change your modewith this Prank Blood Sugar CheckerApplication byasking yourfriends to check their glucose/sugar levelin thebody.High levels of sugars in the body are maintained byInsulinwhichfunctions in decreasing the Glucose level. Indiabeticpatients,Insulin function is damaged and thus Sugars in thebodyincrease.So, you need to give your body conscious help, byeatingthe rightthings, taking exercise regularly or takingrightmedications fromthe doctors, using herbs and reducing thestresslevels. Too lowsugar levels are also a great problem andthat’swhythis should be kept in normal range. Low or highsugar/glucoselevelcan effect Heart/Pulse Beat Rate, BodyTemperature and OxygenLeveletc. Heart rate can be measures withpulse meter, BodyTemperaturecan be measured with thermometer andOxygen Level canbe measuredwith Pulse Rate Oximeter SpO2.How to Use:+++ Launch the app.+++ Now, you just have to select the gender.+++ Place thumb/finger on the scanner.+++ Check the results on the result screen.Disclaimer:The app is a prank and should be used for fun. It is notgoingtoshow the correct results.
Heart Rate Beat Checker Prank 1.0.0
The Heart rate checker prank applicationistobe used for fun activities with your friends orfamilymembers.Make your self healthy. You can have fun withyourrelatives andyour best friends by asking them to check theirheartrate byplacing thumb or finger on the scanner. Pulse Meter isusedformeasuring heart rate. Calculate your Body Temperatureusingadigital thermometer.High Body Temperature is symptomoffever,malaria and other diseases. Oximeter Spo2 is usedformeasuringoxygen level in the body. Glucose.Sugar Levelabnormalitycanresult in high or low heart rate.How to use:After Launching the Heart Rate prank checkerapplication,chooseyour gender. Now it is time to place your fingeron thescreenasking fingerprint. After scanning in just a matterofseconds, theprank Heart rate with other calculations will beshownon thescreen.Disclaimer:Heart Rate checker prank application does not givetrueresultsand is purely for fun and entertainment activities. Itwillgivefake results of Heart Rate checking and if you feel anykindofproblem with your health, please visit your concerned doctor.Itisnot possible to check the heart rate withandroidscreenscanner.
Heart Rate Pulse Spo2 - Prank 4.6.4
Heart Rate Calculator is a PrankApplicationand it is completely designed to amuse so you can haveprecious funmoments with your jolly and innocent friends, love-ableandprecious family members and people around you and momentsoflaughter around using this application as it creates not onlyfunbut awareness towards health as heart is an important componentofyour body just as your Blood glucose level or the Blood sugarlevelor you can have your oxygen level using Pulse rate OximeterSPO2.There are some other health related parameters like BloodPressure,Blood Cholesterol & Diabetes you can have theseparameters tobut with real equipment but in the mean time you canhave fun withHeart Rate Prank Calculator as it is designed to makeyou laugh butwe just suggest that one should really take carehis/her health ashealth is wealth.**********Instruction to use this application**********1: Launch Application2: Select Your Gender3: Tap on Screen and wait for results**********Disclaimer**********Heart Rate Calculator is a Prank application and is only for funandentertainment purpose only. Use it to prank your friends andspreadsmile on their face.
Heart Beat Rate Scan - Prank 1.0.0
Heart Rate or pulse is measured innumberofbeats per second. There are a lot of factors that may ormaynotAffect your Heart Rate. For example, When thetemperaturesorhumidity soar, your Heart may pump a little moreblood to yourbodyand in doing so your pulse rate may increase. Butusually, itdoesnot increase more than five to ten beats a minute.IncreaseinBlood Sugar or Body Temperature can also effect theheartrate.Another factor is your Body position you are in i.e. youmayberesting at your bed or sofa, you may be sittingorstandingsomewhere. Oxygen Level abnormality can causebreathingproblemwhich can result in Heart/Pulse Beat Rate problem.PulseOximeterSpO2 should be used for measuring oxygen level in thebodyin caseif you feel uncomfortable with Oxygen level.In all these conditions your Heart Rate is usuallythesame.Sometimes, when you stand continuously, for the firstfifteentotwenty seconds, your Heart Rate may go higher a littlebit,butafter some time it should settle down. Also, your Emotionsplayanimportant role in your Heart Rate. If you arefeelingstressed,anxious or if you are extraordinary happy or sad,theseemotionsmay raise your pulse rate.Medications you are using in your daily life whichblockyouradrenaline (beta blockers) tend to slow your pulse whiletakingtoomuch of the thyroid medicine will raise your Heart Rate.Andyoualso might not feel good.How to Use:* Launch the app* Now you are going to select your gender in the second step* Put your finger on scanner in third step.* See the results of your Heart Rate after a few secondsonthescreenDisclaimer:Note this app is a prank and is used for only funandentertainmentpurpose only.. Our Heart Rate checker applicationis aprank andyou can use it only to have fun with your friendsorfamilyanytime.
Blood Sugar Test Checker Prank 1.0.0
Do you want to have some entertainmentinyourlife? Then just tap on download and have some fun in lifebythisprank. Install Finger Blood Sugar checker and make funwithyourfamily and friends. With beautiful result meter youcanprankeveryone. Spending laughter's in friends and family isagooddeed.It is designed in such a way that one who is not aware ofandroidcannever get whether it is a prank application or real.Monitoryouroxygen level by sugar. Daily exercise is good forhealth, itkeepsyour body and mind relax.Healthy body means healthy life. Daily running keepsyourmusclesstrong. Swimming is the best exercise of alltheexercises.Cool and fresh breeze is good for lungs andrespiratorysystem.FeverThermometer Body Temperature Scan has agreat impacton sugarglucose level. Oximeter SPO2 is used formeasuring oxygenlevel.Heart rate gets higher after running and bodygets warmwhich isgood for cold weather. With running thetemperature of thebodybecomes stable.This application is made to make your friends andfamilyprank.Purpose of this application is to spread laughter's and funinyourfriends and family. It does not measure sugar level noritispossible to measure it with Finger Scanner.How To Use:1) Launch the app by clicking on app icon.2)Wait for the first screen.3)Select the gender on the first screen.4)Place your finger on the scanner.5)Wait for scanning to be completed.6)Results will be displayed on the next screen.Note: It is a prank application and it is for funandentertainmentpurpose.