Top 21 Apps Similar to Division Training

DivEasy - Easy Division 1.2.7
A simple fast application to help children with the processofdivision
Divisions Calculator 3.2
Simple calculator for divisions for schools, showing theremainsofeach operation. Ideal to learn and fix divisions.
Division calculator 3.3
School Math helper. Long division, Long multiplication,addition& subtraction
DIVISIONS You can easily learn how to divide multi-digitnumbersusing iberian or french box. You can change de number ofdigits ofdividend and divisor. You can select the option ofcontinue orstart if you make mistakes.
DivPad - Step by Step Math
Step by step addition, subtraction, multiplication, divisionandsquare root.
Multi-digit division Daisy
This application allows to practice multi-digits division usingthestandard algorithm. The interface has been simplified as muchashas been possible. The application starts in an screen withadivisor of 1 digit and the instructions to make theproposeddivision. When you press the back button, the applicationshows thescreen with the simplest task and you can display adropdown menuwith all the available options: "FORMING GROUPS THATARE EQUAL INSIZE" introduces you the concept of division."DIVIDEND, DIVISORAND QUOTIENT" captures these three concepts withpractice."REMAINDER" is another concept that emerges in the sameway whenthe division of integer numbers is not exact. "WORK WITHDIVISOR OF2 DIGITS" allows practice the standard algorithm withthis kind ofdivision. "WORK WITH DIVISOR OF 3 DIGITS" and "WORKWITH DIVISOR OF4 DIGITS" are similar to the previous one."HOMEWORK" allows sendby email some divisions and its results withthe number of digitsused last time. "SCORE TO ZERO" to reset thesaved bookmark. Theapplication uses a lot of feedback by text andtext to speech,allowing that students can follow easily thedevelopment ofarithmetic operations.
Math: Long Division 1.104
Math: long division. Math exercises.
Long Division Touch 1.0
Regular Berry
Not everyone learns the same way. Ifyou'rehaving trouble with Long Division, this math app will giveyou avisual and physical way to finally understand what it's allabout.*Aligned with Common Core 6.NS.B.2*Get instant feedback step-by-step*Single digit divisors, Multiple digit divisors, Remainders --allcovered
Math (Division) Step By Step 3.9.10
An app that teaches long division. Added multiplication,addition& subtraction
Division Y2017.2
DIVISION You can easily learn how to divide multi-digitnumbersusingstandard algorithm. You can change the number ofdigits ofdividendand divisor. You can select the option ofcontinue orstart if youmake mistakes. You can send problems andsolutions byemail.
Division For Kids 1.8
RamkyS Tech
Perfect app for kids to practice Division with Worksheets andGames!
Math Flash Cards 3.9.1
Build math skills in: addition, subtraction, multiplicationanddivision.
Basic Math Operations 1.8.1
It is an easy and funny application for kids to developtheirmathskills. Your kids can improve their math ability byusingthisapplication. Help Your child tolearnquicklyaddition,subtraction,multiplication and division. Testyourmentalmath and exercise your brain once aday.Educational,Mentalist,Brain storming, mental exercises, learnandtest quickly.
Alb Divisions DEMO
• App developed to help my sons to learn and practice divisionsforschool / institute, on an easy way for them: Not studying,butplaying: It works! (...And not only for children, but forallages!). • I have not found any program for my sons topracticedivisions with decimals, either in the divider, either inthedividend, or any program to practice divisions with decimals inthequotient, so I created this app. • Learn, play andpracticedivisions at all levels, from the very beginner to thedivisionswith decimals, either in the dividend, either in thedivider or inthe quotient. • Designed for students of any grade /age: Primary,secondary... Or for anyone that wants to learn orpracticedivisions, with, or without decimals. • 3 app versions: -Free /ADS: NEW , Free version with Ads to enable with 1 click(FREE) allthe options of the complete version, in which you canconfigure thenumber of digits of the dividend and divider, and thenumber ofdecimals in the dividend, divider, or quotient of thedivisions. -Free / Demo: FREE, with NO ads, version limited to 3digits in thedividend, and 1 digit in the divider of the divisions.I wouldsuggest to start with this free version. Then, once you oryour sonis confident with them, go either to the complete version,eitherto the ADS version. - Complete version: Complete version withNOads in which you can configure the number of digits of thedividendand divider, and the number of decimals in the dividend,divider,or quotient of the divisions. Cheap! (Cost less thaninviting to acoffee). ;-) • Dividend and divider’s number of digitsand numberof decimals of divisions can be configured on thecomplete version.• Resizable screen: Fits in any screen size, andcan be adjustedfor the smallest phones, to the biggest tablets,either invertical, either in horizontal mode. • Multilanguage: Setthe menusin English, Spanish or French. • App does not requireanypermission on Android 6 or higher (for some previousandroidversions, Android sets WIFI permissions to the app, althoughnotused, neither needed). • In case of any problem, or if youthinkadding any additional feature would be helpful, please, sendanemail to [email protected] • Play with your childrentocheck who scores more, or simply, let the children play 10minutesa day... In few days, they will be very confident ondivisionswithout studying. • This app is simply a game thatreplaces thetypical "pass the lesson" with Q&A (questions andanswers): Theapp asks a different division every time and checkyour responses.Based on play and practice, you will learn to dodivisions quickly.• App Name: Alb Divisions - Alb Divisiones - AlbDivisions
School Calculator for Kids 1.0.2
School CALCULATOR, will help with mathfromyour children. Designed for parents and educators, performthebasic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplicationanddivision suitable for children up to 10 years.School CALCULATOR not only shows the final resultbutautomatically develops the entire operation, which allows youtocheck if the children have successfully completed the exercisesinyour notebook or explain where they have erred improvingtheirunderstanding of mathematics.School CALCULATOR is ready to help you configurealgorithmsdivision depending on the country or system you use(Anglo-Saxon,European or German) also can choose the widespreaddevelopment(division long) or simple, if you want to include in theresultingdecimal numbers. It also includes an interactive zoom.The configuration panel division is translated into the 12mostwidely used languages in the world. All set for thedifferenteducational levels.“School CALCULATOR” caller ID helps you identifynumbersreal-time while the call is happening - even the ones not inyourphonebook. No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers–“School CALCULATOR” caller ID prepares you for the call. Ifyourlocal pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone when you’recalling,“School CALCULATOR” caller ID will suggest alternativenearbyplaces. You can always adjust your caller ID settings inthesettings menu.
Math (Division & more) Steps 2
Digital D, LLC
Math (Division & more) Steps isaneducational app that teaches long arithmetic step by step.Unlikemost math apps, this app will guide you in an interactive wayto doa multi-digit long division operation.- No advertisement- 4 operations (division, multiplication, additionandsubtraction)- 2 new methods: partial quotient division (also known aschunking)and grid multiplication (also known as the boxmethod)- Now supporting 2 notations for division:1) dividend on right and divisor on left (mostEnglish-speakingcountries)2) dividend on left and divisor on right (someEuropeancountries)- Now you can show remainder or decimal- Three levels of difficulties- You can type your own numbers or let the app pick onesforyou- Two modes of interaction1) Multiple choice option where you have to pick the rightanswerfor the step2) You can go to next, back, first or last step- You can turn on or off sounds.
These quiz is for grade 4 mathslongdivisionquiz 1 for children. Its contains 100+ Questions.Everytime take atest Only 15 questions with shuffle questionsandoptions. AfterCompletion test its displayed result withsolutions.So you canimprove your maths skills with this quiz.
Practicando Divisiones 1.0.0
ivan Gjurovic
En esta aplicación practicas con lastablasdemultiplicar del 1 al 15.Cada ejercicio aparece en la parte central con dosbloquesquecontienen los números en su interior.Estos bloques se separan por el símbolo querepresentaladivisión.-Debajo de estos bloques, aparecen 16 bloques de menortamaño,entrelos que se encuentra el valor de la respuesta.Selección tocando el bloque para tu respuesta.-Si tu respuesta es correcta el bloque adquiereelcolorceleste.-Si tu respuesta es incorrecta el color del bloque es rojo, yenuncolor celeste aparece el bloque correcto.El tiempo considerado para el ejercicio es de 4 minutos.-Al final aparece una pantalla con los errores cometidosduranteelejercicio.Finalmente la evaluación con el puntaje obtenido.Inthispracticalapplication with the multiplication tables from 1to15.Each exercise appears in the middle of two blockscontainingthenumbers inside.These blocks by the symbol representing separate división.-Under these blocks, 16 blocks of smaller size, including thevalueofthe response is displayed.Playing block selection for your Answer.-If your answer is correct acquires the color block celeste.-If your answer is incorrect block color it is red, and lightblueonthe right block appears.The period considered for the year is 4 minutos.-At the end, a screen appears with the mistakes madeduringtheyear.Finally the evaluation with the score obtained.
3rd Grade Math Flashcards Free 1.3
Mathcards : 3rd Grade homeschooling worksheetsGrade-wise Common Core Standards Practice Based Flashcards –Mathcards is a curriculum based (ELA / Common Core)mathematicalflash card app series. This series designed forsimplicity keepingkids learning in mind. If you are thinking ofHomeschool, orAfter-school teaching, learning activities, you madea rightchoice.This tutoring series will definitely help your kids toprogressin fun-filled environment. Our target is to create a seriesofmathematical games, puzzles and activity for first grade,secondgrade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixthgrade.Please check back Appstore for additional updates.Mathcards are worksheets for fast and simple learning workout.Ifyou think, your kid need higher or lower level for practice,browsethrough our various option for flashcard. These worksheetsproblemcover basic arithmetic operations such as addition,multiplication,subtraction, division, fractions and decimal. Yoursuggestions arereviews are also welcomed and we will try toimplement those changesin the next series.For Teachers: The syllabus used in this math games,worksheetscomply with common core standards, ELA practice.For Users: There are two input methods -1. Multiple choice (not Mental math): We recommend to startwiththis option, so that you kid will learn mathematicaloperationssuch as addition, multiplication, division, subtraction,decimal,fractions, through process of eliminations.2. Keyboard (mental Math) after learning through processofelimination - you can choose this option of keyboard. Thiswillstimulated them to think and do mental mathematics.Mathcards/ Math flash Cards are designed for :➤ Simple Layouts➤ Simple and Progressive Level Structure➤ Constant Encouragement Practices throughout the appWith this app, you can expect your Kids to be engagedinMathematical activities for long time,● Progressive Level for basic mathematical operation● Based on Grade (1st, 2nd and 3rd Addition,SubtractionMultiplication, and division levels are included.● for advanced grades 4th, 5th and 6th - Decimals, fractionsandexponent are included.● Every-time a new set of cards is generated● Choice of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cards● You can choose multiple choice or keyboard mode● You can choose level for playingGood luck for your homeschooling and afterschool studies.About US: We are makers of homeschool math apps forprimaryelementary school (Montessori) l, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3throughgrade 6. These mathematical games, activities and puzzlescoversaddition, multiplication, subtraction, division, fractionanddecimals. Very useful if your kids love to study on phoneortablet.For any information or reporting bugs contact us at [email protected]
Math Master Educational Game a 1.0.25
Learn, Practice, Revise, and Test your Math Skills in a FUNandInteractive Way!
MalMath: Step by step solver 20.0.10
Solve and understand math problems