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Animal Encyclopedia Offline 1.1.5
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Ottoman Empire History Plus 2.5
Welcome to explore the Ottoman Empire History.This application gives you information about the OttomanEmpire.Explore sultans of Ottoman Empire. Learn everything abouttheOttoman Empire.Now you can purchase and use with a clean interfacewithoutads.The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman I. As sultan MehmedIIconquered Constantinople (today named Istanbul) in 1453, thestategrew into a mighty empire. The Empire reached its apexunderSuleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century when it stretchedfromthe Persian Gulf in the east to Hungary in the northwest; andfromEgypt in the south to the Caucasus in the north. After itsdefeatat the Battle of Vienna in 1683, however, the empire began aslowdecline, culminating in the defeat of the empire by the AlliesinWorld War I. The empire was dismantled by the Allies after thewarended in 1918.List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire:Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, members of the Ottoman Dynasty,ruledover that vast transcontinental empire from 1299 to 1922. Atitsheight, it spanned from Hungary in the north to Somalia inthesouth, and from Algeria in the west to Iran in theeast.Administered at first from the city of Bursa in Anatolia,theempire's capital was moved to Edirne in 1366 and thentoConstantinople (currently known as Istanbul) in 1453 followingitscapture from the Byzantine Empire.The Ottoman Empire's early years have been the subject ofvaryingnarratives due to the difficulty of discerning fact fromlegend;nevertheless, most modern scholars agree that the empirecame intoexistence around 1299 and that its first ruler was OsmanI Khan(leader) of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks.The Ottoman Dynasty he founded was to endure for sixcenturiesthrough the reigns of 36 sultans. The Ottoman Empiredisappeared asa result of the defeat of the Central Powers withwhom it hadallied itself during World War I.The partitioning of the empire by the victorious Allies andtheensuing Turkish War of Independence led to the birth of themodernRepublic of Turkey.With best regards.
İslam Ansiklopedisi 5.7
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The Dictionary - Wiki Encyclopedia 1.7.135
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