Top 9 Games Similar to C.E.I. PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO

Wachanga, Parenting Guide
Wachanga is your personal guide for yourkid'sup-bringing.The App includes lots of tasks for parents to assist them intheirkids comprehensive development: intellectual andphysicaldevelopment, socialization, emotional sphere, etc. Thetasks aregiven individually according to the child age.You will manage to save the report on the tasks execution, andthenin a while reminisce your kid early childhood developmentwithtender emotions. Photos of your little one's first events,heightand weight graphics, lists of favorite toys and fairy tales…Allthese and even much more will be kept in the colorfulkeepsakejournal of your child.Create the journal by the whole family, each on their own phone,andthen share interesting moments of your child developmentwithrelatives and close friends!Key features:• Timeline – post notes about interesting moments of yourkid'sdevelopment, add appropriate photos.• Metrics – fix your kid's height and weight as often as you cantoget graphics, pretty colorful lines and recommendationsforphysical development.• Tasks - are specially issued assignments for you nd yourchild.Executing the tasks with your little one, you'll help himtoacquire new knowledge and skills. Improve yourparentallevel!• Forms – answer the questions in the thematic forms to keepyourlittle one's important development periods.• Relatives – a list of your relatives and friends in Wachanga.Youwill never forget their kids names and miss theirbirthdays.• News – be aware of your friends' kids development!
Aula de Infantil 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 30 days when you download the app!
Tips de Educación Infantil 1.02
17 Tips de Educación Infantil es exclusivoparamamás y papás que necesitan consejos que acompañen laEducaciónInfantil. Educar no es cosa fácil y no tenemos manualespara ello,por ello hemos creado esta app para ir adquiriendosoltura con cadaexperiencia que pasamos con nuestros hijos, heaquí Tips que tepuedan ayudar en este camino lleno de aprendizajey crecimiento dela Educación Infantil.*El niño y la Educación Infantil*Infantiles Juegos de Educación Infantil*Educación primaria y Educación Infantil17 TipsChildhoodEducation is exclusively for moms and dads who needadviceaccompanying the Early Childhood Education. Educating is noteasyand we have no manual for it, why we created this app togainingconfidence with every experience we spend with our children,hereare tips that can help you on this path full of learning andgrowthEarly Childhood Education .* Child and Child Education* Playground Childhood Education* Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Kindergarten 8.2.0
Fun phonics & alphabet game for toddlers, preschool&kindergarten kids!
Guardería Paula Montalt 1.0
Guardería PAULA MONTALT, es un centrodeeducación infantil que cuenta con 94 plazas subvencionadasparaniños de 4 meses a 3 años. Nuestro centro lleva abierto desde1997,y esta conveniado con la Consejeria de Educación yCiencia,ofrecemos los servicios de aula matinal, atenciónsocioeducativa ycomedor entre otros, como Servicio medico,iniciación alinglés,.... Nos distinguen nuestras ampliasinstalaciones y nuestropersonal que con mimo y dedicación atiendentodas las necesidadesde nuestros niños.PAULA MONTALT Nursery isanursery school that has 94 subsidized places for children from4months to 3 years. Our center has been open since 1997, and thisIsigning contracts with the Ministry of Education and Science,offerthe services of morning room, dining room and rehabilitativecareamong others, as medical service, introduction to English, ....Wedistinguish our extensive facilities and our staff with careanddedication to serving the needs of our children.
Escuela Infantil Menudetes 1.0.1
Bienvenidos a Escuela Infantil Menudetes.Somos un centro escolar privado en el que se imparte elprimerciclo de la etapa de Educación Infantil ( de 0 a 3años).Trabajamos para ayudarte a cuidar a los que más quieres,paraacompañarles en sus primeros años de desarrollo.En nuestra escuela infantil en Toledo disponemos de unasmodernasinstalaciones de alta calidad, que cumplen toda lanormativa vigentepara los centros de nueva apertura en cuanto aseguridad,habitabilidad e higiene.Nuestro objetivo principal es ofrecer unos servicios decalidadque se adapten a las actuales necesidades y lassatisfagan,asegurando el nivel de educación y cuidados que precisanlos niñosen edad tan temprana.WelcometoSchool Children Menudetes.We are a private school in the first cycle ofpre-primaryeducation (for 0-3 years) is provided. We work to helpcare for theones you love, to accompany them in their early yearsofdevelopment.In our nursery in Toledo have modern comforts that meetallcurrent regulations for opening new centers forsafety,habitability and hygiene.Our main goal is to provide quality services to suit thecurrentneeds and satisfying, ensuring the level of education andcareneeded by children so young.
WIZIU 1.22
NOTA IMPORTANTE: Esta aplicación está destinada a familiaresdealumnos cuyo centro de educación infantil cuenta con latecnologíaWIZIU. Dirígete a tu escuela infantil para obtener másinformación.WIZIU permite gestionar de manera fácil y rápida lacomunicaciónentre el centro y las famílias dejando atrás laslimitaciones de laagenda tradicional. WIZIU incluye: -Envío deMensajes: Genera unarelación más fluida con los padres a través deuna comunicaciónbidireccional y en tiempo real -Informes Diarios:Información deldía a día de cada alumno/a en un solo clic y demanera fácil eintuitiva -Eventos: Adiós a la agenda tradicional,ahora será másfácil estar al corriente de todas las actividades-Galería DeImágenes: Todas las imágenes del alumno/a estaránsiempredisponibles para los familiares Si eres educador o gestionasuncentro de educación infantil, te puedes dirigir a nuestro sitiowebpara obtener más información y solicitar unademostración:
Kids Pedia - ColorMagician 1.4.0
★ Interactive Pedia games to stimulateandchallenge children’s imagination – The Color Magician ★Pedia joining in interactive games, learning becomeenjoyable!“TheColor Magician”is from the brand new “Fruit RabbitKids Pedia”,which helps children to have fun learning. Using thechameleon tochange colors allows your child to identify basiccolors in theirenvironment. The content contains animatedtutorials, and twointeractive games after the unit: “Draw theChameleon what youwant” & ”The Hungry Chameleon”, strengthenthe child’s colorimpression & recognition.★Hundreds of learning chapters with multiple units★˙Science, Geography, Mathematics, Languages, Art, Sports,Health,Psychology, and other subjects˙Hundreds of stories using animation to help children graspnewconcepts and ideas˙Thousands of interactive learning games to increase yourchild’sknowledge.Pedia game Features1. Professional educators have tailored this program forpre-schoolchildren.- To enrich children knowledge, showing interesting andvariedteaching content.2. One unit has five learning objectives.- Recognize the vocabulary, animated story, unit review,gamechallenges & practical experience, etc.- Improve children’s interest in learning, and so thatparentsunderstand more about how their children learn.3. Bilingual learning allows children to expandtheirinternational horizons and not solely focus on theirmothertongue.-Each unit can select the native language or English.4. Multi-language audio, listening, learning andhavingfun!- Easily allows your children to learn as we have manylanguagesselections.5. “Fruit Rabbits” the lovely roles, your children like totouch& learn.- The interesting roles design that children like very much,acolorful world of learning will make learning easy,fun and interesting.6. One unit˙ Multiple learning objectives-Understanding of the nature of special animals – for example -aChameleon, allowing the child learn to identify basic colors inourenvironment which will allow them to promote theirbraindevelopment.7. Pair games — stimulate the imagination andenhanceresponsiveness- “Draw the Chameleon what you want”: Children can choosedifferentcolors, strokes, to create their own Chameleon.-“The Hungry Chameleon”: Using Chameleon’s long tongue, try toseehow many of the chameleon’s favorite insects you can eat.8. Full of challenges, - The more you play, the moreyoulearn.-“The Hungry Chameleon”: The game features multiple levels,theinsects that Chameleon like to eat will differ once youreachcertain levels.Please visit our Facebook Page or official website formoreinformation and also Q & A.
KinderClose Profesor 3.2.1
KinderClose is the preferred schedule for Early ChildhoodEducationCenters