Top 3 Apps Similar to FCS m-Housekeeping v2.2

Monitoring and management of hotel housekeeping andmaintenanceservices.
SOSuite 1.6.5
MTech, Inc
SOSuite combines MTech’s award winningmobileproducts REX and H2GO into one elegant solution. Based ontheHotSOS (Hotel Service Order Optimization System) platform,SOSuiteis the premier application for empowering hotel employeestoprovide guests the best possible stay from a service andfacilitiesperspective. Through SOSuite, users access multiplefunctionscatered to their role within the hotel operations.The role based access to H2GO notifies staff of awaitingserviceorders and allows them to view detailed information andmanagepending work better. H2GO also gives the ability togenerateservice orders and perform guestroom or public spaceinspections(requires QIC- Quality Inspection Console).Another added functionality is REX- Room Expeditor, oursolutiondesigned for housekeeping guestroom attendants. With REX, aroomattendant refers to their wireless device to be instructed onwhatis the next most important room to clean based on reservation,VIPstatus, or room type priority points. The room attendant isexposedto real-time guest information that allows for addressingthe guestby name and focus on any provided guestroompreferences.Please contact [email protected] to inquire more aboutMTech’sinnovative hotel solutions: REX- Room Expeditor, HotSOS-HotelService Optimizations System, QIC- Quality Inspection Console,orH2GO. You can also view more at
KNOW HK 1.34.4
KNOW HOUSEKEEPING helps automate daily housekeeping activities.