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Purring Cute Domestic Cat 1.7.1
Cute domestic cat. Amazingly blue eyes! Canyouhear her purring already?What a sweet creature of nature!Amazingly blue eyes!Looking at this cute home cat you can’t help petting it.Can you hear it is purring already?The cat seems to be sleepy and relaxed, but still it isonduty,ready to jump up any moment and fight the unknown enemy.Amazingly blue eyes!They are also on watch.Looking at this cat you want to touch it on the back and to feelhowincredibly soft and warm its fur is.The cat is seemingly not against petting.It puts its nose upwards and ready to be caressed.Some warm feeling of cosines enriches your heart any time youlookat it.Tonkinese are a domestic cat breed produced by crossbreedingbetweenthe Siamese and Burmese.They share many of their parents' distinctively lively,playful personality traits and are similarly distinguished byapointed coat pattern in a variety of colors.Appearance:Tonkinese are a medium-sized cat,considered an intermediate type between the slender,long-bodied modern Siamese and British Burmese and themore"cobby",or substantially-built American Burmese.Like their Burmese ancestors, they are deceptively muscularandtypically seem much heavier than expected when picked up.Tail and legs are slim but proportionate to the body,withdistinctive oval paws.They have a gently rounded, slightly wedge-shaped head andbluntedmuzzle,with moderately almond-shaped eyes and ears set towards theoutsideof their head.Coat and color:Counter-clockwise from top: blue point, platinum mink andchampagneminkNatural mink, showing signature aquamarine eyes.Tonkinese are currently officially recognized by the CatFanciers'Association (CFA) in four base colors: natural (amediumbrown),champagne (a paler buff-beige), blue and platinum.Some European associations also accept red, cream, caramel,apricotand tortoiseshell.Each of these colours is in turn divided into three types ofcoatpattern: "point", the classic Siamese-style dark face,ears, legs and tail on a contrasting white or cream base, andblueeyes;"solid", similar to the Burmese, in which the color isessentiallyuniform over the body with only faintly visible pointsand gold orgreen eyes;and "mink", a unique intermediate between the other two, inwhichthe base is a lighter shade but still harmonious with thepointcolour,and the eyes are a lighter blue-green, called aquamarine.Owing to the comparatively recent development of the breed thereisstill some acceptable variation in these colors andpatterns.Temperament:Like both parent breeds, Tonkinese are intelligent, active,vocaland generally people-oriented cats,playful and interested in everything going on around them;however, this also means they are easily susceptible tobecominglonesome or bored.Their voice is similar in tone to the Burmese, persistent butsofterand sweeter than the Siamese, similar to the gentle quackingof aduck.Like Burmese, Tonkinese are reputed to sometimes engage insuchdog-like behaviors as fetching, and to enjoy jumping togreatheights.* Now supported Android 6.0 "Marshmallow" and Android7.1.1"Nougat".* Realistic Quality HD Artwork, truly live 3D animation inHDappearance.* Few minor update and optimizations to improvecompatibility.* More our live wallpapers at:* Our video channel at:* Please rate it. Thanks!Introducing “Live Wallpaper” Caller ID.No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers -“LiveWallpaper” caller ID prepares you for the call.If your local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone whenyou’recalling, “Live Wallpaper” caller ID will suggest alternativenearbyplaces.By downloading and/or using this mobile application - the apporservice you accept and agree to be bound by the following termsofservice and all applicable laws and regulations governing theapp: