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Simple Drawing Tutorials 2.0
Learning how to draw step by step is a goodwayof practicing form and getting yourself well acquainted withthebasics of drawing. It doesn't matter whether you aredoingprofessional art to design a building or cartoon drawings foracomic strip - there will always be a simple step by stepformatthat you can follow.Even the most critically acclaimed artists follow a step bystepprocess. This helps them keep track of their work and ensuresthatthe end result perfectly reflects what was in their mind. Therearea lot of ways of drawing and a lot of steps to try but here isthemost basic step by step process that a lot of professionalsandtutorials suggest.Start with Shapes and LinesDon't worry about the detail of the person's clothes or howtheireyes will look. First you want a perspective of their shape,howthey are posed, and the general outline of their body. To dothis,use basic shapes like circles, rectangles, and triangles. Acircleor an egg can represent a human face and then their body canbe donewith a rectangle. Focus on their size, the way the limbsarepositioned, and the general shape of your drawing.When doing the basic outline, make sure you are usingfaintlines. A hard pencil like an will be perfect. The lines drawnbythese pencils are faint and easy to erase.Pencil in the Details - Adding VolumeYou've got the skeleton of your picture done now it's time toaddin volume. Take your and start going over the outlines to addin thedetails of your drawings. This is the stage where you add intheeyes, the curve of the lips, and the general outline oftheirclothes.Keep it all simple. Don't focus yet on the shading, lighting,orany emphasis on the details. Don't worry about adding complexlinesto their clothes or edges to their faces. Just add in theimportantstuff for now.Adding EmphasisFor many this can be the third and final step. Use a gooderaserlike a rubber eraser or Blue Tac. Never rub your eraser onthepaper to make changes. Doing so only takes off the upper layerofthe paper and can ruin the quality of the page. Blue Tac isthebest alternative - simply press down on the line you need toremoveand it will literally catch the graphite off the paper. Thisavoidsany damage on the paper you use.Adding emphasis takes time. As you are erasing the guidelinesandother lines you no longer need you will also be adding inextradetails. This is the step where you add in shading and linestogive emphasis. All those fancy textures you find inprofessionaldrawings are done in this final step. However, if youwant to addcolor or really bring your drawing to life, there is onemorestep.
Hand Lettering Styles 3.0
Even those with the very best handwritingoftenfind it difficult to paint signs using hand lettering. Peopleareaccustomed to writing on a much smaller scale using lines as aguideto keep the words straight and uniform. Hand letteringrequiresmaking the words larger and more ornate and organizingthem to fitwithin the frame. Since there is little room for error,handlettering and sign painting demand perfection, which comeswithpractice, time and effort. However, once learned, this usefulskillis ideal for a multitude of projects and undertakings.Things You'll NeedPaperPencilRulerPoster boardEraserPaintPaintbrushesBegin with a familiar font. Before tackling the moredifficulthand lettering styles, start with a common style. Straightlettersare easier than cursive since getting the flow right isdifficultwhen the letters are larger than normal. If a variation isdesired,try opening up the familiar font in an outline style thatyou canfill in with color to add distinction to the signpainting.Practice often and start small. If the font isdifficult,continue to practice on a smaller scale using paper andpencil.Slowly increase the size of the hand lettering until youachievemastery. Repetitious attempts to ace the sign paintingwilldefinitely increase the chances of creating a superiorfinalproduct.Take measurements. Knowing the measurements of the sign andtheintended lettering is vital to ensure that everything willfitproperly. Simply measure the width of the poster board anddivideby the number of letters and spaces to know how largetohand-letter the words. For example, a 12-inch-long signthatrequires the words “Go Team!” hand-lettered across needsenoughroom for eight letters including the space between the wordsandthe exclamation point. That leaves a width of 1 ½ inches foreachletter, space or punctuation on the poster board.Use light pencil lines as a guide. Working with a ruler,lightlydraw pencil lines on the surface of the sign. The lines helptokeep the hand lettering straight, and you can easily erasethemafter the sign painting is complete. For extra help withdifficulthand lettering, use the pencil to draw out a box outliningtheexact measurements. This guarantees that no part of theletteringgoes over the allotted space.After lettering, embellish the sign by hand painting. Thepencilmarks created by the hand lettering will disappear under thepaint,leaving behind a gorgeous handmade sign. Use two colors tocreate ashadow effect on the hand lettering, or accent withglitter.Painting small designs on the sign to enhance the wordsalso workswell as long as the configuration does not interfere withthelettering.
Outliner 3.5.5
Alfred Fritz
Organize lists and memos in a tree-structure. Work withcollapsablenodes.
Outline 0.9.4
College student self-managementapplicationthat manages module descriptions, note creation, gradeandassignment tracking.Synchronized across multiple devices, this applicationallowsstudents to record notes in class and access them fromotherandroid applications.Allows you to share your revision notes with your friends.Informs you of your target grade for your final exam.
Orgzly: Notes & To-Do Lists 1.8.10
Outliner for notes, tasks and to-do lists. Sync notebooks storedinplain-text.
How To Draw Girl Faces 1.0
How To Draw Faces for kids. Lessons and stepbystep draw Girl
DIY Fashion Design Ideas 2.0
Fashion advice, especially to someoneasvulnerable as teenage girls, is something that can godisastrouslywrong if one does not know what they're talking about.And it hasbeen known to happen so don't judge me for being a littletoocondescending about it. Fashion as I see it, and as I'm suremany,many girls all around the world see it, is a matterofself-confidence seasoned with a bit of creative thinking and alotof resourcefulness. You don't have to own every latest pieceofclothing that has walked a ramp to be well-dressed andpresentable.That's one major piece of advice that is underused; bythosedishing out the advice and the ones receiving it. In thisarticle,there are some basic tips to ensure that you have anall-seasonwardrobe. So get ready for a wardrobe upheaval that doesnotnecessarily involve super-expensive couture.Fashion Tips for Teenage Girls in DIY fashion design ideasWhen it comes to styling DIY fashion design ideas teenagegirls,one needs to be overly cautious. It's not just about makingthegirl wear the latest clothes. It's about helping her toidentifywith her inner self and recognize what is going to help herenhanceher best features. Just giving a girl a lecture about whatyouthink is the best for her is not enough. She should be abletorelate to what you're saying. You need to put yourself intheirplace, but advice them from the point of view of a person whowillbe looking at them (literally). So, let's check out someverysimple and (un)fortunately cliché fashion advice that teenagegirlscan benefit from.DIY fashion design ideas - Stick to BasicsWhat goes into having a perfect wardrobe that boasts ofsomethingnice to wear during every season? What do you need to laythefoundation of a wardrobe so awesome, that you don't need tospendhours agonizing over the dreaded 'what to wear' question?It's thebasics! Or essentials if you will. Honestly, there isnothing moresimple to understand than the 'stick to basics'philosophy. So whatdo the basics encompass? Here's a list of someof the items, whoseimportance and contribution to your wardrobeyou should NEVERunderestimate.Well Fitting Jeans: If you haven't come across a girl whowearsDIY fashion design ideas that are either so tight theythreaten toexplode, or so loose they look like they're hung on ahanger, thenyou live in a perfect world. I am yet to find adictionary in whichthe word 'fitting'means'extra-tight-to-the-point-of-tearing-if-worn-when-seated'.Girls,we know you're at an age when the first and last thing onyour mindis how you look. So please, refrain from wearing jeansthat are toosnug or too loose. Flaunt your body, but do it withdignity.Tops: T-shirts, tanks, spaghetti straps, the world isyouroyster! You need to have these in strong colors thatwillcomplement your skin tone and your body type. Do not go in foranill-fitting top. Your upper body needs to breathe, so you needtohave something that will facilitate this basic necessity oflife.At the same time, having just sweatshirts and loose tees willtakeaway the femininity from your wardrobe. Include smartbutton-downshirts, some girly tops, and classy jackets in neutralcolors forthe winters.Skirts and Shorts: If you know how to look good in shorts,thennothing should stop you from flaunting your legs in thesummer.Follow the cardinal rule of not too tight, not too loose forthemas well. If you're more of a 'girly' girl, then you needacollection of pretty skirts in varying lengths: short, medium,andlong. You can team the extremely short ones with leggings, wearthemedium ones as they are and heavily accessorize with the longonesfor an ultra-chic Boho look!
Eyes Drawing Tutorials 2.0
Probably the most fascinating andbeautifulpartof the human body to draw would be the eyes. Oftenthe eyesrevealfeelings that people try to hide. Most of us look attheeyes ofsomeone to see if he/she is without a doubt sincere. Anditisthrough the eyes that we see whether someone is happy orhappy.Whenit comes to drawing a person's eyes you should capturetheemotion ofthe subject making it look real. The challenge istolearn the stepson how to draw the eyes that will reveal thetrueemotion of yoursubject. This could require a great dealofpatience to help makeyour own drawing as real as you possiblycan.Let the emotion revealall the way through your drawing bylearningthe steps on how to drawthe eyes.Let us start off by having our drawing tools andsuppliesready.Have your pencil and drawing paper/sketch pad readyand thuswebegin our drawing journey.The first step in drawing the eyes is simply toobservethesubject's eyes. Observe the details of the eyes, theshape andaswell as observe the exact emotion of your subject tocapture itallright into your sketch pad.Then, when you are done capturing the shape and emotionoftheeyes, make a light outline of the face with the eyes withinitonyour sketch pad. Outline eyes by sketching two oval shapesorroundshape in the upper centre of the face, depending onyoursubject'seyes, which includes a space in the middle (foryournose).Immediately after you draw the shape of the eye, make3lightoutline circles within the shape of the eye to get ahighlightofthe eye. Keep in mind to also add a tiny littletriangulartearduct at the inner edge of the eye.Proceed then to sketching the eyebrows over the upperportionofyour outline eye shape. You may use a single stroke fordrawingtheeyebrows until it thickens with reference to yoursubject.Now, you can start shading the pupil, the innercentrecircle.Shade it just as darker as it should to create amorerealisticdrawing. Just after accomplishing this, lightly shadetheeyelidsas well as the surrounding areas.Get started on sketching the lashes when you arefinishedshadingthe essential parts of the eye that requiresshading.Eyelashes aregenerally not all alike, to come up with arealisticand lifelikeeye keep an eye on the subject and sketchtheeyelashes consistentwith its curves as well as thickness.Rememberthat eyelashes ontothe upper eyelid tend to be longer andthickerwhilst eyelashes atthe lower eyelid are shorter andthinner.Lastly begin doing the final stroke to your drawingbyaddingdetails which will certainly emphasize the characterofyoursubject. Erase unnecessary marks or traces rightaftercompletingthe final touch.The key step in making the eyes look real isgenerallybyobserving it and drawing it accordingly to fully graspthedetailsof the subject. It is somehow tricky to draw theeyessimplybecause we all have a different set of eyes. Emotionscaninfluenceyour drawing. That is why it is best to be keen toeverydetailthat you will see while drawing the eyes.Drawing requires a great deal of practice to help youachievearealistic outcome. So have an extra pencil and sketch padreadyformore practice. Learn the steps on how to draw the eyesandthiswill guide you in your drawing quest. Have agreattimedrawing.
How to Drawing Hair 1.0
Have you ever seen strange hairdrawingbefore?Most of people tend to draw lines fully. They forgetthatthey haveto make a volume. Unfortunately, they do not knowexactlyhow tocreate volume. Actually they have to concentrate inthisway. Thereare many usual mistakes that are made by peoplewhenthey draw hair.Sometimes people will ignore this part. Actuallyitis an importantpart in drawing people, especially the headandhair.It can be awful when you create many textures. Sometimesitiscompleted by line repetition. It will give bad scratchonthepaper. You have to make simple hair shadow and just focusonlittletexture. Shadow is needed in every types of hairlikecurly,straight, wavy, long and short hair.You need drawing lesson to make your ability increases.Youwillknow the trick that will give perfect creation. Basicallyyouwillbe taught about the steps that you should use. Try to getitandapply it correctly. It is about your willingness tocreatetheright hair. You have to do more practices everyday. Ifyougetdifficulties you can ask your tutor. Do not everstopyourexercises. It is like trial and error process. You willmasteritin a short time.Learn more lessons to draw, you can get in drawing lessonsinthisapplication. Download Now!
Mytter - SNS-style Icon Note 1.15
Make notes with SNS-style icons. You can add comments likeanoutline editor.