Top 10 Games Similar to Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur

英靈聯盟(公開測試版) 1.10.0
集結古今中外最強英靈,掌握技能勝利無所不能《英靈聯盟》以「聖杯戰爭」為題,集結「亞瑟王」、「蘭斯洛特」、「齊格菲」、「德古拉」、「美杜莎」,到各國歷史、古代神話的「媽祖」、「玉藻前」、「貞德」、「呂布」、「荊軻」等歷代英靈,一路讓你從北歐玩到中國、日本、就算架空世界都能任你暢遊冒險。其中,可以成為玩家初期主力的「亞瑟王」,本身就是拔出石中劍,率領圓桌騎士團統一不列顛群島的偉大君主,初期技能「理想鄉」可以恢復隊友生命並給予庇護能力,是快速闖關維持戰力的絕佳助力。帶著千里眼與順風耳前來參戰的「媽祖」,可以帶來比「嫦娥」更犀利的治癒能力。能力相當強悍的「呂布」的招牌技能「霸王朝宗」可以在進行範圍攻擊的同時逼退敵人攻勢。至於以慘忍出名的吸血鬼伯爵「德古拉」,最殺的「化身蝙蝠」技能,不僅能召喚大量吸血蝙蝠攻擊敵人,德古拉還能同時獲得完全迴避功能,不受任何攻擊,有機會成為玩家輸出主力!新手快速教學看過來,這樣玩就對了初來乍到的新手不要緊張,《英靈聯盟》擁有相當完整的新手教學模式,每次突破一定關卡,還有新手禮包相贈,所有新手必備道具、裝備一次搞定,讓你學成出師剛好裝備、荷包滿滿滿。透過教學模式,很快就能取得新手第一支英靈「嫦娥」,很快就進入「戰役」模式冒險。「戰役」模式分為「普通」、「精英」兩種關卡,無論哪一種都只有在滿足3星條件後,才能開啟掃蕩模式;這才算是完成紮根基礎。《英靈聯盟》雖有完整的自動戰鬥功能,若是想要達到3星成就取得掃蕩關卡的機會,還是得靠手動施放技能;只有在最佳時機施放技能並快速解決敵人獲得勝利,才有機會在時限內達到目標。每個英靈都有自己的戰鬥方式,也有自己的成長方式。只要湊滿裝備就能幫英靈不斷進階,提升能力;搭配技能提升並收集碎片完成升星動作,這樣才能完成更多挑戰。一旦英靈等級達到20級,除了可以參加「競技場」爭取伺服器最強排名,還有可以和戰友並肩作戰的「線上競技場」與「同城競技場」,不管是1V1、3V3、5V5模式,每種都可以和其他玩家進行即時對戰,還能邀請家族戰友一同參與,可別錯過這個能夠大幅成長,又能跟戰友一起遊玩的機會,趕快在進行新手教學的同時為自己選個「家族」參加,才能獲得大幅成長的機會。===============================================英靈聯盟官方網站:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]客服LINE:disibode.service客戶服務時間:早上9點至晚上24點===============================================
Enter a war-torn world on the brinkofextinction, embark on an epic adventure and fight your way tothetop of the PvP leaderboards in HEAVENSTRIKE RIVALS, thelatesttactical RPG from SQUARE ENIX.Enjoy a battle system designed especially for mobile devicesthat'seasy to learn but with deep strategic possibilities,quick-entryplayer-vs-player combat, and hundreds of uniquecharacters tocollect, grow and evolve.Challenge the world and ascend the rankings until you ruleoverall!*** FEATURES ***- Battle against players across the world in simple yetdeeptactical battles, built especially for mobile devices- Collect and train over 700 fully-animated units- Embark on an epic quest across Lunnain to save the legendarySevenSisters- Climb the Sacred League to earn epic rewards- Take part in regular events and weekend Arena competitions- Features characters designed by Ryoma Ito (FINAL FANTASYTACTICSADVANCE) and music by Ryo Yamazaki (FINAL FANTASYCRYSTALCHRONICLES THE CRYSTAL BEARERS)The once-prosperous aerial kingdom of Lunnain lies intatters,assaulted from above by the Fallen - ruthless monsters ofnightmarewho seek only complete destruction. But the people willnot taketheir fate lying down, and their strike back at the heavensstartsnow!****************** TOP GROSSING SALES ***All- Top 10 : 3 countries- Top 100 : 27 countriesStrategy Game Category- Top 10 : 4 countries- Top 100 : 96 countries
Adventure Of Arthur 1.0.2
Fred Games
AOA is a classic idle RPG game loosely basedonthe story of King Arthur, whose adventure is mapped out inmanyzones that dish out challenges and rewards in equalmeasure.Unlike the usual ones, AOA’s visuals are impressive and playoptionsare abundant and you can actually interact with otherplayers viain-game chat, troop contest and arena battles!Exciting features about AOA:√ The Auto-Battle System: your knights can fight automaticallyevenyou are off-line, and bring you amazing gifts when youcomeback!√ Well-Balanced Job Class: You can play the role of Knight,Rangerand Wizard, their skills and weakness arewell-balanced!√ Unique AIDE System: When your character’s level reached 15,youwill have your first aide; your aides will help you a lotduringthe fighting. Don’t forget to train them and equip themwithpowerful equipments!√ The Special Forge System: Forge the useless equipments togetequipments with higher quality or FP (can be used for S.Make togetDivine equipments), and auto-forge function isavailablehere!√ Arena for Great Honor: the system will find comparable playersforyou to climb to the top of Arena Ranking faster; you canalsoexchange various gifts with your honor here!√ The Exciting Drill System: Join the Drill to get the GemBags&plenty Coins then tap the Gem on your heroes’ equipmentsto enhanceyour character’s power!√ The multi-function League: you can hunt for Titan, join theLeagueWar, Exchange gifts with your credits and get rewards fromCheckhere!√ Powerful Chat System: World Chat and League Chat are waitingforyou!CONTACT USFanpage: Website:
Age of Fantasy 1.1881
Turn based strategy in Fantasy world, with multiplayer option!
괴리성 밀리언아서 4.6.0
★ 4.6 대규모 업데이트 진행 ★EX 덱 및 카드 충성도 신규 기능 업데이트!전투 기능 개선 및 UI 편의성 업데이트 진행▶ 게임특징1. 실시간으로 펼쳐지는 협력 플레이 강적에 도전하라!최대 4명이 실시간 협력 플레이를 즐길 수 있으며, 친구와 같은 속성 기사 캐릭터 선택 시 발동 되는 ‘체인공격’,레이드 강적의 ‘약점 공격’ 등 친구와의 협력 플레이로 위기를 돌파해보세요!2. 더욱 화려해진 압도적인 스케일을 경험하라!캐릭터는 물론 모든 카드에 초호화 성우진의 보이스 삽입어떤 마술의 금서 목록’ 시리즈로 알려진 카미치 카즈마가 담당한 시나리오와 다수의 유명 일러스트레이터가 참여한3D의레이드 강적과 아름다운 일러스트까지 Square Enix(스퀘어에닉스)가 제작한 화려한 비주얼과 게임의완성도를경험해보세요!3. 시시각각 상황이 변하는 턴제 배틀!턴마다 정해진 코스트로 카드를 선택하여 공격하며, 아서와 카드의 타입이 일치하면 강력한 '각성 스킬'이 발동! 상황에맞춘전략적인 전투로 승리를 쟁취하라!4. 진화한 육성 시스템!진화재료를 모아 카드의 기본 등급을 업그레이드 할 수 있으며, 동시에 카드 일러스트도 진화! 동일 카드 합성을통해획득하는 명성 포인트는 배틀 시 카드 드롭 확률 상향 효과! 다양한 카드 육성 시스템은 재임의 재미를더해줍니다.5. 다양한 스킬과 특성을 가진 나만의 덱을 만들자!용병, 부호, 도적, 가희의 4가지 직업과 5가지의 속성 카드로 나만의 전략을 구축하여 최강의 덱을 만들어보세요!▶ 스토리새로운 아서들의 여정이 시작된다. ‘확산성 밀리언아서'와 같은 시대 엑스칼리버를 뽑아 왕의 후보가 된용병아서,도적아서, 부호아서, 가희 아서.하지만, 브리텐은 '외적' 과의 전투가 심해져 신인 아서들이 낄 틈은 없었다.전력을 향상시키기 위해서 카멜롯을 떠나 브리튼의 북방에 있는 '훈련성 헤브리디즈' 에서 수련을 하게 된 그들의 앞에브리튼사상 최대의 위협이 다가온다.----개발자 연락처 :070-8685-3740서울특별시 서초구 서초동 1692-1 동익성봉빌딩 6층, 7층, 8층
Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle 20.8.0
Build a mighty empire, forge alliances,unlockprizes, and claim your throne as ruler of the kingdom!►►►9.5 Million players and counting◄◄◄Join millions of players as you build your empire in KingdomsofCamelot: Battle for the North! (Camelot web players: this gamedoesnot connect to your web kingdom: it’s an all-new mobilegame)Drust mac Erp and his savage Picts have overrun NorthernBritain.King Lot of Lothian is dead. His widowed queen, Morgause,appealsto her half-brother Arthur for help. It’s up to you toanswerArthur’s call and save the Kingdom!BUILD A MIGHTY ARMY· Gather Knights, Heavy Calvary and more as you grow amassivearmy· Train hundreds and thousands of elite troops to dominatetherealm· Fight for the glory of your medieval Kingdom withpowerfulforcesJOIN ARTHUR’S KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE· Recruit legendary Round Table Heroes to enhance your city· Command famous medieval Knights like Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain,SirPercival and more· Strengthen your mighty empire as you add high-ranking officialstolead your rosterFORGE ALLIANCES WITH OTHER RULERS· Join Millions online to form Alliances and combine forceswithfellow Lords and Ladies· Use real-time chat to prepare strategic battles againstotherkings· Ally with friends or challenge enemies in the ultimate questforpowerDAILY REWARDS· Log in daily, participate in tournaments, and earnvaluableprizes!· Discover new exciting items to increase your empire’s powerandmight· Dominate the leaderboards and earn the respect of the citizensofCamelotEXPAND CAMELOT’S LEGACY· Build an empire and claim your throne in Camelot· Conquer enemies and lay siege to savage Picts and evil· Rule the medieval realm to become the most powerful King!Follow @KoCMobile on Twitter for the latest news!Like us onFacebook:*********************************By downloading this game, you agree to the Terms of Service,PrivacyPolicy and the License Agreement.*********************************
DRAGON SKY (ドラゴンスカイ) 6.4.1
スクウェア・エニックスが贈る王道ストラテジー蒼き地に下りた若者は、運命を紡ぐ少女と出会う目指すのは、竜が支配する空 ―ドラゴンスカイ―◆ 基本プレイ無料 ◆DRAGON SKYはダウンロード無料・基本プレイ無料でお楽しみ頂けます。◆ ストーリー ◆「ここは…どこだ? 俺は…誰だ…?」目が覚めたとき、空はいつもより蒼く、いつもより近かった。傍らには自分をマスターと呼ぶ見覚えのない少女と、かつて見たことの無い人語を話す動物がいた。見渡せば、自分の立っている大地の外には、空中に浮いている無数の大地が、そこかしこにあった。その大地の下には柱のような太い軸があり、雲の下まで続いていた。天空に浮かぶ大地。なんと不思議な光景だろう。どうやら俺は、記憶を失い、異世界に流れ着いたようだった。少女はやさしい笑顔で微笑みかけ、戦い続けることで記憶も戻り、元の世界に戻れるかもしれないと告げる。戦う? いったい誰と?ここは邪竜が治める、閉ざされ、狂った世界。今はただ、何もかも謎のこの世界で、戦い続けるしかない。あの天空の果てにあるのは…希望か…それとも…◆ ゲームの特徴 ◆自分の拠点を育て、多彩な兵士ユニットで強力な軍団を作りましょう!孤高の軍団を目指すことも、他のプレイヤーと一緒に最強のチームを目指すことも可能です。10種の個性豊かな兵士ユニットと、戦況に大きな影響を与える魔法カードによって戦略が無限に広がります。イベントでは、多くのプレイヤーで協力して戦うレイドボス戦なども用意され、チームによるランキング争いも楽しめます。最大の特徴は、異世界”ドラゴンスカイ”の謎に満ちた物語が展開するシングルモードです。突然、邪竜アーガスによってドラゴンスカイに召喚され、記憶を無くした主人公は、元の世界に戻るため、望まぬ戦いを繰り返す事になります。同じく異世界からドラゴンスカイに召喚されたアラドや、その他の人々との出会いの中で、少しずつ明らかになる世界の謎…戦いの果てに主人公は元の世界に戻れるのか?そして記憶を取り戻せるのか? ストーリーは初回リリース分だけでなく、バージョンアップによって続々と追加されていきます。◆ サポート端末 ◆- OS 2.3.3以上の主要機種◆ 公式サイト ◆◆ スタッフ ◆発売元・監修         株式会社スクウェア・エニックスイラストレーション参加   茂木雄介、板鼻利幸(スクウェア・エニックス)、ほかコンポーザー         水田直志 (スクウェア・エニックス)開発・運営           ポッピンゲームズジャパン株式会社
Worms 2: Armageddon 2.1.781142
The best-selling turn-based-strategy blast-a-thon is nowavailableon Android.
Holy Grail 1.0.0
yu heheng
An innovative technology-based RPGgamewhich is based on the story between mastersandservants!(1) Amazing OperabilityYou can tap the screen to use your skill for interruptingyourenemy’s skill, which is the key to win the tough battle.(2)Heroes CollectionAs a master, you can summon the servants to build up yourfavoriteteamas you like. There are 50+ heroes in this game. Theyarewaiting for you to awake their heroic spirit.(3)Original PlotYou can taste the great original plots and experiencetheunforgettable duel in this game.(4)Beautiful FramesWith the Hero Skill System, you can enjoy the splendidskillseffects in the game.Besides, the cute and delicatecharacterswillimpress you too.
Civilization of Empires 1.0.0
Civilization of Empires is arole-playsimulation game based on the great European civilization.The gamedraws background from Ancient Greece in 8th centuries theByzantine Empire in 1453, witnessing the resurgence anddecline ofempires in European history. You can find stories ofAlexander theGreat, Julius Caesar and King Arthur, etc.Civilization of Empiresis a masterpiece for historical strategygame lovers!Civilization of Empires has inherited the essence ofsimulationgame, with gameplay including city construction,technological andeconomic development, soldier and generalrecruitment, etc.Together with the special tomb system and treasuresystem, it isthe perfect combination of simulation game androle-playgame!---Features---Exquisite design and images, produced by UnityWell-known hero figures in the European history are all hereOnline battles: resource fights and fortress fightsDifferent hero classes, with different skills. Mix and matchtillyou get your perfect teamPowerful equipment system. You can upgrade all the equipmenttolegendary weapons by enhancing, crafting and enchantingA total of 30 chapters waiting for you