Top 50 Apps Similar to ASCO Symposia iPlanner

Hospitalist Handbook 6.0.4
by UCSF Department of Medicine
NCCN Guidelines® 3.8
Virtual Library of the NCCN Guidelines®
Fracture Classification HD 1.2.2
Orthopedics Guide - Fracture Classification
Washington Manual Medical Ther
Must have medical resource in the ward - Diagnose &Treathundreds of conditions
Clinical Practice Guidelines 2.2.0
Endocrine Society's Clinical Practice Guidelines App
DynaMed 4.4
Confidence in Practice
Medical Reads 2.1.0
You focus on your daily work, Medical Reads keeps you up to date.
Pedi STAT 5.0.1
James Kempema
A rapid reference for healthcare professionals caring forpediatricpatients.
ClinicalKey 2.1.1
Elsevier Inc
ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine deliveringfastevidence-based answers.
PEPID for Android 050523.0
Top clinical decision support for medical and druginformationresources.
NEJM Knowledge+ IM Review
NEJM Group
NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review
Current Essentials of Medicine 11.3.580
Information on the diagnosis and treatment of more than 500medicaldisorders.
Merck Manual Professional 3.3
Stay up-to-date with the Merck Manual Professional App.
Elsevier eBooks on VitalSource 10.3.3
Elsevier Inc
Use Elsevier eBooks to read your textbooks and use valuablestudytools.
IBM Micromedex Pediatrics
Evidence-based, fully referenced pediatric-specific druginformation
Oncology Board Review 6.30.5598
★★★★★ 230+ practice questions with detailed explanations andourfull e-book!
IBM Micromedex Drug Info 3.0
Mobile Micromedex
IBM Micromedex® Drug Info is now available for only $2.99peryear.Now you can access the same evidence-based Micromedexcontentyourely on, anytime, anywhere, via your Android device.Pleasenote:if you or the organization you work for hasanInternet-basedsubscription to IBM Micromedex®, then this appisincluded withyour subscription at no charge. Please search intheGoogle PlayStore for the free version of this exact sameapp,called IBMMicromedex Drug Ref. IBM Micromedex® Drug Infoprovideson-the-goaccess to the industry’s most trusted andcomprehensivedruginformation, when and where it’s needed most.Users will findpeaceof mind knowing the content is backed by thesamethorough,unbiased editorial process as all Micromedexsolutions.Oncecontent has been downloaded or updated an internetconnectionisnot required, allowing for access at anytime fromanywhere. Theappis part of the Micromedex Medication Managementapps bundle,whichincludes Micromedex Drug Interactions andMicromedexIVCompatibility. The trio is an inexpensive solutiontoyouron-the-go medication management needs. IBM MicromedexDrugInfocontains concise information on 4500+ search terms,coveringcommonneeds such as: • Adult and pediatric dosage •Adverseeffects(separated into “common” and “serious”) • DruginteractionsAs wellas: • Administration • Black box warnings •Breast feeding •Commontrade names • Contraindications • Doseadjustments • Genericnames,including selected combination products• How supplied•Indications (differentiated as “FDA labeled” and“non-FDAlabeled”)• Mechanism of action • Monitoring • Precautions•Pregnancycategory • Therapeutic class *Not sure if youremployerhas anInternet subscription to IBM Micromedex® via theinternet?Checkwith your Chief Medical Officer, Director ofPharmacy,MedicalLibrarian, or others in your facility responsibleforclinicalreference information. Or reach out tousvia•Updated monthly • Ability to use without a WiFiorcellularconnection
The Chief Complaint 3.1
Escavo Inc.
An algorithmic approach to the most common complaints inemergencymedicine
Harriet Lane Handbook 2.8.16
New 22nd Edition Content with Updated Drug Formulary
CytoAtlas 1.0
CytoAtlas is a Cytopathology reference tool.
ddxof 4.6.0
Tom Fadial
ddxof (Differential Diagnosis of) is a library of emergencymedicinealgorithms.
AccessMedicine App 2.7.94
**Please Note: This application requires a full institutionalsitelicense**
Histology: Slides,Identificati 86.0
Everything you need for Histology exams !
MEDizzy - Medical Community 3.1.7-release
Share & collect the coolest medical images and videos youcanfind online.
EMC mobile 3.4.4
Médecins, chirurgiens et professionnels de santé,téléchargezgratuitement EMC mobile, la référence médicale etparamédicale pourAndroid. Tous les articles des incontournablestraités EMC en accèsdirect. EMC mobile, c’est : ■ Plus de 10 000articles de référenceet plus de 100 000 illustrations issus desprestigieux traités EMC■ Un moteur de recherche précis qui vouspermettra de filtrer lesinformations recherchées par domaine ou partraité ■ Au choix, unerecherche transversale sur plusieursdisciplines ou ciblée parspécialité ■ Un accès direct dans chaquearticle au planinteractif, au résumé et, à tout moment, à la tabledes matières dutraité ■ Des annotations sur vos articles favoris etla possibilitéde les consulter sans connexion internet ■ Pouvoirsynchronisertous vos contenus sur l’ensemble de vos appareilscompatibles.Adoptez dès aujourd’hui l’application EMC mobile,l’outilindispensable pour votre pratique au quotidien ! Lestraitésactuellement disponibles dans l’application : ■ AKOS (Traitédemédecine) ■ Anesthésie-Réanimation; ■ Angéiologie ■Appareillocomoteur ■ Biologie médicale ■ Cardiologie ■ Cosmétologieetdermatologie esthétique ■ Dermatologie ■ Endocrinologie –Nutrition■ Gastro-entérologie ■ Gynécologie ■ Hématologie ■Hépatologie ■Kinésithérapie – Médecine physique – Réadaptation ■Maladiesinfectieuses ■ Médecine buccale ■ Médecine d'urgence ■Néphrologie■ Neurologie ■ Obstétrique ■ Ophtalmologie ■Orthopédiedentofaciale ■ Otorinolaryngologie ■ Pathologieprofessionnelle etde l'environnement ■ Pédiatrie - Maladiesinfectieuses ■Pédopsychiatrie ■ Pneumologie ■ Podologie ■Psychiatrie ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : abdominale –digestive ■Radiologie et imagerie médicale : cardiovasculaire –thoracique –cervicale ■ Radiologie et imagerie médicale :génito-urinaire –gynéco-obstétricale – mammaire ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale :musculosquelettique – neurologique –maxillofaciale ■ Radiologie etimagerie médicale : principes ettechniques – radioprotection ■Savoirs et soins infirmiers ■Techniques chirurgicales - Appareildigestif ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Chirurgie plastique,reconstructrice et esthétique ■Techniques chirurgicales -Chirurgie vasculaire ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Gynécologie ■Techniques chirurgicales - Orthopédie– Traumatologie ■ Techniqueschirurgicales - Tête et cou ■Techniques chirurgicales - Thorax ■Techniques chirurgicales -Urologie ■ Urologie ■ Vétérinaire
Bates' Physical Examination 2.8.02
The premier physical assessment resource for tablets andsmartphones
ONCOassist 9.7.18
ONCOassist is a CE approved decision support app foroncologyprofessionals.
PsychNotes: Clinical Pkt Guide
Essential information on psychotropic drugs
ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf 10.3.3
Elsevier Inc
Use ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf app to access yourpersonalbookshelf.
CNE: Certified Nurse Educator 6.30.5598
★★★★★ Pass your CNE Exam with nearly 350 questions &practicetests
MasterMed 3.3.1
APP medical questions to help you prepare for the ENARM.
EMRA Antibiotic Guide
Get easy-to-use ABx recommendations on-shift
MedLearn | Medical Education 1.1
MedLearn is an interactive platform for medical education
FireBoard® 3.7.14
The official app for FireBoard® - a Cloud ConnectedSmartThermometer
IBM Micromedex Drug Int. 4.1
With IBM Micromedex Drug Int., clinicians can check apatient’sentire medication list simultaneously for potentiallyharmfulinteractions and view severity ratings that rangefromcontraindicated to minor. This app provides insight into: • Whythedrugs in question interact. • How the results of thoseinteractionswill present in the patient. • Recommendations formonitoringpatient outcomes. IBM Micromedex Drug Int. is a reliableresourcefor on-the-go access to the industry’s most trustedclinicalreference information, providing users with more informedtreatmentdecisions at the point of care. An internet connection isnotrequired, allowing you to make decisions with confidenceatanytime, from anywhere. Not sure if your institution subscribestoIBM Micromedex via the internet? Check with your ChiefMedicalOfficer, Director of Pharmacy, Medical Librarian, or anyoneelse atyour facility responsible for clinical referenceinformation. Ifthe facility you work at subscribes to IBMMicromedex via theinternet, follow these instructions to obtain apassword: 1.Loginto IBM Micromedex through your subscribingfacility 2.Click on the“Download Center” link near the top of theapplication 3.Refer tothe detailed downloading instructions, whichinclude your passwordfor activating the application at no charge.If you cannot locatethe “Download Center” link please contactsupportat customers will continue to have access to the contentgoingforward.
Physicians' Cancer Chemotherap
Up-to-date guide for the latest treatment information of allthemajor cancers.
Merck Manual Consumer 3.3
Featuring detailed explanations of medical disorders, symptoms,andtreatments.
Physiotherapy Assessment App 4.0.0
Physiotutors Guide to Physiotherapy Assessment Tests
Pediatric Scores Plus 6
Compilation of scores, scales, tests and classifications groupedbycategory
Harrison's Manual of Medicine 2.8.06
**Features latest, 20th Edition Content**
Paramedic Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Featuring 600 Paramedic practice questions so you canstudyanywhere, anytime.
Anatomy & Physiology 1.46.45
Anatomy & Physiology Study App - Lessons, Quizzes,Flashcards,Glossaries
NEJM Knowledge+ FM Review
NEJM Group
NEJM Knowledge+ Family Medicine Board Review
Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy 1.1
Clinical Apps
AMBA is the definitive MRI neuroanatomyguide.It contains zoomable cross sectional MRI brain in threeplanes,labelled in detail covering:- Overview: axial, coronal and sagittal brain sectionslabelledin moderate detail- Detailed subsections covering anatomy of individuallobes,brainstems and cerebellum, basal ganglia and thalamus,whitematter, CSF spaces and vessels- Also includes links to key online and text references.AMBA is designed for anyone with an interest inneuroanatomyincluding medical students, neurology trainees andspecialists aswell as gereneral radiologists or radiologicaltrainees.Images can be magnified (by pinch or double tap) and labelscanbe toggled on or off.Please note that Atlas of MRI Brain Anatomy is intended asaneducational anatomy guide only and should not be usedfordiagnostic purposes. Furthermore, brain anatomy canvarysignificantly between individuals.
Sanford Guide Collection 4.2.19
Sanford Guide Collection providessubscribersto The Sanford Guide Collection App and Sanford GuideAll Access(available directly from The Sanford Guide) withintegratedcoverage of Antimicrobial Therapy, HIV/AIDS Therapy andViralHepatitis Therapy for maximum convenience, interactivity andeaseof use. A subscription is required.Full text search provides fast access, detailed search results,andhighlighted search terms. Intuitive menus provide analternativeway to navigate our extensive content collection.Interactivecalculators simplify complicated dosing and algorithmswalk youthrough decision processes. Together with user-createdbookmarksand notes, you can further organize and access contentaccording tothe way you work.Sanford Guide Collection reflects 46 years of editorialexcellenceprepared and updated by leading experts in infectiousdiseases.Coverage includes: clinical syndromes (by anatomicsystem/site ofinfection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal,mycobacterial, parasiticand viral), anti-infective drugs (dosing,adverse effects,activity, pharmacology, interactions),comprehensive coverage ofHIV/AIDS and viral Hepatitis, specializeddosing tables and tools,calculators and preventative therapy, allevidence-based,extensively referenced and updated monthly.
Physiology GURU 2.3
VSP Pvt. Ltd
Physiology GURU (ADVANCED) Aims to Bring Physiology at CenterStageof Medicine
Medical FlashNotes 1.2.9
Clinical medicine reference where everything you read can becomeaflashcard
AO TC System Approved Solutions 1.7
AO Foundation
The AO TC Approved Solutions App is an information toolforhealthcare professionals and engineers interested in newsurgicalsolutions in the clinical areas of Trauma, CMF, Spine,Veterinaryand Neurosurgery. It allows users to browse surgicalproducts andtechnologies that have been approved by the AO TCSystem. Users areable to access comprehensive product information,includingrelevant clinical cases, surgical image galleries, anddescriptionsof associated instruments. Filters allow the user tosearch thesite according to areas of interest including anatomicalregion,product type, and approval date. Users can also streamvideos fromthe “Meet the Experts” sessions held during the annualDavosCourses and at other international congresses, showingexpertsurgeons demonstrating the features and advantages ofnewlyapproved products and technologies.
Anatomy & Physiology 6.2.00
Visible Body
A visually stunning, step-by-step, introduction to each humanbodysystem.