Top 24 Games Similar to Frozen el Juego

Frozen il Gioco 4.0
"Frozen il Gioco" è l'applicazione che interagisce con il giocodatavola "Frozen il Gioco" che trovi nei migliori negozidigiocattoli ed elettronica! Le card interattive le trovi soloedesclusivamente all'interno del gioco da tavola!Chi guiderai per fermare il perenne inverno? Immergiti inquestaemozionante sfida e tramite l'applicazione avrai accessoaicontenuti multimediali presenti nella versione interattivadelgioco da tavola.Caratteristiche:-Timer personalizzato di Frozen-Contenuti multimediali originali di Disney Frozen-Card interattive tramite Realtà Aumentata-Minigame che aumentano l'interazione con il gioco da tavola"FrozenGame" is the application that interacts with the board game"FrozenGame" that you can find the best toy stores and electronics!Theinteractive card are available only and exclusively in theboardgame!Who will drive to stop the perpetual winter? Immerse yourselfinthis exciting challenge and through the application you'llhaveaccess to the media stored in the interactive version of theboardgame.Features:-Timer Personalized Frozen-Contenuti Multimedia Original Disney Frozen-Card Through interactive Augmented Reality-Minigame That increase the interaction with the game table
Frozen Puzzles 1.0
Frozen Puzzles è l'applicazione che rende interattivi i puzzlesdi"Disney Frozen - Il regno di ghiaccio" che trovi neimigliorinegozi di giocattoli ed elettronica! Dopo avere completatoi puzzleinquadrali usando questa applicazione. Avrai la possibilitàdisbloccare direttamente dai puzzle i contenuti tratti dalfilmd'animazione! Divertiti con la realtà aumentata ed interagisciconi puzzle di Frozen!Scopri la sezione dedicata ai personaggi e immergiti a 360 gradinelmondo di Frozen - il regno di ghiaccio!FrozenPuzzles is the application that makes interactive puzzlesof"Disney Frozen - The kingdom of ice" that you can find the besttoystores and electronics! After completing the puzzleinquadraliusing this application. You will have the ability tounlock thepuzzle directly from content taken from the animatedfilm! Have funwith augmented reality and interact with puzzlesFrozen!See the section dedicated to the characters and immerse yourselfinthe world of 360 degree Frozen - the kingdom of ice!
It’s “GO” time! Take a ride on theReadingRailroad. Buy Boardwalk. Go directly to Jail. Buy, sell, andtradethe famous MONOPOLY properties, and see the game jump to lifewithanimated features and easy gameplay. Challenge friends andevencustomize the game rules!EMPLOY HANDS ON MANAGEMENTTap the screen to manage your properties – from Marvin GardenstoWater Works to Park Place. Building hotels or taking a “Chance”issimple and intuitive.CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL AND LOOKPlay through 3 levels of difficulty and save games in progress.Alsocustomize the number of players, the game rules, and even thegameenvironment.Enjoy MONOPOLY in the tradition of the beloved, best-sellingboardgame!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plusthelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct linkstothe Internet.Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy andUserAgreement.
Guess The Character
★ ★ ★Guess the Character ★ ★ ★is a two player guessing game. Each player starts the game withaboard that includes cartoon images of 24 people.The game starts with each player with a random character fromtheboard. The object of the game is to be the first to determinewhichcharacter one's opponent have.Players alternate asking various yes or no questions toeliminatecandidates, such as "Does this person wear glasses?".✓ This game can be player with two players, or one playerversuscomputer.✓ Bluetooth Support☢ More than 10 million downloads and top #1 in iPhone/iPadboardgames on more than 30 countries.Check and download this game.★ ★ ★And it's free!! ★ ★ ★
Snakes & Ladders King 23.09.20
Dice, ladder step climb, snakes step down enjoyed by thethreerules.
Chess 2.8.2
Chess Prince
Chess is a board logic game with beautiful graphics andprogressivelevels
Board Games 3.5.6
With BOARD GAMES you can enjoy all-time games like in yourchildhood
Checkers Online 2.34.0
CC Games
Checkers - the game from your childhood, now available onlinewithleaderboards.
The Game of the Goose 1.3.4
Move the goose to the finish line avoiding dangers
Battleships - Fleet Battle 2.0.87
Fleet Battle brings the classic Sea Battletoyour smartphone or tablet in a cool blueprint look. The gameofferseverything that made the classic so popular. Defeat shipafter shipand rise through the ranks - from Seaman Recruit up toAdmiral ofthe Navy.Pit yourself against the computer or your friends and prove youhavethe makings of a real Fleet Commander. If you're looking for afun,fast-paced battleship-style game - look no further.Features:- Play with Friends: Online/WiFi/Bluetooth- Quick Match: 24 hours instant multiplayer- 3D ships: collect your fleet of battleships- Play the game in standard or classic mode- Medals: earn medals as you rise through the ranks- Free chat (with parental control): chat with the wholeworldImagine yourself in charge of the flight deck on theaircraftcarrier, a common sailor on a patrol boat, gun crewman onan agilecruiser, sonar listener on a destroyer or the captain of adeadlysubmarine.Do your duty on all the ships of your grand armada, take commandofthe naval forces at your disposal and place your boats intheperfect formation. Destroy the enemy flotilla in a blitzoftactical prowess.Be prepared for combat, Commander!This app is perfect if you travel or to bring backwonderfulchildhood memories. Your pocket battleships are alwaysready tofight boredom.Support:Are you having problems with the app or have any suggestions?We'dlove to hear from you!Write us at: [email protected]
Dominoes 1.0.63
Carl Hopf
Dominoes is an advanced single- and multiplayer domino game.
Pinball Pro 2.8
Pinball is #1 pinball game for your Android phone andfeaturesgreatest tables.
Àlex C.M.
¿Quieres ayudar con la traducción aotrosidiomas?¿Quieres probar versiones nuevas?En la parte inferior tienes un enlace para hacertebetatester.OPCIONES:• Puedes grabar/cargar la partida.• Puedes jugar contra amigos y/o la CPU (sólomismodispositivo)• Se puede variar la velocidad del dado y de las fichas.• Opción para movimientos automáticos.• Mostrar estadísticas del progreso de cada jugador, dadoslanzados,fichas comidas...• Puntuación en función de progreso, nº lanzamientos de dado,fichascomidas, etc...• Opción para mostrar el destino de las fichas.• Selección de tablero para 3,4,5 ó 6 jugadores.• Variaciones del juego.• Jugar en equipo (con la posibilidad también de mover fichas dejugde nuestro equipo).• Establecer el número de fichas con las que jugar (1-8).★ Permisos- Ver conexiones de red y acceso completo a red: para podermostrarla publicidad.- Controlar vibración: para poder lanzar el dado agitandoeldispositivo.- Probar acceso a almacenamiento protegido: evitar problemas alleerlos tableros de la SD.★ TablerosPara los que tengáis dificultad para utilizar lostablerosadicionales o por comodidad, podéis utilizar laaplicación'Parchís Tableros' para instalarlos fácilmente.Recordad quepodéis modificarlos y jugar con vuestrotableropersonalizado.Aclaraciones:★ ¿Por qué hay distintas dificultades? ¿El dado no deberíasacarnúmeros SIEMPRE al azar?El nivel de dificultad no tiene nada que ver con la forma degenerarlos valores de los dados. El dado es lanzado del mismo modoparatodos los jugadores y todos usan la misma IA.La IA es una sucesión de situaciones, en cuanto una se cumple,laCPU decide la ficha que moverá.Antes de mover la ficha, en función de la dificultad, la CPUdecidesi hace caso de la IA. CPU* hará caso de la IA en un 50% delasveces y CPU** en un 75%. Si no, mirará la siguiente situaciónyvolverá a plantearse si hace caso o no. Es decir, lainteligenciade la CPU se establece en función de si hace más omenos caso de laIA, no de si debe sacar un valor de dadodeterminado.★ La CPU saca los números que necesita para matar.La IA intenta mover las fichas de forma que tenga másposibilidadesde matar a los enemigos y/o que esté menos amenazadaporellos.Activando la opción Cheat se pueden ver los dados que seránlanzadosen los siguientes turnos. La CPU no puede sacar los dadosadecuadospara matar puesto que no sabe qué ficha vamos amover.★ La CPU siempre mata si estamos a tiro.Se puede ver que no es cierto en las estadísticas. En lapantalla"Probabilidades comer fichas", los porcentajes de laderecha nosdicen cuántas veces de las que un jugador/CPU ha tenidoa alguien atiro, ha matado. Si fuera cierto, ese porcentaje seríadel100%.★ Los dados no son aleatorios. Al cargar una partida serepitenlos lanzamientos.Internamente se lanzan los dados para los 5 turnos siguientes porsiactivamos la opción Cheat y deben ser mostrados. Se guardanalgrabar o minimizar el juego, de forma que al cargar una partidalos5 lanzamientos siguientes se repiten. No es que los lanzamientosseestablezcan a priori para favorecer a la máquina.★ Pese a todo sigo pensando que hace trampas.Utiliza la opción "Cheat: utilizar series de dadospreestablecidas".De este modo, antes del inicio de la partida segeneranaleatoriamente los dados que sacará cada jugador. Puedescambiar lasseries pulsando un botón. Después establece qué jugadorusará cadacolor para que veas que no se generan en función de losjugadoresestablecidos.Así no se pueden tener dudas de que el juego saca los dados quelebenefician en cada situación ya que están definidospreviamente.Recuerda desactivar esta opción o generar nuevas seriespara evitarque se repitan los dados cada partida.Want to helpwithtranslation into other languages? you like to try out new versions?At the bottom is a link to become a beta tester.Options& Bull; You can save / load the game.& Bull; You can play against friends and / or CPU (samedeviceonly)& Bull; You can vary the speed of the dice and chips.& Bull; Option for automatic movements.& Bull; Statistics show the progress of each player,dicethrown, chips meals ...& Bull; Score based on progress, no releases given chipsmeals,etc ...& Bull; Option to display the destination of the chips.& Bull; Selection board for 3,4,5 or 6 players.& Bull; Variations of the game.& Bull; Team play (with the possibility also to move chipsjugof our team).& Bull; Set the number of chips to play with (1-8).★ Permissions- View network connections and full network access: todisplayadvertising.- Check vibration: to roll the dice by shaking your device.- Test access to protected storage: avoid problems reading theSDboards.★ PanelsFor those of you difficulty using additional boards orconvenience,you can use the 'Parcheesi boards' to install themeasily. Rememberthat you can modify and play with your customboard.Clarifications:★ Why are there different difficulties? You do not get givenshouldalways random numbers?The difficulty level has nothing to do with how to generatethevalues ​​of the dice. The die is cast in the same way forallplayers and all use the same IA.AI is a succession of situations, as one is satisfied, theCPUdecides to move the tab.Before moving the tab, depending on the difficulty, the CPUdecideswhether the case of AI. CPU * AI will ignore 50% of the timeandCPU ** 75%. If not, it will look at the following situationandwill consider whether or not ignore. That is, the intelligenceofthe CPU is set based on whether you more or less the case ofAI,not whether to remove a given value determined.★ The CPU pulls the numbers you need to kill.AI tries to move the pieces so that it is more likely tokillenemies and / or is less threatened by them.Activating the Cheat option you can see the dice that willbereleased in the following turns. The CPU can not get therightgiven to kill since they do not know what tab will move.★ The CPU always kill if we are shot.You can see that is not true in the statistics. On the "Oddseatchips" right percentages tell us how many times than a player /CPUhas shot someone has killed. If true, that percentage wouldbe100%.★ The dice are not random. When loading a game launchesarerepeated.Internally the dice are rolled for the next 5 innings if weactivatethe Cheat option and must be shown. Are saved whenrecording orminimize the game, so that when you load a game thenext 5 releasesare repeated. Not that launches established apriori to favor themachine.★ Whatsoever still I think cheating.Use the "Cheat: use preset series given" option. Thus, beforethestart of the game are randomly generated dice each playerwilldraw. You can change the series by pressing a button. Thensetswhich player to use every color you see is not generated basedonthe established players.So you can not have doubts that the game throws the dicethatbenefit you in every situation as they are previouslydefined.Remember to disable this option or generate new series topreventrecurrence dice each game.
Dropping Monkeys 3D Board Game 3.3
Dropping Monkeys 3D - Play Together. You can enjoy with a familyandfriends.
Monopoly is a board game
Dots and Boxes - Squares (Classic Board Games) 6.8
Thank you all for your downloads! Thanks toyouthe game has surpassed the 1M downloads mark.Game is also known as Dots and Squares, Dot Box Game, DotsandLines, Dots and Dashes, Connect the Dots, Dot Game, SmartDots,Boxes, Squares, Paddocks, Square-it, Dots, Dot Boxing.Maybe the most feature-rich and challenging implementation oftheclassic Dots and Boxes / Squares game on Google Play.This application offers very challenging Artificial Intelligenceaswell as many other features. The AI in the advanceddifficultylevels is able to predict and anticipate the futuremoves.Also the application is very lightweight with the apk sizenotexceeding the 1.5MB.Features:1) Play against friends or against computer.2) Clever Artificial Intelligence which anticipatesfuturemoves.3) Four AI difficulty levels: very-easy,easy, medium, hard. TheAIis well designed with each next level being a bit harder thantheprevious level.4) Multiple board sizes (from 3x3 dots to 12x12)5) Ability to choose player name and your favourite colour6) Quick match. No irritating menus just hit the launch icon andyouare inside the action.( Of course after entering the application you have the abilitytoselect your favourite settings by hitting the MENU button.Yourpreferences will be saved so you won't have to change themeachtime you open the application. )7) Ability to set the game speed. 3 game speed level : slow,normal,fast. Fast level is appropriate for experienced player,slow is moreappropriate for people who just started playing dotsandboxes.8) Statistics section for viewing your results againstthecomputer9) Ability to share your statistics and end-game screenshotswithfriends10) Undo buttonFor those who don't know the gameTo be good in the game you must have good observation skills andbeable to predict the opponent's moves.So are you ready to take the challenge??The rules are1) Touch in between two dots to mark a line (verticalorhorizontal). Your goal is to complete a four side box/square.2) The player that completes a four side box / square hastheopportunity to play one more time.3) The player that will complete the most boxes / squares winsthegame.Start closing your Boxes / Squares now! Free!Enjoy!For any issue or suggestions about Dots and Boxes / Squaresgamecontact us at [email protected]
Dominoes: Play it for Free 5.7.4
Have fun with this great classic:Dominoes!create private matches and play with your friends, tryto defeatyour opponents with strategy, reasoning and a little bitofluck..Dominoes: Play it for Free is an app for Dominoes fans! With it,youcan have endless fun whenever and wherever you want. Check outitsmain features:- Play with bots, friends and others players: Playonlinewith your Facebook friends or challenge others playersfromanywhere in the world! If you want, you can train with ourbotstoo.- 4 different modes: Choose your favorite Dominoesmode:TurboDominoes, Draw Dominoes, Dominoes All Fives andBlockDominoes.- Matches with 2 or 4 players: Choose if you will createamatch with just two players or two teams.Other features:- 3 difficulty levels;- Customize the table and the cards from the deck;- Statistics from your matches.If you like board games like Checkers, Mahjong, BackgammonandChess, you will love Dominoes. What are you waiting for? Getthetiles and score to victory. Download Dominoes: Play it forFreenow!* Dominoes: Play it for Free is a game for young people andadults.This app does not use real money for placing bets or togeneratefinancial gain. Practice and wins in our game do not meanfuturesuccess in other games involving real bets.
Four In A Line V+ 5.25.81
Can you join 4 in a row in this classic 4 in a line board game?
Huizache Snakes & Ladders 0.9
Snake and Ladders is an worldwide classic board game.
Checkers 4.4.5
Amazing graphics and very small app size
Chess 3.72
The fastest way to learn and improve your Chess! The ultimateChessteacher!
Europoly 1.2.7
Don Naipe
Force your rivals into bankruptcy by buying properties andgettingmonopolies
Find Objects Hidden Object 2.3.1G
Rottz Games
Search and find hidden objects. Improve your concentrationandlanguages.
Sopas de letras Español 1.0
Play Word Search Contra clock timer to earn more points.