Top 49 Apps Similar to 金融教父

叫我官老爷-九品芝麻官联动 5.3.01132093
Original hand travel business giant system innovation, todevelopfun! And thirty million players with the DPRK official,makefriends
Five years of love for you, let’s have a feast together!Celebratingthe fifth anniversary with you
日理萬姬 1.0.20
The day manages the world, the night royal Wanji
叫我万岁爷-唯美宫廷养成手游 4.3.0
Immersive experience of ancient court life
Classic imperial harem develop mobile games
叫我官老爺-九品芝麻官聯動 5.3.01172109
Original management mobile game innovation giant system, funtodevelop! Become an official in the same dynasty with 30millionplayers and make friends
亂世妖姬 1.4.1
東漢末年,群雄割據,戰火紛飛,百姓流離失所…各方有識之士,紛紛揭竿而起,以匡扶天下大義為己任!《亂世妖姬》完整重現三國歷史,帶你重回三國亂世,征戰四方,成就一方霸業!——遊戲特色——【100%還原】經典再現,超強代入感!-真實三國歷史,匠心巨制,重遊亂世!-獨創3D寫實沙盤副本,過關斬將,稱霸史詩戰場!-名將專屬武器,完美複刻,天降神兵!-火爆半回合制戰鬥,酷炫技能,超強合擊!【名將雲集】天下名將,盡在我手!-百位三國經典名將,任你挑選!-陣營搭配,打造你的三國銀河戰隊!-自由養成,我的武將屬性我說了才算!【妖姬美人】窈窕淑女,君子好逑!-特色妖姬系統,大喬小喬,陪你征戰四方!-更有妖姬專屬技能,危難時刻力挽狂瀾!-還可以和妖姬親密互動喔!【豪賭天下】群雄並起,鏖戰中原!-擂臺賽,錦標賽!誰才是真正的三國霸主?-首領戰,軍團戰,國戰!以軍團之名,討國逆,扶正義!——記得聯絡我們喔——如果您在遊戲內遇到任何問題,歡迎您透過以下管道聯絡我們,我們將在第一時間為您提供幫助:《亂世妖姬》官方粉絲團專頁:《亂世妖姬》官方支持信箱:[email protected]——親情小提示——※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷
女帝的後宮 - 禁忌逆後宮乙女手遊 33.0
「女帝的後宮」是一款戀愛養成手機遊戲。以英雄收集,英雄戰鬥,角色換裝,戀愛為主要玩法形式,具有豐富的遊戲內容,以時間的碎片性,零散性,遊戲的創新性,豐富性,結合現今的開發技術和運營模式,為女性用戶打造一座專屬的帝國以及全所未有的戀愛體驗!遊戲劇情講述了玩家一朝成為上凰的女帝,一邊對抗意圖謀反篡位的攝政王,一邊尋找真愛的故事。 [遊戲特點](1)英雄養成+戀愛:將英雄收集和戀愛養成玩法結合,用戶可以將不同特色的英雄收入到自己麾下,可以體驗和他們的戀愛故事52位英雄52個戀愛劇情+豐富的戰鬥體驗,大大提升了遊戲的代入感和可玩性。(2)換裝:遊戲將女性最愛的換裝遊戲和戀愛冒險結合在一起在尋找真愛的同時,還可以體驗不同風格的時尚穿搭樂趣。(3)專屬劇情:用戶在戰鬥的同時,可以體驗成為女帝的劇情伴隨著前朝和宮廷的陰謀詭計,女帝一步步的收攏權勢,並且和江湖上不同風格的英雄產生羈絆。[本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級][本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務][請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲]
The new version is here! Jizo-Monk vs Zhenwu-Taoist! The battleforthe strongest class opens
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
Breaking the monotony and boringness of traditional MMObattles,innovating the "wuhun" form of gameplay, seamless switchingofeclectic weapons, bringing a new multi-combat experience!
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
異界之鑰-夏日狂歡 48.0
Adorable and rich professional characters, together to explorethefuture world of brilliant technology X magic. Encounter sweetlovein this parallel world, a love over time and space, guard thestarcontinent on the verge of collapse, and defend the BOSSattacktogether!
萬界情緣 1.4
将星召唤 1.28
明月之時 10.0
Enthusiastic encounters, passionate love! Travel with the starGuoXuefu and meet a beautiful love together!
屠龍破曉 15.0
《屠龍破曉》經典重磅歸來!開啟全民掌上千人在線攻城,戰鬥鑄就王者霸業!在這裏,重溫經典瑪法。無兄弟不熱血!一起鑄就輝煌!靠裝備,更靠技術!打造最強幫會!專屬套裝霸氣附體!外觀拉風屬性爆炸!【遊戲特色】◆青春熱血,經典升級傳世榮耀,百萬行會,千萬兄弟,一呼百應,再戰沙城!原版復刻端遊經典設定,戰法道三職業、打寶、爆裝、熱血攻沙,指間馳騁“傳世經典”。◆PK爆裝熱血攻沙自由PK,血戰紅名,殺人爆物,血性刺激!落霞奪寶、鏢車護送、領地爭奪、激情攻沙……豐富的PvP玩法,待妳一戰成名!◆千人同屏精準擊殺PK系統深度優化,UE體驗創新設定,操作手感超暢爽, 千人同屏熱血攻沙,一鍵鎖定精準擊殺,尋敵千裏取敵首級。◆激情打寶自由交易超激情打寶體驗,極品裝備、高級技能打怪爆,自由交易隨心所欲。 行會、紅包……多元化社交玩法,妳不是一個人在戰鬥!
逍遙問情 1.0.0
Ice Cream Paradise: Match 3 3.0.4
RV AppStudios
Collect ice creams in the most delicious match 3 puzzle adventure.
Coin Avengers:Millionaire chal 1.4.0
Want to get rich overnight? Just download and click, the wealthwillroll in!
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
Blood&Legend:Dragon King idle
Casual Idle,Find gear through fighting or trade with other players.
多兰大陆 - 下载送VIP3! 1.0.3
《多兰大陆》集聚恢弘精美的场景,华丽特效的技能,致力为您打造美轮美奂的中世纪风情!更有激萌伙伴、炫彩翅膀、成长神器为您的勇士之路助战!战盟争霸热血澎湃、百变时装随心搭配、海量BOSS肆意挑战!命运之轮开始转动,多兰大陆已经岌岌可危,无畏的勇士正挺身而出,是时候擦亮手中的利刃,携手捍卫曙光圣殿,开启惊天泣神之路!Englishversion,searchfor LandofDoranAddress:【游戏特色】◆天神下凡无可匹敌 强大的天神之力降临,蜕变天神傲视大陆,伙伴究极进阶,助你开拓王者之路!◆酷炫技能流光特效三大职业形象,游戏中的场景、怪物、BOSS、宠物等,细节写实生动,效果逼真。多人PK副本中,满屏大招特效,爽快爆棚!◆百变造型闪耀个性幻彩流光的翅膀、极致酷炫的职业套装、个性定制的精美时装、风格多变的坐骑、可幻化诸神的独特伙伴,皆可随心搭配!◆自由交易玩转市场海量boss肆意挑战、极品装备公平掉落,道具装备自由交易、打宝赚钱两不误,无门槛轻松玩转市场!◆人怪混战激爽PK丰富的PVP、PVE活动趣味无穷,群雄鏖战的巅峰竞技、千盟争霸的王者联赛、充满财富的巨龙宝藏、兄弟携手的战盟狩猎等您战个痛快!【玩法介绍】1、狂战士、魔法师、神射手三大职业个性分明,技能组合千变万化,让每个职业在战场上都拥有各自的传奇2、跨服PK胜者为王,各种跨服战役,在PK对决中,还你追游初心,天神下凡,超凡入圣3、天神之路觉醒,王者持剑独行,为家园而战,变身天神,出战赴敌,翱翔天际,你是众人瞩目的焦点4、挑战强大的世界BOSS,也可随时随地PVP单挑绝杀。冰火雷电状态爆发,潮水般的大战震颤整片大陆!【联系我们】FB粉丝页:游戏官网:https://doran.turingame.com官方微信:Turingame
黃易群俠傳M 0.110
Never played Huang Yi, let alone played a martial arts game!HuangYiM is back! Your first 3D martial arts game, realize youryouthmartial arts dream again after 10 years.
The 3rd Anniversary Celebration of "Three Kingdoms KillingtheFamous General" opens! Three years of spring and autumn, thebloodis still there! Sign in to get "Chosen Gold"! There is alsoathree-year limited title for free!
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games 1.0.9
Sword Legend-Jinyong Heroes Fairy RPG Online Games,DungeonKnightAFK World Sword Legend is a swordsman RPG mobile game,in thegameplayers will avatar a nobody, self-taught,recruitfamousswordsman, and run into the world. The game paysattention tothecombat array strategy with high degree of freedom,strengthensthecollection and the cultivation, changes the magicpower, thebloodcompetition, the peak traditional martial arts,experiencesthedifferent martial arts world. Game features: * themain plottwistsand turns. With a horse a sword, get to meet friendsin allcornersof the country, with a chivalrous spirit, challengegood andevilsupreme, save the world in danger. Super multi - linestory,hiddenstory waiting for you to explore. * classicmartialartscharacters, Qiao feng, Dongfang Bubai, Yangguo......Uniquemartial arts, military weapons,chivalroustenderness,confidante...... All kinds of heroes andheroines, thevast world,everything you want here have! * high freeplayerinteraction. Makegood friends, form alliances, andseekopportunities together.Heroes gathered, united from master,goodmaster accompanied byteaching kung fu; play togetherwithconfidantes and brothers. Thisis a flesh-and-bloodinteractivearena. * high free stunts. Thereare more than 100martial artsclassics to choose from. Eachfaction of the master ofmartial arts,the attributes of totalcontrol! A variety of schoolsystemcapabilities have their owncharacteristics, hundreds ofmartialarts moves, including sword,fist, leg, palm, finger, stick,gun,hidden weapon, high freecollocation, super strategic, helpyoudominate the martial arts! *high free line-up. Unique vitalenergy,strategy collocation,random combination! Personally matchthelineup, to obtain theswordsman's internal powertransmission,release the originalenergy. Random collocation martialarts moves,ten thousand kindsof routines for your combination, tocreate onlyfantasy dreambelong to you. * high degree of freedomexploration.randomgenerate the maze maps , refused to repeat, evencan go deepintothe adventure of wonderland, all kinds ofinterestinggameplay!Accept the reward task, enter the trial place,completethe world'sexperience training, a large number ofunknownmysterious mapwaiting for you to explore the secret, explorethelegendarytreasure, to obtain the ancient and modern knightleftbehind therare treasure. * high freedom, experience andgrowth.Automaticpathfinding, off-line growth, one-handed operation,stopplayinganytime. Meet your dream of buddhist martial artslife,enjoy thepleasure of rapid growth, and upgrade to zero burden!
鳳凰心計 - 純愛系後宮養成手遊週年慶 2.3.7
The new version joins the Phoenix Hearts Anniversary Event
立即下載送——萌寵·牽緣狐! 一切遇見,皆爲宿命;一切緣起,皆爲羈絆...如果夢境再次降臨,您願意成爲我們的主人嗎?停滯在永恆時間裏的綺異夢境,因為你的到來而擁有了生命——陰陽交織之時,華麗的燈樂開啓盛大的慶典:櫻花中誕生的巫服少女,牽著懵懂兔靈前往現世; 藏不住尾巴的野貓蘿莉,隨獅子姬共赴百鬼夜遊...與她們結下的羈絆, 也許是夢,也許是命運的再一次降臨....萬物有靈,緣結千姬;宿命輪轉,皆爲羈絆...世間一切不可思議,皆在此地——神子大人,歡迎來到我們的世界。 ——遊戲特色——◆唯美和風◆日系和風的畫面,精緻唯美的場景,你可以在《御神姬》中自由探索這妖靈的世界,記錄你前所未聞的百妖異聞。◆雙僕系統◆世間妖魅,皆有溫度。收集屬於你的專屬妖僕,與妖僕締結羈絆,召喚強大的力量,一起尋找自身宿命的答案。◆傾心奇緣◆月下良緣,永伴三生。豐富的社交系統,個性大圖貼上傳,結識好友邂逅甜蜜姻緣,攜手踏遍四海三山,雙人組隊共闖情緣副本。◆高手過招◆人物華麗,細節入微,次世代渲染技術,超清畫質超越主機,暢爽的操作手感,華麗的技能特效,酣暢淋漓的超強打擊感,激燃戰鬥即刻開幕!◆眾人海戰◆跨服奪島,上演熱血海戰,艦隊衝鋒,整合全服力量,爭奪島嶼,搶奪寶藏,橫掃迎面之敵,合眾連橫,勝者為王。◆全新競技◆巔峰對決,風雲鬥法!既有休閒釣魚大作戰,也有血脈擴張的個人戰,大型五軍之戰,各路神子大人巔峰相聚,帶給你熱血激情的團戰享受,比拼一觸即發!【溫馨提示】*軟體分級管理辦法:輔導十二歲級。*遊戲部分情節涉及性、暴力、虛擬戀愛或結婚,十二歲以上之人始得使用。*本遊戲為免費使用,內另有提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。*請依個人興趣、能力、進行體驗,請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。使用者協定&隱私保護協定:*服務條款:*隱私政策:
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
我的人生大冒險 2.087.0001
創新概念《人生模擬》遊戲! 規劃人生路線、培養人格特長 發展真實人脈、影響世界繁榮開啟人生經營的全新篇章讓人生世代擁有光芒獨特的生命旅程吧!
食物语新马版 1.0.37
Extremely popular antique style anthropomorphic RPG
暗黑覺醒 9.0
超級群俠傳 4.1.6
【遊戲簡介】這是一款全自由的沙盒劇情單機武俠手游,傳承了經典單機遊戲的開放劇情模式。遊戲中您將扮演一個穿越到遊戲武俠世界的遊戲玩家。從默默無聞,到在武林各大門派中周旋,拜師學藝,經歷各種奇遇,揭露武林中各大門派背後的陰謀,勾搭各種風情萬種的武林美人,最後在武林大會中一舉奪得武林盟主之位。在最終的一場惡戰中,根據你所選擇的正邪道路,將迎戰武林中武功最頂尖的惡人或者俠士!【遊戲特色】* 獨創的自創武功系統。 *惟妙惟肖的江湖場景。 * 獨一無二性格迥異的江湖俠客。*獨具特色而平衡的拳、刀、劍、奇門、暗器以及毒法武功。 *雙線劇情,超多支線劇情、隱藏劇情供您探索。*隨機裝備系統,萬種組合任您搭配。 * 強力武魂技能,讓戰鬥玩出新花樣。 *經脈修鍊玩法,打通任督二脈,習得絕世武學。*探索傳說中的各大寶藏,獲得古今俠客遺留的奇珍異寶。 *俠客情緣,各路英雄任您組隊,以您馬首是瞻。*少林聚賢黑木崖等經典戰役等您體驗。 * 完善的難度系統,讓您不斷挑戰玩法極限。 *安全的雲存檔備份系統,絕對不怕數據丟失!*真正的單機遊戲,無需聯網,隨時隨地玩。 *持續更新,後續門派系統讓您過足江湖大俠癮!【我們的聯繫方式】客服QQ:3147726137 玩家交流群:863951589
紫禁繁花 96.0
This is a story that happened in the deep palace hundreds ofyearsago. I wonder if you have ever imagined that in the seasonofblooming flowers in the palace, it is the time of the cardamomageto have a romantic encounter with the gentle or the prince oftheworld?
爆萌三國:領主霸業 6.0.0
Idle Legend War-fierce fight h 2.1.105
Idle Legend War-fierce fight hegemony massive multiplayeronlinegame
黑道風雲:老大你來做 1.6.800
Phantix Games
The situation in the world is my generation, once you entertheunderworld, you will never regret it.
新三國志手機版-光榮特庫摩授權 3.0.0
《新三國志手機版》是《三國志11》港澳台新馬地區唯一由光榮特庫摩正版授權研發的手遊。原《三國志》系列作為SLG類型遊戲的經典代表作,我們也將繼承這一點,將“策略”作為遊戲的設計初衷和核心定位。在遊戲中,玩家可與數萬名其他玩家將一同置於超過100萬格的恢弘大地圖上,招募將領、發展城池、打造雄兵,做梟雄割據一方;也可與其它玩家群雄逐鹿、締結聯盟、攻城掠地、拓展版圖,一統漢室中原。遊戲採用了3D動態的策略戰鬥系統,配合兵種克制關係、武將怒氣技能、武將羈絆光環、多種軍械輔助等眾多策略元素,極大的體現戰鬥策略變化。主要特點:1、正版授權日本光榮特庫摩正版授權,全程由三國志系列製作人北見健參與監修。人氣之作《三國志11》榮譽改編,官方品質將再續經典。2、策略經典重回策略遊戲本質,以智謀奪天下。在三國志最深的回憶中,從單槍匹馬走向萬人沙盤火拼新狂潮。3、經營革新一百萬格超大世界地圖任你馳騁,數十種玩法帶你走向巔峰:不管是建城池、招武將,還是加軍團、拓版圖,總有一款玩法適合你!4、真人鬥智真實的戰場,真實的盟軍和敵人,每一塊螢幕後都隱藏著不為人知的城府與計謀。是進是退?戰火中的決策充滿挑戰。5、同屏激戰宏大的三國世界觀,磅礴的遊戲場景,攻城戰、野戰、軍團戰,演繹萬人國戰,配合士氣鼓舞與陣法加成,讓戰鬥增加一成勝算。1.本遊戲內容涉及「不當言語」-一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語 ,依軟體分級辦法分類為輔12級,12歲以上之人始得使用2.本遊戲部分內容需另行支付費用3.長時間進行遊戲,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲
美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!
少年三国志2新马版 1.5.17
"Juvenile Three Kingdoms 2 New Malaysia Edition" was built bytheworld's first-class R&D team for three years. With the aimofhigh-welfare experience, players will be given 80 consecutivedrawsfor the generals after logging in. You can also receive VIPlevelsfor free without recharging!
Idle West Journey-RPG Adventure Legend Online Game 1.4.4
Idle West Journey-RPG Adventure Legend Online Game, HeroLordDungeons Clash, the young great saint westward journeyfetchbuddhist scriptures, pocket make a dream to catch monster,make bigthree boundary big talk return, datang western regionaskadventure, girl country wuxia fantasy love, monster huntbrawl,immortal fiend list down demon record! 【Fight to demons,Saving theworld】 After the three world wars, evil and desiregradually grow,devour the good between the mind. People sent to thewest by thecommand of the Buddha to get the scriptures. All theway, theysuffered through thousands of mountains and thousands ofrivers topersuade sentient beings. In addition to demon, dissolvethemillennium wrong. 【Superior General Dominating】 Monkey King,TotaKing Of Heaven, Bull Demon King, Zhong Kui...... Classicwestwardjourney characters gathered together, the achievement oftianzhanforce! The human fairy demon three realms gather, hundredsof godwill satisfy your collection desire, channeling spirit beastsoulfree collocation, make the strongest exclusive lineup! Godwillhelp, world war I peak, mighty! 【Cool fashion, Personalityriding】Gorgeous wings, dynamic light weapons, floating magicweapon,change 100 kinds of modeling, personality highlight visualfeast!Lovely xianlv, personality riding, riding auspicious kinglionfighting around the world. Gorgeous skills special effects,shockof the impact of the west journey, youth unparalleled!【Hot-bloodygang to meet friends】 Set up gang trade union, recruitheroes,build homes together, exchange senior rare materials.Participatein the real time gang strong battle, the group of heroesto thedeer, wu friends, brothers together, total battle peak.Jianghuheroic spirit, brother sword line xia go tianya! 【Easyoperation tofree your hands】 Adopt automatic combat mode, do notneed anyoperation, just need to put out the strongest battle force,platooncan play a good game. Not liver not krypton, fun nottired,anytime, anywhere, want to fight! 【Super welfare senting】Newclothes login to send massive silver ingot, xianlv, xuanfemale,orange suit for your choice, super god will be free to sendqi tianda sheng, let your battle force surge of pleasure! Don'tspendmoney, still play a bright!
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
Gokudo City 3.2
Game Hexagon
Gokudo City is a Simulation RPG in which you can experience thelifein yakuza
封神再臨:捉妖錄 1.0.1
LoveBox Mobile 1.8.1
《LoveBox Mobile》Popular Loving Game!