Top 4 Games Similar to RIMS 2015

SME 360: Risk Assessment 0.1
Finally, a risk management andopportunitydiscovery workbook for Small and Mid-Size Enterprises(SME) thatoffers self assessment tools that are highly effectiveand easy touse.The SME|360 helps managers assess and score opportunityriskfactors to mitigate risk, determine capital allocationrequirementsand prepare for raising finance from banks and otherlendinginstitutions.The SME|360 helps managers understand and prepare forthestringent credit scoring and decision metrics used bylendinginstitutions.The SME|360 is modeled after recommendations developed bybankworking groups formed to address best lending practicesfollowingthe introduction of Basel II Capital Accord and theproposedCapital Requirement Directive (Basel II / CRD).Objectives of the SME|360To detail the main business and risk management practicesthatlenders generally look for when assessing and rating an SMETo provide SME with awareness of what is regarded by lendersasgood corporate governanceTo assist SMEs to meet the likely businessinformationrequirements of banks, private equity and investmentbankinginstitutionsOverlying AssumptionsStringent credit analysis should not be considered asacompliance or regulatory imposition but as a catalyst forimprovingand embedding good risk management practices andbusinessgovernanceFinancial intermediaries and suppliers of funding can fosterSMEbest practices GRC principlesApplication of sound risk management practices enables SMEstoenhance sustainability, performance and shareholder valueThough there are no universally agreed and applied standardsorsimilar benchmarks for SME risk management, the SME|360 providesarobust framework of GRC best practices that areindustryagnostic.The assessment framework is based primarily on materialsobtainedas a result of a general survey provided on a confidentialandnon-attributable basis by specific banks, consultants andSMErepresentative organizations.Design and Contents of ModulesThe modules are designed as a self-reference guide. Themodulesare compiled around the typical information that SMEs use tomanagean effective business. In turn, it should assist you tocapture therequired information about the rationale, capability,prospects andrisks of your business, and to communicate this tobanks and otherproviders of finance.This information should help them to understand, assessandrisk-rate your business for credit purposes in line with theirowninternal guidelines.SME|360 is divided into five main sections:1. Business Strategy & Targets2. Business Market & Competition3. Business Capability4. Business & Financial Planning5. Business Risk ManagementProduct FeaturesSelf Assessment Scoring Methodology, Calculation of Risk BudgetandEnterprise View of Aggregated RiskThe modules contain descriptions of self-assessmenttechniquesusing the templates included in this document.Assessment Templates:Product and Market Dynamics Assessment:Product Risk / Customer Risk / Supply Chain / Competition /MarketDynamicsBusiness Function Assessment:Operations / IT / HR / Facilities / Sales & Marketing/Management / Accounting,Macro-risk Assessments:Critical Success Factors / Risk Factor Assessment / Business Ratio/Business Plan Checklist / CFI/ (Macroeconomic Risk only indigitalproduct)This assessment exercise will provide you with easyandconsistent reference data for completing and updating businessandrisk management plans. This information will aid transparencyandfacilitate communications with your bank and otherfundingproviders.Document is in PDF format. A complete set of fullydigitizedassessment templates can be ordered from Sum2.
Business Management 1.0
Business Management application is mainlyusedfor an organization which helps in making transactions betweenthesupplier, sales person and the customer. This applicationkeepstrack of daily transactions made in an organization andprovides aneasy user interface for recording and keeping track ofmaterials onbasis of both quantity and value.
Modulo Questionnaires 1.0.6
This application is part of the ModuloRiskManager solution for risk management, used to allow analyststoremotely answer controls from questionnaires used inriskassessments.  An existing installation of Modulo RiskManageris required. However, compatibility with Modulo Risk Managerisonly guaranteed for versions 8.4 and 9.0. TheQuestionnairesapp runs normally in devices running the Android 2.2operationalsystem or higher.Further information on Modulo Risk Manager:Modulo Risk Manager automates Governance, Risk, andComplianceprocesses in order to efficiently inventory, analyze,evaluate,treat, and maintain control over the main risks inherentto thebusiness.Through a single, fully web-based interface and with the toolstoautomate the necessary processes, Modulo Risk Manager is themostcomprehensive solution for GRC, offering quantitativeandqualitative information on identified risks, supportingtheprioritization of remediation measures in the organizationandfacilitating the decision-making process.