Top 21 Games Similar to La Quiniela

Check the spanish Football loto, Quiniela.Liveupdates.Notification of goals scored and end of match.Please help the developer to improve it by sending errorsandsuggestions to:[email protected]
Quinidroid 7.0.10
Iván Morales
Check your pools manages in real time !!!
Soccer Predictions tips bets 2.3.1
Football results predictions app. FT, HT, BTS, GOALS.
QuiniPhone 2.1.1
Football pools. All information necessary to ascertain andmanageyour pools.
Sistemas para ganar quinielas 1.1
Increases the chance to hit the pools with these fantastic systems
La Quiniela 2.10
Marca tus resultados, guarda tus combinaciones ypuedesseleccionarpronósticos al azar o limitando el resultado segúnlosporcentajessemanales. Fácil manejo y sencillo interface deusuario.
LALIGA: Official App 8.1.5
Soccer results, goals, line-ups, highlights, transfers and news
Quinielas de México 1.01
Kiskoo S.R.L.
Esta aplicación fue diseñadaprincipalmentepara todos los jugadores del Ganagol y Progol deMéxico. Con estaaplicación puede seguir todos los partidos en vivosin tener queentrar a cada Liga de Futbol (páginas web) y buscardichos partidose resultados.Además de proveer los resultados de cada quiniela, puedenjugarlas quinielas gratuitamente, solo por diversión. Al final decadaquiniela podrá entrar y ver el número de aciertos.Si no es un jugador de Progol o Ganagol, todavía lerecomendamosesta aplicación para que pueda seguir la Liga MX y laLiga deAscenso MX. Te ofrecemos todos los resultados en vivo,calendario ytabla de posiciones de cada liga.Cada resultado del partido te ofrece: Resultado,Tarjetas,Cambios y Goleadores.Esta aplicación no tiene ninguna vinculación con las compañíasdequinielas, simplemente ofrecemos un servicio.This applicationwasdesigned primarily for all players Ganagol and Progol ofMexico.With this application you can follow all the games livewithouthaving to enter each League Soccer (web pages) and look forthosegames and results.In addition to providing the results of each betting,footballpools can play for free, just for fun. At the end of eachbettingyou can come and see the number of hits.If there is a player Progol or Ganagol, we still recommendthisapplication so you can follow the MX League and Liga de AscensoMX.We offer all live scores, schedule and standings foreachleague.Each match result offers Result, Cards, Changes and Scorers.This application has no association with pools companiessimplyprovide a service.
Análisis Quiniela 1.2.1
Mediante el análisis de lasestadisticasactuales de cada equipo, obtén un pronóstico delresultado delpartido.A diferencia de los analisis estadisticos tradicionales,estaaplicación hace los cálculos mediante una pequeñainteligenciaartificial que utiliza los resultados de jornadasanteriores parahacer una clasificación de los datos en un resultadodel tipo 1, Xo 2. Y puesto que cada semana se obtienen mas datos,la aplicaciónrealiza nuevos entrenamientos de análisis para ganarmayorprecisión.Mediante una conexión a internet se puede obtener los datos delajornada actual de la liga española de primera y segundadivisión,pero es compatible con cualquier liga del mundointroduciendo losdatos de manera manual.Actualmente la aplicación cuenta con dos procesos depredicción,uno conservador que acierta la posibildad de empate conmayorprecisión, y uno libre que es mas preciso para elegir cual delosequipos ganan, pero no tanto cuando empatan.By analyzingcurrentstatistics from each team, get a forecast on the finalscore.Unlike traditional statistical analysis, this app does themathusing a small artificial intelligence that uses the resultsofearlier days to make a classification of data in a result oftype1, X or 2. And since each week are obtained more data, newtrainingapplication performs analysis to gain greater accuracy.Through an Internet connection you can get the data fromthecurrent round of the Spanish League first and second division,butis compatible with any league in the world entering thedatamanually.Currently the application process has two prediction, onethathits the posibildad conservative tie with greater precision,andone that is more precise free to choose which teams win, butnotwhen tied.
BeSoccer - Soccer Live Score
BeSoccer Apps
Follow live games, news, comment withotherusers, receive notifications and so much more in any of ourmorethan 10,000 soccer competitions.Your suggestions and comments help us improve and we keep workingtocontinue being the best application of soccerscores. FEATURES★Follow top international leagues with our app (Premier League,MLS,Primera Division, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, etc).★ 2016-2017 soccer calendar of games, teams, scores andseasontables.★ Push notifications for games events.★ Weekly schedule of games★ All teams like Manchester United, Manchester City,Barcelona,Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen, etc.★ All players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, JamesRodriguez,Suarez, Neymar, Iniesta etc.★ Football score (MLS, Premier, etc).★ Video Goals (MLS, Primera Division, etc).★ More competitions and teams than other soccer app (includedMajorLeague Soccer, etc)★ Live individual and team stats (Manchester United,ManchesterCity, Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen,etc)★ Choose your favorite soccer teams, competitions or games.★ Interact with other users and make comments about thematch.★ Live commentary★ BeSoccer will offer you the most famous sports newspaperscoversin the world.★ Find here all the transfers to know about the latest news ofyourfavorites teams.★ Easier and updated interface.★ Faster and more efficient than everLIVE SCORES AND TABLES FROM EVERY COMPETITIONS IN THEWORLD,LIKE- MLS (US Soccer)- NASL- US Open- Premier League- Primera division (Spain)- Champions League- Europa League- WorldCup- Confederations Cup- Copa America USA 2016- Euro France 2016And so on!!***IF YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR COMPETITIONS, CONTACT US AND WILLADDIT! For a better experience, use 3G, 4G or WiFiIf you need scores, you need to BeSoccer!
Quinielo - Pronósticos fútbol 0.1.2
Quinielo te ofrece los mejorespronósticosdeportivos para partidos de fútbol de forma fácil,rápida ygratuita.Compara diferentes pronósticos para mejorar los resultados entuquiniela. Consulta el calendario de la siguiente jornada ylaclasificación de la liga Santander y de la liga 1,2,3.Visítanos en www.quinielo.esQuinielo offers thebestsports predictions for football matches easily, quicklyandfree.Compare different tips for improving results in your pool.Checkcalendar for the next day and the classification of theSantanderleague and league 1,2,3.Visit us in
MARCA - Diario Líder Deportivo 7.0.11
All sports information, live football scores and other sports.
Football Predictions Forebet 2.0.9
Mathematical Football Predictions, AI, Stats and Scores.
Quiniela LE 1.0 1.0
Aplicación paraconsultarresultados,posiciones,calendario y jugar quinielas de laLigaEspañola deFútbol por jornada.Es necesario contar con conexión a Internet parapoderusarla.Aplicación con fines educativos para la materia deDesarrollodeAplicaciones para Dispositivos Móviles.Hecha por: Carlos Miguel Castellanos Ruiz - 13120164-ITICSJorge Luis Vázquez Martínez - 13120161- ITICSApplicationtoqueryresults, standings, schedule and play football pools oftheSpanishFootball League by day.You must have Internet access to use it.Application for educational purposes for thesubjectApplicationDevelopment for Mobile Devices.Taken by: Carlos Miguel Castellanos Ruiz - 13120164 -ITICS                 JorgeLuisVazquezMartinez - 13120161- ITICS
Haz Quiniela 1
Esta aplicación esta en fase de prueba.This applicationisinbeta.
MoreLiga de Quinielas 2.38
Juego privado, interesados buscar "La LigaenQuinielas"Un apasionante juego donde demostrar tus conocimientosfutbolísticosde la Liga Española.La participación es muy simple basta con rellenar la quinieladecada jornada de Liga y esperar a los resultados delospartidos.Al fin podrás demostrar que eres el que más sabe de futbol detusamigos y del mundo.Private game,interestedlook "La Liga in Quinielas"An exciting game where prove your football knowledge of theSpanishLeague.Participation is very simple just fill the football pools everydayof the season and wait for the results of the matches.At last you can prove that you are the most knowledgeablefootballyour friends and the world.
Futboltele LA LIGA 1.1.1
Futboltele: Times and TV network where the televised league teams
Flashscore Mismarcadores
Results, statistics and other updated data of about 40 sports.
La Liga en Quinielas 2.00
Un apasionante juego dondedemostrartusconocimientos futbolísticos de la Liga Española.La participación es muy simple basta con rellenar la quinieladecadajornada de Liga y esperar a los resultados delospartidos.Al fin podrás demostrar que eres el que más sabe de futboldetusamigos y del mundo.An excitinggamewhereprove your football knowledge of the Spanish League.Participation is very simple just fill the football poolseverydayof the season and wait for the results of thematches.At last you can prove that you are the mostknowledgeablefootballyour friends and the world.
Match Predictor 1.12
Welcome to the Match Predictor app!What is the Match Predictor?The Match Predictor is a fantasy football predictiongamefromFIFA with a twist. First of all, forget aboutmakingweeklypredictions. It's time to predict football results onadailybasis! Almost every hour of the day somewhere in theworld,aprofessional football team is playing a football match.Are you really good enough to predict the results ofthesematcheson a daily basis?Second of all, and the biggest difference in thenewMatchPredictor fantasy football game is that accuracyandconsistencyare crucial ingredients for success. The aim of thegamehasshifted from scoring points to building thelongestpredictionstreak. You simply predict an outcome correctlyand yourpredictionstreak increases by one, make a mistake and itresets tozero!Get yourself ready to predict the results and prove yourselfonaninternational stage...What you get:* Login and manage your predictions through theFIFAMatchPredictor site on the go* Rules of the game* Latest soccer predictions news* Twitter (Latest updates via Twitter from FIFA Club)* Local News (unrelated)* Deals (US) (unrelated)* Offers (unrelated)* Feedback* Push History (unrelated)Download the Match Predictor app today for free!Important Information:Please note that this app requires the use of connectiontotheinternet to update the various in-app applications.We have made every effort to ensure the in-appapplicationsapplyto the specific content in question that theyrelate to.However,from time to time there may be other unrelatedinformationincluded.Please note that we have no control over thecontent oftheseexternal sources.If applicable to the app, the relevant RSS feedsaresolelyreliant on the various sources keeping theseup-to-date.Pleaseunderstand that we have no control over thesefeeds and wecansimply only advise our users to try the in-appapplication atlatertime/date to see if the applicable feature hasbeenupdated.Please understand that this app utilises variousadvertisinginthe form of banners and various page links toexternalsites.Although many of the adverts are not related to theappitself,they have been included to help support theongoingdevelopment ofthe app itself. Please view our other relatedapps inthe app storefor this product (if available) that do notincludeanyadvertisements and may instead include extra features!Therewilltypically be an extra charge for an ad-free appversion.If you do experience any issues with this app, pleaseemailusrather than leaving us a negative star rating and/orreview.Wewill always try to endeavour to fix a problem in our appforthebenefit of all our users.If you like our app, please be so kind to leave us ahighstarrating and a review. We greatly appreciate yoursupport!Disclaimer:The key purpose of this app is simply a way to provide aquickandeasy way to launch the FIFA Match Predictor mobile sitetomanageyour predictions on thego,through app was created based on my own personalexperiencesofmanaging my very own FIFA match predictions.Please understand that this app is in no way associated toFIFAorany other brands referred to in this app (if applicable).All ofthefeeds/links included are the property of theirrespectfulowners, andthis app simply serves the purpose ofdirecting theuser to thespecific source.If you do represent FIFA and have any objections to thisappinany way whatsoever, please let us know firstbeforecontactingGoogle Play Support. Please send us an emaildirectly toour emailaddress contained in the 'Developer' sectionbelow.
Sigue Tu Liga 3.0.10
¡Renovamos totalmente nuestra app!- Notificaciones en tiempo real de tus equipos y ligas- Goles en tiempo real- Ruta a los campos- Partidos cercanos: entérate de los partidos que se estánjugandocerca de ti- Actividad reciente de tus ligas y equipos: resultados,goles,comentarios, fotos...- Accede con tu cuenta de Twitter o Facebook- Mejoras en el rendimiento y la velocidad de la appSiguetuliga es la plataforma social del deporte amateur. Enellapodrás encontrar resultados, goles, clasificaciones,comentarios,estadísticas, fotos, vídeos, campos…todo en tu móvil yen laweb.Puedes crear tu liga en solo unos pasos y compartir todalainformación de las ligas que sigues, de tus ligas.Participaaportando toda lo que sabes de tu equipo y de tu liga eincrementatu karma. Cuanto más karma, más funcionalidades y máspodertendrás. ¡Súmate a la comunidad de nuestro deporte!Además:- Login y registro mucho más rápido.- 100% personalizable: sigue solo las ligas que te interesan yhaztefan de tus equipos.- Más de 1200 ligas desde Primera División a TerceraAutonómica,pasando por ligas de Peñas, Veteranos, Femenino, fútboly fútbol sala.- Resultados, horarios, clasificaciones, campos, calendario yrachasde los equipos de tus ligas.- Comparte el resultado, goles, comentarios y fotos de lospartidosdesde el propio campo, en tiempo real.- Incrementa tu karma mucho más fácil, desde tú móvil.Además, en la versión web también puedes encontrar:- Quiniela de tus ligas: predice los resultados- Sistema gestor de ligas automático: crea tu liga o copa ensolocinco minutos y en tres pasos.- Ficha completa de todos los partidos y todos los equiposconestadísticas y rachas de resultados.- Registrarte y vincular tu cuenta de Siguetuliga con tuFacebooky/o tu Twitter- Geolocalización de más de 3.000 campos de fútbol y fútbolsala:para que llegar a cualquier campo deje de ser unaodisea.- Ruta al campo de tu partido.- Galerías de fotos y vídeos de las ligas y equipos quetúsigues.- Widgets de resultados y clasificaciones para publicar en tu weboblog.- Perfiles de usuario y ranking de usuarios por karma.Completely renew our app!- Real-time notifications of your teams and leagues- Goals in real time- Route fields- Matches Nearby: find out matches being played near you- Recent activity from your leagues and teams: results,goals,comments, photos ...- Login with your Twitter or Facebook- Improved performance and speed of the appSiguetuliga is the social platform of amateur sport. Here youcanfind results, goals, ratings, comments, statistics, photos,videos,golf ... all on your mobile and on the web.You can create your league in few steps and share allinformationin the leagues you follow, your leagues. Participateproviding allyou know your team and your league and increase yourkarma. The morekarma, more features and more power will have. Jointhe community ofour sport!In addition:- Login and registration much faster.- 100% customizable: just follow the links that interest youandbecome a fan of your teams.- More than 1200 leagues from First to Third RegionalDivision,passing leagues Peñas, Veterans, Women, Base ... footballandfutsal.- Scores, schedules, standings, golf, calendar and gusts ofyourleague teams.- Share the result, goals, reviews and photos of the games fromthefield itself, in real time.- Increase your karma much easier, since you mobile.In addition, the Web version you can also find:- Predictor of your leagues: predicts the results- Automatic leagues System Manager: create your league or cupinjust five minutes in three steps.- Complete Listing of all parties and all computers withgustsstatistics and results.- Register and Siguetuliga link your account to your Facebook and/or your Twitter- Geolocation of more than 3,000 football fields and football:toreach any field ceases to be an ordeal.- Path to the field of your party.- Photo galleries and videos of leagues and teams thatyoufollow.- Widgets results and classifications to post on your websiteorblog.- User profiles and user ranking by karma.