Top 19 Apps Similar to Cigarette Counter

Vape Tool 27.09.2022-free
Vape Tool
Make only perfect Coils and E=Liquids with Vape Tool
Clicker Counter 1.5
Whether you count the amount of girls whodidyou pick up or the amount of chips eaten. This simple butveryuseful application is for you. Show your friends what resultsyouachieved. This counter is the best for you!
Click Counter
Digital Fish
Count them all.
Counter 2.3.3
Counter allows you to count everything, inventories, books readorcalories.
Counter 24
Counter is an open source tally counterforAndroid. It makes counting easier. You can have multiplecounterswith their own names and values. Values can be changedusing volumebuttons.No ads. No unnecessary permissions required. Enjoy! ;)This is an open source application. So if you want to fix a bugorpropose a new feature, you can write some code yourself andsubmita patch. Source code is hosted on GitHubat was my first Android application. The goal was tomakesomething useful and easy to build.If you want to help with translation, goto you!
Thing Counter 1.6
Thing Counter is a free tool to count clicks like a tally counter.
Count! The Tally Counter 1.03
Weed Games
Count! - The tally counter you can count on!Are you always running out of fingers when counting things?Wellit's time to put an end to that with Count! Count laps,reps,inventory, cars, people, shots of vodka or even nickels fromyourpiggy bank!Count Uses:-Score counter-Lap counter-Reps counter-People counter-Shot counter (drinking games)-Inventory counter-Car counter-And more...Features:-Elegant design and multiple themes to choose from.-Active homescreen widget for on the fly usage.-Volume keys increase & decrease the count.-Customizable increment number and a five digit display.-Able to retrieve previous number value.-Feedback with an audible click or vibration.-Keep screen always on option.-Count! is and always will be free!
Advanced Tally Counter 4.3
#1 multiple tally counter app on the Play Store!Use this app to count anything countable, frominventory,customers, laps, to scores, votes. Up to 100 counters,assignbutton on the phone to count without touching thescreen,optionally record time stamp for each count, email/sharefeature,counters are saved after exiting, score keeper for cardgames.In-app purchase will allow you to upgrade to the proversionwhich has no Ads and supports save/load the counterdefinitions aswell as importing from or exporting to csv files. Thecounter canalso be customized to have different weight, adifferentincrease/decrease by count for each click, differentcolors andnotification sounds. For tablets you can have up to fourcolumns sothat you can display a lot of counters on one screenCompatible with both tablets and phones. Supports bothportraitand landscape orientation
Tasbih Counter 1.0
Isyrah Fahmi
Tasbih Counter is a simple application for android device.Thisapplication helps user to count tasbih.There will be a short vibration on every count and long vibrationonevery 33rd and 100th counts.Instructions:Tap anywhere on the screen to start counting.Press reset or back button to reset counter.Developed by:Isyrah Fahmi Osman ([email protected])Brunei Darussalam
Tap Counter 3.0
This app is a simple Tally Counter.You can count anything you want with clickingon-screenbuttons.Click "+" button to increase counter.Click "-" button to decrease counter.Click "RESET" button to reset counter to zero.Features:・Big "+" Button・Very light on your cell phone・Keep last counted value・Both positive and negative counterOptional Setting・Vibration・Sounds Effect・Speech Assistant
Click Counter 2.6.0
Digital Fish
This is paid version of Click Counter Free application.Benefitsofpaid version: - Clickable Widget - Save/Load countsfunction-Share saved counts by email or other channels. - Noads.ClickCounter is a simple Tally Counter application. Justpressthevolume up button to increase counter. Counter value willlastuntilpressing reset button. Features: - sound effects-optionallydecrease button - speech assistant - previous valueslistview - onscreen increase button. --In paid version only-- -Abilityto saveand load counts - Share saved counts by email orotherchannels.(function available in context menu of Load Countspage) -Optionallaud beep sound on count. - Long press on screenbutton toresetcounter. Please report problems and suggestions byemail. Ican'tanswer to comments.
Joint Smoke Battery 1.02
Joint smoke battery is a free 2x1 HDwidgetincludes changing picture of a joint marijuana batteryshowing yourcurrent battery status and level. Picture changes every10% ofbattery level showing the current battery status both inimage andin numbers! Widget also has small configuration optionsandbattery/wifi information after touching the joint.Configurationincludes: turning on WiFi , turning WiFi off, turn onBluetooth,turn off Bluetooth and a shortcut to system options.Theinformation about battery includes the battery voltage,batteryhealth and battery percentage left and when you turn on theWiFi inyour smartphone or tablet window will also showinformationregarding your wifi connection. You can never go wrongwith rastabattery with joint !To add the widget on your homescreen simple go to yourwidgetoptions and hold your finger on the joint and set it whereveryou'dlike to have it. To access options tap the joint icon.Enjoy this homescreen peace HD battery joint widget for nochargeon your tablet or smartphone!It's a tablet battery widget but also a smartphone batterywidget,on both free of charge!It's a rastafarian battery, jamaican battery not only for youbutfor everyone! peace!Smoke weed everyday!1000+ Downloads, Thanks Everyone!
Tally Counter 7.9.25
Share and collaborate on counters with friends and colleagues
Vape: E-liquid Free 1.2.1
E-liquid mix calculator. Mix your own e-juice!
NetCounter 0.14.1
Cyril Jaquier
NetCounter is a simple network traffic counter for EDGE/3GandWi-Fi. It shows your data usage. Data are persistent and youcanset the counters (monthly, last 7 days, today, etc) you need.
MTG Tracker & Life Counter 6.3.58
MTG Tracker is the ultimate toolbox for Magic the Gathering®players
Tap Counter 1.0
Whizzbang Inc
Have you always wanted to count things?Wellnowyou can. You can count as much stuff as you'd like! WithTapCounter,you click on the button and it increments the count.Youcan evenlabel and save your counts for use another time.Features:- Increment and Decrement- Volume Key increment/decrement- Saving your individual counters- Hepatic feedback, click sounds, and voice counter- comes with the source code.This app is completely free, has no ads, and the codesourceisavailable for you. Rate it 5 stars folks and inspire metobringmore apps.
Tally Counter 2.3
A clear, sophisticated and certainly useful tally countingapp.It’sgreat for counting reps, traffic and even people;basicallyanythingcountable. Features *Make upto 8 separate tallys*Resetand undolast count *Customize name, initial and incrementvalue ofeachtally *Remembers last count on all tallys *E-mail yourcounterdata*Preference menu *Very responsive *Big and clearbuttons*Count upto6 figure values *App to SD card EnabledPermissions:VIBRATE - Usedto provide feedback on button clicks.WAKE LOCK -Prevent screenfrom locking. Version 2.0 - Make upto 8separatetallys - Customizename, initial and increment value of eachtally- Remembers lastcount on all tallys - Preference menu -Supportlarger screensVersion 2.2 - Email count data - Minor bugsfixedVersion 2.3 -Minor bugs fixed
Vape Калькулятор 1.11
Alex ZveR
Незаменимое приложение для парильщиков!Хотите сделать намотку, но не знаете какое у неёбудетсопротивление? Боитесь, что Ваш боксмод не потянетжелаемуюнамотку? Хотите узнать рекомендуемую мощность для намотки?Хотитеподогнать намотку под определённое сопротивление? Или жепростохотите узнать сопротивление и рекомендуемую мощность своейнамотки?В этом Вам поможет калькулятор намотки. В нём Вы можетеуказать всенеобходимые параметры своей намотки, а именно:- Тип провода- Количество спиралей- Количество проводов в каждой спирали- Диаметр провода- Диаметр витка- Количество витков- Расстояние между витками- Длину концов (хвостиков) спирали- Текущее напряжениеВам понравилась намотка, и Вы хотите её сохранить? Непроблема!Нажав кнопку "+" и введя имя намотки, Вы сохраните всепараметрысвоей намотки и в любое время, нажав софт клавишу,сможетезагрузить эти параметры в калькулятор одним кликом!Надоело покупать дорогую готовую жидкости дляэлектронныхсигарет? Хотите хорошо сэкономить на парении? Не знаетекак сделатьсамозамес и какие компоненты смешивать? У Вас естьготовая основакрепкой жидкости, и Вы хотите её разбавить, чтобысделать её менеекрепкой? Во всём этом Вам поможет калькуляторсамозамеса жидкости.Вам больше не придётся покупать готовуюжидкость, ведь, имея у себяна устройстве такое приложение, будеточень просто сделать жидкостисамому, необходимо только иметь нужныекомпоненты. В калькулятореможно указать все необходимые параметрыдля самозамеса жидкости. Вкалькуляторе Вы можете указать:- Вид самозамеса: (50 на 50, традиционный и прочие)- Объём жидкости на выходе- Требуемое содержание никотина- Требуемое содержание пропиленгликоля (PG)- Требуемое содержание глицерина (VG)- Требуемое содержание дистиллированной воды (AD)- Содержание ароматизатора- Количество капель в миллилитре- Содержание никотина в основе- Содержание пропиленгликоля (PG) в основе- Содержание глицерина (VG) в основе- Содержание дистиллированной воды (AD) в основеНажав кнопку "Рассчитать", Вы узнаете что и в каком объёменужнобудет смешать, чтобы получить готовую жидкость на свойвкус.Хотите сколько непрерывно сможет работать Ваш аккумулятор?Хотитеузнать на сколько затяжек хватит аккумулятора?С этим справится калькулятор работы аккумулятора. Всё, что отВастребуется, это ввести ёмкость аккумулятора, текущеесопротивление,текущее напряжение и среднее время затяжки. Врезультаты узнаете начто способен Ваш аккумулятор.Всегда хотите знать о том, сколько времени Вы не курите?Хотитезнать количество невыкуренных сигарет? Хотите знатьсуммусэкономленных денег?Введите дату, когда Вы бросили курить, введите стоимостьпачкисигарет и введите количество скуриваемых сигарет в день, атакже выможете ввести свои затраты на устройства/жидкости ирасходники.Приложение всё рассчитает и выведет в виджет. Незабудьте добавитьвиджет на один из рабочих столов!Приложение будет радовать Вас своими обновлениями и упрощатьВамжизнь!Indispensable application for bathers!Want to make a winding, but do not know how she would haveresisted?Are you afraid that your boksmod not pull the desiredwinding? Wantto know the recommended power for winding? Do youwant to fit acertain winding resistance? Or just want to know thepower ofresistance and recommended his wound? This will help thewindingcalculator. In it you can specify all the necessaryparameters ofits winding, namely:- Wire Type- The number of spirals- The number of wires in each helix- The diameter of the wire- The diameter of the coil- Number of revolutions- The distance between the- The length of the ends (tails) spiral- Current voltageYou like winding, and you want to save it? No problem! Pressing"+"button and enter the name of winding, you save all theparametersof its winding and at any time by pressing the soft key,you willbe able to download these parameters to the calculator inoneclick!Tired of buying expensive ready-liquid for electroniccigarettes?Want to save money on a good guy? I do not know how todo and whatcomponents samozames mix? Do you have a ready basis forstrongliquid and you want to dilute it to make it less strong? Inall thiscalculator will help you samozamesa liquid. You no longerhave tobuy ready-made liquid, after having at such an applicationon thedevice, it will be very easy to make the most of the liquid,it isonly necessary to have the right components. In thecalculator, youcan specify all the necessary parameters forsamozamesa liquid. Inthe calculator, you can specify:- View samozamesa: (50 to 50, traditional, etc.)- The volume of fluid outlet- Required the nicotine content- Required content of propylene glycol (PG)- Required content of glycerin (VG)- Required content of distilled water (AD)- The content of the flavoring- The number of drops per milliliter- Nicotine content based- Content of propylene glycol (PG) based- Glycerol content (VG) at the base- Content of distilled water (AD) basedBy clicking on "Calculate", you will learn that and to whatextentwill need to mix to get ready liquid to your taste.Do you want to be able to work continuously as your battery?Wantto know how many puffs enough battery?Handle this calculator battery. All you have to do is enterthebattery capacity, the current resistance, voltage andcurrentaverage time delay. The results will learn to benefit fromyourbattery.Always want to know how much time do you smoke? Do you wanttoknow the number of cigarettes nevykurennyh? You want to knowtheamount of money saved?Enter the date when you quit, enter the value of a packofcigarettes, and enter the number of each ordinary cigarettes aday,and you can enter your unit costs / fluids and consumables.Theapplication calculates and displays everything in a widget. Donotforget to add a widget on one of the desks!The app will delight you with its update and simplifyyourlife!