Top 16 Apps Similar to Psychic Power ESP Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Money Attraction 1.0
Hypnosis Simply
★ "One of the Most ProfessionalHypnosisAppsI've seen"★★★ Now 50% OFF - Strictly Limited time only ★★★★★ Are you ready to create riches, love and happiness inyourlifenow? ★★★★★ Imagine living in blissful abundance now ★★★_________________________________________________________________Experience financial abundance in your life withthisprofessionalhypnosis program.Hypnosis is easy! All you have to do is sit back andletthisprogram do all the work for you. This program isdevelopedinconjunction with wealth experts, hypnotherapistsandaudioprofessionals to start to shift your outlooktowardsattractingwealth into your life.Your unconscious mind is what drives most of ourdecisions,yetmost people are completely unaware of its potential.Throughthishypnosis, you can tap into that potential to createtheabundanceyou desire._________________________________________________________________Here are what people are saying about these programs:★★★★★ 5 Star “Best free hypnosis app out there! I love thisappsomuch!!! Fun design and you can tell it isprofessionallyputtogether.”★★★★★ 5 Star “Through this app I am able to tapintothatpotential to start living a life that is more stable,happierandeffortless”_________________________________________________________________Features:• High quality state of the art recordings• Choose between a Male or Female voice to listen to, itwilljustdepend on your mood• Excellent soothing voice (not annoying or creepy), to getyouintoa truly relaxed state• Choose from different background music to help ease themood.Thechoices are: beach; soft or forest• FAQ section to answer most common questions &mythsonhypnosis. Tips on how to get the most out ofthehypnosissession• Easy navigation_________________________________________________________________The law of attraction does work! - through this hypnosisyouasthe hypnotist, will be able to attract moreabundance,money,wealth, prosperity, and be as rich as you want tobe.Download Simply Hypnosis Money Attraction and get readytostartcreating a life of happiness, success and abundancetoday!Would you want to try one of our fully featured app forFREE,thendownload our free hypnosis app here to get a sampleofthequality
Spirit Transformation Hypnosis 1.0.6
Revitalize your body and soul andbecomemoreenergized. Let go of negativity and find a deeperconnectiontoyourself. You can experience soul transformation todaywith“SoulTransformations Hypnosis and Subliminal” fromhypnotistRachaelMeddows.This app will fill you with positive energy and helpyoutoconnect you to a deeper part of your true self.It’s an enjoyable experience for hypnosis fans ofalllevels,whether you’re new to hypnosis or use it daily. All youhaveto dois sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds ofyourapp.This relaxing hypnosis app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracksfromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Rachael Meddows* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of onceyouhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight differentsoothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance yourhypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio andbackgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listentothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleepaftercompletinghypnosis
* An in-app store with multiple applications forpurchase,fromhealing to love to weight loss
Attract Money Today Hypnosis 1.0.4
Do you wish you had more money andfinancialsuccess? Have you tried everything and feel like thingsjust arenot clicking? Time to increase your bank account! Find outhow withthis hypnosis and meditation app from certifiedhypnotherapist andworld-renowned life coach, Amy Applebaum.You deserve to have money and live comfortably, and hypnosisandmeditation can help!With this unique hypnosis app from Amy Applebaum(world-renownedlife and business coach, NLP trainer, Hypnotherapistand Time-lineTherapist), remove limiting beliefs and negativethinking, andreplace them with positive thinking and actions forsuccesstoday.“Attracting Money (Self-Hypnosis & Meditation)” iscompletelycustomizable with the following features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedcertified hypnotherapist Amy Applebaum
* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience* Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings: 
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished 
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis
* An in-app store with multiple applications for purchase,fromanxiety help to weight loss and healthy living
Psychic Powers 1.1
Sleep Learning
*** SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR LISTENINGATBEDTIME - UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - WHILEYOUSLEEP ***Wish you could reprogram your mind like softwareengineersreprogram computers? - NOW YOU CAN!With our unique self-help MindSoft™ Sleep Hypnosis recordingsyoucan start making deep internal changes to your life -TODAY!Start using YOUR brain's full potential. Reclaim a third ofyourlife for self-improvement and personal enrichment byre-programmingYOUR mind while you sleep!!Commit to change. Act today. Effectively and easilytransformcore inner beliefs and create long lasting changesthatdramatically improve the quality of your life!Tap into your natural psychic abilityAll of us have innate psychic abilities. Some more than others,butwe all have experienced some forms. For example have you everbeensomewhere and felt someone looking at you and when you turnedtosee, they quickly turned their eyes away. As children weareespecially adept at psychic phenomena - until that is - theadultsaround us train us to ignore those sensitivities.Psychic DevelopmentOur psychic powers can be awakened and enhanced. Just like anyotherability, if you focus and pay attention in the right way youwillimprove and see the evidence of your increasing skill.We are all supplied with natural psychic abilities and withtheright tools we are able to access those abilities to enhanceourlives.You can get in touch with your minds powerfulcapabilitiesthrough using hypnosis. You are able to clear your mindof alldistractions, enter a deep relaxation state and begin seeingthingsmore clearly.You will feel as though you have a guide with you, steeringyouaway from any disaster. Your intuition will be sharper and yourgutfeelings will guide you towards the positive and away fromthenegative.The human mind is very complex and the powers that it holdsareamazing. We rarely unleash its abilities and for the most partitis because we do not know how. Once you realize the power thatyourmind holds, you will want to learn every technique possible togetthe most out of your life.Your mind is made up of two parts, the conscious andthesubconscious. The conscious mind is the seat of our rationaleandlogical thoughts, whereas the subconscious is the source ofourirrationale and illogical thoughts.These un-rational and illogical thoughts can be responsibleforour positive or negative imaginations, leading toincreasedcreativity and ideas as well as fears, insecuritiesandanxieties.When you were young the ability to create make believefriends,create amazing adventures and have wonderful images createdin yourmind from hearing the words from a story book, was naturalandinbuilt. As we grew older we were no longer able to imaginesuchthings - we needed logic and rational thought behind everythingweheard.When we were young, things were easy to believe in.Growing up has made us dull and unimaginative. Our creativityhasbeen squashed by the environment and by the logicsurroundingus.Imagine Your FutureHypnosis is a very effective way to clean the mind, removetheclutter from the subconscious and allow us to have the abilitytoreally listen and really hear what the universe is telling us.Totake us back to how we were when we were young, freshandinnocent.You can tap in to your natural psychic abilities bysimplylistening to this hypnosis recording. Erasing the negativeenergiesthat cause your conscious brain to not believe, you willbeastounded by the clarity of the universe and how clearyourintuition becomes.There will be no doubts about your future, you will knowtheoutcome. You will have the ability to control your life withyourown mental strength.There will be no road blocks in your way, no noises drowningoutwhat your mind is telling you. Everything will be crisp andcrystalclear.You will only have to follow yourself - to the destiny youhavechosen!
Social Anxiety Hypnosis 1.0
Social anxiety can make lifeverydifficult.Feeling unable to socialize with others can leadtodepression. Ifyou have anxiety about socializing you may feellessand lesscomfortable going out in public and making new friends.Having social anxiety can cause a person to be very selfawareandonly focused on his or her own anxiety. Which in turnmakesthesocial anxiety worse.This overcoming social anxiety session will help youretrainyourunconscious mind to feel at ease when you are aroundothers orin asocial situation that might have caused anxiety in thepast.Youwill become more and more confident and comfortableinsocialsituations.*Please Note:-You must be connected to a Wifi connection toinstallthisapp.-Please use headphones for best results.-Do Not operate heavy machinery while listening to thissession.
Hypnosis - O.C.D. (M) 1.2
A free relaxation-only app is availableforevaluation. You can get it from the "more from thisdeveloper"option in the market, or at: is a powerful tool; It is a way of accessing thepowerof the subconscious, the power to change one's self.Hypnosis,properly executed with a patient who wants to succeed canhelp inmany situations. It is not a replacement for professionalmedicalcare, but it can help motivate and affect positive change inyourlife.Use this app to unlock the power of hypnosis and helpyourselfstop smoking today!PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high quality voice audio and music,thisis a very large app. Android sometimes has problems installingverylarge apps. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK forinstallissues if you have not done the following things:1) Make sure you have enough free space on your phone (both onSDand internal storage).2) Check your OS version. The app will only install to SD cardifyour OS supports it (Android 2.2 and up).3) Restart your phone to clear the cache before tryingtoinstall.4) If possible, download and install while on wifiApp Features:• Trained, clear voice• Automatic install to SD card (if available) / move to SD• High audio quality• Proprietary audio mixer so you can adjust the volume contrastofthe voice and music tracks to your liking (seescreenshots).• Fully customizable sessions with 26,208possiblecombinations.• Customizable relaxation and induction options to discoverwhatworks best for you.• Random deepenings to increase variety between sessions• Music tracks rotate randomly through the session toincreasevariety and re-playability.• Total audio length: about 3 hours (single full sessionwithoutrelaxation lasts about 50 minutes)A wifi connection is recommended (though not necessary)fordownloading this app due to its size. (Size is due to highqualityaudio files).Please also check all of our hypnosis apps:Weight LossAlcoholismStop SmokingObsessive Compulsive DisorderAnd many more sessions to come! We will also be bringingyousessions in a female voice so you may choose which youprefer.SEO: hypnosis, self help, meditate, meditation,alcohol,Alcoholism, cessation, quit smoking, stop smoking, smoking,weightloss, lose weight, hypnotherapy, hypnotherapist,therapy,therapist, medical, medicine, professional, OCD,ObsessiveCompulsive, relaxation, relax, hindu, buddhist, buddhism,tao,taoism, religion, ancient, yoga, new age, medicinal,medicine,nature, natural, control, calm, suggestion, suggestions,free,therapeutic, therapy, hypnotic, mystical, mysticism,dynamic,audio, reading, guided, holistic
Psychic Ability Hypnosis 1.0
Awaken your psychic abilities with hypnosis.
Get Love! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You want tolearnhow to love and accept yourself? You suffer from low self-loveandself-esteem? You are longing for an affectionate andmeaningfulrelationship? Then try out “Get Love!” today! „Get Love!“is apowerful tool for your personal change and empowerment.Thehypnotic and relaxation techniques within this program helpyoubest to reach your personal goal of a happy and fulfillinglife!**************************************************** FeedbacksfromUsers “Beautiful and affectionate. Thank you! Very pleasantvoiceand music. Creates desire formore...”**************************************************** Mostof youhave probably heard Whitney Houston sing the words "learningtolove yourself, it is the greatest love of all..." – what asimpletruth! We all long for love, want to love and be loved inourlives. Love is the key to a happy, fulfilled and healthy life.Butwhy do so many people fail? Only when we love ourselves and ifwethink we are adorable, then we can truly love another personandwill be loved in return. However, many people suffer fromlowself-love and self-esteem. Bad experiences and fears outofprevious relationships, negative beliefs, childhood imprintsandpatterns are barring the way for love and work deep inoursubconscious mind. The result is a lack of confidenceandself-esteem. When we are able to trace our patterns, then wecanlet them go and replaced them by a new, useful and positivebeliefsystem. By listening to Kim Fleckensteins Hypnosis program"GetLove!" you will learn how to love and accept yourself.Discoverthat you are worthy to be loved. The positive suggestionsin thishypnosis will help you develop a stable, healthyself-confidenceand self-esteem. They are the basis for a happy andfulfillingrelationship - with yourself and others! All you need islove!ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „Get Love!“ was designed bywell-knownGerman Hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein. Kim Fleckensteinis acertified alternative practitioner in psychotherapy, aclinicalHypnotherapist and NLP-Master-Coach. Based in Munich shealreadypublished a range of best-selling self-help and hypnosisprogramsas Apps and MP3s under the label GET ON APPS!. Her uniquetechniqueand self experiences have helped to create the specialcharacterand heart of her recordings. Getting requests from allover theworld, she decided to publish her hypnosis programs inenglishlanguage aswell. Together with professional and nativespeakerCathy Weber she made it reality! WHAT YOU GET • A highlyeffective20-Minute professional Hypnosis session using the latesthypnoticand relaxation techniques – suitable for both, beginnersand moreexperienced users. • The professional and warm voice ofCathyWeber, which leads you into a deep state of relaxation andchange.• A high quality and state of the art recording. •Professionallycomposed background music for every program by CSWMusic. PLEASENOTE Do not listen to this program while operating amotor vehicleor during any other activity that requires your fullattention. This program does not replace a doctor or any othermedicalaids.  The best effect can be achieved by listening tothisprogram once a day over a period of 4 weeks. GET LOVE! ISYOURPERSONAL COACH! ALWAYS WITH YOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
End Codependency Hypnosis 1.0
End Codependency. Stop fixing and caretaking and start takingcareof yourself.
Eat, Sleep & Be Thin Hypnosis 0.21.13265.04487
Healthy Weight Loss. Eat, Sleep & BeThinwith Hypnosis.Imagine being satisfied with just the right amount of healthyfoodsyou choose to enjoy leading to better health, higherenergy,self-esteem and confidence. Let go of what you no longerneed.Focus on what you gain, not on what you want to lose. In this30minute session learn a life-long tool of self-hypnosis asShirleyguides this natural process to connect you to yourhealthyrelationship with food. Decide now to increase your focusandmotivation for success, eating food that nourishes and fuelsyourhealthy body, improves sleep, while releasing stress andanxiety.Weigh less: First you see it, then you do it.Visualize your healthy body with Hypnosis.Enjoy eating again. Enjoy Visualization(Imagery),Neuro-linguistic Programming (your inner voice) &Hypnotherapyto support you as you believe, achieve & maintainyour healthyweight. Shirley Vinock, (speaker, author, instructor,and radiohost) guides you using Master Hypnotherapy, ImageryandNeuro-Linguistic Programming to access your inner voice anddriveto enjoy a healthy sense of self-confidence and self-esteem,whilereleasing stress. Enjoy your good health with this natural,easyprocess. Once you know what you want to gain, learn to listentoyour inner voice and beliefs. As you gain awareness ofyourautomatic responses and habits, you can make the changes youneedeasily.End that tug of war going on in your mind, the one part thatsaysyou should lose weight to improve your healthâ that you do notneedto eat that box of chocolates and the other part that seemssodetermined to sabotage your best efforts (those automaticunwantedhabits that live in your subconscious). Go directly tothesubconscious with Hypnosis and Imagery to see and modifythatunwanted habit, to make the change you need. Hypnotherapistsarecertified, not licensed by the State of California as healingartspractitioners. Medical or psychological referral maybeadvisable.Visit for extensive credentials,toschedule group or private sessions, order books andotherofferings. Call for your complimentary consultation today(818)347-4472. Why wait?Lose Weight Naturally with Hypnosis, Imagery & NLP.Are you ready to:Connect with your natural ability to enjoy beautiful food choicesinsensible portions?Create your healthy body for today and the future?Increase motivation?Wouldn't it be great to harness these beautiful associationsinlovely, relaxing sessions to enjoy your healthy body now?Imagine that!
Weight Loss Hypnosis 1.0
Fast, Easy Weight Loss With Hypnosis!
Get Self Confidence Hypnosis 1.5
Hypnosis Simply
★ "One of the Most Professional HypnosisAppsI've seen"★★★ Now 50% OFF - Strictly Limited time only ★★★__________________________________________________________________This program, developed by Mathias Fiedler, will to starttoshift your outlook towards beginning to feel confident,strongerand more secure than ever before.Mathias Fiedler is a public speaker and author focusingonself-esteem, motivation and personal development. Mathiashasextensive experience working with affirmations, hypnosisandhypnotherapy. With over 10 years of experience in theself-helpindustry, there is no self-help book that Mathias has notread.Your unconscious mind is what drives most of our decisions,yetmost people are completely unaware of its potential. Throughthishypnosis, you can tap into the insecurities that are holdingyouback._____________________________________________________________Features:• High quality state of the art recordings• Option to wake up or sleep at the end of the hypnosis• Choose between long or short version• Excellent soothing voice (not annoying or creepy), to get youintoa truly relaxed state• Choose from different background music to help ease the mood.Thechoices are: beach; soft or forest• FAQ section to answer most common questions & mythsonhypnosis. Tips on how to get the most out of thehypnosissession• Easy navigation__________________________________________________________Maybe you want to achieve things in you life, such as toquitsmoking or make more money or find a soul mate. Regardless ofwhatyou want to achieve, to be able to achieve anything, thefoundationof it is confidence in yourself, the self esteem that youcan doanything.Download Simply Hypnosis Get Self Confidence and get readytostart creating a life of happiness and fulfilment today!
Ancient Knowledge Pro Version 1.0.7
Access a deeper, ancient type of knowledgeandwisdom. Discover signs and clues to the answers you seek. Youcanunlock ancient, infinite wisdom and knowledge. LethypnotherapistRachael Meddows show you how with “Ancient KnowledgeHypnosis andSubliminal.”
Rachael Meddows is a world-renowned hypnotherapist whosesoothingvoice and hypnotherapy techniques have helped thousands ofpeopleall over the world. She has used her unique view of hypnosistogive people a better life, and now she has applied thatperspectiveto the mobile applications world.This app works with your subconscious mind to harnessuniversalknowledge and ancient energy and help you find answersabout yourpath and life in general. Your mind will receive deephypnoticsuggestions for positive change, naturally increasingyourperception and positive energy.All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your app!Whywait another day?This app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Rachael Meddows* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience*Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis
*In-app store with multiple applications for purchase, fromhealingto love to weight loss
How to Hypnotize Someone 1.0
AGF Solutions
If you want to learn how tohypnotizesomeone,you are in luck! This awesome app will provideyouwithstep-by-step instructions of how to use hypnotism for funortomake tons of money. Learn about hypnosis, the processofputtingsomeone under, the power of suggestion, hypnosis scriptsandmuchmore!
Fast Learning Subliminal Focus 1.0.7
Increase your focus and concentrationwithoutmedication. Remember details easier. Your brain is apowerful tool,and you can become a fast learner today withhypnosis. Boost yourmemory and create great learning habits with“Super Fast LearningHypnosis and Subliminal,” from hypnotherapistRachael Meddows.All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your app!Whywait another day?This app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Rachael Meddows* High quality, state of the art recordings
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction 
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience*Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished 
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis 
*In-app store with multiple applications for purchase, fromhealingto love to weight loss