Top 5 Apps Similar to Path Driver for Reading

Medrills: Primary Assessment 1.6
Medrills: Primary AssessmentThe Paramedic and EMT task of Primary Trauma Assessmentisfullyillustrated using 3D graphics and interactiveexercisestoreinforce key learning concepts. This lesson includes:Formingascene size-up, identifying immediate life threats,assessmentofboth a responsive and unresponsive patient, andinitialassessmentof a patient's airway, breathing, andcirculation.Medrills, presented by ArchieMD, providescompellingtrainingmaterial for preventive and general medical taskssuch asobtainingIV access, performing CPR, or using an AED. The appisdedicated toan individual medical task and includes:​1. An instructional animation providing a deepunderstandingofthe medical task.2. Training with interactive exercises which enablepracticingthetask to prepare for assessment.3. In app purchase of $1.99 for a testing section toevaluatetheuser’s knowledge and skill of a task. Score above 85%withnocritical task failures to receive a certificatefornationallyrecognized 1.5 CEH credit hour certified by CAPCE.NOTE – IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CEH CREDIT HOURS ANADDITIONALCHARGEOF $1.99 MUST BE MADE AS AN IN-APP PURCHASE. USERSWHO DONOTPURCHASE THE CEH AND TESTING MODE MAY VIEW THEINSTRUCTIONALVIDEOAND TRAINING MODE BUT WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATINGIN ACAPCEACCREDITED COURSE.CAPCE verifies that sound education principleshavebeendemonstrated in the development of this educationalofferingasevidenced by the review of its objectives, teachingplan,faculty,and program evaluation processes. CAPCE does notendorse orsupportthe actual opinions or material content aspresented bythespeaker(s) and/or sponsoring organization.I understand that ArchieMD, Inc. as a requirementofCAPCEaccreditation will submit a record of my course completionstotheCAPCE AMS. I further understand that my coursecompletionrecordsmay be accessed by or shared with such regulatorsas stateEMSoffices, training officers, and NREMT onapassword-protectedneed-to-know basis. In addition, Iunderstandthat I may review myrecord of CAPCE-accredited coursecompletionsby contactingCAPCE.
Big Cat Reading Assessment 1.3 1.3
The Big Cat Reading Assessment Toolhasbeendeveloped specifically to help teachers assess&analysechildren’s progress in reading.Revolutionising the Miscue Analysis process, the app willgiveyoua super-quick & thorough way of tracking howchildrenprogressthrough the group reading book bands. The processtakes afraction ofthe time that paper-based tests do and all ofyour workisautomatically saved.Beautiful print-outs and reports are automaticallygeneratedforparents, children & staff.We believe that if a child makes mistakes when they read,theyarenot random errors. Children attempt to make sense ofbooksusing whatthey know of the world around them and thelanguageskills that theyhave.By analysing these mistakes we can begin tounderstandwhatchildren are capable of and also what we need to workon nextwiththem.Traditionally the process of Miscue analysis hasbeenlaboriousand paper based.We have changed all that!
Reading Practice & Assess G2 1.1
Perfect for individuals or smallgroups,students and teachers will find a multitude of learningresourcesfeaturing Weekly Common Core reading practice andassessment withcomplex texts tied to weekly major ELA skills andtopics. Helpfulcorrective feedback when students choose incorrectanswersreinforces learning and builds test-taking strategies.Innovativeitem types that mimic PARCC and SBAC formats,includingtechnology-enhanced items allow students to write tosources, citetext evidence, and synthesize multiple complex texts.Real timereporting to the teacher for on-the-go is included to aidwithprogress monitoring. The Common Core Practice and AssessmentApptruly helps every student from grades K-6 prepare forhigh-stakesCommon Core testing.
I See Sam Beginning Reading 1.0.8
Reading For All Learners is a beginning reading program for PreKto3rd grade.
Dyslexia Reading Test 2.2.0
Mojility Inc.
If you believe your child may have a reading disability, screenthemfor free.