Top 3 Apps Similar to 헬스메카한의원 풍치클리닉

My Crohn's Diary 1.7
Do you have Crohn's Disease orinflammationofthe digestive or gastrointestinal tract and do notknow whatarethe triggers that aggravate the condition?This handy app will help you monitor your food andfluidintakealong with when symptoms arise and the time youtakepainmedication. All logged so a report may be generated forthedoctorto review and analyze.Localized to 19+ languagesvisit
시애틀 한의원,셀해독, cell Detox, Lax-Q 4.9
본 어플리케이션은 시애틀에 위치한 박요셉 한의원 하이브리드 어플입니다.DR. JOSEPH M. PARK 원장님을 소개합니다.질병으로 고통스러워 하는 환자를 그냥 지나치지 못하시는 분입니다.어려움에 처한 사람을 위해 정신적, 경제적 어려움을 덜어 주시는 분입니다.질병 치유가 필요한 이를 위해 연구하고 개발하고 휴일에도 약을 손수 제조하시는 일을 즐거워 하시는 분입니다.경력-WA/CA/NY 면허소지-워싱턴대학 부속 하버뷰병원 임상침구의(전)-워싱턴주 한의사 회장-북미주 한의사 협희회 회장(미국,캐나다)-동양의학 우수 발명 특허 다수 보유-우수 발명왕 선정-독립투사 후손회 총무회원-미주 광복회 사무총장(전)-미주 광복회 서북미 지회장-뉴욕,엘에이,시애틀 신문 방송 한방 칼럼 22년 진행학위-한의학 학사-한의학 석사-한의학 박사수상-세계 침구학회 우수상 수상-Texas 암연구협회 감사장동양의학 학술대회 우수 논문상 다수This applicationislocated in Seattle Clinic bakyosep hybrid applications.DR. JOSEPH M. PARK introduction to my teacher.Patients who suffer the disease do not speak too muchjustminutes.Mental difficulties for people in need, giving minutes toalleviateeconomic hardship.To this end, research is needed to cure the disease developmentandmanufacture of handmade holiday is about and who you workforfun.CareerLicensed -WA/CA/NY- University of Washington Harborview Hospital Clinicalbedding(I)- President Washington Acupuncturist- President of North American Acupuncturist narrow huihoe(U.S.,Canada)- Oriental medicine patent stocks many excellent- Excellent selection balmyeongwang- Secretary Members independence fighters descended times- Secretary General of the Americas gwangbokhoe (I)- Americas gwangbokhoe jihoejang seobukmi- New York, Los Angeles, Seattle progress Journalism '22herbalcolumnDegree- Bachelor of TCM- Master of Oriental Medicine- Doctor of Oriental MedicineAwards- World Society Award for Excellence BeddingAppreciation-Texas Association for Cancer ResearchA number of Oriental Medicine Conference Best Paper Award
Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Foods 1.0
In this app you will find a varietyofdelicious, simple-to-prepare dishes that can ease your pathtoreducing dietary sources of inflammation.The application has the following features:• Collection of 100 anti-inflammatory recipes• Offline browsing of the whole content• Search function to find ingredients and recipes easily• Catalog and Bookmark functions to save yourfavouriteanti-inflammatory meals• Customizable fonts, colors, backgrounds• Day/Night reading modeIncreasingly, we are becoming aware that inflammationunderliesmany of the world’s most common diseases, even the processofaging. Clearly, inflammation is associated with suchobviousinflammatory conditions as rheumatoid arthritis, but did youknowthat inflammation is a risk factor for developing heart diseaseandcancer, our most common killers?Summary of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet:• Eat calories in moderation by eating smaller portions.Fewercalories means lower body weight, which meanslessinflammation.• Avoid “bad” fats (trans fat, saturated fat, too much omega-6fat)and eat more “good” fats (omega-3 fat, monounsaturatedfat).• Limit your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and eatmorehigh-fiber, low-glycemicindex sources of carbohydrates (i.e.,wholegrains).• Enjoy unlimited amounts of antioxidant-rich fruitsandvegetables.• Cook with anti-inflammatory herbs and spices.• Avoid charred or overgrilled foods.• Incorporate modest amounts of antioxidant-rich extras such asredwine, dark chocolate, and green tea into your daily diet.