Top 2 Apps Similar to ViDSigner Mobile Enroll

ViDSigner Mobile 0.0.1
Validated ID
VIDMobile es una aplicación delservicioViDSigner que permite firmar documentos desde un smartphoneotablet.Los usuarios previamente deben darse de alta en el servicio loqueles genera unas credenciales y un certificadoelectrónicoalmacenado en la nube. Desde ViDMobile se pueden ver losdocumentosa firmar y firmarlos introduciendo el PIN del certificadocon loque se genera una firma electrónica centralizada.ViDSigner es un servicio integral en el que ninguno delosintervinientes en la firma puede realizar modificaciones nisobreel documento que se va a firmar ni sobre los datos que segeneranen el propio proceso. El servicio y toda la seguridadasociada almismo está garantizada por la figura del tercero deconfianza quepresta el servicio.* PARA PODER USAR VIDSIGNER ES NECESARIO TENER UNASUSCRIPCIÓNVÁLIDA EN EL SERVICIOVIDMobile ViDSigner isanapplication service that allows you to sign documents fromasmartphone or tablet.Users must first register in the service that generatescredentialsand an electronic certificate stored in the cloud.ViDMobile can beseen from the documents to sign and sign thecertificate byentering the PIN with a centralized electronicsignature isgenerated.ViDSigner is an integral service in which none oftheparticipants in the firm can not make changes to the document tobesigned or on the data generated in the process itself. Theserviceand all the security associated with it is guaranteed by thefigureof the trusted third party providing the service.* ORDER TO USE VIDSIGNER You must have a valid subscriptionINSERVICE
ViDSigner 2.0.9
Validated ID
ViDSigner provides a simple way to sign PDFdocumentsanywhere,anytime using a mobile device using a biometricsignatureservice.Our service combines the security offered bytraditionalelectronicsignature and new possibilities offered by thelatestgeneration oftouch devices, ensuring maximum legal certaintyto theusability ofthe handwritten signature. Our signing experiencelikepen on paperenables signing on the screen the signatureisdisplayed withoutdelay and accurately like signing on a paperlikewe have done inthe last hundreds of years. ViDSigner is anintegralservice inwhich none of the participants in the process canmakechanges tothe document after the signature. The service and allthesecurityassociated with it is guaranteed by the figure ofthetrusted thirdparty providing the service. *IN ORDER TOUSEVIDSIGNER You musthave a valid subscription IN SERVICE.Pleasevisit us ** Only compatible deviceswithSTYLUS: NOTESERIES AND SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB WITH A SPEN