Top 23 Apps Similar to Easy Note Trainer Lite

Note Trainer (Sight Reading) 2.0.6
Big Box Labs
A fun musical game for learning how to read sheet music
Note Teacher
Improve your skills in sight-reading and naming musical notesongrand staff.
(light) learn sight read music 7.0.5
learn to sight read music notes including sheet music withoutateacher
Perfect Ear: Music & Rhythm 3.9.56
A music school in your pocket: solfège, ear training,rhythmtraining exercises.
Learn to read music notes
Music Buddy - learn music notes, keysignatures(circle of fifths) and intervals, practice sight readingsheet musicusing flash cards.Read sheet music quickly and effortlessly like a pro. Learntorecognize key signatures, notes, and intervals in the blink ofaneye. Three independent learning modules in one app. Set asidefiveminutes a day for this app, and you will be reading sheetmusiclike a professional musician in no time.The app uses an ingenious approach to memorizing informationthroughrepetition and visual patterns with a focus onhard-to-rememberpieces of information.The simple, elegant, and intuitive interface allows you toswitchbetween the different note-naming systems used in majorcountriesaround the world:• CDEFGAB (major + minor, 大调 + 小调, 大調 + 小調)• CDEFGAH (dur + moll)• Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (mayor + menor, maior + menor, majeur+mineur, maggiore + minore)• Дo Рe Ми Фа Coль Ля Си (мажор + минор)• ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ (長調 + 短調)• 도 레 미 파 솔 라 시 (장조 + 단조)Key Signatures module: Learn key signatures – this module willhelpyou memorize a circle of fifths – a must for every musician.Youwill learn to recognize keys based on the number of sharps orflatsin a key signature at the beginning of a staff.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn key signatures for major keys only – left button• Learn key signatures for minor keys only – middle button• Learn key signatures for both major and minor keys –rightbuttonNotes module: Learn music notes – this module will teach youtoquickly recognize notes without thinking – you’ll look at it,andyou’ll simply know it.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn notes from the treble clef only – left button• Learn notes from the bass clef only – middle button• Learn notes from both treble and bass clef – right buttonIntervals module: Learn intervals – this module isespeciallyhelpful for pianists. Skilled pianists don't need toidentify everynote in a sheet. They recognize patterns based on thedistancebetween notes (intervals) and automatically stretch theirfingersaccordingly.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn harmonic intervals only – left button• Learn melodic intervals only – middle button• Learn both harmonic and melodic intervals – right button
Score-Trainer Sight Read PRO 2.6
Score-Trainer is an app to teach you sight reading of music. Bass+treble clef.
Functional Ear Trainer 3.7.7
Kaizen9 Apps
Ear training is easy and fun with Functional Ear Trainer. Playmusicby ear.
Capture Music Notes
Capture songs and generates SheetMusic for variousmusicalinstruments
Rhythm Teacher: Music beats 1.30
Do you want to play your instrument with perfect timing? Doyouplayguitar, piano, drums or any kind of music instrument?Tiredofboring practice? Learn to play any instrument and how toreadmusicis a difficult task that requires lots of practice.Butthepractice don't have to be boring. Rhythm teacher it'stheperfecttool for your music education. This rhythm game teachesyouhow toread music in a fun and easy way. It's perfect foryourrhythmtraining! With a bit of practice on every level you'lllearnthatsight reading is easier than you thought. It's like havingamusicschool on your device. In this application you'll learnfromhowmany beats are contained in each bar and which note valueisgivento one beat, to advanced concepts in reading music.Improveyourmusic sight reading with the exercises ranging from easy4/4simplerhythms to complex compasses of two rhythmic lines atthesametime. This app includes the definition for everymusicconceptintroduced in increasing difficulty, from beginner topro.Also,you can log into your Google play account to measureyourprogresswith other players. Features: • Simpleandunderstandableexplanation for every new music rhythmconceptintroduced. • Funrhythm game experience for practicingtheexercises that will teachyou how to read music. •Polyrhythmexercises with two lines at thesame time. • Gradualprogression onthe difficulty of the musictheory conceptsintroduced. •Leader-board with the scores acquiredto watch yourprogress. • Canbe used by any number of differentusers. • Googleplay support topost your scores online. • A newway to practice foryourinstrument: Piano, violin, guitar... Evenif you areadrummer/percussionist. Lessons include: ★ Note andrestduration:whole (semibreve), half (minim), quarter (crotchet),eighth(quaver), sixteenth (semiquaver). ★ Dotted notes. ★Tiednotes. ★Triplets. ★ Off-beat notes. ★ Syncopation. ★ Anacrusis.★Simpletime signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4... ★ Compound timesignatures:6/8,9/8... Translated to: * Inglés: Rhythm Teacher *Español: Ritmoysolfeo.
Musink 1.4
Texel One
Musink offers several activities to learnhowtoread music and improve your sight reading.Improve your sense of rhythm:- Over 200 rhythms exercises accompanied by explanations.- A brand new graphics system to view your actions witharealaccuracy.- You will never be short of exercises with aconfigurablerandomgenerator.- Rhythmic dictation to test your memory and rhythms knowledge.Improve your music reading:- Learning the order of notes, thirds, fourths and fifths.- Train over 160 sight reading exercises in clefs G, F, C4,C3andG+F.- Write the notes on the staff to become familiarwiththeirpositions.- Has 2 different learning methods, a relative methodusingmarkersnotes and an improved absolute method.If you want to make progress to read music and improveyoursightreading. Musink is perfect to accompany youthroughoutyourlearning.
Score-Trainer Sight Read 1.5
Score-Trainer is an app to teach you sight reading of music. Bass+treble clef.
Music Notes 1.0
This app is a game that will helpyoutomemorize all the notes written on grand staff, both bassclefandtreble clef.
Music Sight Reading 1.0.2
Music Sight Reading - Android application to improve musicsheetsreading skills.Visual design of this application is based on similar one"MusicSheet Workout" by aTekkie. Added some missing features liketenorkey, Italian note naming, etc.Music Sight Reading is an Open Source application. Source codeofapplication is published under GNU GPL v3 licence and canbedownloaded from GitHub:
Virtual Piano Trainer 3.3
The easy way to learn reading sheet music!
Note Teacher Kids 1.0.4
This is a note and song teaching app Imadetohelp kids learn music. It has cute graphics and funplaymodes,while remaining true to actual musical education.Feedback from a music teacher: "It teaches thevisualassociationof staff notes-to-keyboard keys in a way thatissympathetic tochildren's motivation and need for reward. Thebuiltin teacher andfade-in answer are great for this kind ofblandmemory-work, as kidsabsorb and memorize the notes, they relylessand less on the help.With this app I can get kids whoseparentsdon't read music or playa musical instrument to learn thisvitalreading skill in a muchshorter time scale. It alsoencouragesparents or other siblings tolearn to read."Also check out the review at!From learning the basic single notes to scales, aflashcardandmusic game format teaches your child note names andpositionsusinga piano keyboard.Cute characters appear to guide and support learning.36 lessons and songs teach note basics, clefs,scales,arpeggios,sharps, and flats.-Treble and Bass clef-Note names pop up as hints if too much time passes-CDE or Do Re Mi (solfege) can be chosen.-Lessons and songs are graded to track progress-Free play piano mode for fun!
Russian Letters and Syllables 1.1.7
This is an early learning app that has a set of gamesintroducingrussian letters and syllables to toddlers and children.It helps tocompose syllables from letter and start read small wordsinrussian. There are recommendations for parents inside the apponhow to make the best use of it, and make the learning processbotheducational and entertaining.
Solfega 1.2.2
You want to interpret a beautiful pieceofmelody with your musical instruments or your voice; howeveryouhave difficulties understanding sheet musics? We offer youSolfegaas a powerful tool to master music fundamentals. It helpyoulearning how to read music notes fast and easy. By improvingyourskills on reading the notes in sheet music, you will findyourselfmore focused on interpretation while less distracted bynotedeciphering.- Efficient music theory courses to teach you how to readmusicnotes fast and easily.- Logical learning - A coach system guiding through thelearningstep by step.- A flexible approach on music notes - with Letter orLatinnames.- Practical exercises on the staves simulating real situationtooptimize your learning.- Improvement of ears through identification of notes
Обучение чтению 1.1
Ваш ребёнок любит играть на смартфонеилипланшете? Воспользуйтесь этим, чтобы научить его читать!Эта замечательная игра создана специально для обучениячтениюдетей от 3 до 7 лет.Обучение происходит плавно и постепенно - от букв к слогам, изатемуже - к словам.Ребёнок самостоятельно учится читать при помощиинтересныхмини-игр с профессиональной озвучкой.Прогресс в обучении можно определить по количествузаработанныхнаград-звёздочек. Пройти уровень - довольно легко, ночтобы собратьвсе звёздочки - надо потрудиться.Одни и те же уровни можно проходить многократно и каждый раззаданиябудут разные.Особенно детям нравится составлять слова из готовых слогов.Апоявляющиеся в результате картинки неизменно вызывают восторгукаждого ребёнка!Всё обучение разделено на три этапа:1. БУКВЫВ процессе игры ребёнок знакомится с буквами алфавита, а точнее,созвуками - как они произносятся в словах.Например, буква М читается как М, а никак не МЭ или ЭМ.Это сделано специально по рекомендации логопедов и важнодлядальнейшего правильного прочтения букв в словах.2. СЛОГИЗдесь происходит самое сложное - "склеивание" гласных и согласныхвдвух-буквенные слоги.Эти слоги очень похожи на склады из известных"КубиковЗайцева".Таким образом, ребёнок понимает, что слог МЕ всегда читается какМЕ,а вовсе не ЭМ-ЙЭ (как зачастую происходит послеформальногозаучивания Азбуки).После этого, дети уже могут легко читать по-слогам любоенезнакомоеслово.3. СЛОВАИ наконец, ребёнок начинает из готовых слогов сам составлять словаичитать их.Тут ему на помощь придут красочные картинки для слов-предметов.Меню в игре позволяет свободно переключаться налюбойуровень.И если ваш малыш уже хорошо знаком, например, с буквами - тоэтотэтап можно пропустить и перейти сразу к слогам.Your child loves toplayon your smartphone or tablet? Use this to teach him to read!This great game created especially for learning to readchildrenfrom 3 to 7 years.Learning takes place smoothly and gradually - from letterstosyllables, and then to - to the words.The child learns to read on their own with the helpofinteresting mini-games with a professional voice acting.Progress in learning can be defined by the number ofstars-earnrewards. Complete a level - quite easily, but to collectall thestars - it is necessary to work hard.The same levels can be played many times and each time the jobwillbe different.Especially children like form words from the syllables ready.Andemerging as a result of the image invariably cause delighteverychild!All training is divided into three stages:1. LETTERDuring the game, the child gets acquainted with the letters ofthealphabet, or rather, with the sounds - as they are pronouncedinwords.For example, the letter M is read as M, and not ME or EM.This is done on purpose, on the recommendation of speechtherapistsand it is important to further correct reading of lettersinwords.2. syllableHere comes the most difficult - "bonding" of vowels andconsonantsin the two-letter syllables.These syllables are very similar to the warehouses of thefamous"cube Zaitsev."Thus, the child understands that syllable always read as IUIU,rather than EM-YE (as often occurs after formallearningABC).After that, children can easily read in any unfamiliarwordsyllables.3. WORDSFinally, the child begins from finished syllables to form wordsandhe read them.Then he will come to the aid of colorful pictures towords,objects.Menu in the game gives you the freedom to switch toanylevel.And if your child is already familiar, such as letters - youcanskip this step and go directly to the syllables.
Music Theory Helper v5.0.2
johgru apps
Improve your music theory knowledge and ear training skills!
Piano Chord, Scale, Progressio 6.55.325
Find music theory: basic/jazz chord, circle of fifths,songwriting,composing
Learn Notes 1.14
How to read music notes by yourself, as a fun game!
Учим буквы весело! 2.7.2
Learning letters fun - educational game for learning the alphabet
Учимся читать 0.0.5
Многие родители сталкиваются снежеланиемдетейучиться читать. Приложение «Учимся читать» - решениеэтойпроблемы.Результаты регулярных занятий с приложением «Учимся читать»:• Знание букв русского алфавита разногонаписания(прописные,печатные)• Умение различать и правильно читать слоги• Освоение принципов написания слов в русском языке• Пополнение словарного запаса• Самое главное - умение читать!Помните, что обучение чтению на русском языке враннемвозрастеформирует логичность и образность мышления.Many parents arefacedwiththe reluctance of children to learn to read. Appendix"Learnto Read"- a solution to this problem.Results of regular employment with the app "Learn to Read":• Knowledge of the letters of the Russian alphabetdifferentspelling(upper, printed)• The ability to distinguish between right and read syllables• The development of the principles of writing wordsinRussian• Vocabulary• The most important thing - the ability to read!Remember that learning to read in Russian at an earlyagecreatesconsistency and creative thinking.