Top 20 Apps Similar to Electronics Engineering App

Basic Electronics Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering is an electronics engineeringappforstudents and professionals. Very helpful for lastminpreparationfor Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviewsforElectronicsengineering students. Basic Electronics engineeringhascompletesyllabus for electronics engineering. This Electronicsappcontainsall the ECE related 160 topics in 5 chapter in verysimpleandinformative language with suitable diagrams. SomeImportanttopicsin the app:- -Electronic Device & CircuitDesign-SemiconductorDesign -Electromagnetic theory -MicroprocessorsandmicroControllers -Digital Signal processing -Control Systems-Resistor- Transistors It is the most useful App forlastminutepreparations for Electronics engineering students. Someofthetopics Covered in the ebook app are: 1. IntroductiontoElectronicsEngineering 2. Basic quantities 3. Passive andactivedevices 4.Semiconductor Devices 5. Current in Semiconductors6. P-NJunction7. Diodes 8. Power Diode 9. Switching 10.Special-PurposeDiodes11. Tunnel diode and Optoelectronics 12. DiodeApproximation13.Applications of diode: Half wave Rectifier and FullWaveRectifier14. Bridge Rectifier 15. Clippers 16. Clamper Circuits17.PositiveClamper 18. Voltage Doubler 19. Zener Diode 20.ZenerRegulator 21.Design of Zener regulator circuit 22.Special-PurposeDiodes-1 23.Transistors 24. Bipolar JunctionTransistors (BJT) 25.Beta andalpha gains 26. The Common BaseConfiguration 27. Relationbetweendifferent currents in a transistor28. Common-EmitterAmplifier 29.Common Base Amplifier 30. BiasingTechniques for CEAmplifiers 31.Biasing Techniques: Emitter FeedbackBias 32. BiasingTechniques:Collector Feedback Bias 33. BiasingTechniques: VoltageDividerBias 34. Biasing Techniques: Emitter Bias35. Small SignalCEAmplifiers 36. Analysis of CE amplifier 37.CommonCollectorAmplifier 38. Darlington Amplifier 39. Analysis ofatransistoramplifier using h-parameters 40. Power Amplifiers41.PowerAmplifiers: Class A Amplifiers 42. Power Amplifiers:ClassBamplifier 43. Power Amplifiers: Cross over distortion(ClassBamplifier) 44. Power Amplifiers: Biasing a class Bamplifier45.Power Calculations for Class B Push-Pull Amplifier46.PowerAmplifiers: Class C amplifier 47. Field EffectTransistor(FET) 48.JFET Amplifiers 49. Transductance Curves 50.Biasing theFET 51.Biasing the FET: Self Bias 52. Voltage DividerBias 53.CurrentSource Bias 54. FET a amplifier 55. Design of JFETamplifier56.JFET Applications 57. MOSFET Amplifiers 58.Common-DrainAmplifier59. MOSFET Applications 60. OperationalAmplifiers61.Depletion-mode MOSFET 62. Enhancement-mode MOSFET 63.Theidealoperational amplifier 64. Practical OP AMPS 65.InvertingAmplifier66. The Non-inverting Amplifier 67. VoltageFollower(Unity GainBuffer) 68. The Summing Amplifier 69.DifferentialAmplifier 70.The Op-amp Integrator Amplifier 71. TheOp-ampDifferentiatorAmplifier 72. History of the Numeral Systems73.Binary codes 74.Conversion of bases 75. Conversion of decimaltobinary (base 10 tobase 2) 76. Octal Number System 77.HexadecimalNumber System 78.Rules of Binary Addition andSubtraction 79. OhmsLaw 80. Capacitor81. Zener Diode 82. PowerAmplifiers 83. LogicGate 84.Semiconductor Devices 85. Transformer86. DigitalelectronicsElectronics is part of engineering educationcourses andtechnologydegree programs of various universities. Eachtopic iscompletewith diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.
Electronics Devices & Circuits 1.0.5
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of electronic device & circuits.
Electronics & Communications D 1.1.6
Electronics terms, concepts, formulas & calculators toincreaseyour depository.
Basic Electronics Quiz 15.0
Basic electronics tutorial and quiz. Available in offline mode.
Electronics Engineer ECE 1.3
Super Awesome
ECE Electronics and Communications Engineering Board/LicensureExamReviewer
Electronic Components 1.6
Mi Technology
Electronic Components used in all devices.
Digital Electronics 101 1.19
John Western
Digital Electronics Fundamentals
Basic Electronics Engineering 1.0.5
Basic electronics engineering notes for electronicsengineeringstudents.
Wireless Communications 6.2
The app is a free handbook of Wireless Communicationswhichcoversimportant topics, notes, materials & news. Mobile ispartofthe courses of electronics, electrical &computerscienceengineering. This useful App lists 135 topics in5chapters,complete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding. Itmakes it easy & useful to cover thecoursesyllabus quicklyjust before an exams or job interviews. Theapp ismust have forall the engineering science students&professionals. Also getthe hottest international engineering&technology news poweredby Google news, customized for updatesonResearch, Technology& innovation at universities &industryon Mobilecommunications. This is the best application toremainupdated onyour fav. subject. Use the app as your educationtool,utility,tutorial, book for syllabus and study coursematerial,aptitudetests & project work. Track your learning,setreminders, edit,add favorite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. AReferencemodel for MobileCommunication 2. Frequencies for radiotransmission3. Regulations4. Signals 5. Antennas 6. Signalpropagation 7. BasicMethods ofPropagation 8. Additional signalpropagation effects 9.Multi-pathpropagation 10. Multiplexing 11.Digital Modulation12.Multi-carrier modulation 13. Spread spectrum14. Directsequencespread spectrum 15. Frequency hopping spreadspectrum 16.Cellularsystems 17. Small-Scale Fading and its effects18.FactorsInfluencing Small-Scale Fading 19. Doppler Shift20.ImpulseResponse Model of a Multipath Channel 21. DopplerSpreadandCoherence Time 22. Level Crossing and Fading Statistics23.Typesof Small-Scale Fading 24. Diversity 25. Equalization26.Survey ofEqualization Techniques 27. Linear Equalizers28.Algorithms forAdaptive Equalization 29. Nonlinear Equalization30.MaximumLikelihood Sequence Estimation (MLSE) Equalizer31.RelationshipBetween Bandwidth and Received Power 32. FreeSpacepropagation 33.Free Space Propagation Model 34. OutdoorPropagationModels 35.Hata Model 36. Wideband PCS Microcell Model37. IndoorPropagationModeling 38. Jakes' Channel Model 39.Frequency ReuseConcepts 40.Channel Assignment Strategies 41.Interference 42.Adjacent Channelinterference(ACI) 43. HandoffStrategies 44.Improving coverage andcapacity 45. Trunking and Gradeof service46. 802.11 IEEE WirelessNetworking Specifications. 47.IEEE Systemarchitecture 48.IEEE802.11 Protocol architecture 49.IEEE 802.11Protocols andTechnologies 50. WIRELESS LAN 51. HIPERLAN52.HiperLAN2 53.HiperLAN2 Basic Structure 54. HiperLAN2 MODES55.BLUETOOTH 56.Architecture Of Bluetooth 57. Performance analysisoflink andtransport layer protocols over wireless channel 58.MobileIP 59.IP packet delivery 60. Agent discovery 61. Registration62.IPv663. Cellular IP 64. Mobile ad-hoc networks 65.Tunnelingandencapsulation 66. Types of encapsulation 67.OptimizationsofMobile-IP 68. Traditional TCP 69. Classical TCPimprovements70.TCP OVER 2.5/3G WIRELESS NETWORKS. 71.Performanceenhancingproxies 72. Transaction-oriented TCP 73.Evolution ofWirelessCommunication Systems 74. Global System forMobile (GSM)75. GSMArchitecture 76. GSM Network Interfaces. 77.GSMTDM-FRAMESTRUCTURE Wireless or mobile communications is partofdigital,electronics communication & computerscienceengineeringeducation courses and technology degree programsatvariousuniversities. 
Imakestudio - Electronics 2.2
Imakestudio is a digital space to learn and innovate
Electronics Projects Circuit ep001
Major & minor synopsis,ideas,academic project circuitforelectronics engineering students. it consist 63 electronicsprojectwith diagram & detailed illustration which are listedbelow 1.Solar charger 2. Portable power bank 3. Battery chargerusing SCR4. DC-to-AC power converter 5. Mosquito repellent 6.mobileincoming call indicator 7. Fire Alarm System 8. FM RadioCircuit 9.Bicycle Lock 10. Smoke Detectors 11. Drunk DrivingDetector 12.water Level Detector 13. DTMF Decoder 14. SmokeDetector 15. The555 Timer IC 16. LPG Gas Sensor 17. LED LightCircuit 18. WiperMotor 19. Led Stage Lighting 20. The Clap operatedCircuit 21. AirFlow Detection 22. Broken Charger wire Alarm 23.Power supllyFailure Alarm 24. FM Booster Cuircuit 25. AutomaticWashroom Light26. Object Counter 27. Electronic Eye 28. FastestFlingerIndicators 29. motion sensor 30. INFRARED FIRE CRACKERIGNITER 31.Multipurpose listening device 32. Reverse parking sensorcircuit33. DMTF System 34. RJ Cable Tester 35. Toy Piano 36. DTMFBasedHome Automation 37. Humidity Indiator 38. Electric Shock gun39.Low Power Emergency Light 40. Polarity Tester 41. ElectronicSirenimplementaion 42. Latching of IC 555 43. Security LightingCircuit44. Light Activated Switch 45. Musical Doorbell 46. ElectricCoinbox by IC 555 47. Directional Indicators 48. BatteryLevelIndicator 49. Fan Controller for heat sink 50. Day nightindicator& alarm 51. Continuity Tester 52. Traffic LightController 53.Light based switch by IC 54. Voltage cut off Delayalarm 55.Celphone Detector 56. Door Guard 57. The illuminatedChristmas tree58. OTL Amplifier 59. The SIMPLE CODE LOCK SYSTEM 60.The LPG GasSensor 61. Solid state flashing lamp 62. LED automatedDayindicator 63. Blown Fuse
ECE Mobile Reviewer 1.0
Contains at least 2000 questions in Algebra, Trigonometry,Calculus,Thermodynamics, Physics, Chemistry, ElectronicsEngineering,Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering,ComputerEngineering. Ideal for Electronics Engineering andElectricalEngineering students.
Electronics Engineering 1
Are you looking to learnElectronicsEngineering? If yes then you are at right place. LearnElectronicsEngineeringhere in deep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you canunderstanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so youcanreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearnyour subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction to Electronics Engineering2. RESISTANCE3. Transistor4. Diode5. Basic Information of Semiconductor and Type of Silicon6. Ohms Law And Capacitors7. Light-Emitting Diodes LEDs8. Photoresistors And Photodiode9. Solar Cell10.Phototransistor11. Inductors12 BASIC DIGITAL ELECTRONICS13.Subfield of Electronic Engineering14.Electromagnetics15.Control systems and Project engineeringWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queriesonbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a [email protected] you,
Learn Skills
*** Do you like to Learn from watching NPTEL ECE LECTURES thenthisAPPLICATION is for you.*** This Free Engineering NPTEL Lectures application isdesignedwith both engineering students and professors in mind wehave takenlots of care in building this ECE Lectures applicationforyou,*** This NPTEL Lectures application contains all the subjectsvideoswell organized into a collection.***You can watch NPTEL Electrical and Electronics Engineeringvideoson-line from within this application.*** It loads videos and plays videos very smoothly.*** The best part of this application is that it updates allNPTELECE videos on daily basis.CONTENTS OF THE APPLICATION:********************************************Adaptive Signal ProcessingBasic ElectronicsBasic Electronics and LabCommunication EngineeringDigital Circuits and SystemsDigital CommunicationDigital Image Processing (IIT Kharagpur)Digital Integrated Circuits (IITMadras)Digital Signal Processing (IIT Delhi)Digital Voice and Picture CommunicationElectronic Design and AutomationElectronics for Analog Signal Processing IElectronics for Analog Signal Processing IIEstimation of Signals and SystemsHigh Speed Devices and CircuitsMEMS and Micro systemsNetworks and SystemsNeural Networks and ApplicationsProbability and Random ProcessesSolid State Devices (IIT Madras)Transmission Lines and EM WavesVLSI CircuitsVLSI TechnologyWireless CommunicationFeatures Provided:************************1. This APPLICATION help you in learning your core subject andisvery handy and serves as a guide.2. We have created each application dedicated to a branch likeNPTELfor CSE, NPTEL for ECE, NPTEL for CIVIL, NPTEL forMECHANICAL,NPTELfor EEE, NPTEL for OTHERS.3. This application is brought to you totally free with the helpoffew ads.We specially thank Professors at IITs and IISE for thereawesomelectures, all the credits goes to them.This application is designed keeping under graduation studentsandprofessors in mind and with a main focus of helping thengainknowledge.For Any issues related this application can contact [email protected]
Signals and Systems 7
The app is a complete free handbook of Signals andSystemswithdiagrams and graphs. It is part of electricalandCommunicationsengineering education which brings importanttopics,notes, news& blog on the subject. The App serves as aquickreferenceguide of electrical and Communicationsengineeringsubject. Itcovers 131 topics of Signals and Systems indetail.These 131topics are divided into 5 units. The App covers thetopicin aflashcard-like format, the purpose of the App isfasterlearningand revisions of the subject. You can consider thisApp asnoteswhich professors guides with in a classroom. You canveryeasilypass and succeed in your exams or interviews, if youhavethis Appon your mobile phone, and give an overview just a day.Someof thetopics Covered in this application are: 1. TheLaplacetransform 2.The region of convergence of the Laplacetransform 3.Poles andzeros in the Laplace transform 4. Propertiesof the ROC oftheLaplace transform 5. Laplace Transforms Of SomeCommon Signals6.Properties of the Laplace transform 7. TheinverseLaplacetransform 8. Partial-fraction expansion in Laplacetransform9. Thesystem function of the Laplace transform 10.CharacterizationofLTI systems 11. System function for LTI systemsdescribed bylinearconstant-coefficient differential equations12.SystemsInterconnection 13. The unilateral Laplace transform14.Transformcircuits of the Laplace transform 15.GraphicalUnderstanding ofROC 16. The Z-Transform 17. The regionofconvergence of the ztransform 18. Properties of the ROC of theztransform 19. z-transforms of some common signals 20. Propertiesofthe z-transform21. The inverse z-transform 22. Powerseriesexpansion of ztransform 23. The system function of the ztransform24.Characterization of discrete-time LTI systems in ztransform25.system function for LTI systems describedbylinearconstant-coefficient difference equations 26.Theunilateralz-transform 27. Initial value theorem of theLaplacetransform 28.Final value theorem of the Laplace transform29.convolution intime domain property of the Laplace transform 30.TheLaplacetransform of the ramp function 31. The Laplace transformofa pulse32. The Laplace transform of a linear segment 33.TheLaplacetransform of a triangular waveform 34. The Laplacetransformof arectangular periodic waveform 35. The Laplacetransform of ahalfrectified sine waveform 36. Initial value theoremof theztransform 37. Final value theorem of the z transform 38.TheZtransform of the geometric sequence 39. The Z transformofthediscrete time unit step function 40. The Z transformofthediscrete time cosine and sine functions 41. The Z transformofthediscrete time unit ramp function 42. computation of theZtransformwith contour integration 43. s to z plane mapping 44.TheFouriertransform 45. Fourier transform pair 46. connectionbetweentheFourier transform and the Laplace transform 47.Properties ofthecontinuous time Fourier transform 48. Frequencyresponse ofthecontinuous LTI system 49. Real time functions 50.ImaginaryTimeFunctions 51. The cosine and sine function pair 52.Thesignumfunction pair 53. The unit step function pair 54.Thedeltafunction pair 55. The constant function pair 56.Parseval’stheorem57. conjugate time and frequency functions Alltopics arenotlisted because of character limitations set by thePlay Store.
GATE ECE Exam Preparation Y4W-54
Best GATE - Electronics & Communication Engineering MockTestsfor Preparation
Gate ECE Question Bank 4.9
This application is useful for the B.E Electronics (ECE) studentstoprepare the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) examsfor2018. This contains solved question papers from 2002 To 2017freesolved and key answers to the questions. The app is dividedneatlyinto Exam mode (Previous years & Mock tests), Studymode,Statistics, Generation information (GATE, cut offscores,Statistical analysis, Section wise question/answer,Importantformulae (including maths), WhatsApp & Telegram groupsforinteracting with students and many other features. Thisappdesigned by keeping in mind the most student requirements totoprepare ECE Gate exam. All the features in app can beaccessedoffline anytime on the go anywhere. This has a mock testfeatureswhich has around 9000+ questions across all subjects. Allthe belowsubjects are covered in the app, Digital CircuitsElectronicDevices Network Analysis Analog Circuits Signals andsystemsControl Systems Electromagnetic Communication SystemsMathematicsGeneral Aptitude Bar graphs are generated on thequestions asked onone particular subject in each year. This helpsthe students tounderstand the trend of each section year wise. Piecharts aregenerated based on the weightage given on each subjectsin thequestion papers. This helps the students to prioritize theirstudyplan to achieve their aim. If you find any of the answersareincorrect, please mail me at [email protected]. I willcorrectand update the application accordingly. Please let me knowyourvaluable comments for further improvement. Thank youfordownloading the application. All the best for your exams!!
Network Analysis 1.0.4
Network analysis notes for electrical and computerengineeringstudents.
Electronics Circuits 1.0
Electronic Circuits allows to know the basics of electronics.
Electronics Course 90.0
Electronics Course, Learn about Electrical Systems and more.