Top 10 Apps Similar to Advance Control System

Control Systems Engineering 7
The app is a complete free handbook of ControlSystemsEngineeringwhich covers important topics, notes, materials,news& blogson the course. Download the App as a referencematerial&digital book for Control engineering programs &degreecourses.This useful App lists 150 topics with detailednotes,diagrams,equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in5 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favourite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. You canalso blog about engineering technology,innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, instituteupdates,Informativelinks on course materials & educationprograms fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book,areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, projectwork,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered intheapp are: 1. Introduction to control system 2.Examples ofcontrolsystems 3. Engineering design 4. Control systemdesign5.Mechatronic systems 6. Open loop systems 7. Closed loopsystems8.Closed-loop control versus open-loop control 9.Complexvariable& Complex function 10. Differential equationsofphysicalsystems 11. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems12.Nonlinearsystems 13. The transfer function of linear systems14.Concept ofTransfer function 15. Impulse response function16.Transferfunction of a field controlled DC motor 17.Transferfunction of anarmature controlled DC motor 18. Transferfunction ofa hydraulicactuator 19. Transfer Functions of DynamicElements andNetworks20. Block diagrams 21. Block diagram of aclosed-loopsystem 22.Open-loop, feedforward and closed looptransfer function23.Closed-loop system subjected to a disturbance24. Proceduresfordrawing a block diagram 25. Block DiagramTransformations 26.Blockdiagram reduction 27. Modeling in statespace 28.State-spaceequations 29. Correlation between transferfunctionsandstate-space equations 30. State-space representationofdynamicsystems ( forcing function does not involvederivativeterms) 31.State-space representation of dynamic systems (forcingfunctiondoes involving derivative terms) 32. Signal-flowgraphmodels 33.Transfer function of an interacting system 34.Transferfunction ofa multiple-loop system 35. Transfer functionofanarmature-controlled motor 36. Transfer function of acomplexsystem37. State-space model of mechanical systems 38.State-spacemodelof Electrical systems 39. Transfer functions ofcascadedelements40. Transfer functions of nonloading cascadedelements 41.Mason’sgain formula 42. Introduction to Time domainanalysis 43.Unit-stepresponse of first-order systems. 44. Unit-rampresponseoffirst-order systems 45. Unit-impulse responseoffirst-ordersystems. 46. DC servomotors 47. A servo system48.Effect of loadon servomotor dynamics Each topic is completewithdiagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representationsforbetterlearning and quick understanding. Control Engineering ispartofengineering education courses and technology degreeprogramsofvarious universities. Control engineering has anessential roleina wide range of control systems, A system canbemechanical,electrical, fluid, chemical, financial andevenbiological, and themathematical modeling.
Instrumentation Tools 10.0.1
App for PLC, Instrumentation, Control Systems,Electrical,Electronics Tutorials
Control Systems & Engineering 1.0.3
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of control systems & engineering .italmost cover all important topics which are given below Chapter1Control system & Component 1. Open loop and close loopcontrolsystems 2. Block diagram algebra and transfer function3.Differential equations 4. Determination of transfer functionbyblock diagram reduction technique & signal flow graph method5.Mason gain formula and calculation of transfer function 6.Basiccomponent of electrical control system 7. Armature andfieldcontrol methods for Speed control Chapter 2 Time responseanalysis1. Transient and steady state response analysis 2. Steadystateerror & error constants 3. Dynamic error and dynamicerrorcoefficient 4. Performance Indices 5. Effects of pole andzeroaddition on transient Chapter 3 stability analysis 1.StabilityTheory 2. ABSOLUTE STABILITY 3. Root locus method ofanalysis 4.Polar plots Chapter 4 Approaches to system design 1.Design problem2. types of compensation 3. design of phase-lag 4.proportional 5.integral and PID compensation Chapter 5 Digitalcontrol systems 1.System with digital controller 2. differenceequations 3. thez-transform 4. pulse transfer function 5. inverseztransform 6. thes and z domain relationship
DroidSense 1.8
John Stanford
DroidSense is an app that uses a Kalmanfilterto combine the sensors on an Android device with amathematicalmodel of rigid body rotation and translation to provideacontinually updated estimate of the device's orientationandposition. The data can be logged to a CSV file and stored onthedevice.
Electrical Power Systems 7
Complete free handbook of Electrical power systems withdiagramsandgraphs. App covers notes on Electrical Power Systems.The bestappin Engineering Education also brings the blog whereyoucancontribute your work and get the research,industry,universityNews on the subject. You can very easily passand succeedin yourexams or interview, the app provides quickrevision andreferenceto the topics like a detailed flash card.Electrical powersystemapp has lots of topic to read and each topicis completewithdiagrams, equations and other forms ofgraphicalrepresentationsfor easy understanding. You can setreminderaccording to yourstudy time and you also can take aptitudetest.There is a separatesection for students where they can writeblogson any studyrelated topic. 1. Power semiconductor Devices inpowersystem 2.Diodes in Power system 3. Thyristor in Powersystem4.Light-triggered thyristor (LTT) in Power system5.Desiredcharacteristics of fully-controlled power semiconductorsinpowersystem 6. Gate-turn-off thyristor in powersystem7.Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor inpowersystem8. Insulated-gate bipolar transistor in powersystem9.MOS-controlled thyristor in power system10.Semiconductorswitching-power performance in Power system11.characteristics ofsemiconductors used in power system 12.Coolingsystems ofsemiconductor in power system 13. Protectionofsemiconductors -snubber circuits 14. Current trends inpowersemiconductortechnology 15. Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR)16.Fundamentalvoltage/current characteristic of TCR 17. HarmonicsofTCR 18. Thethyristor-controlled transformer (TCT) 19. The TCRwithshuntcapacitors 20. Introduction to thyristor-switchedcapacitor(TSC)21. Ideal transient-free switching 22. GeneralSwitchingtransients23. Switching a discharged capacitor 24.Voltage-sourceconverters(VSCs) and derived controllers 25.Single-phasehalf-bridge VSC 26.Single-phase full-bridge VSC 27.Conventionalthree-phase six-stepVSC 28. Single-phasehalf-bridgeneutral-point-clamped (NPC) VSC29. Single-phasefull-bridge NPC VSC30. Other multilevel convertertopologies 31.Pulse-width modulated(PWM) VSCs 32. UninterruptedPower Supplies(UPSs) 33. Introductionto HVDC transmission This isthe best leaningapp for electrical andelectronics engineeringstudents .All topicsare not listed becauseof characterlimitations set by the PlayStore.
pid control simulation 4.1
uri kupfer
simulate pid control system
pid reactor control 1.5
uri kupfer
Controlling cstr reactor with pid control to optimize production.
Engineering Mathematics 3 7
The app is a complete free handbook of EngineeringMathematics3which covers important topics, notes, materials, news&blogson the course. Download the App as a referencematerial&digital book for Mathematical & engineeringprograms&basic engineering degree courses. This useful Applists 76topicswith detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas&coursematerial, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The appismust havefor all the engineering science students&professionals. Theapp provides quick revision and reference totheimportant topicslike a detailed flash card notes, it makes iteasy& useful forthe student or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Trackyourlearning, setreminders, edit the study material, addfavoritetopics, share thetopics on social media. You can also blogaboutengineeringtechnology, innovation, engineering startups,collegeresearchwork, institute updates, Informative links oncoursematerials& education programs from your smartphone ortablet orat Use this usefulengineering appasyour tutorial, digital book, a reference guide forsyllabus,coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on theblog. Someof thetopics Covered in the app are: 1. AnalyticalFunctions 2.HurwitzTheorem 3. Complex Arithmetic 4. Topology of theComplexPlane 5.The Exponential Function 6. Polar Form of a ComplexNumber7. Rootsof Complex Numbers 8. Cauchy Integral Theorem 9.CauchyIntegralFormula for Derivatives 10. Fundamental Theorem ofAlgebra11.Sequences of Holomorphic Functions and theirDerivatives12.Isolated Singularities 13. Laurent Series 14.AnnulusofConvergence 15. Calculus of Residues 16. EvaluationofDefiniteIntegrals 17. Complexification of the Integrand18.Relation withHarmonic Functions 19. Taylor Series 20. EvaluationofRealIntegrals by Contour Integration 21. Concept of Moment22.Momentsabout Origin in Term of Moments about any Point23.MomentGenerating Function 24. Skewness 25. Kurtosis 26.RandomVariable27. Curve Fitting 28. Problems on Curve Fitting29.PolynomialsLeast-Squares Fitting 30. Fitting an ExponentialCurve31. Fittinga Curve of Different Types 32. Correlation 33.MethodsofDetermining Correlation 34. Rank Correlation 35.Regression36.Probability Theory 37. Probability Theorem38.BinomialDistribution 39. Variance and Standard DeviationofBinomialDistribution 40. Constants of Binomial Distribution41.PoissonDistribution 42. Normal Distribution 43. Sampling Theory44.Testfor the Difference of Two Sample Means 45. Chi-SquareTest46.Analysis of Variance 47. Techniques of One-way AnalysisofVariance48. Time Series and Forecasting 49. Measurement ofSecularTrend50. Statistical Quality Control Method 51. ControlChartsforVariables 52. Control Charts for Attributes 53.RegularFalsiMethod 54. Bisection Method 55. Newton RaphsonMethod56.Convergence of Newton-Raphson Method 57. Rate ofConvergence58.Interpolation 59. Difference Operators 60.NewtonForwardInterpolation 61. Newton Backward Interpolation62.LagrangesInterpolation 63. Newtons Divided DifferenceInterpolationFormula64. Problems on Interpolation Method 65.Solution of SystemofLinear Equations 66. Crout Method 67.Gauss-Seidel Method68.Problems on Solving Linear System 69.Numerical Differentiation70.Newtons Cotes Quadrature Formula 71.Simpsons 1/3 Rule 72.Simpson3/8 Rule 73. Picard's Method 74.Euler's Method 75.Runge-KuttaMethod 76. Problems on NumericalTechnique - II Eachtopic iscomplete with diagrams, equations andother forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Mathematics in Engineering 3 is part ofmathematicalengineeringeducation courses and technology degreeprograms ofvariousuniversities.
Electronics & Communications D 1.1.6
Electronics terms, concepts, formulas & calculators toincreaseyour depository.
Power Systems Engineering 1.0.4
Power systems engineering notes for electrical &electronicsstudents.