Top 21 Apps Similar to Electronics Engineering

Basic Electronics Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering is an electronics engineeringappforstudents and professionals. Very helpful for lastminpreparationfor Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviewsforElectronicsengineering students. Basic Electronics engineeringhascompletesyllabus for electronics engineering. This Electronicsappcontainsall the ECE related 160 topics in 5 chapter in verysimpleandinformative language with suitable diagrams. SomeImportanttopicsin the app:- -Electronic Device & CircuitDesign-SemiconductorDesign -Electromagnetic theory -MicroprocessorsandmicroControllers -Digital Signal processing -Control Systems-Resistor- Transistors It is the most useful App forlastminutepreparations for Electronics engineering students. Someofthetopics Covered in the ebook app are: 1. IntroductiontoElectronicsEngineering 2. Basic quantities 3. Passive andactivedevices 4.Semiconductor Devices 5. Current in Semiconductors6. P-NJunction7. Diodes 8. Power Diode 9. Switching 10.Special-PurposeDiodes11. Tunnel diode and Optoelectronics 12. DiodeApproximation13.Applications of diode: Half wave Rectifier and FullWaveRectifier14. Bridge Rectifier 15. Clippers 16. Clamper Circuits17.PositiveClamper 18. Voltage Doubler 19. Zener Diode 20.ZenerRegulator 21.Design of Zener regulator circuit 22.Special-PurposeDiodes-1 23.Transistors 24. Bipolar JunctionTransistors (BJT) 25.Beta andalpha gains 26. The Common BaseConfiguration 27. Relationbetweendifferent currents in a transistor28. Common-EmitterAmplifier 29.Common Base Amplifier 30. BiasingTechniques for CEAmplifiers 31.Biasing Techniques: Emitter FeedbackBias 32. BiasingTechniques:Collector Feedback Bias 33. BiasingTechniques: VoltageDividerBias 34. Biasing Techniques: Emitter Bias35. Small SignalCEAmplifiers 36. Analysis of CE amplifier 37.CommonCollectorAmplifier 38. Darlington Amplifier 39. Analysis ofatransistoramplifier using h-parameters 40. Power Amplifiers41.PowerAmplifiers: Class A Amplifiers 42. Power Amplifiers:ClassBamplifier 43. Power Amplifiers: Cross over distortion(ClassBamplifier) 44. Power Amplifiers: Biasing a class Bamplifier45.Power Calculations for Class B Push-Pull Amplifier46.PowerAmplifiers: Class C amplifier 47. Field EffectTransistor(FET) 48.JFET Amplifiers 49. Transductance Curves 50.Biasing theFET 51.Biasing the FET: Self Bias 52. Voltage DividerBias 53.CurrentSource Bias 54. FET a amplifier 55. Design of JFETamplifier56.JFET Applications 57. MOSFET Amplifiers 58.Common-DrainAmplifier59. MOSFET Applications 60. OperationalAmplifiers61.Depletion-mode MOSFET 62. Enhancement-mode MOSFET 63.Theidealoperational amplifier 64. Practical OP AMPS 65.InvertingAmplifier66. The Non-inverting Amplifier 67. VoltageFollower(Unity GainBuffer) 68. The Summing Amplifier 69.DifferentialAmplifier 70.The Op-amp Integrator Amplifier 71. TheOp-ampDifferentiatorAmplifier 72. History of the Numeral Systems73.Binary codes 74.Conversion of bases 75. Conversion of decimaltobinary (base 10 tobase 2) 76. Octal Number System 77.HexadecimalNumber System 78.Rules of Binary Addition andSubtraction 79. OhmsLaw 80. Capacitor81. Zener Diode 82. PowerAmplifiers 83. LogicGate 84.Semiconductor Devices 85. Transformer86. DigitalelectronicsElectronics is part of engineering educationcourses andtechnologydegree programs of various universities. Eachtopic iscompletewith diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.
Basic Electronics Engineering 1.0.5
Basic electronics engineering notes for electronicsengineeringstudents.
Electronics Devices & Circuits 1.0.5
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of electronic device & circuits.
Electronics & Communications D 1.1.6
Electronics terms, concepts, formulas & calculators toincreaseyour depository.
Basic Electronics Quiz 15.0
Basic electronics tutorial and quiz. Available in offline mode.
Imakestudio - Electronics 2.2
Imakestudio is a digital space to learn and innovate
Electronic Components 1.6
Mi Technology
Electronic Components used in all devices.
Digital Electronics 101 1.19
John Western
Digital Electronics Fundamentals
Electronics Projects Circuit ep001
Major & minor synopsis,ideas,academic project circuitforelectronics engineering students. it consist 63 electronicsprojectwith diagram & detailed illustration which are listedbelow 1.Solar charger 2. Portable power bank 3. Battery chargerusing SCR4. DC-to-AC power converter 5. Mosquito repellent 6.mobileincoming call indicator 7. Fire Alarm System 8. FM RadioCircuit 9.Bicycle Lock 10. Smoke Detectors 11. Drunk DrivingDetector 12.water Level Detector 13. DTMF Decoder 14. SmokeDetector 15. The555 Timer IC 16. LPG Gas Sensor 17. LED LightCircuit 18. WiperMotor 19. Led Stage Lighting 20. The Clap operatedCircuit 21. AirFlow Detection 22. Broken Charger wire Alarm 23.Power supllyFailure Alarm 24. FM Booster Cuircuit 25. AutomaticWashroom Light26. Object Counter 27. Electronic Eye 28. FastestFlingerIndicators 29. motion sensor 30. INFRARED FIRE CRACKERIGNITER 31.Multipurpose listening device 32. Reverse parking sensorcircuit33. DMTF System 34. RJ Cable Tester 35. Toy Piano 36. DTMFBasedHome Automation 37. Humidity Indiator 38. Electric Shock gun39.Low Power Emergency Light 40. Polarity Tester 41. ElectronicSirenimplementaion 42. Latching of IC 555 43. Security LightingCircuit44. Light Activated Switch 45. Musical Doorbell 46. ElectricCoinbox by IC 555 47. Directional Indicators 48. BatteryLevelIndicator 49. Fan Controller for heat sink 50. Day nightindicator& alarm 51. Continuity Tester 52. Traffic LightController 53.Light based switch by IC 54. Voltage cut off Delayalarm 55.Celphone Detector 56. Door Guard 57. The illuminatedChristmas tree58. OTL Amplifier 59. The SIMPLE CODE LOCK SYSTEM 60.The LPG GasSensor 61. Solid state flashing lamp 62. LED automatedDayindicator 63. Blown Fuse
Electronics Engineering App 2.2
Electronics engineering app is consideredtooneof the toughest branch in engineering, andhas also has wide rages of application.The app describe every topics in electronics engineeringapp,endare explained with simplelanguage so that every learners from basic to theadvancelearnerscan avail theadvantage of the application. Some of theimportanttopicsincluded in the applicationare as follows:Electronics CircuitAnalog ElectronicsNetwork Analysis and SynthesisElectrical MachineElectromagnetic TheorySignal and SystemsMeasurement and InstrumentationMicroprocessorAutomatic Control SystemAnalog Integrated CircuitCommunication SystemAntenna and MicrowaveProfessional CommunicationWireless and Mobile CommunicationOptical CommunicationVLSI Design and TechnologyIndustrial EconomicsDiscrete MathematicsPower ElectronicsMicroprocessorMultimedia CommunicationOne of the main objectives of the app is to help tostudentsgainthe best of theknowledge so that he can succeed in the life andcareer.Thesyllabus included is alsobased on the latest syllabus as published by All IndiaCouncilofTechnical Educationpopularly known as the AICTE and also by UGC. And itisalsosuited for all thecompetitive examination.You can also get illustrated examples with diagrams aswellasgraphical representationsas well as most of the main mathematical formulas usedintheelectronics engineering.Refer the app and became a master in electronicsengineering.
Electronics Course 90.0
Electronics Course, Learn about Electrical Systems and more.
Calcutronic 4.2.8
Calculator for students and hobbyists in Electronics&Electrical Engineering.
Electronics Circuits 1.0
Electronic Circuits allows to know the basics of electronics.
Electronics Lab 2.0.20
Discover new electronics projects and circuits with completedetailsand guides.
Electronics Formulas 3.1
Simple List of Electronics Formulas with Calculators
Electronics Engineer ECE 1.3
Super Awesome
ECE Electronics and Communications Engineering Board/LicensureExamReviewer
Electronics Calculator 4.2.0
The utility application for the hobbyist or professional
Electronics Helper 2.0
Piyush Sharma
This application i.e."Electronics Helper" is basicallydevelopedforthe electronics students and associated people of thisfield tohelpthem in understanding the basics and simplifying thevariouscomplexcalculations which are more often than not associatedwithit. Thepurpose of developing this app is to provide ease totheusers whiledoing tedious and complex calculations ofelectronics.Almost allelectronics calculations can be performed byit(forinstance,thisapp includes basic "ohm's law calculator"to"resistor and capacitorseries/parallel calculator", "555timergenerator calculator" to"electricity and energyconsumptioncalculator",and many more).Overall 14 sub apps areinside it.Moreover it has more than 35calculators inside a singlesub appi.e. "electrical calculator"(which is one out of the 14 subapp ofthis main app). It alsoincludes "resistor color codecalculatorapp" along with almost alltransistors and diodesseriesspecifications. By and large, it hasincluded all theelectronicscalculator apps inside a single appwhich will certainlyhelp theusers in solving their relatedproblems.
Electronics Calculator Pro 1.9
Only available in English.
Electronics For Kids 1.9
Koto Games
Let your kid discover the amazing world of Electronics.
Electronic Lab -Toolbox kit EE 0.0.2
Luai Elamir
Electronic Lab App Description Electronic Lab is a greatphoneapplication for people working in the field of electricalandcomputer engineering. Hobbyist, DIYers, Students, Technicianswithspecific needs, Engineers can all benefit from this app. It isanamazing community of Tools, Projects and resourcesprovidingfunctionalities to measure two or more electrical valuessuch asvoltage, current and signals. The app’s natural touchexperience isdesigned for all phones and tablets. Whether you wantto design apower supply circuit, program an Arduino board oranalyze an analogsignal on-the-go, Electronic Lab gives you thebest experience. Itbrings the bulky tools of theelectrical/electronic industry to thepalm of your hand. FeaturesElectronic Color code Color pickerAlpha-Numeric Code IdentificationSample circuits Componentlibraries Calculators Component DatasheetFormula Calculators UnitConversion Arduino Code editor Circuitdesign and simulation PCBdesign Chip Simulation Waveform audiovisualizer Signal to AudioPage Bookmarking The following featuresrequire the Bluetoothmodule Voltmeter Ammeter Oscilloscope Voltagegenerator Frequencygenerator Chip programming (Arduino)Contribution Share SimulationsShares circuits Share code Addformula Add Sample circuit Add PCBdesign