Top 35 Apps Similar to Civil engineering

Civil Engineering Dictionary 1.2.9
Civil Engineering Offline App with Concepts, Terms, Graphs&Quizzes!
Basics of Civil Engineering Qu 4.3
Tortoises Inc
3000+ Civil Engineering Exam multiple choice practice questions
Civil engineering 1.0
If you are interested by Civil engineering,this applicationwillhelp you. There are many kinds of engineering:mechanicalengineering,civil,electricalengineering,chemicalengineering,biomedical engineering,softwareengineering,... Justlike computer engineering,aerospace engineeringand industrialengineering, civil engineering needs a lot of studiesand practice.In this application you will find civil engineeringhistory,civilengineering jobs and some engineering lessons. Makesure you willlearn many things from this application.Please shareit with yourfriends if you like it.
Concrete Calculator 2.3
GK Soft
Concrete calculator. Quick and easy to use!
Civil engineering 1.0
Do you really want to be an civil engineer?If you think that you want to be an civil engineer, youwillneedfirst a help finding out about the type of engineering thatismostconvenient to you.for example:if you choose Chemical engineering and biomedicalengineering,youget as responsibilities to analyze various productsto identifytheirdifferent chemical components and interpret theresults.Computer engineering,work on computerized systems,Electricalengineering it's all about Electricalsystems,Environmentalengineering it is based on the envirement andchangesapplicable tothe latter, and Industrial engineeringIndustrialEngineering willguide you to take responsibility of theMaterialand the prodictionandindustry department,And more...Do any of these sound interesting to you?This application will give you a global understandingaboutciviland Construction engineering,Then, now are you thinking about your dream civil engineeringJobandhow much salary you will earn?Civil engineers have significantly higher startingsalariesthando college graduates with bachelor's degrees inmanyotherfields.This application will help you step by step ot find outthemostinteresting courses to learn and to findjobsopportunitiesavailable in the market and give you a clearideaabout theappropriate salary of all types of engineeringandcivilengineering .So let this application guide through yourfuturesuccessfulengineering career .Faitures- the different steps which are involvedincivilengineering- Structural dynamics- how to find the apt structure design for the equipments- Modern Construction Materials- Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil Structures- About Civil Engineering- Construction Engineering- Civil Engineering: Designing Bridges- Building Bridges- Mathematical ModelingPlease find all our free android application on thestore.Phoneand tablet design
Canal do Engenheiro 1.0
Raul Barca
Original and high quality for the student of civilengineeringcontent.
Civil Engineering 1.0
Please allow me to introduce to youthiswholenew civil engineering android application. It has nothingtodowith the other application you can find in the store.Yourmissionas civil engineering is to help building smarter cities,bea partof a greater goal. To achieve that you goal you have tostudyhardand to work hard, to use the right tools to be thebestcivilengineering you can be. Find out all the great featuresyouhave inthis application. Let this application be youintroductionto thisawesome word of civil engineering. Learn toconcept and putinpractice the different skills you will needtobecomeeffective.
Bridgemate 3.4.3
Real-time information on your results and rankings duringyourbridge games.
Civil Engineering Dictionary 2.1.2
Apps Artist
Collection Of Civil Dictionaray
Civil Engineering 1
Are you looking to learn Civil Engineering?Ifyes then you are at right place. Learn Civil Engineeringhereindeep and get your clear.We provide The subject Chapter vise so you canunderstanditbetter. We also profile different color theme so youcanreadeasily and more comfortable.The app is very user friendly and smooth. Please installandlearnyour subject. We developed many educational andengineeringapps.1.Introduction2.Stone3.Bricks4.Lime5.Cement6.Mortars7.TIMBER8.USE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS9.Concrete10.Metals as Building Materials11.Building Planning12.DIMENSIONS OF FOUNDATION13.Miscellaneous Building Materials14.PILE FOUNDATIONS15.FOUNDATIONS IN BLACK COTTON SOIL16.Super Structures17.FLOORING18.ROOF19.DOORS AND WINDOWS20.STAIRSWe always ready to help you out. So send us your queriesonbelowemail address. Rate us, Share app it really means a [email protected] you,
Civil Engineering Notes 3.1
Civil engineering is believed to be one oftheoldest branches in engineering and it is evergreen branch andalsohas high scope. The apps explained every topic in CivilEngineeringTechnology that Civil engineers should proficient.The app is also compatible for all form of competitiveexaminations.Explained in simple language the app is suited forthose who are newin civil engineering as well for those advancedlearners.Some of the important topics included in the apps aregivenbelow.Construction TechnologyEngineering Materials:Construction Planning and Management:Surveying:Railway Engineering:Highway Engineering:HydrologyWater ResourcesEngineering Mechanics:Kinematics and Kinetics:Strength of Materials:Structural Analysis:Structural Steel Design:Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures:Cantilever and Counter fort type retaining walls.Fluid MechanicsDimensional Analysis and Similitude:Laminar Flow:Open channel flow:Boundary layer:Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower:Soil Type and structureCompressibility and consolidation conceptCompaction of soilSewerage systems, etc.The app also gives diagrammatic illustrated example to maketheusers understand better. Every mathematical formulas as well asthegraphical presentation is also provide so if you are referringthisapp, then there will not be any need to refer other text.Download this app and grasp the advantages and be a masterindesigning, construction and maintenance of the physicalandnaturally built environment, including works such asbridges,roads, canals, dams and buildings.Thank you for choosing us.
Civil Interview Questions 1.1
Mala M
This an application that has many frequently asked CivilInterviewquestions with answers. Gathered from numerous sourcesincludingreal interviews. Great for both an interviewer to quicklycome upwith questions. Great for brushing up technical interviewquestionsbefore an interview. Advantages: 1. User Friendly 2. Bookmarkoptions 3. Concept wise important questions 4. Easyreadablecontent with animations 5. Civil Interview Questions withanswersThis is a FREE app and contains various interview questionsaskedin interview.
Gate Civil Question Bank
Solved free GATE question papers of 20 years from 1997 To 2018andmock tests
Surveying 1.0.4
Surveying notes for civil engineering students.
Learn Skills
*** Do you like to Learn fromwatchingNPTELCIVIL LECTURES then this APPLICATION is for you.*** This Free Engineering NPTEL Lectures application isdesignedwithboth engineering students and professors in mind wehave takenlotsof care in building this CIVIL Lectures applicationforyou,*** This NPTEL Lectures application contains all thesubjectsvideoswell organized into a collection.***You can watch NPTEL CIVIL Engineering videos on-linefromwithinthis application.*** It loads videos and plays videos very smoothly.*** The best part of this application is that it updatesallNPTELCIVIL videos on daily basis.CONTENTS OF THE APPLICATION:********************************************Building Materials and ConstructionDesign of Reinforced Concrete StructuresDesign Of Steel StructuresEngineering GeologyEnvironmental Air PollutionFluid MechanicsFoundation EngineeringHydraulicsIntroduction to Transportation EngineeringMechanics of SolidsModern Surveying TechniquesPerformance of Marine Vehicles At SeaPre stressed Concrete StructuresSoil MechanicsStrength of MaterialsStructural Analysis IISurveyingTransportation Engineering IIWater and Waste water EngineeringWater Resources EngineeringFeatures Provided:************************1. This APPLICATION help you in learning your core subjectandisvery handy and serves as a guide.2. We have created each application dedicated to a branchlikeNPTELfor CSE, NPTEL for ECE, NPTEL for CIVIL, NPTELforMECHANICAL,NPTELfor EEE, NPTEL for OTHERS.3. This application is brought to you totally free with thehelpoffew ads.We specially thank Professors at IITs and IISE forthereawesomelectures, all the credits goes to them.This application is designed keeping under graduationstudentsandprofessors in mind and with a main focus of helpingthengainknowledge.For Any issues related this application can [email protected]
Engenheiro Civil Simulados 2.0.0
Specific questions for public tenders.
Basic Civil Engineering 1.0.4
Basic civil engineering notes for civil engineering students.
Civil Engineering Reviewer 1.12
Super Awesome
FREE on the go reviewer for Civil Engineering Concepts and Theories
Soil Mechanics 7
The app is a complete free handbook of Soil Mechanicswithdiagramsand graphs. It is part of Civil engineering educationwhichbringsimportant topics, notes, news & blog on the subject.TheAppserves as a quick reference guide of Soil Mechanicsasengineeringsubject. It covers 213 topics of Soil Mechanicsindetail. These213 topics are divided into 5 units. The app is afreehandbook foreasy understanding and faster learning ofthesubject.Soilmechanics is usually a part of civilengineeringdomain. All topicsare like flashcard which is easy tobrowse andrevise the topicsspecially at the time of exams andinterviews.Some of the topicsCovered in this application are: 1.GEOTECHNICALLESSONS FROMFAILURES 2. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS ANDPARTICLESIZES OF SOILS3. BASIC GEOLOGY 4. Composition of theEarth’s Crust5. COMPOSITIONOF SOILS 6. Surface Forces and AdsorbedWater 7.DETERMINATION OFPARTICLE SIZE OF SOILS 8. Particle SizeofFine-Grained Soils 9.COMPARISON OF COARSE-GRAINED ANDFINE-GRAINEDSOILS 10.INTRODUCTION OF SOILS INVESTIGATION 11. PHASESOF ASOILSINVESTIGATION 12. SOILS EXPLORATION PROGRAM 13.SoilIdentificationin the Field 14. Soil Sampling 15.GroundwaterConditions 16. Typesof In Situ or Field Tests 17.PHASERELATIONSHIPS 18. PHYSICALSTATES AND INDEX PROPERTIESOFFINE-GRAINED SOILS 19. DETERMINATIONOF THE LIQUID, PLASTIC,ANDSHRINKAGE LIMITS 20. SOILCLASSIFICATION SCHEMES 21. Importanceofsoil compaction 22.INTERPRETATION OF PROCTOR TEST RESULTS 23.FIELDCOMPACTION 24.HEAD AND PRESSURE VARIATION IN A FLUID AT REST25.DARCY’S LAW 26.FLOW PARALLEL TO SOIL LAYERS 27. DETERMINATIONOFTHE HYDRAULICCONDUCTIVITY 28. Falling-Head Test 29. Pumping TesttoDeterminethe Hydraulic Conductivity 30. GROUNDWATER LOWERINGBYWELLPOINTS31. STRESSES AND STRAINS 32. IDEALIZED STRESS -STRAINRESPONSE ANDYIELDING 33. PLANE STRAIN AND AXIALSYMMETRICCONDITIONS 34.Axisymmetric Condition 35. ANISOTROPIC,ELASTICSTATES 36. Mohr’sCircle for Stress States 37. Mohr’s CircleforStrain States 38.The Principle of Effective Stress 39.EffectiveStresses Due toGeostatic Stress Fields 40. Effects ofCapillarity41. Effects ofSeepage 42. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE AT REST43.STRESSES IN SOILFROM SURFACE LOADS 44. Strip Load 45.UniformlyLoaded RectangularArea 46. Vertical Stress BelowArbitrarily ShapedAreas 47. STRESSAND STRAIN INVARIANTS 48. Hooke’sLaw Using Stressand StrainInvariants 49. STRESS PATHS 50. PlottingStress PathsUsingTwo-Dimensional Stress Parameters 51. BASICCONCEPTS52.Consolidation Under a Constant Load PrimaryConsolidation 53.VoidRatio and Settlement Changes Under a ConstantLoad 54.PrimaryConsolidation Parameters 55. CALCULATION OFPRIMARYCONSOLIDATIONSETTLEMENT 56. Procedure to CalculatePrimaryConsolidationSettlement 57. ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONSOLIDATIONTHEORY58. Solution ofGoverning Consolidation Equation UsingFourierSeries 59. FiniteDifference Solution of the GoverningConsolidationEquation 60.SECONDARY COMPRESSION SETTLEMENT 61.Oedometer Test62.Determination of the Coeffi cient ofConsolidation63.Determination of the Past Maximum VerticalEffective Stress64.PRECONSOLIDATION OF SOILS USING WICK DRAINS 65.TYPICAL RESPONSEOFSOILS TO SHEARING FORCES 66. PRACTICALIMPLICATIONS OF THEFAILURECRITERIA 67. Effects of Increasing theNormal EffectiveStress 68.Effects of Soil Tension 69. Coulomb’sFailure Criterion70.Taylor’s Failure Criterion 71. Mohr - CoulombFailure Criterion72.INTERPRETATION OF THE SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOILS73. LABORATORYTESTSTO DETERMINE SHEAR STRENGTH PARAMETERS 74.ConventionalTriaxialApparatus 75. Unconfi ned Compression (UC) Test76.ConsolidatedUndrained (CU) Compression Test 77. POREWATERPRESSUREUNDERAXISYMMETRIC UNDRAINED LOADING Soil Mechanics is partofCivilengineering courses in various engineering colleges.
Cours génie civil 1.0
Civil Engineering course with exercises corrected Notescalculationsand practical tools.
Civil Terms 1.2
An reference guide to the terms used in the Civil Engineering.Youcan share all the terms with friends using sharingoptionsavailable on your phone. It has Following feature :--Search-Search Functionality helps you search terms easily -Simpleand EasyUser Interface -FREE Download!! -Share -Detail info. Wewould lovefor you to rate us positively on the App store please. Itwon'teven take 30 seconds & will go a long way in helping usbuildbetter apps for you. Thanks, Team TechIndiaNa NOTE:- These arethestandard Civil terms, which will be used globally. May varyfromnation to nation.
Building Design & Drawing 1.0.4
Building design & drawing notes for civil engineering students.
NPTEL : Civil Engineering
Would you like to learn CivilEngineering(CIVIL) by IIT professors at any time and place? If yes,then youare at right place.Use NPTEL Civil Engineering App to understand your subjectsbetterusing video lectures and PDFs and make your conceptstronger.Using NPTEL Civil Engineering app you can read text content (PDF)ofall videos which helps you to save mobile data.***************************************************************************NPTEL Civil Engineering App has following features:(93Subjects)• Videos tutorials by IIT professors.• It includes PDF version of videos, so if you have slowinternetspeed then you can read PDF content.• We are committed to add new tutorials regularly and providethebest experience to all users• App is completely free of charge with minimal ad on it.This app covers following subjects in detail1. Advance Geotechnological Engineering2. Advanced Foundation Engineering3. Advanced Foundation Engineering4. Advanced Geotechnical Engineering5. Advanced Hydraulics6. Advanced Hydraulics7. Advanced Hydrology8. Advanced Structural Analysis9. Advanced Techniques in Geotechnical andFoundationEngineering10. Application of Soil Mechanics11. Applied Elasticity for Engineers12. Civil Engineering - Building materials and Construction13. Concepts in Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering14. Computational Hydraulics15. Composite Materials16. Concrete Engineering and Technology17. Concrete Technology18. Construction Planning and Management19. Design of Concrete Structures20. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures21. Design of Steel Structures22. Design of Steel Structures I23. Design of Steel Structures II24. Engineering Geology25. Environmental Air Pollution26. Finite Element Analysis27. Finite Element Analysis28. Finite Element method for vibration and Stabilityanalyses29. Fluid Mechanics30. Foundation Analysis and Design31. Foundation Engineering32. Geo-informatics in Transportation Engineering33. Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil Structures34. Geosynthetics Engineering: In Theory and Practice35. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering36. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering37. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering38. Global Positioning System39. Geotechnical Measurements & Explorations40. Ground Improvement Techniques41. Ground Water Hydrology42. Hydraulics43. Hydraulics44. Infrastructure Planning and Management45. Introduction to Engineering Seismology46. Hydrological Measurements and Analysis of Data47. Introduction to Transportation Engineering48. Mechanics of solids49. Modern Construction Materials50. Modern Surveying Techniques51. NOC:Earth Sciences for Civil Engineering52. NOC:Engineering Graphics53. NOC:Geology and Soil Mechanics54. NOC:GPS SURVEYING55. NOC:Introduction to Geographic Information Systems56. NOC:Principles and Applications of Building Science57. NOC:Probability Methods in Civil Engineering58. NOC:Project Planning & Control(Course sponsoredbyAricent)59. NOC:Structural Dynamics60. NOC:Sustainable River Basin Management61. Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering62. Optimization Methods63. Pre-stressed Concrete Structures64. Pre-stressed Concrete Structures65. Probability Methods in Civil Engineering66. Probability Methods in Civil Engineering67. Reliability Engineering68. Remote Sensing69. Rock Engineering70. Seismic Analysis of Structures71. Site Characterisation & Instrumentation72. Soil Dynamics73. Soil Dynamics74. Soil Mechanics75. Solid & Hazardous Waste Management76. Stochastic Hydrology77. Stochastic Structural Dynamics78. Strength of Materials79. Structural Analysis II80. Structural Analysis II81. Structural Dynamics82. Structural Reliability83. Surveying84. Transportation Engineering II85. Urban transportation planningand many more...All credit goes to professors of NPTEL and this app isforrepresentation purpose only.
GATE Civil Engineering 2018 2.0
GATE Civil Engineering App for GATE Exam with Previous YearPaperspreparation
Surveying: Engineering study 7
This free App covers most important topics in simpleEnglishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the timeofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the mostusefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school,collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.ThisusefulApp lists 144 topics in 5 chapters, totally basedonpractical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledgewithnotes writtenin very simple and understandable English.Considerthis App as aquick note guide which professors use in aclassroom.The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisionsof all thetopics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.INTRODUCTION2. BASICMEASUREMENTS 3. CONTROL NETWORKS 4. LOCATINGPOSITION 5.PLOTTINGDETAIL 6. Computer-aided design (CAD) 7. Erroranduncertainty 8.SIGNIFICANT FIGURES 9. ERRORS IN MEASUREMENT10.Probability 11.INDICES OF PRECISION 12. COMBINATION OF ERRORS13.Uncertainty ofaddition or subtraction 14. LEVELLING 15.CURVATUREAND REFRACTION16. EQUIPMENT 17. INSTRUMENT ADJUSTMENT 18.Automaticlevel 19.PRINCIPLE OF LEVELLING 20. SOURCES OF ERROR21.LEVELLINGAPPLICATIONS 22. Direct and Indirect contouring23.RECIPROCALLEVELLING 24. PRECISE LEVELLING 25. Parallelplatemicrometer 26.Field procedure 27. Booking and computing 28.DIGITALLEVELLING 29.Factors affecting the measuring procedure30.TRIGONOMETRICALLEVELLING 31. Contouring 32. HEIGHTING WITH GPS33.TAPES 34. FIELDWORK 35. Measuring in catenary 36.DISTANCEADJUSTMENT 37. Sag 38.ERRORS IN TAPING 39. Tension, Sag andSlope40. ELECTROMAGNETICDISTANCE MEASUREMENT (EDM) 41.INSTRUMENTADJUSTMENT 42. FIELDPROCEDURE 43. Setting up using theopticalplumb-bob 44. MEASURINGANGLES 45. Measurement by directions46.SOURCES OF ERROR 47. PLANERECTANGULAR COORDINATES 48.TRAVERSING49. Reconnaissance 50.Sources of error 51. Traversecomputation 52.TRIANGULATION 53.Resection and intersection 54.Resection 55.NETWORKS 56. PRINCIPLEOF LEAST SQUARES 57.LINEARIZATION 58.NETWORKS 59. PRINCIPLE OFLEAST SQUARES 60. LEASTSQUARES APPLIED TOSURVEYING 61.LINEARIZATION 62. PARAMETER VECTOR63. DESIGN MATRIXANDOBSERVATIONS VECTOR 64. Plan network 65.Distance equation66.Direction & Angle equation 67. WEIGHTMATRIX 68. ERRORANALYSIS69. VARIANCE-COVARIANCE MATRIX OF THEPARAMETERS 70. ERRORELLIPSES71. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and errorellipses 72.BLUNDERDETECTION 73. RELIABILITY OF THE OBSERVATIONS74.PRACTICALCONSIDERATIONS 75. ESTIMATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS76.REFERENCEELLIPSOID 77. The geoid 78. The ellipsoid 79.COORDINATESYSTEMS80. Geodetic coordinates 81. Cartesian coordinates82.Planerectangular coordinates 83. Height 84. LOCAL SYSTEMS85.Deviationof the vertical 86. COMPUTATION ON THE ELLIPSOID87.DATUMTRANSFORMATIONS 88. ORTHOMORPHIC PROJECTION 89.ORDNANCESURVEYNATIONAL GRID 90. (t - T) correction 91.PRACTICALAPPLICATIONS 92.Introduction of Satellite positioning 93.GPSSEGMENTS 94. GPS 95.SATELLITE ORBITS 96. BASIC PRINCIPLEOFPOSITION FIXING 97.DIFFERENCING DATA 98. GPS OBSERVING METHODS99.Kinematicpositioning Surveying is part of Civilengineeringeducation invarious colleges and univeristies globally.
EduQuiz : Civil Engineering 1.0.1
Test & Learn through MCQ based Tests on CivilEngineeringcreated by IITians
Civil Engineering 2.0
Handbook of Civil Engineers. Lecture and note archive
Concrete Technology 7
The app is a complete free handbook of ConcreteTechnologywhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material& digitalbookfor Civil & environmental engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 60 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 8 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Cement 2. Manufacturingprocess ofcement 3.Chemical composition of Cement 4. Grades ofCement 5.Tests andPhysical Properties of Cement 6. Concrete 7.Admixtures 8.MineralAdmixtures 9. Chemical Admixtures 10. Usage ofAdmixtures11.Introduction to Aggregates 12. AggregateCharacteristics13.Fitness Modulas 14. Maximum size vs. Nominalmaximum sizeofaggregates 15. Adsorption and Moisture content ofaggregates16.Specific gravity, Bulk density and porosity ofaggregates 17.Shapeand Texture of Aggregates 18. Deterioussubstances inaggregates19. Alkali aggregate reactivity 20.Soundness test foraggregates21. Introduction to Workability 22.Factors affectingWorkability23. Measurement of Workability 24.Segregation andbleeding 25.Manufacturing of Concrete 26. Quality ofmixing water27. Water/cement ratio 28. Gel-space ratio 29. Maturityconcept ofconcrete30. Influence of properties of coarse aggregateon strength31.Relation between compressive and Tensile strength32.Acceleratedcuring test 33. Aggregate cement bond strength34.Testing ofhardened concrete 35. Factors affectingcompressivestrength 36.Compressive strength test 37. Flexurestrength test 38.Splittingtest 39. Nondestructive Quality Test 40.Pull out test41.Elasticity 42. Poisson’s ratio 43. Shrinkage 44.Creep 45.Mixdesign 46. Factors affecting Mix design 47. ExamplesofConcreteMix proportioning 48. Durability of Concrete49.Acceptancecriteria for Concrete 50. BIS method of Mixproportioning51. Lightweight aggregate 52. Autoclaved Cellularconcrete 53. Nofinesconcrete 54. High Density concrete 55. Fibrereinforcedconcrete56. Polymer Concrete 57. Polymer Concrete 58.Types ofPolymerconcrete 59. High performance concrete 60.Self-compactingconcreteEach topic is complete with diagrams,equations and otherforms ofgraphical representations for betterlearning andquickunderstanding. Concrete Technology is part ofCivil&environmental engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities.
Conhecimentos Específicos 1.4
Versão de demonstração de nossosaplicativos!Conheça os aplicativos completos!Cansado de procurar pelas provas espalhadas em diversos sites?Aqui,oferecemos as questões apenas para sua área! Estude direto emseucelular e sem propagandas!O aplicativo contém as mais recentes provas de concursos públicosdetodo o Brasil. O banco de questões online éatualizadoconstantemente. Estude para as provas de conhecimentoespecífico egaranta a sua vaga!Os simulados contém 5 questões sorteadas aleatoriamente a cadavez.Ao final, você poderá visualizar a correção da prova eduração.Confira ainda um relatório com seu aproveitamento._______________________________________________________Atenção: este aplicativo é um serviço que reúne as questõesdasbancas específicas das provas de concursos de acesso público.Asquestões são referenciadas e podem ser consultadas nasfontesoriginais.applications of ourdemoversion! Know complete applications!Tired of looking for evidence scattered in various sites? Here,weoffer the only issues for your area! Direct study on your phoneandno ads!The application contains the latest evidence of publicprocurementthroughout Brazil. The online question bank isconstantly updated.Study for tests of specific knowledge andguarantee yourplace!Simulated contains 5 questions randomly drawn each time. At theend,you can view the correction of proof and duration. Also checkout areport with its use._______________________________________________________Please note: this application is a service that brings togethertheissues of specific stalls of evidence of public accesstocompetitions. The questions are referenced and can be found intheoriginal sources.
Civil Engineering Formulas 1.1
App Wings LLC
"Civil Engineering" is a discipline of engineering.
RCC Slab Design - Civil Engine 3.1.10
One Way and Two Way RCC Slab Design app (IS 456:2000 | LimitStateMethod).
IS 456 1.0
Depak Muniraj
IS 456-2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete-Code of Practice is an Indian Standard code of practice forgeneralstructural use of plain and reinforced concrete. This codeuses thelimit state design approach.It contains five sections and eight annexures:Section 1: GeneralSection 2: Materials, Workmanship, Inspection and TestingSection 3: General Design ConsiderationsSection 4: Special Design Requirements for Structural MembersandSystemsSection 5: Structural Design (Limit State Method)Annexure A: List of referred Indian StandardsAnnexure B: Structural Design (WORKING STRESS METHOD)Annexure C: Calculation of deflectionAnnexure D: Slabs spanning in two directionsAnnexure E: Effective length of columnsAnnexure F: Calculation of crack widthAnnexure G: Moments of resistance for rectangular andTsectionsAnnexure H: Committee compositionJust download and keep it in your device...You will find it useful in every day.
Job Interview Questions and An 1.5
5000+ Job Interview Questions and Answers-HR,Softwares,Engineering, Tips etc
Civil Engineering Dictionary 1.11
It contain all the words used in civil engineering with theirshortdefinition.