Top 32 Apps Similar to EOB PocketHome

Gensuite Mobile 5.53
Benchmark ESG | Gensuite Mobile offers abest-in-classMobilesolution for 35+ industries in EHS &Sustainability,Quality,Security, Responsible Sourcing, ProductStewardship, andAssetManagement. Over 160,000+ users and 280+enterprises acrosstheglobe are using Gensuite Mobile App andgrowing (1.5 million+usersfor Gensuite desktop). Gensuite Mobilehelps you improveworkforceengagement, gather real-time data, andaccelerate issueresolution!Now, you can take your complianceprograms &management systemseverywhere! *Mobile Access &Actions* Unlockthe power ofBenchmark ESG | Gensuite anywhere – notjust on yourdesktop! WithGensuite Mobile, you can accessaudits/inspections,correctiveactions, assigned tasks, and morewhile on-the-go!*PhotoAttachment with Drawing Capability* You caneasily snap andattacha photo within Gensuite Mobile while logging aconcernorcompleting an inspection. Drawing capabilities allow youtoadddetail to the photo before submitting, to make sure anyissuescanbe seen and understood clearly. *Scan QR Codes* ScannableQRcodescan be placed on equipment, locks, and more tointegratewithBenchmark ESG | Gensuite’s application suite. You’llnever needtospend time searching for an action, audit, or SafetyDataSheetagain. *No Internet? No Problem* With Benchmark ESG|Gensuite’soffline forms, you can access and complete key tasksfromanywhere,giving you working flexibility without having to relyoninternetaccess. *Go There With GPS & Beacons* BenchmarkESG|Gensuite’s smart-tech solution offerings aregrowing!GPScapabilities allow you to find local sites and requiredtasksbysite with accuracy. Benchmark ESG |Gensuite-connectedbeacondevices use Bluetooth technology tocommunicate tasks toyoursmartphone, tablet, or other mobile device.*Quick Notes&Follow Up* Our Quick Notes feature allows users tosendkeymessages to team members at any time, andmanageday-to-dayfollow-up from anywhere! *Voice To Text Input*BenchmarkESG |Gensuite’s voice-to-text capability allows you toworkhands-freein any environment, allowing you to take notesandcomplete tasksmore quickly. To learn more about the BenchmarkESG |GensuiteMobile solution, visitusat
A simple, secure cybersecurity solution in the palm of your hand.
Froling Connect A.
You can easily check and control your Fröling system with Connect.
Mouser 2.4.4
The Mouser app allows you to instantly access thenewestsemiconductors and electronic components for design. Easilybrowsethe newest products by date, category, or manufacturer.Findproducts and view stock availability through a user-friendlysearchor built-in barcode scanner with the ability to build up acart orproject to checkout online. The application lets youbookmarkproducts or add them to your projects for quick access orto reviewoffline. Always stay connected to the newest products foryourlatest designs. Features: - Find and view new products bycategory,date and manufacturer - Search for products by filteringandsorting results - Build up a cart by adding products fromacrossthe application - The product search tool allows you torefine yoursearch and apply attributes to find components easily -Keep trackof your projects by building groups of parts intoseperate lists -Scan Mouser's barcode to quickly find your product- Bookmarkproducts for quick access - Store products and parts toview laterin projects and bookmarks - View full productspecification andup-to-date pricing - Find real-time stockavailability - Shareproduct information easily via email and socialmedia - ConversionCalculators
TecDoc Catalogue 3.0.4
The global vehicle & replacement parts catalogue
Mobilitat Andorra 1.5.9
The app allows you to plan your trips across the country
iDoklad 15.744
Solitea, a.s.
Co na srdci, to na faktuře. Od května 2021 je mobilníappkaiDokladplnohodnotným nástrojem na faktury. Pokud běháte zeschůzkynaschůzku nebo neradi pracujete na počítači, kvůlifakturacihonemusíte vůbec zapínat. Přes mobilní appkuzařídítekompletníagendu: ● nastavíte si údaje o vlastní firměneboživnosti, ●založíte adresář klientů nebo ceník, ● propojíteiDokladsbankovním účtem, ● nastavíte si automatické upomínkyapoděkováníza úhradu, ● sestavíte cenovou nabídku, ● pošletejiklientovi keschválení, ● vystavíte zálohovku neboklasickoufakturu, ● odešletemu ji jako přílohu e-mailu nebo odkazemkestažení, ● zjistíte,jaké jsou vaše příjmy a výdaje. A mnohemvíc.Mobilní aplikace jesynchronizovaná s webovou aplikací iDoklad.Cozměníte na mobilu,to se upraví i ve webové verzi – a obráceně.Jakzačít? Stáhněte siaplikaci, zaregistrujte se v ní, vyplňte údajeosvé firmě neboživnosti a je to. První fakturu vystavíte zapárminut. Zvládneteto klidně při čekání na schůzku, z chalupynebovlaku. Poregistraci máte 60 dnů zdarma na vyzkoušení všechfunkcí azákladnífakturaci budete mít k dispozici i poté.
Teamleader Focus: manage your 2.5.0
Sell, bill and organise work in one place!
REKKI: ordering app for chefs 21.0.81
Browse distributors, find wholesale ingredients, make orders&pay - no sweat.
Status overview of the heating system:The app gives some information on the main screen about thestatusof the entire system. If a room thermostat is connected,thecurrent room temperature is displayed.Energy saving mode:As soon as the user moves over the distance defined by himselftohis house, the app reminds him activating the energy savingmode.This lowers the room temperature and helps to reduceheatingcosts.Easy online access to your heating system:With just one click the app enables full access to yourheatingcontrol. So you can see all settings and make anynecessarymodifications from anywhere.Note: for the function of the app you need a heatingsystemequipped with a Pelletronic Touch master controller, with2.03operating system version or higher and Internet connection.Theconnection can be established with a network cable or withacommercial WiFi USB stick.
Xelion7 1.1.6
Xelion B.V.
Access Xelion 7 at your office directly from yourAndroidsmartphone.
ViCare 3.21.0
We've rebuilt our platform and made it even prettier. #WeCare
SalesRabbit Mobile Sales Tool 6.26
We’ve got you covered from lead to close. SalesRabbit’sdigitalsales tools will accelerate your teams, optimize yoursalesprocess, and increase your overall sales performance.“Salesproduction has increased by 35%+ per year since we startedusingthe system.” - Marc Cram, Caliber Lead Management Keepingtrack ofyour leads is as important as keeping track of your reps.We’vegiven you the tools to do both, so it’s never been easier tomove alead through the sales funnel. Upload your own lead lists andmapthem out for your teams to work. Quickly assign leads andleadgroups to your reps. They can then use the routing feature tofindthe quickest path between all of their leads. These and othertoolshelp your teams work strategically and effectively moveleadsthrough your funnel. Team Management Staying organized is oneofthe biggest challenges that sales teams face, so we’ve madeiteasier than ever to track your reps, customers, andterritoriesgeospatially. These tools will ensure that your repssave time andstreamline your sales process. Our leaderboardsfeature will trackyour teams and provide you with up-to-date teamperformance data.Managing your reps will be easier than ever.Qualification Don'twaste time with unqualified leads. Know earlierin the salesprocess who is a good fit for your product and directyour efforttowards optimal prospects. Our DataGrid Residentialprovides youwith homeowner information-including income level,buyer/renterstatus, soft credit checks and more-for a fast, easyway toidentify your ideal lead. You can also use our creditchecksoftware to qualify your customers in as little as 15minutes.Business Search Working in B2B? Our DataGrid businesssearchprovides information—including address, phone number,website, andmore— for all the businesses within your area. You canuse keywordsto narrow your results, routing to find the best pathbetweendifferent locations, and our lead management to track yourprogresswith each of them. It’s the smartest and quickest way toprospectand sell. Presentation & Proposal Our digital salestools allowyou to upload your own presentations, videos, PDFs, andmore sothat they're accessible in the field. Use them to train yourrepsor to create a much more engaging presentation, proposal,andcustomer-creation process. It's a great way to standardizeyoursales process across your teams and more effectivelycommunicatewith your prospects. Forms & Contracts Finalizingyour sales isnow completely digital and hassle-free. Create yourown customforms and contracts to meet specific company needs.Customers canalso digitally sign the agreement, so you can closedeals quicklyin the field and head to the next prospect.Integrations Connectyour SalesRabbit account with hundreds ofpowerful web services.We'll do all the heavy lifting and keep yourdata connected, safe,and secure. We're constantly adding to ourlibrary of integrationsso you can enjoy increased functionality, nomatter what industryyou're in. “It is now the MOST important toolused by our salesteams. It has increased our efficiency, led tohigher sales, andallowed us to communicate nationwide with all ofour reps.” - EarlKoskie, Fuse “SalesRabbit has cut the timemanagers put into areamanagement by at least 50% and in a programwhere more time ismoney, the use of SalesRabbit literally pays foritself.” - ErickDemarco, Satellite Guru “As a salesman, it’s soimportant that youknow your leads and where you have knocked, etc.SalesRabbit is theULTIMATE solution for this. I got many salesbecause of it and wasable to truly feel organized.” Brian B,G2Crowd Not part of a team?Use SalesRabbit Lite and benefit fromusing a free door to doorsales app. Download this app and click the"Register for Lite"button.
MyOdoo 3.103.8-RC
MyOdoo - Get the best of Odoo (OpenERP) on your mobile device !
AGCO Tech Connect 5.10.15
Agcocorp Inc
Tech Connect is a suite of tools focused ontheDealer Service Technician.PDI provides the dealer the ability to perform machinespecificdelivery inspections using a laptop or mobile device. TechConnectPDI will ensure that the machine has arrived in theexpectedcondition free of any defects introduced during themanufacturingprocess and possible damage(s) caused duringtransportation.Support Center is the SOURCE replacement you have been waitingfor.Quickly, and easily create and submit incidents to AGCO usingTechConnect Web, or Tech Connect Mobile to get the support you needtoget the job done.Knowledge Objects provides access to all of AGCOs knowledgeobjectswith a streamlined full text search capabilityA multiplatform (Web, Android) solution for technicalinformation,inspections, and incident management.Key Benefits:· Partial Serial Number Lookup· Real time notifications of incident updates.· Capture Photographs and Videos of issues directly from yourmobiledevice (phone or tablet)· Integrated Knowledge lookup, eliminating the need tosearchthrough Knowledge Objects before submitting an incident· Full Text Knowledge Object Search· Filter content by Brand, Machine Type, Series and/or Model· Provide feedback at the Knowledge Object Level· Tech Connect Supports performing Pre-Delivery Inspectionsonlineand offline when an internet connection is notavailable,eliminating the need to print, process and re-enterdatalater.· Mobile device support including Android phones and tablets.
RT310i 2.1.8
The SALUS RT310i gives you the freedom to control your heating.
Work&Track Mobile - Field Serv 3.10.5
The best Field Service Management Workflow Software - Tools and more 2.41
iSmartgate Access 2.2.5
Open your garage door from your Android. Google Assistantcertifiedproduct.
Loxone 14.0.3 (2023.06.20)
Your entire home - in your hands!
Factorial 1.11.11
Human Resources Software
Transakt provides two-factor authentication on yourmobilephone,protecting you from phishing attacks and other onlinefraudbyuniquely linking your mobile phone to your account (at abank,forexample). The app encrypts all communication betweenyourdeviceand your account provider (e.g. the bank). Multipleaccountsfromdifferent providers may be added. On installation, theappwillrequest permission to use your mobile’s camera forscanningQRcodes. To activate an account in Transakt, you will needto scanaQR code (or enter a sign-up code) given to you bytheaccountprovider. Each account provider has their ownactivationpolicy,over which Transakt has no control. Please contacttheaccountprovider directly should you experience anyissuesactivating anaccount. Whenever you wish to log in to anaccount,the app willprovide a secure authentication channel betweenyourmobile phoneand your account provider using a uniquedigitalcertificate placedon your device by Transakt. With a simpletap,you verify youridentity and log in securely. We regret thattabletsare notcurrently supported.
TRUMPF Service App 3.4.0
TRUMPF Service App - The app for your service calls
TrustTrack 1.115
TrustTrack is a real time vehicle monitoring andcontrolingplatform.
Tabbt - Share Expenses 2.6.11
TABBT - SPEND IT TOGETHER *** Winner of the German DesignAward2018*** Tabbt is the free, social finance network forsharingandsplitting expenses and sending money to your friends!Sharecostsand split bills within seconds! Lend or borrowmoneyto/fromfriends without losing track. Forget shuffling cash!Pay thenextround to pay your friends back or send them money fromrightwithinthe app - splitting costs was never this easy! Tabbt isthebestway to keep track of your IOUs, group payments &costsandshared bills with your friends and flatmates:Vacation,apartmentbills, restaurants, roadtrips, taxi rides,office,birthday partys,cash etc. - organizing your group expenseswasnever that easy andquick before. Keep track of your money whileontravel or whenliving in a shared flat. THIS IS HOW IT WORKS:Createa tab, addyour friends, set the amount you paid, adjust thesharesand sendthe tab - done! Everyone receives an instantnotificationwith thecreated tab. All tabs add up to an ongoingbalance betweenyou andyour contacts. Settle up by paying the nexttime. You havealwaysgot the perfect overview of how much you owe towhom and whopaidfor what. Easy, clear and transparent. SOCIALNETWORK: •Sharegroup expenses with your friends • Comment and edit• Inviteyourfriends via SMS, Email or Facebook • or add them asguests iftheyare not on Tabbt GROUPS: Create a group for yourtravel orflatmates. Everyone gets notified about new expenses.OFFLINE MODE:Nointernet connection? No problem! If you are creatinga tabwhiletravelling or being on a trip, the tab will be savedoffline.Assoon as you have an internet connection all tabs will besentandreceived. This makes Tabbt your perfect travel mate. Thankstothesync mechanism, you can use Tabbt on all your devices atthesametime. USABILITY: With a clear UI and a modern design weprovideyoua smooth and comfortable experience when using the app.FREE:Theapp is free and does not contain any ads. However, if youusethePayPal payment option, PayPal Inc. will charge atransactionfree.
Repsly 5.18.50
Repsly, Inc.
Repsly is the smartest way to grow sales & executeretailprograms in the field.
Centriq 4.9.1
Snap It. Solve It. Done!
NetSuite 9.1.18
Take your business with you, with the official NetSuiteforAndroidapp. Designed especially for people on the go, youcansubmitexpenses, approve transactions, access customer data andkeeptrackof key metrics with KPIS and dashboards, meaning you'llneverbeout of touch when you're out of the office. NetSuiteforAndroidsupports all standard roles and instantly adapts toyourlanguagepreferences. Feature Highlights: Dashboard Keep trackofyourbusiness in real-time with KPIs, scorecards, trend graphsandmore.Expense Reporting Track expenses, capture receipts,andcreateexpense reports with just a few taps. Time TrackingTrackyour timewith Timer, view your reported time in Timesheetandsubmit timeentries directly into NetSuite. Business ActionsApproveexpensereports, purchase orders, and timesheets. Convertestimates,acceptpayments, bill sales orders and more. Calls andActivityLoggingEmpower your sales force with call tracking andactivityloggingcapabilities. Records View, create, and edit recordsof alltypesincluding custom records. Recordcustomizationsworkout-of-the-box. Add record lists to Favorites innavigation.SavedSearches View results and drill down to recordsfrom anySavedSearch. NetSuite Calendar Manage your calendar acrosslist andweekviews. View calendars of fellow employees. N.B.Customer,Vendorand Partner Center roles are not supported Byinstalling thisappyou agree to the End User
Gate Control PRO Admin 3.6.0
Client application for Gate Control PRO devices. The applicationcanbe used to control the Gate Control PRO devices produced byT.E.L.L.Software Hungaria Kft. The Gate Control Pro is an internetbasedremote control for electric gates and barriers. Theapplicationconnects to the mentioned device over the Internet,therefore itgenerates data traffic during use! Key features: •Management ofunlimited number of Gate Control Pro devices •Selectve control oftwo gates with a single Gate Control Pro device• Sends SMS and/orPush notification if the gate fails to open orclose • Widgetsupport • Supports 2 Onvif IP cameras per GateControl Pro device,displays online image according to the user’spermissions • Remoteprogramming with administrator andsuperadministrator permissions •Receives Push notifications fromthe Gate Control Pro device(doorbell, technical error, gateposition limit error) • Event logs• Configurable user interface(themes, icons) • Multilingual userinterface Application area: •Electric gates, garage doors, barriers• Parking garages,multi-storey car parks • Residential parks •Other controls Formore information about the Gate Control Prodevice please visit ourwebsite:
Movilizer 2.6.27
Movilizer is the Cloud for Field Operations todriveEnterpriseprofitability at large manufacturing andservicescompanies. TheMovilizer Cloud acts as a MobileEnterpriseApplication Platform(MEAP) and interconnects fieldemployees andmission-criticalprocesses across company boundaries.You can eitherbuild your ownapps and connectors from scratch or useour manyout-of-the-boxsolutions. The apps are built from a singlesourcecode you developand run on different platforms as native,HTML5 orhybridapplications and with full offline/onlinecapabilities.Movilizeris independent of the back-end system in useand enablesyou to usefree existing mobile scenarios. Create mobilescenariosof your ownor integrate agile certified enterpriseback-end systemslike SAP,, Microsoft or Oracle.Features: - Built appandconnectors from scratch or re-useout-of-the-box - Deploy andrunanywhere - Full offline/onlinesynchronization - EffectiveUserExperience - Mash-up of sourcesystems - Exceed industrystandards- HTML5 integration - Track &Trace