Top 25 Apps Similar to Elastix Connect

Asterisk Connect OnlyTheGoodDieYoung
AsteriskConnect uses either ARI (AsteriskRestManager) or AMI ( Asterisk Manager Interface) to make callsthroughthe corporate PBX (Asterisk, FreePBX, TriBox orElastix)It allows you to make calls in a more cost-effective manner(average40-80% cost savings), using your Asterisk PBX to do doCallback orCall-Trought (DISA) calls. Additionally, you can checkthe presenceof your corporate extensiones (BLF). Security isenforced, allowingyou to integrate it with firewalls usingport-knocking, dynamic ips(a no-ip client is included), or acombination of both.More information about features is avaiable at http://www.asteriskconnect.comAllowing VoIP over 3G – Important noteSome mobile network operators may prohibit or restrict VoIP(Voiceover Internet Protocol) over their data network orimposeadditional fees and/or charges when using VoIP over theirnetwork.This aplication uses Asterisk API to do the calls, so itdoes notneed specific VoIP-SIP Ports opened, and can be usedwithouth therestrictions impossed by the operators.NOTE: CONTACT US ABOUT BRANDING / CUSTOMIZATION OF THIS APPFORYOUR COMPANY!!
miniPBX for Asterisk / Trixbox 1.11
The MiniPBX app is a simple straightforwardMobility App for Asterisk, Trixbox, Elastix and FreePBX.The MiniPBX App allows you to modify Asterisk / Trixbox /Freepbx/ Elastix phone extension features such as Do Not Disturb,CallWaiting, Call Forwarding (Unconditional, Unavailable &Busy) atthe tap of a finger .The MiniPBX App will also show you the most recent 15 Voicemailsleft to your extension and allow you to initiate a VoiceMailcallback at the tap of a button to your desired callforwardingnumber.MiniPBX App compliments the mobility of an Asterisk VOIPbasedPBX. If you are not at your desk or on the road you can havefullcontrol of these phone features via your mobile phone or tabletandset your preferences accordingly at the touch of a button.MiniPBX App allows you to retrieve voice mail at the touch ofabutton - no menus, simply see the 15 most recent Voice Mailsthathave been left for you and tap them to initiate a callback toyourdesired call forwarded numberNever miss a call. If your mobile battery is running low oryousimply prefer to use a different phone, you can use the MiniPBXAppto forward calls to a different location and never missthatimportant call.The application requires that users have login credentials totheAsterisk Recording Interface (ARI) portal, which is installedbydefault with Asterisk distributions such as FreePBX Distro,Trixboxand Elastix.This version is fully tested and compatible with Trixbox 2.8andFreepbx 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 & 2.11 .Enable / Disable Do Not DisturbEnable / Disable Call WaitingEnable / Disable and update Call FowardingUnconditionalnumberEnable / Disable Call and update Fowarding Unavailable numberEnable / Disable Call and update Forwarding Busy numberView last 15 Voice Mails left to your extensionOne tap initiation for Voice Mail callbackSecure SSL support where servers are https enabled.CONTACT US ABOUT BRANDING THIS APP FOR YOUR COMPANY!!
Elastix World 2013 1.0
This application provides informationtotheuser about Elastix World (Open Source and VoIPtelephonyevent):workshops and conferences schedules, speaker'sbiographies,inaddition displays all the mentions on twitter aboutthe eventandallows to send comments about the event
myPBX for Android 13r1 sr64 [125874]
IP phone client for smartphones with Android
MizuDroid SIP VOIP Softphone 4.0.44
SIP client for your VoIP server
Zoiper IAX SIP VOIP Softphone 2.20.10
Securax LTD.
Zoiper is a FREE IAX and SIP softphone application for voipcallsover 3G or WiFi. There are NO ADVERTISEMENTS. For supportpleasevisit: Zoiper softphone offers asimpleuser interface and superb audio quality for smooth Voice overIPexperience. Contact us for whitelabel versions with your logoandcompany or for our VoiP SDK if you want to build your ownsolutionor visit Available forboth SIPand IAX systems, Zoiper is a phone solution perfectly fitfor endusers, service providers, call centers or any businesswilling tobenefit from VoIP communications. Want to distribute itto yourusers ? Use the free automatic provisioning systemon and avoid tedious manualconfigurations!.IMPORTANT: Zoiper softphone is a standaloneclient-side softwareVOIP phone application and is not bundledtogether with a voipservice. To make and receive voip calls usingZoiper, you mustsubscribe to any SIP or IAX based service provideracross theglobe. Zoiper's key features include: - Support fordifferent colorschemes - Bluetooth support - Lowest battery usagewith highestreliability / stability on google play - Lowest latencyof allandroid softphones - Excellent audio quality, even on olderdevices- Supports calling over 3G and WIFI - Multiprotocol with SIPandIAX support, compatible with all RFC compliant PBXs - Background/multitasking support - Integration with the native androidcontactlist - Speakerphone mute and hold - UDP and TCP transports(use TCPfor better battery life!) - Supports g711 (ulaw, alaw),speex, iLBCand gsm codecs - Supports sending of DTMF - DNS SRV -Built-in echocancellation - STUN support - Change ringtone peraccount - Callwaiting - Video support (gold users only) - ZRTP /TLS support(gold users only) - Call Transfer (gold users only) -Widebandaudio (gold users only) Zoiper is also available ascustomizedbranding solutions or VoIP SDK, please contact us formoreinformation. - Phones that are unstable because they havebrokenaudio implementations: Alcatel one touch series (poor audiodriverscause system freezes and crashes) HTC one m8 (causesfreezes.)WARNING: using Zoiper as a default dialer may interferewithdialing 911 emergency services. WARNING: Please use onlyversionsfrom the appstore, we have reasons to believe some of the(russian).apk files floating on the web contain a trojan that mightstealusername and password and make fraudulent calls. Theofficialzoiper from google play is safe to use.
VoIP PBX Manager 1.1
With the VoIP PBX Manager app youcaneasilymanage extensions from the VoipNow (4PSA) Hosted PBX. Youcanmakea transfer to a mobile phone or a local phone number. Youcanalsoenable the voicemail. The app overwrites the incomingcallrules.VoipNow 3 is the minimum requirement.Log in with the username and password of the "user"thatmanagesthe extension.
Asterisk BLF 1.10
Asterisk Busy Lamp Field indicator, withphonecontrol.The application allows you to initiate calls from one phonetoanother on the Asterisk PBX or in the directory of theAndroidphone.
Regis Montoya
OpenSource (GPL) project for SIPonAndroid.* High performances* Rewriting/filtering rules for integration with Android* SIP SIMPLE for Messaging* Record calls* Simple configuration* Fancy UI inspired from 4.x Holo theme* Many codecs (HD codecs, optimized codecs)* Supported crypto : TLS for SIP and SRTP/ZRTP for media* ThemesMore codecs (as the experimental Opus) and themes are availableinplugins !About permission required by CSipSimple : report your bugs to the bug tracker of the project : ithelpsus to make a better software !!!Users make the apps : It's opensource ! This applicationisdistributed under GPLv3 licenseterms( You can also trythedevelopment version (nightly builds) available on theprojectwebsite if you experiment problems with this version.keywords : SIP, codecs, voip, GPL, dialer, voice over IP,freesoftphone, sip softphone, sip phone, telephony, softphonesoftwarefree, voip phone, softphone sip, pbx
AsteriskDialer 1.0.2
Daniel Tryba
Originate calls using the AsteriskManagerInterface ( minor UI bug fixes (still not perfect)-cut&paste working-button for droids without a hardware call buttonIf you don't have access to an Asterisk machine and themanagerinterface, this application will be of no use to you.
Luna PBX 1.5.2
Use your phone to make and receive calls on your NumbergroupLunaPBX service.
ZEF Apps
Call forwarding made easy.Easily manage your call forward with this app. Ideal when youdon'twant to/can't carry your phone with you or you will have nosignalwhere you are going.Note that your service provider and your plan mustsupport/providecall forwarding. There may also be additionalcharges for usingcall forwarding. If in doubt check with yourservice provider.Also, you can always contact us (before or afteryou bought theapp).This app lets you...* Three types of home screen 1-click widgets:activation,cancellation or toggle* Create multiple call forward locations (home, office, etc.)andassign them to any or all of four call forwarding types- All calls- When busy- When there is no answer- When unreachable* Enable automatic activation/deactivation for 'Allcalls'forwarding- Specify day of the week and hour to activate/deactivate onacustom schedule- Specify one time event to activate call forwarding* Activate and cancel locations with a single click* Call forward settings- Default GSM codes- Presets for Verizon and Sprint (**please check with yourproviderfor charges associated with using call forwarding**)- Customizable codesIf you service provided is not listed, and you have the codes foritsend us an e-mail and we'll incorporate it into the app.Questions or concerns? If you got the app, be sure to checkthein-app help (Menu->Help), or just send us an e-mail.
Automatic Call Forwarding 4.1.7
Bong Cheung
Automatic call forwarding triggered byconnecting/disconnectingwifi.
Advanced Call Settings 1.3.2
Enhanced replacement for the Call Settings menu on Android phone.
Абонент не отвечает 1.2.1
Пожалуйста внимательно прочитайтеданноеописание! Программа простая, но со сложным функционалом :)Программа "абонент не отвечает" позволяет Вам понеобходимостипобыть "вне зоны доступа", хотя телефон остаетсявключен и всесервисы работают (исходящие звонки, СМС, MMS,мобильныйинтернет).Если Вам предстоит важный разговор по TELEGRAM, SKYPE,VIBER,WhatsUp или с помощью других программ IP-телефонии, товыберитережим "КОНЬЯК" и будьте спокойны - Ваш разговор не будетпрерванgsm звонком!ВНИМАНИЕ! Чтобы узнать кто Вам звонил в режиме"коньяк"используйте услугу "кто звонил", "Вам звонили", Вашегооператора.Проверено, с билайном точно работает, приходят СМСки опропущеныхзвонках! Скорее всего и у других операторов будетработатьтоже.Если Вам нужно отдохнуть от звонков и заняться делом,используйтережим "СОВЕЩАНИЕ". звонки будут в бесшумном режимепоступать нателефон на несколько секунд и далее уходить навыбранное Вамиголосовое сообщение.Основное удобство - ИНИЦИАТИВА ЗВОНКА НЕ ПЕРЕХОДИТ К ВАМ, тоестьте, кто Вам звонили, услышав автоответчик "абонент неотвечает"будут перезванивать сами!Это очень удобно :)ВНИМАНИЕ, НА ТЕЛЕФОНАХ С 2я СИМ КАРТАМИ КОРРЕКТНАЯРАБОТАПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ НЕ ГАРАНТИРУЕТСЯ, Т,К, ВСЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛИ ПОСВОЕМУ, НЕСТАНДАРТНО, РЕАЛИЗУЮТ ФУНКЦИИ ВТОРОЙ СИМ КАРТЫ!!!Отличие между режимами "КОНЬЯК" и "СОВЕЩАНИЕ" - во второмслучаев списке пропущенных вызовов Вы будете видеть номерателефонов, впервом - нет.Варианты голосовых сообщений:1. "Абонент не отвечает или временно недоступен".2. "Аппарат абонента выключен или находится вне зоныдействиясети".3. "Данный вид связи недоступен для абонента".4. автоответчик израильской сотовой сети5. будут и другиеЕсли у Вас есть идеи новых автоответчиков - присылайте текст,судовольствием реализуем:)По истечению установленного Вами времениавтоответчикавтоматически будет отключен.Работа программы не влияет на прием и отправку СМС, MMS инавозможность совершения исходящих звонков.Во время работы приложения в строке статуса появится белыйшарикв котором будет отображаться оставшееся время в минутах.Пояснение по правам, запрашиваемым приложением:а) "Доступ к звонкам" - для посылки команд на установку иснятиепереадресации.б) "Доступ к интернет" - для загрузки рекламы.с) "Доступ к карте памяти" - программа записывает на картусвоесостояние на случай отключения питания телефона.д) "Запуск при включении телефона" - на случай пропаданияпитаниятелефона. При возобновлении питания программа вовремяотключитавтоответчик.е) "Отключение спящего режима" - чтобы программа моглачеткоотрабатывать во время "засыпания" телефона.Ключевые слова: "автоответчик", "не беспокоить", "внезоныдоступа", "переадрессация", "переадресация", "неправильнонабранномер", не правильно набран номер", call forward,callforward, outof coverage, answer mashine, do not distribe,DND.Please readthisdescription carefully! a simple program, but withcomplexfunctionality :)The "party does not answer" allows you as necessary to stay"outof reach", although the phone is switched on and all serviceswork(outgoing calls, SMS, MMS, mobile Internet).If You have an important conversation on TELEGRAM, SKYPE,VIBER,WhatsUp or other IP-telephony software, then select the"cognac"and do not worry - your conversation is interrupted gsmcall!ATTENTION! To find out who called you in the "cognac" useservice"Who Called", "You have been called" your operator. CheckedwithBeeline operates exactly come SMSki missed calls! Most likely,andother operators will work, too.If you need a break from phone calls, and get down tobusiness,use the "Meeting" mode. calls will be in silent mode toenter thephone for a few seconds and then go off in your selectedvoicemessage.The main convenience - Initiative calls are not transferredtoyou, that is, those who call you to hear the answeringmachine,"you do not answer" will call back for yourself!It is very convenient :)ATTENTION, 2nd on the phone with sim cards THE APPLICATION ISNOTGUARANTEED, T, K, all manufacturers on the, not a standardthatimplements the functions of the second SIM card !!!The difference between "cognac" and "Meeting" - in thesecondcase in the missed calls list, you will see a phone number inthefirst - no.Options for voice messages:1. "The subscriber does not answer or istemporarilyunavailable."2. "The recipient's machine is turned off or out ofcoverage."3. "This type of communication is not available for theuser."4. autoresponder Israeli network5. will be otherIf you have ideas for new autoresponders - you can send text,happyto sell :)At the expiration of the time you set your answering machinewillbe turned off.The work program does not affect the reception and sendingofSMS, MMS, and the possibility of making outgoing calls.In the white ball in which to display the remaining timeinminutes while the application will appear in the status bar.Explanation on the rights requested by the application:a) "access to it" - to send commands to the installationandremoval of forwarding.b) "Access to the Internet" - to download advertising.c) "access card" - the program writes to map the condition onphonepower failure.d) "The launch of the phone is switched" - in case of failurethephone power. When power is restored the program in time willturnoff the answering machine.e) "Turn off the sleep mode" - so the program can work wellduring"sleep" phone.Keywords: "answering machine", "do not disturb", "out ofreach","redirect", "forwarding", "wrong number" is not correctlydialed ",call forward, callforward, out of coverage, answermashine, do notdistribe, DND.
800 Number Call Forwarding 0.0.1
Lance Pitman provides true 800 and888toll free numbers that you can forward world wide to cellphones,land lines, google voice, skype-in and any other number.Manageforwarding, extensions, departments, voicemail andmore.
SMS + Call Forwarding 1.0
Gelo Santos
Notifier allows your phonetoautomaticallyforward incoming SMS and calls to any mobilephonenumber and replywith automated or customized messages.Features:Specify mobile phone number to forward messages and calls toSpecify mobile phone number will send replies to be forwardedOption to forward received SMS to specified phone numberOption to forward calls to specified phone numberOption to notify the specified number through SMS once acallisreceivedDevelopers:M MicuMaria Czarina De VeraMark Angelo Santos
Blokirator caller ID anti-spam 2.8.8
Get rid of unwanted calls from collectors, banks,microfinanceorganizations and other spam once and for good. Theblocker willprotect you from unwanted calls. You can fine-tune thelevel ofprotection to suit your needs, from simple notification ofunwantedcalls to complete blocking. Safe and completely free.Theapplication has many options for blocking incoming calls frombothhidden and unknown callers, a personal blacklist, blocking SMStextmessages, a blocked call log and many options forfine-tuning.Calls are blocked imperceptibly, without disturbing youever again!Caller Information Caller ID displays information aboutan incomingor missed call from an unknown number, including thename of theorganization, it's category and number rating. Theblocker canimmediately warn you that a scammer is calling, and canalsoautomatically block a known spammer to keep you from anunpleasantconversation. Application features: - Effective blockingofincoming calls and SMS messages. - Advanced automatic callerID,the ability to find out who called, even if the number is notinthe contact list. - Personal black list - blocking anyphonenumber, area code, as well as blocking by mask. - Blocking bytime,rating and category: banks, MFOs, collectors, spam. - Abilitytochange the blocking method: drop the call, mute, accept andreset.Additional functions: - Dark and light theme. - Blocking SMSandMMS messages. - Setting for phones with 2 SIM cards (Dual SIM).-Blocking calls from hidden and unknown numbers. - Protectionofcontacts - you will never miss an important call from a callerfromyour contacts list. - Caller ID: During an incoming call, youcanimmediately see who is calling. - Block any area code, forexample:+1 202, +1 302. - Support for blocking by mask, forexample: +1305-555-????. Advantages: - Finished and constantlyupdateddatabase of numbers: collectors, banks, microfinanceorganizationsand other unwanted numbers. - Protection against spam(anti-spam),phone scammers, advertising, surveys, resellers,financial pyramidsand other intruders. - You can find out who iscalling from anunknown incoming phone number, caller ID. - Worksoffline - uses anoffline database, does not require an Internetconnection. Choose aprotection level and get rid of unwanted callsfor good.
PBX LinQ - FreePBX User Portal 6.1
Provide your customers and staffwithmobileaccess to the FreePBX User Portal.Simple and seamless integration from your favorite mobile device.- Current Featureso - Call Monitor - view your call historyo - VoiceMail - list and listen to your voice mail messageso - Feature Codes - View the list of available feature codeso - Follow Me - view and change your Follow Me numberlistandsettingso - Phone Features - view and change all phone featureslikecallwaiting, DND and call forwardingo - Phone Settings - view and change all phone settingslikepasswordand notifications- Features in development:- Call Monitoro - Add call to phone contacts- VmX LocatorRegister your site, then distribute the app to yourcustomersandstaff.-=[ Free, Site and Enterprise plans available ]=-Visit: for more information.** PBX LinQ Mobile App is currently onlyavailableinEnglish.We are evaluating the potential of producingamultilingualversion.We will keep you informed of any decisions or newsrelatedtothis.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPPORT: http://support.pbxlinq.comIf you have any problems or issues...Please use our support portal to submit a ticket.We will work to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version detailsv5 (5.1) - July 21, 2014- Added support for lower Android versions (from 2.2.x)- General library updatesv4 (4.1) - June 4, 2014- Fixed issue with Voicemail list- Internal library update (from v1.2 to v2, includingjQueryMobileupdate from v1.3.2 to v1.4.0)v3 (3.1) - November 27, 2013- Fixed issue with destination value displayed inCallMonitor.- Internal library update (from v1 to v1.2, includingjQueryMobileupdate from v1.3.0 to v1.3.2)v2 (2.1) - Internal releasev1 (1.1) - June 9, 2013- Initial (a division of e-City Solutions Inc)2 Bloor Street West, Suite 700, Toronto, ON M4W 3R1CA/US Toll-Free: +1 (855) 909-LINQUK National: +44 (20) 3519-LINQWorldwide: +1 (567) 263-LINQ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some important keywords: PBX LinQ, FreePBX, Asterisk
Linphone 5.1.4
Linphone is an open source internet SIP phone or Voice Over IPphone(VoIP).
Kikyu Call Forwarding 1.1.1
Tired of getting calls to your mobileatyouroffice desk?Meet Kikyu, the app that applies call forwarding onyourincomingcalls towards your desk phone.Once you leave your office, the call forwardingisdisabledautomatically by the app.Upgrade yourself with a magic sticker:The sticker allows to activate the callforwardingwithone-single-touch by the smartphone to it.The magic sticker can be ordered via ourwebsitewww.kikyunfc.comNote: Best used for unlimited calls mobile packages.You may be charged by your mobile operator forthecallsforwarding.Please be sure that your operator doesn't charges extra costsforthecall forwarding.Contact us at [email protected] to getthemagicstickers !For any suggestion or support please refer : [email protected] less headache avoiding radiation :) !
Dialer 1.1
Citelia Dialer permite al usuario delmóvilatravés de su tarifa de llamadas contratada podercomunicarsedemanera directa con las extensiones fijas de sucentralitasinnecesidad de pasar por ninguna operadora. Ademáspermitehacerllamadas a través de las plataformas delGrupoCiteliaidentificando la numeración fija de su empresa odomicilio.Permiteademás restringir las comunicaciones de su móvilparaqueúnicamente pueda efectuar llamadas a losdestinosdeseados.También permite poder efectuar llamadas dirigidas a unoovariosdestinos sea cual sea la marcación que se envíeenlallamada.Y multitud de funciones adicionales totalmenteparametrizablesporlos sistemas del Grupo CiteliaCiteliaDialerallowsmobile users through its call rate contractedtocommunicatedirectly with their fixed PBX extensions withoutgoingthrough anyoperator. It also allows making calls throughGroupplatformsCitelia fixed numbering identifying its companyoraddress.Restrict communications also allows your mobile so youcanonlymake calls to desired destinations.It also allows to make calls to one or moredestinationsdialingwhatever is sent in the call.And many additional functions fully configurablesystemsCiteliaGroup
gTalk PBX 2.1.11
Genusys Inc.
gTalk PBX smart-phone app
Who calls? Caller id real name 7.1.3
Phone number call lookup! Check their true names, blockrobocallsand spam calls
Seanet Cloud PBX 2.0.0
Sea-Net Cloud PBX is a FREE SIPsoftphoneapplication for VoIP calls over 3G/4G/ Data network andWiFi.Sea-Net Cloud PBX key features include:* Sea-Net Cloud PBX connects office extensions on Smartphonesoteam members can talk to each other for Free while using3G/4G/Data network and WiFi.* Essential enterprise telephony features* View files, photos, links, and notes shared by teammembers.* Initiate face-to-face or group video meetings in HD* Make HD Voice calls to co-workers or start anAudioConference* Search for co-workers* Sea-Net Cloud PBX connects team members globally* Configure message notifications to fit your needs.* Sea-Net Cloud PBX saves your mutual communication cost* Sea-Net Cloud PBX keeps you connected with your office PSTNnumberor DID number globally.* Dashboard with Real time system status* DID (Direct inward Dialing)* Call recording in real time* Say goodbye to expensive premises PBX today.This app works in concert with the browser-based managementtoolfor any Sea-Net Cloud PBX account. You'll be required toregisterto use Sea-Net Cloud PBX.