Top 4 Games Similar to Leatherhead Singh Taxis

Royal Borough Cars 1.0.8
Royal Borough Cars is a FREE appforbookinglicensed minicabs in London. This App is poweredbyMinicabster.Booking a minicab via the Royal Borough Cars app isfasterandeasier than calling us directly and gives you the pricedirecttoyour mobile or tablet device.Book a journey in 3 simple steps:1) Enter your journey details to gain real-time prices.2) Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver.3) Receive email / text confirmation of your journey,knowingyouwill travel safely with a licensed minicab.Features of the App:- Receive real-time prices.- Pre-book all your journeys.- Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver- Receive prices specific to your requirements (childorboosterseat, wheelchair access, executive car etc...)- Ability to use GPS to "locate me" if the pick upaddressisunknown.- Remembers your favourite addresses for faster bookings.- Re-submit a favourite journey to retrievepricesimmediatelywithout having to enter journey detailsagain.- Text and email booking confirmations sent to you withthecontactdetails for Royal Borough Cars should you need tomakeanychanges.
Geo Cars 1.0.8
Geo Cars is a FREE app forbookinglicensedminicabs in Leeds. This App is powered byMinicabster.Booking a minicab via the Geo Cars app is faster andeasierthancalling us directly and gives you the price direct toyourmobileor tablet device.Book a journey in 3 simple steps:1) Enter your journey details to gain real-time prices.2) Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver.3) Receive email / text confirmation of your journey,knowingyouwill travel safely with a licensed minicab.Features of the App:- Receive real-time prices.- Pre-book all your journeys.- Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver- Receive prices specific to your requirements (childorboosterseat, wheelchair access, executive car etc...)- Ability to use GPS to "locate me" if the pick upaddressisunknown.- Remembers your favourite addresses for faster bookings.- Re-submit a favourite journey to retrievepricesimmediatelywithout having to enter journey detailsagain.- Text and email booking confirmations sent to you withthecontactdetails for Geo Cars should you need to makeanychanges.
SNS Private Hire 1.0.8
SNS Private Hire is a FREE appforbookinglicensed minicabs in Leicester. This App is poweredbyMinicabster.Booking a minicab via the SNS Private Hire app isfasterandeasier than calling us directly and gives you the pricedirecttoyour mobile or tablet device.Book a journey in 3 simple steps:1) Enter your journey details to gain real-time prices.2) Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver.3) Receive email / text confirmation of your journey,knowingyouwill travel safely with a licensed minicab.Features of the App:- Receive real-time prices.- Pre-book all your journeys.- Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver- Receive prices specific to your requirements (childorboosterseat, wheelchair access, executive car etc...)- Ability to use GPS to "locate me" if the pick upaddressisunknown.- Remembers your favourite addresses for faster bookings.- Re-submit a favourite journey to retrievepricesimmediatelywithout having to enter journey detailsagain.- Text and email booking confirmations sent to you withthecontactdetails for SNS Private Hire should you need tomakeanychanges.
ПДД Россия 2016
NDFL software
Официальный текст Правил ДорожногоДвиженияРоссийской Федерации, с иллюстрациями, всеми дополнениямииприложениями на 01.08.2015.Федеральный закон Российской Федерации "О полиции"Возможность установки на карту памяти, привычноеперелистываниестраниц, сохранение последней прочитанной страницыпозволит читатьи запоминать правила дорожного движения в любомудобном месте, влюбое удобное время.1. Общие положения2. Общие обязанности водителей3. Применение специальных сигналов4. Обязанности пешеходов5. Обязанности пассажиров6. Сигналы светофора и регулировщика7. Применение аварийной сигнализации и знакааварийнойостановки8. Начало движения, маневрирование9. Расположение транспортных средств на проезжей части10. Скорость движения11. Обгон, опережение, встречный разъезд12. Остановка и стоянка13. Проезд перекрестков14. Пешеходные переходы и места остановок маршрутныхтранспортныхсредств15. Движение через железнодорожные пути16. Движение по автомагистралям17. Движение в жилых зонах18. Приоритет маршрутных транспортных средств19. Пользование внешними световыми приборами извуковымисигналами20. Буксировка механических транспортных средств21. Учебная езда22. Перевозка людей23. Перевозка грузов24. Дополнительные требования к движению велосипедистов иводителеймопедов25. Дополнительные требования к движению гужевых повозок, а такжекпрогону животныхПриложение 1 к Правилам дорожного движения РоссийскойФедерацииДОРОЖНЫЕ ЗНАКИ - ДОРОЖНАЯ РАЗМЕТКА И ЕЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ -ОСНОВНЫЕПОЛОЖЕНИЯ ПО ДОПУСКУ ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВ К ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИИОБЯЗАННОСТИ ДОЛЖНОСТНЫХ ЛИЦ ПО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЮ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИДОРОЖНОГОДВИЖЕНИЯ - ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ И УСЛОВИЙ, ПРИКОТОРЫХЗАПРЕЩАЕТСЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ СРЕДСТВThe official text oftheRules of the Road of the Russian Federation, withtheillustrations, all additions and applications on08/01/2015.Federal Law "On Police"Can be installed on the memory card, the usual flippingpages,saving the last read page allow you to read and memorize therulesof the road in any place, at any time.1. General Provisions2. The general duties of drivers3. The use of special signals4. Duties of pedestrians5. Duties of the passengers6. Traffic lights and traffic controller7. Use the alarm and warning triangle8. The beginning of the movement, maneuvering9. Location of vehicles on the roadway10. Speed11. Overtaking, proactive, oncoming traffic12. Standing and parking13. roundabouts14. Pedestrian crossings and stops route vehicles15. Movement through tracks16. Driving on motorways17. Movement in residential zones18. Priority routing of vehicles19. Use of external light devices and sound signals20. Towing of motor vehicles21. Training Riding22. Transport of people23. Freight24. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists andmopedriders25. Additional requirements for the movement ofanimal-drawnvehicles and animals to the purlinAppendix 1 to the Rules of the road Russian road signs -roadmarkings and its characteristics - GENERAL PROVISIONS FORADMISSIONOF VEHICLES TO OPERATING AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS FOR THEROAD SAFETY- List of faults and the conditions under whichprohibits operationof vehicles