Top 50 Apps Similar to Educabrains Maths for Kids

Erudito - Навчальні ігри для початкової школи.
Діти хочуть грати! 🎮 Освітній додаток Erudito перетворює навчаннянагру! Дитина грає на смартфоні і паралельно краще розумієшкільнупрограму 📲 Без реклами! Навчальні ігри для початкової школи,тести,інтерактивні завдання, рейтинги та багато іншого! 🥇НАВЧАЛЬНИЙДОДАТОК, ВЧИТЕЛІ РЕКОМЕНДУЮТЬ👨🏫👩🏫 Розвивайте інтелектвашої дитиниза допомогою інтерактивних завдань! ІНТЕРАКТИВНІ ІГРИДЛЯ ШКОЛЯРІВ3-4 КЛАСІВ! Erudito пропонує навчальні ігри для дітей7-10 років уцікавій ігровій формі. Завдання розроблені вчителями,які складаютьпрограми для шкільних підручників, тому програмадопоможе дітямкраще засвоїти предмети початкової школи і розвинутисвої природніздібності. ГРАЙТЕ І ВЧІТЬСЯ З ОСВІТНІМ ДОДАТКОМERUDITOПриєднуйтесь до кращого в Україні додатку для учнівпочатковоїшколи з більш, ніж 400 вправами з таких предметів:Математика,Українська мова, Англійська мова і Я досліджую світ.Всього 20хвилин на день, щоб краще засвоїти шкільну програму задопомогоюінтерактивних коміксів Erudito! ⏰ 💪 ДОПОМОЖІТЬ ДИТИНІЗАСВОЇТИШКІЛЬНУ ПРОГРАМУ! Всі предмети шкільної програми 3-4 класув однійпрограмі! Ми приділили особливу увагу якості завдань, томувErudito вони на 100% відповідають шкільній програмі 3-4 класівНуш.А саме: ✔ завдання з математики 3 клас ✔ українська мова 3 клас✔вивчаємо англійську мову 3 клас ✔ Я досліджую світ 3 клас✔завдання з математики 4 клас ✔ вивчаємо англійську мову 4 клас✔українська мова 4 клас ✔ Я досліджую світ 4 класРегулярневиконання завдань Erudito дозволить: ✔ посилити увагуіконцентрацію, ✔ поліпшити пам'ять і здатність до навчання,✔розвинути лінгвістичні навички, ✔ удосконалити арифметичнінавички,✔ покращити навички взаємодії з навколишнім світом. ЗErudito легкотренуватися, грати і готуватися до наступного класу іздачі ДПА.Дайте вашій дитині кращі перспективи з Erudito! 🚀 ОКРЕМИЙАККАУНТДЛЯ БАТЬКІВ! Додаток Erudito допомагає дітям тренуватися, абатькамспостерігати за успіхами дитини! 🥳 Щоб розуміти, з якимитемами удитини виникають складності, батьки можуть використовуватизвітипро успішність. ВЧІТЬСЯ ЛЕГКО І ВЕСЕЛО На відміну відіншихнавчальних програм для дітей, тут немає необхідності вдокладнихналаштуваннях, які займають багато часу. Просто завантажтеі все:готово до роботи! ✔️ 🏆 Ось чому батьки і вчителі вибираютьEruditoсеред інших навчальних програм. Крім високоякісних ігор,Eruditoдопомагає дітям розвивати свої навички та сприяти успіхувнавчанні. СКІЛЬКИ ПОТРІБНО ЗАЙМАТИСЯ В ДОДАТКУ ERUDITO? 💪Щоденнітренування: 20-хвилинного щоденного тренування досить, щобдитинастала краще вчитися в школі. Виконуйте завдання, заробляйтепризи іперемагайте в онлайн-битві!
Academons - Elementary lessons 2.8.40
Fun Learning App for kids 6 to 12. Math, ELA, Science,SocialStudies, Spanish..
Educational Games. Memory 4.2
12 games to stimulate memory and concentration for children
Kids Educational Games. Attent 3.9
Have fun and learn with this educational game!
Read and Count 4.1
Apps Bergman
Learn the complete and illustrated alphabet, counting to100,shapes, and more
Preschool learning games 2+ 07.02.007
Shapes, colors & counting games for preschoolers and basicmathfor kids
Kids Numbers and Math FREE 2.5.1
★★★ Important Announcement ★★★We now offer an All-in-One Pack, which includes access to thefullversions of all of Intellijoy's existing and future apps andcomeswith a free 3-day trial. Get ithere: will learn to:✔ Count✔ Compare numbers✔ Add✔ Subtract✔ Match numbersWouldn't it be just wonderful if there was a simple gameforpreschoolers that made learning numbers and basic mathskillsenjoyable? There is! It's called Kids Numbers and Math - anditwill teach your kids how to count, as well the basics ofaddition,subtraction and much more!By playing the activities, kids earn puzzles pieces for their"BugCollection Puzzles".The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, withnumbersgoing up to 20.The game is from Intellijoy, where we specialize ineducationalgames with the fun built right into them.Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can'tfinda better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.
Times tables for kids & MATH-E 01.00.023
Learning games to help kids learn maths and improvetheirmultiplication level
Matemáticas con Grin I 4,5,6 a
First part of the counting method, the first numbers, addandsubtract easily
ABC Dinos: Kids Learn to Read 23.08.004
Learn and write the alphabet letters! For preschoolers and kidsofearly Grades
Learn to Read! Bini ABC games! 5.0.0
Bini Games
Enjoy & learn - tracing letters, jolly phonics and learningABCalphabet game!
Monster Math 2: Fun Kids Games 1193
Math practice game for grade k-5. Learn Addition,MultiplicationFacts.
Play-Doh TOUCH
Hasbro Inc.
SHAPE SCAN EXPLORE: See your physical Play-Doh creations cometolife virtually
Math Games for kids: addition 23.08.002
Perfect for Preschool & Elementary school: countinggames,numbers, addition ...
Math Makers: Kids Learn & Play 01.12.00
Fun educational STEM game that teaches place value, addition&common core maths
Smart Games. Stimulate your brain 2.7
Have fun and learn with Smart Brain’s games! Edujoypresentsacollection of mental entertaining games tostimulatedifferentareas such as reasoning, memory, coordination,creativityandflexible thinking, among others. In this collectionyou willfinddifferent games for the intellectual development ofchildrensuchas: - Repetition of series or patterns to stimulatememoryandconcentration through mental training - Searchforwords,differences or discordant elements to enhance attentionspananddifferentiation skills - Stimulate fine motor skillsthroughthebimanual coordination of elements - Boostvisuospatialskillsthrough the repetition of symmetrical patterns orpuzzlesolving -and many more! FEATURES - Daily training ofthedifferentintellectual areas - Available in different languages-Elementswith fun animations - Completely free game - Forchildrenof allages EDUCATIONAL GAMES FOR COGNITIVE STIMULATIONThroughthedifferent games that are included in this application,thelittleones will be able to develop their differentintellectualandlearning skills. These are created specifically tostimulateareassuch as reasoning, memory, attention,coordination,creativity,visuospatial skills, strategy or flexiblethinking.ABOUT EDUJOYThank you very much for playing Edujoy games.We lovecreating funand educational games for children of all ages.If youhave anyquestions or suggestions about this game you cancontact usthroughthe developer contact or through our socialnetworkprofiles:twitter:
Math rescue: Mental Math Pract 1116
3rd-grade math and 4th-grade math games! Kids math playgroundandfun math facts
Toon Math: Math Games 2.0.9
Run + Math = Fun! Practice math while having fun with thissupercool math game!
First Grade Learning Games 6.9
21 fun and educational games for 1st Graders!
Monster Math - Math facts 116
Cool Fun Games for 7, 8, 9 year old girls and boys - first,second,third grade
Connect the Dots - Dinosaurs 2.1.1
Kedronic UAB
To learn what is in a picture, connect all the dots by alphabetorby numbers.
123 Dots: Learn to count 23.09.001
Preschool learning games for toddlers. Learn basic skills for 2 -6years old
Multiply & Division (2х2) 2.3.0
N/A Studio
Math for Kids - Table of multiplication and division. (2x2)
Smile and Learn: Educational games for kids 6.9.12
Smile and Learn is an app for children age 3 to 12, includingmorethan 5,000 educational activities, games, interactive storiesandvideos for kids age 3 to 12. Our goal is for your kids todevelopand strengthen their multiple intelligences and cognitiveabilitieswhile having fun. Features of Smile and Learn'seducational games,stories and videos for kids ✔ More than 5,000activities ineducational games, videos and interactive storiesforchildrenwithin one app, monthly updated. ✔ Stories forkidsdesigned and supervised by teachers and experts in education.✔Games for children to train and develop their cognitiveabilities:comprehension, languages, attention and creativity. ✔Games andvideos for kids with lovely illustrations, animations,stories andsounds that will awaken your children's imagination. ✔Innovativeeducational method applied in hundreds of schoolsthroughout theworld, for kids to learn while they have fun. ✔ Gamesfor kids totrain and develop their multiple intelligences:linguistics,logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, naturalistic… ✔Perfect forchildren to learn foreign languages: all our stories andgames forchildren come with a voice-over, available in spanish,English,french, Italian and Brazilian. Moreover, the storiesincludepictograms, making it easier to read for children withspecialeducational needs, such as hyperactivity, autism, Downsyndrome andintellectual disabilities. ✔ In our app for children,your kidswill be able to sum, subtract, multiply and divide, tolearn thevowels and consonants, to draw, paint or solve challengingpuzzlesand also to recognize their own and others' emotions. ✔ Weoffer asafe environment, without ads, in-app purchases and oraccess tosocial media. ✔Our app offers parents detailed data on thetime ofuse and progress of your kids and useful recommendations toguidethem. You'll be able check the report activity of each gameandinteractive story played by your children. ✔ Some of our gamesandstories for children are 100% FOR FREE. However, to enjoythecomplete collection, you have to subscribe. You can try ONEMONTHFOR FREE. Advantages of subscribing n ✪ Access to all SmileandLearn games, videos and interactive stories for children ✪ Onlyfor6,99€ a month ✪ Monthly subscription, automatically renewed ✪Youcan cancel your subscription at your online store, at least24hours before its renewal Children with special needs Our appfullof games for children is constantly updated and improved.Weadvocate for an inclusive education and we work to make iteasierfor children with special needs to learn with our educationalgamesvideos and stories. We include pictograms in all of ourchildren’sstories, a main menu to configure features, like thelevel ofdifficulty and provide an additional quiet modewithoutchronometer, to make it easier for children withhyperactivity,autism, Down syndrome or intellectual disabilities tolearn whilesmiling! HELP A problem? Drop us a line [email protected] POLICY AND TERMS OFUSE
Educational games for kids 7.6
Best educational games for kids
ABCKids: Games for Toddlers 4
Learn letters, phonics, numbers, shapes, colors and more in afunway!
Tiny Puzzle - Learning games 2.0.92
+50 activities, baby games for girls, kids games for boys, gamesforkids
Smartick Kids Learn Math 2.2.3
Math for kids. Learn with problem solving exercises. Learninggamesfor kids.
Fun Math Facts: Games for Kids 8.8.1
Master addition, subtraction, multiplication tables and divisionincool game!
Baby Panda's Math Adventure
Try out puzzles, manage the farm, and feed dinosaurs!
Monster Numbers Full Version: Math games for kids 09.01.001
Math games for kids: Addition, subtraction,mentalarithmetic,division, times tables. Learning games ofcountingnumbers andsequence for preschoolers. Perfect for theyoungchildren too!Monster Numbers is an excellent educational gameforlearningmathematics for kids: addition and subtraction,timestables,multiplication, sequences and division,mental-mathcalculationsand problem solving for k-12 school. A funedutainmentapplication.Run, jump, count, add, substract, multiplyand divideto win. It'san actual game! Highly adaptable edutainmentdesign! Itis suitablefor all ages! AGE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT: - Ages:4-5(Preschool):Children from ages 4 and 5 (kindergarten) will findageappropriategames to match their maturing level inmathematics:counting coins,logical sequence, number recognition,associationquantity andnumbers, sums of sets of coins (easyaddition). - Ages:6-7 (1stand 2nd graders): Children ages 6 and 7(first grade andsecondgrade of elementary school) practice mathactivities:logicalsequences, additions without regrouping,subtractions withcoinsand subsequently subtraction withoutregrouping. -Ages 8-9yearsold (3rd and 4th graders): From age 8 to9 (third grade andfourthgrade of elementary school) the math gameconsists of:mentalarithmetic sums of two-digit numbers, mentalmathsubtractions,times tables (learn to multiply), multiplication,andsequences.-Ages: 10- 16 years old (5th and 6th graders): Fromage10 (fifthand sixth grade of elementary school and MiddleSchool)the mathgame consists of: mental arithmetic additions,mentalmathsubtractions, times tables, multiplication, division,andmorecomplex logical sequences. - From ages 16 to 100:))(SecundarySchool and adults) : the game will be a greatchallengefor thisage range as well, increasing the difficulty ofthemathematicaloperations and the rest of the levels.METHODOLOGYMonster Numbersaims to mix fun with learning, therefore,if you useit in schoolwe recommend to let the child play freelythrough thedifferentlevels. The difficulty in the math facts, sums,additionandsubtraction, multiplication, division, times tables,sequenceandcounting of coins, is adjusted automatically and dependsontheirmistakes and successes. So: don't help! Let them learn mathinanautonomous way!! Many teachers of k12 school and parentsuseoureducational app as a reward for well-done tasks fortheirstudentsor children. If they have correctly completedmandatorywork inschool then they are allowed to play our App.REASONS TOPLAY Thebest part is children will engage in learningmathwithoutrealizing, due to the great adventure they areexperiencingwithTob the squirrel. Our squirrel is lost in the worldofMonsterNumbers and the children: WILL HAVE TO COME TOTHERESCUE!!!! To dothis they must overcome countless obstacles andtryto recoverTob’s spacecraft pieces. They can jump, run, slide,fly,shoot, allwhile doing fun math facts (addition,subtraction,multiply, learnto divide…) that can always be adaptedto yourlevel. They’ll livean exciting adventure all while learning.Ourvideogame can beplayed by boys and girls ages 4 and up(Preschool,1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th, 6th graders). Designed byDIDACTOONS,specialists ineducational VideoGames, fashioned bypsychologistsandprofessionals with extensive experience in theeducationalfield.With Monster Numbers your child will learn mathwithoutrealizingit. You won’t be disappointed!!
Dino Puzzle 4.5.1
Dino Puzzle - Dinosaur Games for Kids and Toddlers
Dinosaur Math - Games for kids 1.2.5
Dinosaur Math Academy: 30 math games for Curious kids!
Third Grade Learning Games 6.5
21 fun and educational games for 3rd Grade!
Coding for Kids - Robot Games 1.0.8
Move blocks to control the mecha, explore the world, and learntocode!
Canticos Bilingual Preschool 2.0.16
Bilingual learning at its best with videos, books, games and more!
Aprender a leer 2 Grin y Uipi
Learn to read 2 reverse syllables, locked and readingcomprehension.
Sixth Grade Learning Games 6.6
21 fun and educational games for Sixth Grade!
RMB Games 2: Games for Kids 1.2.25
Play tons of fun learning games for kids, including sorting, 123andABC games!
Second Grade Learning Games SE 6.4
RosiMosi LLC
21 fun and educational games to help your child learn 2ndgradelessons!
Math Land: Addition Games 23.09.001
Mental math games for kids to learn arithmetic, subtractionandmultiplication
Logic Land Puzzles Adventures 3.4.0
Games for all ages to train IQ, memory, logic, spatial reasoningandattention
Kids Numbers and Math
Wouldn't it be just wonderful if there wasasimple game for preschoolers that made learning numbers andbasicmath skills enjoyable? There is! It's called Kids NumbersandMath.By playing the activities, kids earn puzzles pieces for theirBugCollection Puzzles.The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, withnumbersgoing up to 20.Just to make sure, you know we also have a readingcurriculum,right? It consists of Kids ABC Letters, Kids ABC Trains,Kids ABCPhonics and Kids Reading.Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.Let's do the rest of the description in aquestion-and-answerform.★ What activities are included?✔ learning numbers✔ choose max/min number✔ addition✔ subtraction✔ find a match✔ advanced exercisesThere are more advanced exercises, too, and a surprising numberofchildren enjoy the game so much they do them, too.If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can'tfinda better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.★ What will my children learn?Your child will learn to compare, add, subtract andmatchnumbers.★ What won't my children learn?The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Once your child is involved and happy, you can relax, withtheassurance that he or she is having a great time –andlearning!If you'd like to test the game yourself before you buy it, weoffera free lite version.★ Hey, how did you take the top four spots in theEducationsection?✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see theirpreschool-agedchildren being both educated and quietly happy.Google noticed ourgreat reviews and then featured and promoted ourapps.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.We hope your children enjoy all the fun and education we'vebuiltinto our game of Kids Numbers and Math – and that you'll enjoyourother kid-friendly games, too.
Math games for kids: 1-2 grade 2.0.3
Fun math games: Learn addition, multiply & division withcoolvisual appeal!
Math Kids: Math Games For Kids 1.6.1
RV AppStudios
Fun game for preschoolers to learn addition, subtraction,countingand math!
Learn to read Spanish
Learn to read Spanish and write the alphabet.
ReadUp: Ayuda a leer mejor 1.85
Improving reading and reading comprehension is fun with theGlifingmethod
Numbers for kids 1 to 10 Math 8.2022_25_10
Mama papa
Numbers for kids from 1 to 100 touch learn game. Countingnumbers.Math Game!
Math & Logic - Brain Games 9.3.4
#1 Adaptive Math Exercises for Children 2 to 10 Years of Age