Top 15 Apps Similar to C Programming

C Programming 3.2
C Programming Language tutorial app with collection of programs.
C Programming Zone 3.0
#1 Application for C Programming. Best Application for CProgramming----------------------- Please Note that-----------------------Instead of giving us a lower rating, pleasemail us your queries,issues or suggestions. We will be happy tosolve them for you :) Youcannot run or execute programs with thisapp. The output is alreadytested and displayed for your reference.Thank You forunderstanding. -------------------------------------Features:Chapter wise C Tutorial C Programs with comments forbetterunderstanding (300 C Programs) Code Hightlighting Output foreachprogram Night-mode switching Copy the programs and Sharewithfriends with long click Zoom In & Zoom Out CInterviewQuestions with Answers C Game Examples (source code) VerySimpleInterface ----------------------------------------- Throughtheseapp you to carry hundreds of C Programs ,C Tutorials ,InterviewQuestions & C Game Source Code in your android. Thisappcontains almost all types of C Programs with comments andcodehighlighting. It contains 300 programs with output and alltheprograms have been tested so that there are no errors. Italsocontains a short C Tutorial for learning and revising conceptsof Clanguage. It is useful for learning C language & forthepreparation of test & quiz . Interview questions withAnswershave been added so that the user can can prepare for theinterview. The questions and answers are written in a very simpleformatthat anyone can understand with a beautiful interface. Tomake CProgramming more fun C Game source code have been includedsuch asSnake , Tic Tac Toe , Minesweeper , etc. With these sourcecodestudents and beginners can learn the working of games . Allthebest..... game programming tutorials c program cprogrammingtutorial c examples c example c programs collection cprogram guidec programming guide c learning tutorial c programmoffline ctutorial logical programs java android c
C Programming - Learn Code, Theory & Discuss 3.3.5
C Programming Course is all in one Application to learnCProgramming Language (C Language). Included Theory with manyCPrograms with output. C Program. 📖💻 Features: ★ Fully Offlineforstudies. ★ Absolutely free. ★ Contains all basic concepts of'C'programming language (C Language). ★ Included all basic theoryofC. ★ Nearly 100+ C Programs with console outputs. ★ EasytoUnderstand each and every C Program. ★ Easy language ★InDiscussion Panel, user can ask any problem related withprogrammingand also help other user for solutions. ★ User friendlyGraphics UI(User Interface). ★ Easy to use. Easy to learn CLanguage.***************************** Developed By : ShreyasSharad PatilSPDroid -------------------------------------- ForAdsFree VersionOf This App: Found any problemsregarding app, Please Contact me byE-Mail.--------------------------------------- Learn to code! Useandlearn C Programming with thisapp.....!--------------------------------------- Contents Included★Introduction ★ Tokens ★ Constants and Variables ★ Keywords ★DataTypes ★ Variables ★ Data Input/Output ★ Operators ★DecisionControl Structure ★ Loop Control Structure ★ Array ★TwoDimensional Array (2D) ★ Function ★ Types of Functions ★RecursiveFunctions ★ String ★ Storage Classes ★ Preprocessors ★Pointers ★Array of Pointers ★ Pointer to Pointer ★ Structure ★Union ★Command Line Arguments
C for U (500+ C Programs) 1.0
No Ads. No snags. Just You and C.
C Pattern Programs 9.3
650+ C pattern programs, 250+ other useful programs, Learn C,Videotutorials.
Test Your C Programming 1.0
"Test Your C Programming" allow you totestyourknowledge of C programming has both mode test and practice.It will improveyourknowledge.Itwill be also helpful for different typesofexamination.
Learn C Programming 3.3
This app is designed section-wise for better understanding andeasyaccess of C Programming Language. There are many programs and200+MCQs are included in this app along with a large database fornewlyintroduced test section (different from MCQ section). Thiswilldefinitely help you for getting better at C programminglanguage.This app contains four main segments. That are, 1) Theory,2)Practice Programs, 3) Multiple choice questions with answers and4)Test Segment. **Theory Segment :- In this section, the usercanfind all the basic theory and information regarding CProgrammingLanguage, topic-wise. This section is subdivided intovarioustopics meticulously for better understanding of learner.Thesetopics are well sequentially arranged for easy accesses, andtheinformation is instantly retrievable, accordingly.**PracticeProgram Segment : In this section, the learner can findlargenumber programs for practice and practical understanding ofthe Cprogramming language. The user is requested to type thegivenprograms in their C language compiler and run it and observetheoutputs. **Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Segment : Thissectioncontains 200+ multiple choice questions for the practice ofthelearner with facilities to check the correctness of the answersaswell as to obtain the correct answer to the question.**TestSegment : The Test Segment offers a unique opportunity forthelearners to self-evaluate themselves. The learner has beenprovidedwith an option to choose the number (10 to 30) of questionsto becovered in the “Test”. The program selects and projects 10 to30questions (MCQs) randomly from a large database (separate fromMCQsegment database). The result of the test will be displayed inaneasily comprehensible graphics. The app interface isquiteuser-friendly. Wherever and whenever you require anyinformationabout C, you are just one tap away..... ALL THEBEST..... We onceagain look forward to your continued support. Asalways we striveto serve you better, for which your invaluablefeedback andsuggestions will certainly help us a lot. We assure youthat yourinvaluable guidance will surely be considered in our nextversion.
Learn C 1.6
The app isnowat: version is no longer supported, due tosometechnicaldifficulties.
101 C Programming Problems 4.0
Collection of 101 C Programming practice problems for beginnerlevelstudents.
Logical C Programs 1.2
Logical C Programs application has alllogicalcprogram with output.Logical C Programs application allows you to learn CProgramslikeOdd or Even, Basic Maths, Leap year, Vowels,SimpleInterest,Compound Interest, HCF and LCM, Swapping, CalculateAreaof Circle,Sum of Digits, Reverse number, Palindrome number,Primenumber,Armstrong number, Fibonacci series, Divisor,Factorial,Linearsearch, Binary search, Bubble sort, Insertion sort,Selectionsort,Circumference of Circle, nCr and nPr, Print serieslike 0 72663..., Print series like 1 + 4 + 9..., Table of n number,Findmaxno from array, Find min no from array, Insert elementinarray,Delete element from array etc...Logical C Programs application is good for beginnerstolearnbasic as well as advanced C programming. This app is alsobeusefulfor studying during exams as well as forinterviewquestions.
Mobile C [ C/C++ Compiler ] 2.5.2
Learn programming ( coding ) on your mobile devices.
C Program
A Ultimate tool for learning C Program.• Maximum number of programs with outputs.• Programming concepts.• No need of internet connection for learning c program• Simple Beautiful Design.
Complete C Programs 2.0
Keep all your basic C programs all the time handy.
C Tutorial 2.1
Everything You Need to Know About C Prog.(Tutorial + Programs+FAQ+Terminology)
Basics of C Programming 6.2
The app is a complete free handbook of Basics ofCProgramminglanguage which covers important topics,notes,materials, news& blogs on the course. Download the App asareference material& digital book for Computer science&software engineeringprograms & degree courses. This usefulApplists 60 topics withdetailed notes, diagrams, equations,formulas& coursematerial, the topics are listed in 6 chapters.The appis must havefor all the engineering science students&professionals. Theapp provides quick revision and reference totheimportant topicslike a detailed flash card notes, it makes iteasy& useful forthe student or a professional to cover thecoursesyllabus quicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Trackyourlearning, setreminders, edit the study material, addfavoritetopics, share thetopics on social media. Use thisusefulengineering app as yourtutorial, digital book, a referenceguidefor syllabus, coursematerial, project work, sharing your viewsonthe blog. Some of thetopics Covered in the app are: 1.Introductionof Operating System(O/S) 2. Types Of Operating System(O/S) 3.Programming Environment4. Write and Execute the C Program5.Introduction to the DigitalComputer 6. Concept of an Algorithm7.Correctness and Terminationof an Algorithm 8. AlgorithmstoPrograms 9. Specification ofAlgorithm 10. Top-Down DevelopmentinAlgorithm 11. Use of highlevel programming language forthesystematic development ofprograms 12. Introduction to thedesignand implementation ofcorrect, efficient and maintainableprograms13. Trace an Algorithmto Depict the Logic 14. Number SystemAndBase Conversions 15.ASCII Character Encoding 16. Standard I/O inClanguage 17.Fundamental Data Types and Storage Classes 18.PrimaryData Types19. Storage Classes in C Language 20. Operator,OperandandExpression 21. Types of Operator 22. OperatorprecedenceandAssociativity 23. Control Instruction in C language24.ConditionalControl Instruction 25. Forms of If Statement26.Program Loops 27.Iteration 28. Modular Programming 29. FeaturesofModularProgramming 30. Scope of Variables 31. Arrays32.ManipulatingArray Elements 33. Multidimensional Arrays34.Structures 35.Declaring a Structure 36. Pointers 37.PointerOperations 38.Dynamic Memory Allocation 39. Stacks 40.Linked List41. SequentialSearch and Sorting Arrays 42. String 43.Text Files44. Standard CPreprocessor 45. Macros 46. ConditionalCompilation47. Passingvalue to the Compiler 48. Standard C Library49. StringHandlingFunction 50. Math Functions 51. General CProgramming 52.VariableDeclaration in C language 53. C Constant 54.StorageClasses 55.Loops in Programming 56. Repetition of For Loops57.Statement in Clanguage 58. Control Statements in C 59. FunctionInC Programming60. Recursion 61. Fibonacci Series 62.FunctionProgramming The appprovides the concepts you need to learnbeforeyou get into codingwhich is o/s, algorithms, codingprinciples,pointers, stacks,macros and more. Each topic is completewithdiagrams, equationsand other forms of graphical representationsforbetter learningand quick understanding. Basics of C Programmingispart ofcomputer science & software engineeringeducationcourses andinformation technology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.