Top 50 Apps Similar to Montessori Monster Math Lab

Montessori Numberland 5.3
Count & trace numbers up to 9
Montessori Nature 1.1.7
Explore. Nurture. Grow At last a gardening app that doesn't costtheearth!
IQ Aprender a Leer con Juegos 0.1.55
The application to learn to read with more fun games.Preschoollevel.
Montessori Words & Crosswords 2.1.0
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Easy Music for kids 1.0
Easy Music - Give kids an ear for music. No theory required.
Montessori Words & Phonics 2.1.5
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Spanish easy *
natsamar APP
New to Android! No ads and high resolution images. TOP10Educational iPad/iPhone apps in Spain, Mexico, Argentina andothercountries ¡¡ EXPERT OPINIONS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ".. Hasall theingredients needed to make it educational, as well as fun.Providesthat the child can play alone, without an adult with you tomakethe game fun or effective feature that is not very common inthistype of applications. It is undoubtedly one of the mostrecommendedapps in this category that are on the market. " "Theillustrationsare very attractive visually and the audio is veryexciting thanksto the use of children's voices." Read Full Reviewat:★ ★★ ★ ★ AppsMama "If your children are beginning to learn lettersandto read this is your application ..." "We would have found itveryuseful and an application with a very reasonable price for allthatit offers. Highly recommended. " Read Full Reviewat: Learn to read is an educational game forIpad.Allows, with spectacular results, learn letters andimprovereading, learning regardless of the state in which you are.It ischild's play, made for children, where they can easilynavigatethrough intuitive menus and striking high-definitionimages. Thefirst level is aimed at children who do not know thelyrics. Afterhearing a distinctive sound, the child must solve thepuzzle, whilelearning the letters of the alphabet by playing andhaving fun.After solving it, appears a pretty picture that shows ifyou gothit while trying to guess the sound. The second level isforchildren who already know the lyrics. It is the best complementforhow they form syllables and words and allows them toquicklyimprove their ability to read. These form the words thatcorrespondto the sound heard. You have to place them in the correctorderfrom left to right. If not, or if the letter is placed inaninappropriate place, sounds an error message and the letterisplaced below the rightful place really. If the letter ispositionedcorrectly know the name of the letter. Give your childtheopportunity to learn a multitude of sounds and scenes ofanimals,atmospheric elements, transport, etc..
Matemáticas con Grin I 4,5,6 a
First part of the counting method, the first numbers, addandsubtract easily
Le Bonheur de Lire 1.3
Learn to read French with a fun and proven method!
Montessori Preschool Games 3.22.300523
The Parent-Approved Play Learning App for Kids of All Ages.
Learning Games for Kids 1.47
Queleas LLC
Preschool and Kindergarten Friendly Games for Kids- ReadingActivity
Count to 10 1.21
Learn Numbers from 1 to 10 with Montessori!
ABCKids: Games for Toddlers 4
Learn letters, phonics, numbers, shapes, colors and more in afunway!
Number, Count & Math for Kids 1.6.5
Help preschoolers learn: numbers, counting, addition, patterns&shapes
French Words for Kids 2.1.0
Learn french using letters sounds !
Aprender a leer 2 Grin y Uipi
Learn to read 2 reverse syllables, locked and readingcomprehension.
Montessori Preschool, kids 3-7 5.2
A comprehensive preschool app: from ABCs to reading, writing&much more!
Matemáticas con Grin II 678 mu
2nd part of the method - from 6 to 8 years: fractions,multiply,calculation ...
Write 123 - Learn Kids Numbers 1.53
Teach preschool kids to write the numbers from 1 to 20.
Sight Words Adventure - read a 2.1
An early reading & spelling adventure to recognize, read,andwrite sight words!
iLearn: Numbers & Counting for 2.0.0
Help preschool kids learn numbers & counting
Spanish Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
Sababa Kindergarten Math – math games for kids
Math games for kids: addition, subtraction, countingkindergartenlearning games
Write ABC - Learn Alphabets 2.1.39
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in tracing game LearnAlphabetsGames for Kids
Math & Logic - Brain Games 9.3.4
#1 Adaptive Math Exercises for Children 2 to 10 Years of Age
Kid-do Juego educativo para niños 0.6
Fenix Web Pro
Kid - Do es una aplicación que hará divertir y entretener a losmáspequeños de la casa. Una de las maneras más eficaces deaprenderpara los niños es jugando, por lo que Kid - Do es unaexcelenteaplicacion que tiene las siguientes características:*TotalmenteGratis. *Diseños agradables. *Categorias de Animales,Objetos,Números, Letras y mucho más. *Modalidades de juegos:1-Juego deMemoria: juego que le permitirá al niño o niña trabajarel nivel deconcentración, motivar el pensamiento rápido y mejorarla memoriavisual. 2- Juego de Tamaños y formas: Comprenderá lasdiferenciasen los tamaños y formas y colocará cada uno de lasimágenes en laposición correcta, otorgando beneficios en sudesarrollo cognitivo.3- Rompecabeza: rompecabezas con distintosnúmero de piezas, quepuede aumentar la concentración en el niño oniña, desarrollar supaciencia, y estimular a resolver problemascotidianos. 4- Salto deplataformas: divertida manera de fortalecerla concentración yprecisión en los niños, estimula la paciencia ydesarrolla lapercepción de espacio-tiempo ayudando a mejorar sucrecimientointelectual. 5- Y mucho más ... Gracias por descargarKID - DO esideal y perfecto para los niños! Si tienes algunapregunta osugerencia no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
Aula Matemáticas 4.1
The most entertaining way to practice math exercises 6 to 12 years
Tynker Junior 4.6.690
Coding game for ages 5-7. Designed for early learners whoarelearning to read!
Educational Kids Games Learning Math Reading Books
Learn about language and math with free educational games and100+books!
Pupitre 1.1.6
Pupitre es la aplicación de Santillana paraquetus hijos aprendan mientras se divierten.En la Librería de Pupitre encontrarás una serie decuadernos,basados en el concepto “ficha”, dirigidos a:-Niños entre 3 y 5 años, cuyos contenidos fomentan eldesarrollode habilidades y destrezas básicas, a la vez querefuerzan losconceptos trabajados en Educación Infantil (la granja,los oficios,la familia, los animales domésticos…).-Niños entre 6 y 11 años, cuyos contenidos repasan yconsolidanlos objetivos que se persiguen en el primer ciclo deEducaciónPrimaria en las áreas de Matemáticas, Lengua, Ciencias,Inglés yArtística.¡Y esto no es todo! En Pupitre tus hijos encontrarán unexclusivosimulador de texturas con el que podrán dibujar ypotenciar sucapacidad artística, representando un mundo lleno defantasía,imaginación y creatividad.Un sistema de recompensas acorde a sus edades, cierraestainnovadora aplicación favoreciendo en tus hijos la curiosidad yelinterés por seguir aprendiendo.Desk Santillanaisapplying for your children to learn while having fun.In the Library Desk you'll find a series of books based ontheconcept "tab", aimed at:-Children Between 3 and 5 years, whose contents promotethedevelopment of basic skills and, while reinforcing theconceptsworked in kindergarten (the farm, crafts, family, pets...)skills.-Children Between 6 and 11 years, whose review andconsolidatethe objectives pursued in the first cycle of primaryeducation inthe areas of mathematics, language, science, Englishand Art.And this is not all! In Pupitre your children will findanexclusive textures simulator with which they can draw andenhanceartistic ability, representing a world of fantasy,imagination andcreativity.A reward system according to their ages, thisinnovativeapplication closes favoring your children's curiosity andinterestin further learning.
Studycat: Kids Learn Spanish 26.10.8
Spanish learning app: educational language games for preschool&young children
Studycat: Kids Learn French 26.10.8
French learning app: educational language games for preschool&young children
ABCmouse Mathematics Animation 1.2.0
100+ animations on addition, subtraction, geometry,problem-solving,and more!
English for Kids 1.25
English for Kids is simply the best way to introduce English toyourkid.
Writing Wizard - Handwriting 3.4.2
A fun app to learn handwriting - Learn to write letters, words,andnumbers
Baby Einstein: Storytime 1.0.2
Explore early learning concepts with 12 engaginginteractivestories.
Phonics Farm Letter sounds & S 1.3.1
Preschool Games For Kids 9.4
Queleas LLC
Distance Learning for kids in preschool and kindergarten
Licona Apps
Learning the Vowels in Spanish has never been so fun!
English Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach Your Kids English in a fun and engaging way.
English 456 Aprender inglés pa
Learning English for children from 3 to 6, 7 years at home oratschool
Apprendre à Lire - Syllabique - Gratuit 2.9
Plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'enfants utilisent déjàSyllabique.Recommandé par de nombreux orthophonistes pour apprendreà lire,gratuit et complet, ce jeu éducatif s’appuie sur laméthodesyllabique pour apprendre le français tout en s’amusant dèsl’âgede 3 ans. A travers des niveaux progressifs et structurés,l’enfantassimile les sons, puis les syllabes, puis leur assemblage.Un belavantage pour votre enfant ! Caractéristiques: ** Gratuit :Tousles niveaux, du premier au dernier, sont accessiblesgratuitement.** Efficace : De nombreux enfants ont appris lalecture grâce à cematériel pédagogique. ** Rigoureux :Apprentissage strictementsyllabique conçu par des professeursexpérimentés. ** Complet : Unecentaine de niveaux avec une nouvellesyllabe par niveau. ** Suivi: L’adulte peut analyser la progressionde l’enfant grâce auxscores. ** Motivant : Des tests et couleursencouragent l’enfant etsoulignent ses progrès. ** Epanouissant :Chaque enfant progresse àson rythme et avec plaisir. ** Progressif: D’abord voyellessimples, puis 1ère syllabe des mots, puis 2, puis3 syllabes parmot. ** Evolutif : Chaque niveau tient compte desacquisitions desniveaux précédents. ** Polyvalent : Adapté auxenfants précoces, oudans la moyenne, ou nécessitant un soutiencomplémentaire dansl’apprentissage de la lecture. Convient aux 3ans, 4 ans, 5 ans, 6ans, 7 ans, depuis la moyenne section et grandesection jusqu'aucp, ce1, ce2, cm1. ** Mobile : A la maison, envoiture ou en train,une connexion Internet n’est pas nécessaire. **Soigné : Environ250 belles images illustrent les mots en français.
Ortografía Española 1.1
La ortografía en español es para que los niños aprendan aescribirya escribir. Tiene más de 1000 ortografías paraaprenderconimágenes. También indica la ortografía incorrecta consonido silosniños ingresan errores ortográficos. Nuestro tecladoenlaaplicación no solo mejora la velocidad de escritura,sinoquetambién reproduce sonidos cuando se presiona una tecla.Losniñostambién aprenderán a pronunciar palabras, ya quehemosincluido elmotor de texto a voz. Caracteristicas 1. Seincluyentreinta y seiscategorías de ortografía. 2. Aprender laortografíade losalfabetos. 3. Aprender la ortografía de losanimales. 4.Aprenderla ortografía de las frutas. 5. Aprender laortografía delasverduras. 6. Aprender la ortografía de las partesdel cuerpo.7.Aprender la ortografía de las palabras a la vista. 8.Aprenderlaortografía de los números. 9. Aprender la ortografía delasflores.10. Aprender la ortografía de las aves 11. Se incluyen100palabrasa la vista. 12. Aprender la ortografía del transporte.13.Aprenderla ortografía de los meses. 14. Jornadas deaprendizajedeortografía. 15. Aprendizaje de la ortografía deformas.16.Aprender la ortografía de los colores. 17. Aprenderlaortografíade los animales domésticos. 18. Aprender la ortografíadepalabrasde tres letras. 19. Aprender la ortografía de laspalabrasdecuatro letras. 20. Aprender la ortografía de palabrasdecincoletras. 21. Aprender la ortografía de las palabras deseisletras.22. Aprender la ortografía del médico y del hospital.23.Aprenderla ortografía de la cocina. 24. Aprendiendo planetasyortografíaespacial. 25. Aprendizaje de la ortografía de laspartesde lacomputadora. 26. Aprender la ortografía de los elementosdeOffice.27. Aprender la ortografía de los elementos de la saladeestar.28. Aprender la ortografía de los elementos de baño.29.Aprenderla ortografía de los elementos escolares. 30.Aprenderlaortografía de las profesiones. 31. Aprender la ortografíadelasactividades en interiores. 32. Aprender la ortografíadelasactividades al aire libre. 33. Aprender la ortografíadelosanimales acuáticos. 34. Aprender la ortografía delosalimentos.35. Aprender la ortografía de los países. 36.Aprendizajedeortografía de palabras mixtas con cuatro categorías.38. Lasdocecategorías de ortografía son gratuitas. 39. Todaslascategoríastienen imágenes de alta calidad. 40. El botón SpeakIthablará laortografía. 41. El botón Ayúdame mostrará laortografíaen caso deque los niños no sepan. 42. Botón de borrar yborradorparaeliminar uno o todos los caracteres escritos.43.Configuraciónpara habilitar o deshabilitar el sonido de lasteclasy el texto avoz. 44. Botones Siguiente y Anterior si deseaomitirlaortografía.
Smartick Kids Learn Math 2.2.3
Math for kids. Learn with problem solving exercises. Learninggamesfor kids.
Corneille: reading in French 3.3.4
Fun educational phonics games and books in French for childrenaged3 to 8
Cursive Writing Wizard - Kids 3.4.6
A fun app to learn cursive handwriting - Letters, numbers &addyour own words!
Pooza - Educational Puzzles fo 5.0.2
Educational puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers designed bybrainscientists
Kids Puzzles - Learning words 2.6
Toddler solve puzzles & learn English, German, SpanishandFrench sight words
My Math Academy 2.7.1
From the creators of ABCmouse, My Math Academy is abreakthroughgame-based program that adapts to your child's specificlearningneeds and habits. Perfect for children ages 3–8, My MathAcademyhelps build a strong understanding of foundational mathconceptsand skills and is proven* to significantly improve resultsandinspire a love of math! Every child is unique. Theirlearningshould be, too. Key Features: • Over 200 LearningObjectives --Improve skills in counting, the base-tensystem,addition/subtraction operations, and more • EngagingChild-CenteredDesign -- Kid-friendly characters keep young learnersengaged,motivated, and entertained in an interactive learningenvironment •Curriculum Aligned Activities -- Standards-basedlearningactivities featuring scaffolded instruction and targetedfeedbackthat corrects misconceptions, avoids frustration andmaximizeslearning • Adaptive Technology -- Responds to eachchild'sindividual needs and adjusts the difficulty in real-time toensureeach child is always learning at the appropriate level •ExpertlyDesigned -- Developed by a team of authorities ineducation, childdevelopment, and design • Real-Time Monitoring --Track learningprogress including identifying which conceptschildren excel at,where they are struggling, and targetedrecommendations on how tohelp • Offline Activities -- Recommendedprintable activitiespersonalized to meet each child's unique needs.These activitiespromote real-world application, improveconcentration, and increaselearner confidence • Family-Friendly --Parent coaching videos andfamily-based enrichment activities enableparents to participate intheir child's learning and build healthyparent-child learningrelationships • Research Based -- Proven tosignificantlyaccelerate early elementary children's math skills andfostergreater engagement in math* Subscription Options: This appofferstwo membership options: $9.99 monthly for one child,$59.99/yearfor up to three children. After the trial period of 30days, thesubscription automatically renews unless auto-renew isturned offat least 24-hours before the end of the current period.Paymentwill be charged to the payment source associated with yourMy MathAcademy account. The account will be charged for renewalwithin24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identifythecost of the renewal. Subscriptions may be managed by the userandauto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user'sAccountSettings after purchase. *See Age of Learning-sponsoredstudies: See our full TermsandConditions: our PrivacyPolicy:
123 Dots: Learn to count 23.09.001
Preschool learning games for toddlers. Learn basic skills for 2 -6years old