Top 5 Apps Similar to Determinantes

Matrix PRO 1.9.1
Matrix operations View step by step the resolution
Numerical Systems + ASCII 1.19
Binary, hex or any base! ASCII, BCD, GRAY, AIKEN and more
Matrix operations premium 5.2.7
The following operations are available in the application:-Solutionof systems of linear equations bymethods:    ★Gauss;     ★Cramer;    ★Jordan-Gauss;    ★The inverse matrix; - Findingof thematrix determinant by methods:    ★Sarrus(only for the matrix 3x3);    ★Decompositionon the first line;    ★ Reductionto thetriangular form; -Finding of inverse matrix bymethods:    ★Gauss;    ★Jordan-Gauss;    ★Algebraic Supplements; -Solution ofmatrix equations - Matrixconstruction - Multiplicationof a matrixby a number - Finding therank of the matrix -Transposition ofmatrices - Matrixmultiplication - Subtraction ofmatrices -Addition of matricesApplication Features - Specialkeyboard formore convenient dataentry; - Full, step by stepdescription ofsolutions; - Ability tosave decisions; - Ability toedit savedsolutions - Works withoutaccess to the Internet webversion -https://matrix-operations.comKeywords: matrix calculator,matrixoperations, matrix determinant,matrix calculator, linearequations
Óscar Montero Fernández
LINEAR ALGEBRA PLUS is surprinsingly intuitive and easytouse.Videos containing examples of all its capabilitiesareavailable onthe website below. In them, you can see how fastandeasy to manageit is. A medium or long press on the solutionisenough to show thesteps followed to solve the exercise. Itallowsyou to save allcalculations in a LaTex file so that it canbeturned into a pdfdocument. WITHOUT ADVERTISEMENTS MATRICES: Up to8matrices, withup to 10 rows and columns, can be stored invariablesA, B, ...X,and then used in further calculus. Theprogramme cancalculate thedeterminant, rank and inverse of eachmatrix. Complexmatrixexpressions (A*(B^(-1)-3A) can be easilysolved, and all thestepsare shown. It evaluates the determinant,rank and inverseofmatrices with one parameter. It also obtainslowertriangularmatrice, even with a parameter, displaying the stepsofthe Gaussand Gauss-Jordan method. It also calculatesthecharacteristicpolynomial, eigenvalues and eigenvectorsofendomorphisms andchange of basis matrices P y P^(-1).LINEARSYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS:It classifies and solves Dependent/Independent Consistent Systemsor Inconsistent Systems of up to10equations, even with oneparameter. It also shows the steps tosolvethe system (Gauss'Method, Inverse Matrix Method and Cramer'sRule).POLYNOMIALS: Upto 8 polynomials (max grade = 9), can bestored invariables A, B,...P and then used in differentpolynomialexpressions. Itfactorises and calculates rational andreal rootosof polynomials .Polynomial divisions are possible (allthe stepsare given).Complex expressions can be easily solved(p^3*(2p-q^2)),whichmakes it easy to solve a great variety ofequations. It showsallthe steps necessary to factor a polynomialwithout more thanmakinga long click on the solution. 3D GEOMETRY:This module allowsyouto enter points, vectors, straight lines andplanes, andthencalculate new ones dependent on the first ones("linewhichcontains a point and is perpendicular to aplane","pointsymmetrical about a straight line" ... ) or makecalculuswith them(intersections, distances, relative positions,angles,change ofbasis ...). By making a long press on the screen,it showsall thenecessary steps to obtain the solutions (by variousmethodswhenpossible). 2D GEOMETRY: This module allows you toenterpoints,vectors and straight lines, and then calculate newonesdependenton the first ones ("line which contains a pointandisperpendicular to another line", "point symmetrical aboutastraightline" ... ) or make calculus with them(intersections,distances,relative positions, angles, change ofbasis ...). Bymaking a longpress on the screen, it shows all thenecessary stepsto obtain thesolutions. MOREINFORMATION:WEBSITE:
Moravec 2.0.7
Moravec is the ideal app to improve your mentalcalculationabilities.