Top 50 Apps Similar to Ease: Birth Control Reminder

Nurx - Birth Control and PrEP 1.0.0
The Nurx app is the most convenient and affordable way totakecareof your personal healthcare needs online. Our licensedmedicalteamprescribes birth control, PrEP for HIVprevention,prescriptiontreatment for oral and genital herpes,emergencycontraception, andhome STI and HPV tests—privately,affordably, andon your schedule.Featured in Women’s Health, NPR,InStyle, ELLE,Forbes & more!HOW IT WORKS 1.Tell the Nurxmedical team aboutyour healthhistory.👩‍⚕️ 2.A provider prescribesmedication ororders hometests, if appropriate.💊 3.We deliver toyour door indiscreetpackaging.📭 AFFORDABLE PRICES ✔Get birthcontrol startingat $15 or$0 with insurance. ✔99% of our PrEPpatients pay $0 forthemedication. ✔Herpes treatment, HPV tests, andSTI tests arecoveredby many insurance plans, and we offeraffordable pricing ifyoudon’t pay with insurance. ✔Pay $15 for themedicalconsultation,which unlimited includes follow-up messagingwith ourmedical team.✔Delivery is always free. BIRTH CONTROL Getbirthcontrolprescribed online and delivered free. Choose from100+formulas —pill, ring, patch, or shot. ✔Answer questions aboutyourhealth.✔We prescribe and deliver to your door. ✔Refillsareautomatic.✔Message with our medical team any time torequestchanges or askquestions. HERPES TREATMENT Nurx prescribesanddelivers theantiviral medication valacyclovir (generic Valtrex)topeople whohave been diagnosed with oral or genital herpes.*✔Answerquestionsabout your health and your herpes outbreaks. ✔Ourmedicalteam willprescribe valacyclovir either for outbreaks orfordailyprevention. ✔We send valacyclovir to your doorindiscreetpackaging. *At this time we only offer herpes treatmenttopeoplewho have been diagnosed. If you suspect you have herpesbuthavenot received a diagnosis we recommend you see anin-personproviderthe next time you experience an outbreak. PrEP FORHIVPREVENTIONNurx is the most convenient and affordable placetoaccess PrEP.Our PrEP Home Test Kit lets you do the requiredtestingfrom home.✔Use the app to connect with a member of ourmedicalteam. ✔We’llsend you a discreetly-packaged PrEP Home TestKit thatyou returnby mail, prepaid. ✔If PrEP is right for youwe’llprescribe Truvadaor Descovy and deliver it for free. STI HOMETESTKIT Test yourselffor common sexually transmitted infections(STIs)at home. ✔Choosefrom 3 cost-effective kits which includetests forup to 5 STIs inmultiple areas of the body. ✔Followingsimpleinstructions, collectsamples at home and send to our partnerlabusing a prepaid label.✔Once results are in, our medical teamwillguide you. If you havea positive test result we willeitherprescribe treatment directlyor connect you with in-personcare. HPVHOME TEST KIT Skip thestirrups while protecting yourhealth. OurHPV Home Test Kit cansafely assess your risk forcervical cancer.✔Answer a fewquestions about your health and we’llsend you a homeHPV test kitif appropriate. ✔Following simpleinstructions, collectyoursamples and return using a prepaid label.✔Once results are in,ourmedical team will walk you through them.EMERGENCYCONTRACEPTIONThe “morning-after pill” (Plan B or Ella)preventspregnancy whentaken up to 5 days after sex. ✔Answer a fewquestionsabout yourhealth. ✔We’ll help you get emergencycontraception bymail orfilled at a nearby pharmacy. REAL MEDICALPROVIDERS,PRIVATEMESSAGING Your Nurx app medical provider will becertifiedandlicensed in your state. Nurx is HIPAA compliant andencryptseverytransaction and conversation you have with us so thereis noriskof breach of privacy. Available in these states: AL, CA,CO,FL,GA, IA, IL, IN, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR,PA,SC,TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, District of Columbia, and totheArmedForces. Only available to people 13 and older.
K Health | 24/7 Virtual Care 4.133.1
K Health
Virtual Primary Care, 24/7 doctors & the smartestsymptomchecker on the planet
Nyra – Period, Fertility & Ovu 3.14
Track period, mood swings, fertility, ovulation, lifestyle&steps with Nyra.
LADYTIMER Period Tracker 5.2.2
Vipos Apps
— LADYTIMER • the most advanced menstruation calendar —
Doctors Care 2.8.1-2150454-5c2702e
See a doctor within minutes, using your phone or tablet. Feelbetterfaster.
Doctor On Demand 3.60.3
Available when you are and without thehassleof the waiting room. Connect in minutes withboard-certifiedphysicians and doctoral-level therapists over livevideo. Just likean in-person visit, your doctor will take yourhistory andsymptoms, then will perform an exam.Some of examples of what we treat:- Cold & Flu- UTI- Allergies- Depression & Anxiety- Skin and Eye Issues- Urgent Care & moreWhen are doctors available?Our doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Youcansee a doctor immediately or schedule a visit atyourconvenience.Is insurance accepted?Our services are available with and without an insurance. Wealsopartner with many top employers to reduce your cost.How much do visits cost?Doctor On Demand is open to everyone. See exactly what yourvisitwill cost before you connect. There are no monthly fees.Can my other family members use this too?Our doctors can help your entire family - including kids.Frommedical to mental health, we’re available to make sure yourfamilygets the care they need.This service is available in all 50 states and the DistrictofColumbia.
WEconnect Recovery 4.7.1
Reward your recovery
Easy Period 1.5.0
A Period Tracker And A Lite Tracker
Mayv 1.3.0
Modern Chronic Pain Management
HealthTap - Telehealth Doctors 23.6.0
Schedule telehealth appointments with your doctor anytime.
My Period Tracker / Calendar
Period tracker for women provides a very intuitiveinterfaceforgirls / women to track their ovulation, fertility,period logsandmenstrual cycles, create and edit notes, organizeandnavigatethrough, to preview your historic records andforecasts.Itcalculates fertility days and ovulation days on thebasis ofthescientific methods and increasing chance of pregnancy.Themainobjective of this ladies periods calendar is torecordmenstrualcycles and personal period log for teenage girlsandwomen. Thismenstrual cycle tracker offers vitalnotificationsenablinginformed decisions, be it Avoiding Pregnancy,AchievePregnancy orRoutine health monitoring. The app is very handyforpeople withregular and irregular periods acting as a tip onperiodcycle. ThePractitioner can get input from the app helping inthetreatmentforperiodissues.********************************************************************FEATURES:TRACKINGYOURMENSTRUALCYCLE********************************************************************-Highlevel of Privacy Protection - Enabled for cross platform-CloudStorage and device migration - Intuitively designedTimeline.-Record your period dates. - Period calendar andcalculator-Ovulation and Fertility calendar - View your periods ataglancewith our easy-to-read calendar. - Plan ahead withpredictionsforyour next 6 months periods, fertility days andovulation tracker.-Record daily notes, symptoms, moods,medications, vitals -Trackmoods, symptoms, weight, and othermenstrual related progress.-Customize your calendar and trackerdates. - Setupdiscreetreminders / notifications for your nextperiod or when yourfertiledays are approaching with securepassword - Highlypersonalized (**PASSCODE, CONFIGURABLE APP NAMEandICON***)***********************************************************************FEATURES:TRYINGTO CONCEIVE BABY /PREGNANCYMODE***********************************************************************-Trackovulation / period / cycles specific symptoms, treatments,andeventse.g. intercourse, contraception, sex, etc) - Recordpopularsigns ofovulation / women cycles. - Advanced ovulationtrackingandprediction based on Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)or OPK.-Capability for women to update ovulation day byphysicalmonitoring- Record results of Home PregnancyTests*********************What’s New? ******************* a) Optiontosend the Period Logsthrough mail b) SHARE WITH PARTNERfeatureallows you to share youremotional and physical health statewithyour Partner / co c)W'Diary: Introducing blogs for women tosharethoughts. d) Easy toSetup with Startup Wizard tool - * StepbyStep takes you throughthe app configurations, you canconfigurethis app the way you want.Disclaimer: Please go throughthe MyPeriod tracker / Calendar app'sTerms of use at followinglink.Fertility calculations, periodtracking, pregnancypredictionmethods and suggestions given in theApp are noreplacement of areal MedicalPractitioner.
LifeCouple Relationship Health 1.0.366
Self-Help therapy to nudge a paired couple to happy, lasting loveormarriage
Abridge for Patients 2.24.6
Record doctor visits, get transcribed summaries, and understandyourhealth.
Health & Her Menopause Tracker
Health & Her
Personalised menopause support that puts you back in control.
FEMM Health Period and Ovulati 1.1.1652
Track your menstrual cycles and symptoms, get pregnant oravoidpregnancy
WomanLog Pro Calendar 6.8.8
Women's calendar. It's what every woman needs!
MyPeriod : Period Tracker 1.5
Rising Apps
Know your next period day and pregnancy chance, trackovulation& fertility
Carely Family 4.0.6
Carely Inc.
Carely is a caregiving app to bring together families aroundagingloved ones.
Kindara Fertility & Ovulation 7.4.2
Kindara, Inc.
The fertility health tracker and ovulation calendar you’vebeenlooking for!
Period Tracker & Ovulation Calendar 1.0.47
Period Tracker & Ovulation Calendar is the applicationtotrackthe menstrual cycle, calculate the time of ovulationandpredictthe possibility of pregnancy for women. You cannotrememberthedays when your period started. You want to know when thenextcyclewill come. You want to be predicted about yourovulationcalendarand possible pregnancy for that month. You oftenforgetabout yourmenstrual calendar, you need someone to remind you.Sothe periodcalendar app will assist you in all of the above.Withmemory andreminder features, the period calendar will helpyoupredict theday of ovulation, the possibility of a low orhighpregnancy, themenstrual cycle will come on the next day. ThePeriodTracker is acompletely free app that easily and smartlyremembersand predictsthe menstrual calendar for modern girls.Experience theapplicationto track your menstrual cycle, ovulationin a simple andconvenientway. Enjoy a great experience with themenstrualcalendar! 🌷 Simpleinterface, easy to use. 🌷 Bright andyouthfulapplication colors,creating a mellow, pleasant feelingduring yourmenstrual days. 🌷Display essential information such asthenotification about thestart date of the stage, the mostlikelyovulation calendar, thetime of pregnancy easily right at thehomescreen. 🌷 Notify you inadvance of the coming date of amenstrualcycle. Application isdesigned for the purpose of being anexcellentpersonal secretarythat monitors and reminds you of yourmenstrualcalendar. Downloadthe Period Tracker app now to keep trackof yourmenstrual cycle.The fertility day tracker will also help youknowwhich days aremost fertile, or your safe dates, like yourownsecret diary. ThePeriod Tracker & Ovulation Calendar appisstill indevelopment, and we're always ready to hear from you.Anyfeedbackand your suggestions please send [email protected]. Your feedback will bethedrivingforce to help us make our efforts to make our productsevenmoreuseful and wonderful. Thank you very much!
MenoLife - Menopause Tracker 5.0.15
MenoLabs LLC.
Find relief & answers with a women-owned menopause trackerfor40+ symptoms
MyDays X - Period & Ovulation™
>> MyDays X is the ★ best rated ★periodtracker application in Google Play!Predict your most fertile days and let you track yourbasalmetabolic temperature (BMT), Cervical Mucus and alsoCervix.News: Now with boy or girl gender predictor !! (seesettings/generalon-off settings)*** MyDays Features ***✔ Daily Notifications for your next Period/Ovulation, PillorNuvaring✔ Create your own Calendar Themes and include even aBackgroundPhoto✔ Backup/Restore via MyDays Cloud Backup, Dropbox or PC✔ Pregnancy Mode, disable period predictions and keeps youinformedabout your progress.✔ Manually entered Ovulation Data recalculates yournextPeriodMyDays X - Period & Ovulation Calendar is the simplest waytotrack your female data.✔ NuvaRing and any other birth Control based on Insert/Removeafterx Days✔ Partneremail, email your Partner how u felt in the last daysandwhats coming next.✔ Choose long touch to change data and short to see more info oftheday✔ Disable Daily Options, for example for kids or when you don'tliketo come pregnantSimpler, Better, More Features and the best Community✔ Track more than 20 Symptoms and remember your BreastSelfexamination✔ Track when you had sex (protected/unprotected)✔ See the possible gender your baby may be✔ Track your Cervix position, openness, firmness &feeling✔ Track OPK Results (negativ, fertile, peak/ovulation)✔ Visualize MoonphasesThe new MyDays ROCKS! More innovative features than ever!✔ Password Lock for your Security✔ Add the actual cycle day to the calendar days✔ Disable the predictions for period or ovulation onthecalendar✔ Filter what you like to see in your History List (eg. onlyDatafrom 2014)✔ Multi User (track yourself, your daughter or close friend)
✔ Add text notes - remember if you took your pill✔ Overwrite the predicted ovulation with your manual set day.✔ Keep track of your blood flow and mood✔ Adjustable Luteal phase✔ Option to see old predictions 
✔ Reset preferences and data should you lost overview✔ Rename Symptoms Fields for your Needs✔ eMail your period History to your doctor✔ Get an overview by Chart for your temperature (BMT) andweightmeasures✔ Photo Memories for each Day✔ Choose the start day of the week✔ Cycle and Period Length can be calculated automatically✔ Unit Measures in Kg/Lbs/Stone Celsius/Fahrenheit 
✔ Multi Language: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, AR, RO, PL, PT, BG, HR,NL,CA, ZH, FI, NO, MK, UK, DA, KO, EL✔ It's FREE ! - without any hidden in-app purchases----------------------------------------MyDays, the easy tracking & prediction calendar for yourperiod,ovulation and fertility, with the most decent Flower forPeriod& Ovulation Tracking :)------Mention MyDays X at your doctor's visit or when you're unsurewhento expect your next period.-------- 
MyDays does pinpoint the 'highfertile'days.However, you can become pregnant also on other days! Usage isyourown responsibility.For more Help & Hint, see Preferences -> About ->VisitMyDays - Homepage--------✔ ✔ ✔ HealthTap AppRx Awards 2014 ✔ ✔ ✔Congratulations! Out of 100,000+ apps, My Days has been selectedbyleading doctors as a top health app. Based on its medicalaccuracy,its utility in supporting health or healthy living goals,andusability, your app has received the following award in the2014HealthTap AppRx Top Health and Medical Appsreport:
Healthily: Self-Care & Tracker 4.03.19
Track and manage your health with the award-winning app
WomanLog Pregnancy Pro 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!
Epipal: Manage Epilepsy Safely
Epipal is about granting peace of mind for users, their familiesandcaregivers.
WomanLog Pregnancy Calendar 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!
Relish: Relationship & Couples 7.4.7
Marriage counseling & couples therapy with mindfulexercises,quiz & questions
Health Talk - Ask Questions 1.037
Health Talk
Ask health Questions, Get Answers.
Blood: Period & Cycle Tracker 3.11.43
Cycle Predictions & Calendar. Track flow & fertility,getinsights & reminders.
PlushCare: Online Doctor 6.32.0
Doctor Visit via Video. Prescriptions, Testing &Labs.Appointments Every 15 min
Pregnancy App - BabyBliss 3.1.0
Ask questions, get expert advice & connect with other new&expecting mothers
Recovery Path Family & Friends 1.1.8
Family & Friends app that links with "Recovery Path -AddictionRecovery"
HealthTap for Doctors 23.11.1
Enhance your reputation, grow your practice, and help millionsfeelgood!
Symptomate – Symptom checker 2.6.1
Check your symptoms and find out what could be causing them.
Antidote Health I Telehealth v.1.4.546
Online video doctor on demand, virtual mental health careandhypertension care
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.
ReGain - Couples Therapy 2.36
Get help with marriage, divorce, or relationship issues fromanonline therapist
Wave Health: Symptom Tracker 3.7.6
Track medications & activities. Get insights to learnwhatimpacts your health.
My Days - Period & Ovulation ™
The Original: My Days - Period &Ovulation™-- I ❤ MyDays -- Really!Track & predict your period, ovulation and fertility.Your menstrual calendar for young and older women.Features include:⦿ Calendar⦿ Password⦿ Notification for coming Period & Ovulation !!⦿ Multi User support⦿ Multiple languages (en,de,it,es,fr,cn,tw)⦿ Add personal info regarding birth control; notes,intercourse,pill, ..⦿ eMail History to yourself or your Doctor⦿ Backup⦿ Basal metabolic temperature (BMT) Chart⦿ 4 Widgets⦿ Customizable colorsMyDays is the perfect and simplest Calendar for every woman.(not just for women, many men find MyDays useful forunderstandtheir partner's cycle, too)- Please feel free to send me an email with any concerns,problemsorsuggestions: androchris will answer all your questions ASAP.I can't answer directly in the Android Market. Thank you!Information, Hints & Tips:- Get the Pro Version to disable all Advertisements!Check the "About" page for more Infos.- Info about Permissions:Internet Access: To enable "Web based Community Chat"Call Status: To disable Ads while CallingShortcuts: To allow Shortcuts "AFTER" u requested one.No automatic setting of Shortcuts!Bookmarks: See ShortcutsContacts: To share an Ad-Information "AFTER" u requestedtodo.Location: To get better individualist Advertisings in thefreeVersion.Thank you
Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addi 1.0.35
Pocket Rehab
Addiction recovery, mental health & anonymous support groupsGetsober today
WebMD Baby 3.3.1
WebMD Baby: Feeding, Diaper, Sleep, and Growth Tracker for Infants
Ladytimer Ovulation Calendar 5.3
Vipos Apps
Highly recommended period tracker, featured in the movie: I dountilI don't
Lemonaid – Doctor Visit $15 5.0.258
GET TREATED WITHOUT GOING ANYWHERE:BIRTHCONTROL PILLS, PRESCRIPTION TREATMENTS FOR UTI, SINUSINFECTION,ACNE AND MORE• Birth control, UTI, sinus infection, acne etc.• Takes 5 minutes to request a prescription.• 2-hour turnaround during business hours.• $15 visit fee. No charge if we can’t help.• Pick up your medicine from any pharmacy.• AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA andWAonly.• Confidential and private.EASY, SAFE AND SIMPLESave time, money and hassle and get a doctor’s prescriptionwithoutgoing anywhere. Our visit fee is just $15. We review allordersfaster than 2 hours during business hours [Mon-Fri 8am-5pmPacificTime]. Don’t take our word for it, read our reviews!TAKES 5 MINUTESIt’s even easier than you think to use Lemonaid.• Create an account and select a service.• Answer a few health questions.• Take a photo of yourself in the app – our doctors need to seewhowe’re treating.• Select any pharmacy in your state.• Pay our $15 visit fee. If you’re in AZ, CT, GA, OH, OR, RI orVAyou’ll have a short video visit with our doctors immediatelyafteryou answer our health questions. In other states you don’tneed avideo visit.• Wait for our message that says that a doctor has reviewedyourinformation and sent your prescription to the pharmacy, then gotothe pharmacy to pick up and pay for your medicine. If we needtoask you any questions, we’ll call you or send you a privatemessagein the app. We can only give you a prescription if it’s safeto doso.• Read our treatment plan before you take your medicine. Messageorcall us on 415 926 5818 if you have any questions.CHOOSE ANY PHARMACYWe’ll send your prescription to any pharmacy in your state.Justlike with any doctor visit, you pay the pharmacy foryourmedicines. Depending upon your health plan, your insurancemaycover the cost of your medicines.OUR SERVICESBirth control pills – get a 3-month prescription for over 100brandsof pills. We can start you on a new pill or give you arefill. Youneed to know your blood pressure.UTI/bladder infections – we help you get the prescription youneedfast. UTIs are uncomfortable and you need therighttreatment.Sinus infections – get better quickly with the right antibiotic.Weonly prescribe treatment if your symptoms are consistent withaninfection caused by bacteria.Acne - we prescribe medicines that are stronger and moreeffectivethan over-the-counter products. We can refillexistingmedicines.Hair loss – the medicine we prescribe stops and can evenreversehair loss in men. It’s stronger and more effectivethanalternatives you can buy over-the-counter withoutaprescription.Acid reflux (GERD) – we prescribe medicine that is effectiveatpreventing acid reflux unlike most over-the-counter, whichonlyprovide temporary relief. We can refill existing medicines orstartyou on new ones.Flu – take our treatment and get over the flu faster oravoidgetting the flu in the first place. We can give you aprescriptionif you fall into 1 of 2 groups: you don’t havesymptoms, but you’vehad recent close contact with someone who hasthe flu, or; you havesymptoms combined with a chronic medicalcondition, pregnancy, oran outbreak in your area. You need to starttaking the medicinewithin 48 hours of symptomsstarting. AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, MI, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VA and WAONLYService available in Arizona, California, Connecticut,Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington only.WHAT ELSE TO KNOWWe take a number of steps to protect your personal information.Seeour Privacy Policy for details. Read our Consent to Telehealthforimportant information about our service. The doctor whoprovidesyou with care will be licensed in your state.
Calcium – Health Guide 1.355.0
Calcium LLC
Manage your health from one app. Collect and monitor medicaldata& conditions.
Amwell: Doctor Visits 24/7
American Well
See a doctor anytime. Doctors are available 24/7, noappointmentneeded.
Spot On Period, Birth Control, 4.1.1
A birth control and period tracker from Planned Parenthood
Your Doctors - Online Doctor 3.1.26
Talk to a trusted 24/7 online doctor for advice, prescription,sicknote & more.
Pill Reminder and Med Tracker 6.74
Med List Pro: Medication list, pill reminder and med trackeralarmapp
Birth Control Pill Reminder 4.6
Say goodbye to missed pills and hello to easy birthcontrolmanagement.