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Bloom Impact Investing 1.0.2
— Invest in innovative projects and companiescombatingclimatechange — You will be joining Australia’s greenestfund,giving youaccess to unique clean energy projects andclimatecompaniesdedicated to making a positive impact on climatechange.Everyinvestment you make through Bloom is a vote for theplanet.Nogreenwashing, no jargon, only measurable climate impact.—Makeinvesting your habit — Start your impact investingjourneyfrom$500 (for individuals) or $5000 (for companies andtrusts). Ifyouwant, you can also invest automatically a littleevery monthorfortnight. — Our commitment to you — We're invested inyourfuture,that's why we created app features that benefit you,suchas: •Ongoing learning and educational resources. As an appuser,you’llhave access to exclusive educational content to helpyoufeelconfident in your impact investing journey. •Analysingandrigorously researching every single company or projectthatmakesits way into our green fund, so you can investwithoutsacrificingthe planet. • Sending you monthly updates onexactly howyourinvestments are driving climate action. • Keepingyourinvestmentand personal information safe. We are regulated bytheAustralianSecurities and Investment Commission (ASIC).Weusestate-of-the-art encryption to help keep your money,identity,andpersonal information safe. — Our commitment to theplanet — Weworkfor, not against nature. Our green portfolioincludesinvestmentsin publicly listed companies, green bonds, andgreenenergyprojects which have been assessed to have apositiveclimateimpact. We only invest in climate solutions thathavebeenscientifically proven to address climate change. We dothisbyusing climate research frameworks specialised inmodellingnewsolutions to limit global warming. This may include awide rangeofindustries and projects including green transport,landsolutions,green construction, renewable energies, cleanwater,solar and windprojects, and more. Join the impactinvestingrevolution and pave agreener future for all Australians. —Nohidden fees, only radicaltransparency — No. hidden. fees. Youpay$4.50 a month and 1.17% ofyour account balance. For fullfeedisclosure please refer to theProduct Disclosure Statement. —Bloomsupport — Whether you are anexperienced investor or juststartingout, we are here to answeryour questions and support youalong yourinvestment journey.Contact us the in-app live chat, [email protected]. —Important information — The informationinthis page is prepared byBloom Impact Investment Services PtyLtd(ACN 651 965 098 AR001294778), who is an authorisedrepresentativeof Cache InvestmentManagement Pty Ltd (ACN 624 306430 AFSL 514360) (Cache). Anyfinancial products described in thispost will beissued byMelbourne Securities Corporation Limited (ACN160 326 545,AFSL 428289), as disclosed in the relevant productdisclosurestatement.All information is general information only anddoes nottake intoaccount your personal circumstances, financialsituationor needs.Before making a financial decision, you shouldread therelevantProduct Disclosure Statement and TargetMarketDetermination andconsider whether the product is right foryou andwhether youshould obtain advice from a professionalfinancialadviser.